import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.ToolTipManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import DisplayProject.CharacterField;
import DisplayProject.Constants;
import DisplayProject.CursorMgr;
import DisplayProject.DataField;
import DisplayProject.GridField;
import DisplayProject.LayoutManagerHelper;
import DisplayProject.ListField;
import DisplayProject.PaletteList;
import DisplayProject.RadioList;
import DisplayProject.UDSWindow;
import DisplayProject.UIutils;
import DisplayProject.WindowFormLayout;
import DisplayProject.WindowManager;
import DisplayProject.actions.Caption;
import DisplayProject.actions.CharacterTemplate;
import DisplayProject.actions.ColourChange;
import DisplayProject.actions.DateTemplate;
import DisplayProject.actions.FrameWeight;
import DisplayProject.actions.HeightPolicy;
import DisplayProject.actions.IntegerValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.NumericTemplate;
import DisplayProject.actions.Parent;
import DisplayProject.actions.StatusText;
import DisplayProject.actions.TextValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.UserWindow;
import DisplayProject.actions.WidgetState;
import DisplayProject.actions.WidthPolicy;
import DisplayProject.actions.WindowDisplayState;
import DisplayProject.binding.BindingManager;
import DisplayProject.binding.beans.Observable;
import DisplayProject.controls.MenuList;
import DisplayProject.controls.MenuSeparator;
import DisplayProject.controls.Panel;
import DisplayProject.controls.TextGraphic;
import DisplayProject.factory.CompoundFieldFactory;
import DisplayProject.factory.DataFieldFactory;
import DisplayProject.factory.MenuFactory;
import DisplayProject.plaf.Win32LookAndFeel;
import DisplayProject.printing.PrintActionListener;
import DisplayProject.printing.PrintSetupActionListener;
import Framework.Array_Of_ListElement;
import Framework.BooleanData;
import Framework.CancelException;
import Framework.CloneHelper;
import Framework.DataValue;
import Framework.DateFormat;
import Framework.DateTimeData;
import Framework.DateTimeNullable;
import Framework.ErrorDesc;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.EventHandle;
import Framework.EventManager;
import Framework.EventRegistration;
import Framework.EventRegistrationCallback;
import Framework.ForteKeyboardFocusManager;
import Framework.ImageData;
import Framework.IntegerData;
import Framework.IntervalData;
import Framework.ListElement;
import Framework.LogMgr;
import Framework.NumericData;
import Framework.ParameterHolder_integer;
import Framework.RuntimeProperties;
import Framework.StringUtils;
import Framework.Task;
import Framework.TextData;
* The ExpressClassWindow class is a superclass for all Express windows that display records.
* <p>
* @author ITerative Consulting
* @since 26-Feb-2008
@RuntimeProperties(isDistributed=false, isAnchored=false, isShared=false, isTransactional=false)
public class ExpressClassWindow
extends ExpressContainerWindow
implements Serializable, Observable
// -------------
// Inner classes
// -------------
* This class contains routines to be able to start Tasks (Threads) for the methods on this class in a manner
* similar to that allowed by Forte. This includes:<p>
* <ul>
* <li>Arbitrary parameters</li>
* <li>Starting threads as daemon threads</li>
* <li>Naming the thread for easy debugging</li>
* </ul>
public static class AsyncRunner implements Runnable {
private Object []_theList;
private ExpressClassWindow _object;
* display<p>
* <p>
* @param info Type: LinkInfo (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Task display(ExpressClassWindow pExpressClassWindow, LinkInfo info) {
this._theList = new Object[] {info};
this._object = pExpressClassWindow;
Task aThread = new Task(this, "ExpressClassWindow.Display" );
return aThread;
public void run() {
try {
this._object.display( (LinkInfo)this._theList[0] );
// Errors here are ignored (as per TOOL), but may be thrown as an Exception event
catch (Throwable e) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Unhandled exception", e);
// ---------
// Constants
// ---------
// -----------------
// Event definitions
// -----------------
public static final String cEVENT_AFTER_RESULT_SET_CHANGE = "AfterResultSetChange";
public static final String cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_CLEAR = "SaveAfterClear";
public static final String cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_FINISH_UP = "SaveAfterFinishUp";
public static final int DD_ALL_FROM_TABLE = 1;
public static final int DD_ALL_FROM_WINDOW = 6;
public static final int DD_ASSOCIATED_RECORD = 3;
public static final int DD_DEFAULT = 0;
public static final int DD_NEW_RECORD_ASSOCIATE = 4;
public static final int DD_NEW_RECORD_INSERT = 7;
public static final int DD_NO_RECORDS = 2;
public static final int DD_SELECTED_RECORD = 5;
public static final int RT_CRITERIA = 5;
public static final int RT_DB = 3;
public static final int RT_INSERT = 4;
public static final int RT_NEW = 2;
public static final int RT_NIL = 1;
// ----------
// Attributes
// ----------
protected BindingManager bindingManager = null;
private BusinessClient businessClient;
private boolean isResultSetModified;
private TextData modeText;
private BusinessQuery recordTemplate;
private Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> resultSet;
private TabSequenceMgr tabMgr;
private IntegerData windowMode;
private int windowState;
// ------------
// Constructors
// ------------
public ExpressClassWindow() {
// Explicitly call the superclass constructor to prevent the implicit call
protected void postConstructor() {
this.setModeText(new TextData());
this.setTabMgr(new TabSequenceMgr());
// ----------------------
// Accessors and Mutators
// ----------------------
protected BindingManager getBindingManager() {
if (this.bindingManager == null) {
this.bindingManager = new BindingManager(this);
return bindingManager;
public void setBusinessClient(BusinessClient businessClient) {
BusinessClient oldValue = this.businessClient;
this.businessClient = businessClient;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("businessClient", oldValue, this.businessClient);
public BusinessClient getBusinessClient() {
return this.businessClient;
public void setIsResultSetModified(boolean isResultSetModified) {
boolean oldValue = this.isResultSetModified;
this.isResultSetModified = isResultSetModified;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("isResultSetModified", oldValue, this.isResultSetModified);
public boolean getIsResultSetModified() {
return this.isResultSetModified;
public void setModeText(TextData modeText) {
TextData oldValue = this.modeText;
this.modeText = modeText;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("modeText", oldValue, this.modeText);
public TextData getModeText() {
return this.modeText;
public void setRecordTemplate(BusinessQuery recordTemplate) {
BusinessQuery oldValue = this.recordTemplate;
this.recordTemplate = recordTemplate;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("recordTemplate", oldValue, this.recordTemplate);
public BusinessQuery getRecordTemplate() {
return this.recordTemplate;
public void setResultSet(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> resultSet) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> oldValue = this.resultSet;
this.resultSet = resultSet;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("resultSet", oldValue, this.resultSet);
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> getResultSet() {
return this.resultSet;
public void setTabMgr(TabSequenceMgr tabMgr) {
TabSequenceMgr oldValue = this.tabMgr;
this.tabMgr = tabMgr;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("tabMgr", oldValue, this.tabMgr);
public TabSequenceMgr getTabMgr() {
return this.tabMgr;
public void setWindowMode(IntegerData windowMode) {
IntegerData oldValue = this.windowMode;
this.windowMode = windowMode;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("windowMode", oldValue, this.windowMode);
public IntegerData getWindowMode() {
return this.windowMode;
public void setWindowState(int windowState) {
int oldValue = this.windowState;
this.windowState = windowState;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("windowState", oldValue, this.windowState);
public int getWindowState() {
return this.windowState;
// -------
// Methods
// -------
* addFieldsToRecord<p>
* AddFieldsToRecord<br>
* AddFieldsToRecord is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add non-displayed fields<br>
* to the record retrieved from the database.<br>
* <p>
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery
public void addFieldsToRecord(BusinessQuery template) {
* addFieldsToTabSequence<p>
* AddFieldsToTabSequence<br>
* AddFieldsToTabSequence adds the fields for this<br>
* window and its nested/folder windows to the tab<br>
* manager's field list.<br>
* <p>
public void addFieldsToTabSequence() {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.AddFieldsToTabSequence", this).getException();
* addRecordsToSave<p>
* AddRecordsToSave<br>
* AddRecordsToSave is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add records to the result<br>
* set just before it is saved. The records will be<br>
* automatically removed from the result set after the<br>
* save.<br>
* <p>
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> addRecordsToSave() {
return null;
* afterChildWindowChange<p>
* AfterChildWindowChange<br>
* AfterChildWindowChange is called when a linked<br>
* window's result set is changed by the end user.<br>
* <p>
* @param window Type: ExpressClassWindow
public void afterChildWindowChange(ExpressClassWindow window) {
* basicEvents (Translation of Forte Event Handler)<p>
* <p>
* @return EventRegistration
public EventRegistration basicEvents() {
EventRegistration qq_resultRegistration = new EventRegistration();
// -----------------
// AfterCancelWindow
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_CANCEL_WINDOW,
new EventRegistrationCallback("ExpressClassWindow_AfterCancelWindow_this")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
qq_Block: try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// when the user cancels, request confirmation,
// do not return anything, do not commit changes.
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getBusinessClient() != null && ExpressClassWindow.this.getBusinessClient().qq_getRevertable()) {
// End the current transaction, if one is active
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getBusinessClient() != null && ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_MODELESS) {
// nil out the result set and selected record index
qq_HandlerResult = false;
break qq_Block;
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------
// AfterFinishUp
// -------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP,
new EventRegistrationCallback("ExpressClassWindow_AfterFinishUp_this")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
qq_Block: try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// record result set information
qq_HandlerResult = false;
break qq_Block;
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------
// task.shutdown
// -------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
Task.currentTask(), "Shutdown",
new EventRegistrationCallback("TaskHandle_Shutdown_TaskcurrentTask")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------------
// AfterResultSetChange
// --------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_RESULT_SET_CHANGE,
new EventRegistrationCallback("ExpressClassWindow_AfterResultSetChange_this")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
return qq_resultRegistration;
* clearFieldsForSearch<p>
* ClearFieldsForSearch<br>
* ClearFieldsForSearch removes any templates from the window's<br>
* data fields.<br>
* <p>
public void clearFieldsForSearch() {
* clearResultSet<p>
* ClearResultSet<br>
* ClearResultSet aborts any changes to the current result<br>
* set, discards it, and replaces it with a result set con-<br>
* taining one empty record.<br>
* <p>
* confirm specifies if the method should warn the user<br>
* that they have changes and allows them to commit<br>
* their changes or cancel the clear.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE if<br>
* the user cancelled it.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean clearResultSet(boolean confirm) {
int tempInteger = 0;
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_CLEAR) );
if (confirm == true && this.getIsResultSetModified() == true && !(this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet())) {
// ----------------------------------------
// Parameters for call to IsSaveAppropriate
// ----------------------------------------
ParameterHolder_integer qq_ccMode = new ParameterHolder_integer(tempInteger);
boolean qq_IsSaveAppropriate = this.isSaveAppropriate(qq_ccMode);
tempInteger = qq_ccMode.getInt();
if (qq_IsSaveAppropriate) {
int answer = 0;
// request confirmation
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_CLEAR)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmClear());
if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
UIutils.requestFinalize(this, new EventHandle(this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_CLEAR));;
return true;
else if (answer == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ABORTED_CLEAR) );
return false;
return true;
* Same as {@link #clearResultSet(boolean) with a default value of false
public boolean clearResultSet() {
return this.clearResultSet(false);
* commandLinkQueryAddKeys<p>
* Called when a command link or drilldown window is about<br>
* to call GetDependentData on its Parent window. In<br>
* certain cases, the query built by the parent window<br>
* will not have enough restriction to select a single row that<br>
* is needed by this window, which displays the selected row in<br>
* the parent window. This method makes sure the query specifies<br>
* all the primary key values for the data in the current window<br>
* before calling the parent window to continue the query<br>
* construction.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery
public void commandLinkQueryAddKeys(BusinessClass record, BusinessQuery template) {
LinkInfo pwi = null;
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
pwi = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getWindowInfo();
// this window displays same data as parent
// parent window can't access manager
if ((this.getWindowInfo().getLinkType() == ExpressContainerWindow.LT_COMMAND || this.getWindowInfo().getLinkType() == ExpressContainerWindow.LT_DRILLDOWN) && this.getWindowInfo().getDataToDisplay() == ExpressClassWindow.DD_SELECTED_RECORD && pwi != null && pwi.getResultSet() != null) {
if (record != null && record.getInstanceKey() != null) {
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumKeyAttrs(); i++) {
template.addConstraint(i, ConstraintOperation.OP_EQ, record.getInstanceKey().getValues().get(i-1));
* copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord<p>
* CopyForeignKeysFromParentRecord<br>
* Copy foreign key values from parent window record to argument<br>
* "Record". This is only done in Command and Drilldown windows<br>
* where the current window displays data that is associated<br>
* with the data in the calling window (this isn't needed for<br>
* Nested and Folder windows because they copy foreign key info<br>
* from parent window record at Save time).<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @param invokedByChildWindow Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
public void copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord(BusinessClass record, boolean invokedByChildWindow) {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null && (this.getWindowInfo().getLinkType() == ExpressContainerWindow.LT_COMMAND || this.getWindowInfo().getLinkType() == ExpressContainerWindow.LT_DRILLDOWN || invokedByChildWindow)) {
if (this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum() != 0) {
BusinessClass currec = null;
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
currec = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getCurRec();
if ((this.getWindowInfo().getDataToDisplay() == ExpressClassWindow.DD_ASSOCIATED_RECORD) && currec != null) {
BusinessQuery qry = currec.newQuery();
Array_Of_QueryAttrMap<QueryAttrMap> fks = qry.getForeignAttrMap(this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
if (fks != null && fks.size() > 0 && fks.get(0).getLocal() == 1) {
// Record class contains a foreign key that references primary key
// in 'currec' class (Primary keys always begin at ATTR_ number=1).
int recStat = record.getInstanceStatus();
if (fks != null) {
for (QueryAttrMap fk : fks) {
record.setAttr(fk.getForeign(), currec.getAttr(fk.getLocal()));
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
this.getBusinessClient().logAttr(record, fk.getForeign());
// We don't want this copying of values to make the Record look
// like user has entered data on it. So, if Logattr changed the
// recordStatus from EMPTY, set it back.
if (recStat == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY && record.getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
else if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindowCurrentRecord() != null && (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindowCurrentRecord().getClass() == record.getClass())) {
// This window displays same data as parent. Ask parent window
// to copy keys.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord(record, true);
else {
// this window and parent window display unrelated classes.
* Same as {@link #copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord(BusinessClass, boolean) with default boolean value false.
* @param record
public void copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord(BusinessClass record){
this.copyForeignKeysFromParentRecord(record, false);
* copyRecordValues<p>
* Copy values from one record to another.<br>
* The two record types being copied must be of the same class.<br>
* Values are only copied if they are different.<br>
* If doLogAttr=TRUE then do a logAttr on each copied value; by<br>
* default, don't do a logAttr; note that if values in "fromRecord"<br>
* have already been saved, then a logAttr should Not be done.<br>
* If setIfNil=TRUE then values are copied fromRecord-->toRecord even if<br>
* the corresponding attr in toRecord is NIL; by default, if the attr<br>
* in toRecord is NIL, then the copy is Not done.<br>
* Returns TRUE if something was copied; FALSE otherwise.<br>
* <p>
* @param fromRecord Type: BusinessClass
* @param toRecord Type: BusinessClass
* @param doLogAttr Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @param setIfNil Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean copyRecordValues(BusinessClass fromRecord, BusinessClass toRecord, boolean doLogAttr, boolean setIfNil) {
if (fromRecord == null || toRecord == null || StringUtils.notEquals(fromRecord.getClass().getSimpleName(), toRecord.getClass().getSimpleName()) || fromRecord.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("CopyRecordValues: Skipping copy; initial conditions failed.");
return false;
if (fromRecord == toRecord) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("CopyRecordValues: Skipping copy; fromRecord and toRecord are the same object.");
return false;
DataValue fromValue = null;
DataValue toValue = null;
boolean didCopy = false;
BusinessQuery tmpQry = fromRecord.newQuery();
int lastDBAttr = tmpQry.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_DB);
for (int i = 1; i <= tmpQry.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_SIMPLE); i++) {
toValue = toRecord.getAttr(i);
fromValue = fromRecord.getAttr(i);
if ((toValue != null && fromValue != null && StringUtils.notEquals(toValue.getTextValue().toString(), fromValue.getTextValue().toString())) || (toValue == null && setIfNil)) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("Copying: fromValue.TextValue=");
if (fromValue != null) {
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" --> toValue.TextValue=");
if (toValue != null) {
else {
// don't logAttr a Custom attribute.
if (doLogAttr && this.getBusinessClient() != null && i <= lastDBAttr) {
this.getBusinessClient().logAttr(toRecord, i);
if (fromValue != null) {
toRecord.setAttrValue(i, fromValue);
else {
toRecord.setAttr(i, fromValue);
didCopy = true;
return didCopy;
* deleteRec<p>
* DeleteRec<br>
* DeleteRec deletes the given record from thet<br>
* displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
* @param recordNumber Type: int
public void deleteRec(int recordNumber) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.DeleteRec", this).getException();
* deleteRecordFromResultSet<p>
* DeleteRecordFromResultSet<br>
* DeleteRecordFromResultSet marks the currently selected record for<br>
* deletion from the database and removes it from the<br>
* displayed record set.<br>
* <p>
* confirm specifies if the Window should warn the user.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the user cancels<br>
* the operation.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean deleteRecordFromResultSet(boolean confirm) {
BusinessClass theCurrentRecord = this.getCurRec();
this.getStatusLine().setStatus(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_DELETE)), (DataValue)null);
if (confirm == true) {
int answer = 0;
// request confirmation
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_DELETE)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmDelete());
if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ABORTED_DELETE) );
return false;
// if this record is empty or is marked for insert,
// we delete it from both result sets.
if (theCurrentRecord.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_INSERT || theCurrentRecord.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
// the index does not necessarily represent the index of
// this record in the full result set, so locate it using
// the DisplayResultSet's pointer, which we can find with
// the index.
// otherwise, the record must be deleted from the
// database, so we delete it from the displayed result
// set after marking it for deletion. The full
// result set will retain it's pointer so that it
// may delete the record when the user commits.
else {
// Mark the record for deletion
// Notify anyone who's listening that this window's
// result set has changed
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_RESULT_SET_CHANGE );
// delete the row from the displayed result set.
// Clear out any associated records
for (int i = 1; i <= this.getRecordTemplate().getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if (this.getRecordTemplate().hasAttr(i+10000) && (this.getRecordTemplate().getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) <= 0) {
BusinessClass x = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
theCurrentRecord.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
x = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
if (x != null) {
if (this.getRecordTemplate().hasAttr(i+10000) && (this.getRecordTemplate().getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) > 0) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> x = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
theCurrentRecord.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
x = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value.getObject();
if (x != null) {
theCurrentRecord.reset(x, false);
// Decrease the displayed number of records
// if the user deleted the highest indexed record
// in the list, prepare to select the new highest
// indexed record.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() > this.getMaxIndex().getValue()) {
this.getStatusLine().setStatus(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_RECORD_DELETED)), this.getRecordIndex());
return true;
* display<p>
* Display<br>
* Display starts this window and displays it<br>
* according to the Preferences set in the info parameter.<br>
* If the info parameter is omitted, the Window uses<br>
* its default settings.<br>
* <p>
* Returns the current result set when the user exits.<br>
* <p>
* @param info Type: LinkInfo (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> display(LinkInfo info) {
boolean trace30100 = LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100);
// Get a pointer to the description of how this window
// should work in this case.
try {
// Perform initialiation which must occur before the window
// opens.
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": About to do PreOpenInit.");
// open the window.
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": About to open window.");
// Perform initialiation which must occur after the window
// opens.
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": About to do PostOpenInit.");
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// handle events
// ----------
// Event Loop
// ----------
try {
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Registering Window Events.");
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Registering Window with AppBroker.");
if (this.getWindowRegistered() == false) {
if (this.getqq_ToolBarGrid() != null) {
WidthPolicy.set(this.getqq_ToolBarGrid(), Constants.SP_EXPLICIT);
if (this.getDoNotDisplayWindow() == false) {
WindowDisplayState.set(this, Constants.DS_NORMAL);
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Posting AfterOpenWindow.");
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_OPEN_WINDOW );
while (true) {
EventHandle qq_currentEvent = EventManager.waitForEvent();
if (qq_currentEvent == null)
//catch (Exception qq_error) {
//Logger.getLogger("task.part.Event").error("Event loop terminated by unhandled exception: " + qq_error.getMessage(), qq_error );
//throw qq_error;
finally {
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Unregistering Window with AppBroker.");
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() == null && !(this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet())) {
if (trace30100) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Disposing of BusinessClient.");
// if interaction between window tracing is on, give
// details about the returned result set.
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20)) {
if (this.getResultSet() == null) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Returning NIL ResultSet.");
else {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Returning ResultSet with ");
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info( Integer.toString(this.getResultSet().size()));
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 20) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" records.");
// Deparent all widgets to make garbage collection work
// better.
// return the result set (the WindowInfo.recordIndex
// variable points to the selected record).
return this.getResultSet();
* displayCurrentRecord<p>
* DisplayCurrentRecord<br>
* DisplayCurrentRecord is overridden in the generated<br>
* code to map the selected database record onto the<br>
* window.<br>
* <p>
public void displayCurrentRecord() {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.DisplayCurrentRecord", this).getException();
* fieldValueChanged<p>
* FieldValueChanged<br>
* FieldValueChanged is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to recalculate custom fields<br>
* after the user has changed the value of another field.<br>
* <p>
* @param fieldNum Type: int
* @param newValue Type: DataValue
public void fieldValueChanged(int fieldNum, DataValue newValue) {
* finishUp<p>
* FinishUp<br>
* FinishUp is overridden to provide a method that exits<br>
* this window after saving any changes.<br>
* <p>
* Confirm indicates if the method should warn the user<br>
* before closing.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if window will exit, FALSE if user cancelled<br>
* operation.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean finishUp(boolean confirm) {
int tempInteger = 0;
// We may need to save changes to the database if our
// result set has modified records AND this window
// does has a direct connection to the manager (we
// can tell this by looking at the WindowInfo.ResultSet;
// if the caller did not pass a result set, ie. it equals
// nil, then we have a connection to the manager)
if (this.getIsResultSetModified() == true && !(this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet())) {
// if we need to save some changes, first consider
// confirming this action with the user.
if (confirm == true) {
// ----------------------------------------
// Parameters for call to IsSaveAppropriate
// ----------------------------------------
ParameterHolder_integer qq_ccMode = new ParameterHolder_integer(tempInteger);
boolean qq_IsSaveAppropriate = this.isSaveAppropriate(qq_ccMode);
tempInteger = qq_ccMode.getInt();
if (!(this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet()) && qq_IsSaveAppropriate) {
int answer = 0;
// request confirmation
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_CLOSE)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmClose());
// if the user says YES, save changes and close the
// window. If the user says NO, don't save changes
// but still close the window. If the user says
// CANCEL, don't close the window.
if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
UIutils.requestFinalize(this, new EventHandle(this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_FINISH_UP));;
return true;
else if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
this.revertToSaved(false, false);
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP );
return true;
else {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ABORTED_CLOSE) );
return false;
else {
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP );
return true;
// by default, close the window and save the changes
else {
if (this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet()) {
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP );
else {
UIutils.requestFinalize(this, new EventHandle(this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_FINISH_UP));;
return true;
// if there are no changes, just close the window.
else {
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP );
return true;
public boolean finishUp(){
return this.finishUp(false);
* firstRecordIsNil<p>
* FirstRecordIsNil<br>
* Returns TRUE if the given result set has exactly one record<br>
* and that record is NIL.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @return boolean
public boolean firstRecordIsNil(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data) {
if (data != null && data.size() == 1 && data.get(0) == null) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* firstRecordIsNotEmpty<p>
* FirstRecordIsNotEmpty<br>
* Returns TRUE if the given result set has > 1 records,<br>
* or if it has only 1 record and that record's status <> EMPTY.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @return boolean
public boolean firstRecordIsNotEmpty(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data) {
if (data != null && (data.size() > 1 || (data.get(0) != null && data.get(0).getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY))) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* genericCommandEvents (Translation of Forte Event Handler)<p>
* <p>
* @return EventRegistration
public EventRegistration genericCommandEvents() {
EventRegistration qq_resultRegistration = new EventRegistration();
// Handle new delayed save/validation
// -----------------
// SaveAfterFinishUp
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_FINISH_UP,
new EventRegistrationCallback("ExpressClassWindow_SaveAfterFinishUp_this")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
try {
if ( != false) {
EventManager.postEvent( ExpressClassWindow.this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_FINISH_UP );
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------
// SaveAfterClear
// --------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this, ExpressClassWindow.cEVENT_SAVE_AFTER_CLEAR,
new EventRegistrationCallback("ExpressClassWindow_SaveAfterClear_this")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
if ( != false) {
// handle window related commands
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------
// <CancelMC>.activate
// -------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_CancelMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_CancelMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ------------------
// <CloseMC>.activate
// ------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_CloseMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_CloseMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------------
// <ExitAllMC>.activate
// --------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ExitAllMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_ExitAllMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// when the user selects Exit All, let the AppBroker object
// handle closing all the windows in the application,
// including this one.
// when the user selects the Preferences command, ask the
// AppBroker to display the Preferences window.
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ------------------------
// <PreferencesMC>.activate
// ------------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_PreferencesMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_PreferencesMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Handle the result set commands
// Clear the result set
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ------------------
// <ClearMC>.activate
// ------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ClearMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_ClearMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Save changes
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -----------------
// <SaveMC>.activate
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_SaveMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_SaveMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================;
// Insert a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------
// <InsertMC>.activate
// -------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_InsertMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_InsertMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Delete a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------
// <DeleteMC>.activate
// -------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_DeleteMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_DeleteMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Perform a Search
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------
// <SearchMC>.activate
// -------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_SearchMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_SearchMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================;
// Set Search Mode
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------------
// <ModeMC>.afterValueChange
// -------------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ModeMC(), "AfterValueChange",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuList_AfterValueChange_getqq_ModeMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Tell SelectRecord not to validate current record.
try {
ExpressClassWindow.this.setMode(ExpressClassWindow.this.getModeMC(), ExpressClassWindow.this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmMode().getValue());
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
// Revert changes
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------
// <RevertMC>.activate
// -------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_RevertMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_RevertMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
ExpressClassWindow.this.revertToSaved(ExpressClassWindow.this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmRevert().getValue(), true);
// Handle the scroll commands
// Scroll to First record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ------------------
// <FirstMC>.activate
// ------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_FirstMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_FirstMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Scroll to Last record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -----------------
// <LastMC>.activate
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_LastMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_LastMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Scroll to Next record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -----------------
// <NextMC>.activate
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_NextMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_NextMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Scroll to Previous record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -----------------
// <PrevMC>.activate
// -----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_PrevMC(), "Activate",
new EventRegistrationCallback("MenuCommand_Activate_getqq_PrevMC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Clear the result set
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ---------------
// <ClearTC>.click
// ---------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ClearTC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PictureButton_Click_getqq_ClearTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Save changes
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------
// <SaveTC>.click
// --------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_SaveTC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PictureButton_Click_getqq_SaveTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================;
// Insert a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <InsertTC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_InsertTC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PictureButton_Click_getqq_InsertTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Delete a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <DeleteTC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_DeleteTC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PictureButton_Click_getqq_DeleteTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Perform a Search
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <SearchTC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_SearchTC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PictureButton_Click_getqq_SearchTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================;
// Set Search Mode
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// -------------------------
// <ModeTC>.afterValueChange
// -------------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ModeTC(), "AfterValueChange",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PaletteList_AfterValueChange_getqq_ModeTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Tell SelectRecord not to validate current record.
try {
ExpressClassWindow.this.setMode(ExpressClassWindow.this.getModeTC(), ExpressClassWindow.this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmMode().getValue());
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
// Scroll to specific index
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------------------
// <IndexTC>.afterValueChange
// --------------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_IndexTC(), "AfterValueChange",
new EventRegistrationCallback("DataField_AfterValueChange_getqq_IndexTC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// handle window related commands
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <CancelBC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_CancelBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_CancelBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ------------
// <OKBC>.click
// ------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_OKBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_OKBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Clear the result set
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ---------------
// <ClearBC>.click
// ---------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_ClearBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_ClearBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Perform a Search
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <SearchBC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_SearchBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_SearchBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================;
// Insert a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <InsertBC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_InsertBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_InsertBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Delete a record
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ----------------
// <DeleteBC>.click
// ----------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_DeleteBC(), "Click",
new EventRegistrationCallback("PushButton_Click_getqq_DeleteBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
// Scroll to specific index
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// --------------------------
// <IndexBC>.afterValueChange
// --------------------------
qq_resultRegistration.addRegistration( ClientEventManager.register(
this.getqq_IndexBC(), "AfterValueChange",
new EventRegistrationCallback("DataField_AfterValueChange_getqq_IndexBC")
public boolean handleEvent(EventHandle qq_currentEvent) {
boolean qq_HandlerResult = true;
try {
try {
// ================ Begin Forte Event Handler Translation ================
catch (CancelException ce) {
throw ce;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 100) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got Exception.");
if (ExpressClassWindow.this.getWindowIsExiting()) {
// Exception exits window if happens after user selects
// Close/Quit/Exit.
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else if (!(ExpressClassWindow.this.getIsInTestMode())) {
ErrorMgr.showErrors(null, "Error", qq_ElseException);;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
// ================= End Forte Event Handler Translation =================
finally {
return qq_HandlerResult;
}) );
// ================ Begin Forte Post Register Translation ================
// ================= End Forte Post Register Translation =================
return qq_resultRegistration;
* getAppData<p>
* GetAppData<br>
* GetAppData returns the application data object passed<br>
* to this window. The object will be whatever the<br>
* express developer has customized it to be, or nil if<br>
* it has not been customized.<br>
* <p>
* @return Object
public Object getAppData() {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null) {
return this.getWindowInfo().getAppData();
else {
return null;
* getCurRec<p>
* GetCurRec<br>
* GetCurRec returns the currently selected record as<br>
* a BusinessClass (use GetCurrentRecord in custom code).<br>
* <p>
* @return BusinessClass
public BusinessClass getCurRec() {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.GetCurRec", this).getException();
* getDependentData<p>
* GetDependentData<br>
* GetDependentData fills in missing columns in records<br>
* passed to other windows and returns the corrected<br>
* records.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery
* @param assocNum Type: int
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> getDependentData(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data, BusinessQuery template, int assocNum) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> newData = null;
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" GetDependentData(Data: Array of ");
if (data != null && data.size() > 0) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" - ");
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info( Integer.toString(data.size()));
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" rows, ");
else if (data == null) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("BusinessClass - NIL, ");
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("BusinessClass - 0 rows, ");
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("Template: ");
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(", AssocNum: ");
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info( Integer.toString(assocNum));
if (this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() == null) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" WindowInfo.ResultSet=NIL");
// if a result set was not passed into this window, then
// we must have access to the manager, so requery directly.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() == null) {
// if the child window is requesting more information on
// records that this window manages, just requery each
// record with the child window's template mixed in.
if (assocNum == 0) {
// Records do not come from an association, so both
// windows are based on the same database table.
// Search for missing columns in all the given records.
if (data != null) {
for (BusinessClass record : data) {
// If this record is not a newly inserted record,
// look for it's missing attribute in the database.
if (record.getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_INSERT && record.getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
// Prepare the template to locate this record in the db.
if (record != null && record.getInstanceKey() != null) {
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumKeyAttrs(); i++) {
template.addConstraint(i, ConstraintOperation.OP_EQ, record.getInstanceKey().getValues().get(i-1));
// look for the record with all the required columns
if (this.getBusinessClient().transActive()) {
newData = this.getBusinessClient().select(template, ConcurrencyMgr.TR_CONTINUE);
else {
newData = this.getBusinessClient().select(template, ConcurrencyMgr.TR_START);
// Merge the new columns in with the old columns
if (newData != null) {
for (BusinessClass newRecord : newData) {
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_DB); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i) && record.getAttr(i) == null && newRecord.getAttr(i) != null) {
record.setAttrValue(i, newRecord.getAttr(i));
// handle to-one cases (assumes to one data is read only).
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i+10000) && (template.getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) <= 0) {
BusinessClass newrec = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
newRecord.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
newrec = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
if (newrec != null) {
record.setAttr(i+10000, newrec);
// handle to-many cases
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i+10000) && (template.getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) > 0) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> newassoc = null;
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> oldassoc = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
record.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
oldassoc = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value.getObject();
if (oldassoc != null) {
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value1 = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
newRecord.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value1);
newassoc = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value1.getObject();
if (newassoc != null && oldassoc != null) {
// Insert these associated records in existing array for that
// association in 'record' (don't want to disconnect this result
// set with one known to child window).
if (newassoc != null) {
for (BusinessClass rec : newassoc) {
else if (newassoc != null && oldassoc == null) {
record.setAttr(i+10000, newassoc);
// handle to-many cases
// Merge the new columns in with the old columns
// If this record is not a newly inserted record...
// Search for missing columns in all the given records.
// if the child window is requesting more information on
// associated records, requery this window's selected
// record to get the required associated columns.
else {
// get a record template for the current window.
BusinessQuery criteria = this.getRecordTemplate();
// store original criteria before changing it.
BusinessQuery previousCriteria = criteria.getQuery(assocNum);
// Minimize the number of queries we need to run.
// Temporarily remove the old criteria from other associations.
Array_Of_BusinessQuery<BusinessQuery> tmpForeignClasses = criteria.getForeignClasses();
// Request the linked window's data. Merge the current criteria
// for businessClass 'AssocNum' with that found in 'template'.
criteria.addAttr(assocNum, template);
if (previousCriteria != null) {
criteria.addAttr(assocNum, previousCriteria);
// merge
if (this.getRecordIndex() != null && this.getCurRec() != null && this.getCurRec().getInstanceKey() != null) {
// Add keys for current record so will reselect this record.
for (int i = 1; i <= this.getRecordTemplate().getNumKeyAttrs(); i++) {
criteria.addConstraint(i, ConstraintOperation.OP_EQ, this.getCurRec().getInstanceKey().getValues().get(i-1));
// find the record (and it's associated records)
try {
if (this.getBusinessClient().transActive()) {
newData = this.getBusinessClient().select(criteria, ConcurrencyMgr.TR_CONTINUE);
else {
newData = this.getBusinessClient().select(criteria, ConcurrencyMgr.TR_START);
// restore original criteria for foreign classes
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
// replace the given records with the fully fetched records
if (newData != null && newData.get(0) != null) {
if ((criteria.getForeignAttrMult(assocNum)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) > 0) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> a = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
newData.get(0).getAttr(assocNum, qq_value);
a = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value.getObject();
if (a != null) {
for (BusinessClass rec : a) {
else {
BusinessClass b = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
newData.get(0).getAttr(assocNum, qq_value);
b = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
// bug 37299 c : BusinessClass;
// bug 37299 GetCurRec().GetAttr(AssocNum, c );
// bug 37299 if c = NIL then
this.getCurRec().setAttr(assocNum, b);
// bug 37299 end if;
// restore original criteria
// if this window does not have access to a manager, pass
// this request for dependent data to its parent.
else {
if (assocNum == 0) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".GetDependentData2: calling ");
data = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getDependentData(data, template, this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
else {
newData = new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>();
newData.set(0, this.getCurRec());
// Clone this window's current record so we don't modify the
// actual current record when it gets passed to GetDependentData
// below.
if (newData.get(0) != null) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".GetDependentData: doing newData[1].Clone()");
newData.set(0, CloneHelper.clone(newData.get(0), false));
// Also clone the to-many (array) reference attributes.
for (int i = 1; i <= this.getRecordTemplate().getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if ((this.getRecordTemplate().getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) > 0) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> tmpAry = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
newData.get(0).getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
tmpAry = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value.getObject();
if (tmpAry != null) {
tmpAry = CloneHelper.clone(tmpAry, false);
newData.get(0).setAttr(i+10000, tmpAry);
// As long as the current record in this window has not been
// recently inserted, pass it to its parent to see if the
// parent can find the missing columns.
if (newData.get(0) != null && newData.get(0).getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_INSERT && newData.get(0).getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
BusinessQuery criteria = this.getRecordTemplate();
BusinessClass curRec = newData.get(0);
// store original criteria before changing it.
BusinessQuery previousCriteria = criteria.getQuery(assocNum);
// Minimize the number of queries we need to run.
// Temporarily remove the old criteria from other associations.
Array_Of_BusinessQuery<BusinessQuery> tmpForeignClasses = criteria.getForeignClasses();
// Request the linked window's data. Merge the current
// criteria for 'AssocNum' with that found in 'template'.
criteria.addAttr(assocNum, template);
if (previousCriteria != null) {
criteria.addAttr(assocNum, previousCriteria);
// merge
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".GetDependentData2: calling ");
try {
newData = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getDependentData(newData, criteria, this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
// restore original criteria for foreign classes
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
if (newData != null) {
// Compare record keys to make sure we update correct record in
// window (fetched records may be in different order from those in window).
int updrecno = this.getRecordIndex().getValue();
if (curRec.getInstanceKey() != null) {
if (newData.get(this.getRecordIndex().getValue()-1) == null || curRec.getInstanceKey().compare(newData.get(this.getRecordIndex().getValue()-1).getInstanceKey()) != BusinessKey.CMP_EQ) {
// search result set for row with same key value as current
// row in window.
for (int i = 1; i <= newData.size(); i++) {
if (newData.get(i-1) != null && newData.get(i-1).getInstanceKey().compare(curRec.getInstanceKey()) == BusinessKey.CMP_EQ) {
updrecno = i;
if ((criteria.getForeignAttrMult(assocNum)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) > 0) {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> a = null;
if (newData.get(updrecno-1) != null) {
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass_Array();
newData.get(updrecno-1).getAttr(assocNum, qq_value);
a = (Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>)qq_value.getObject();
if (a != data) {
if (a != null) {
for (BusinessClass rec : a) {
else {
// Nothing to do. ParentWindow.GetDependentData must
// have already done the above appends.
else {
BusinessClass b = null;
if (newData.get(updrecno-1) != null) {
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
newData.get(updrecno-1).getAttr(assocNum, qq_value);
b = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
this.getCurRec().setAttr(assocNum, b);
else {
// restore original criteria for foreign classes.
// return the corrected records
return data;
* getFieldForAttr<p>
* GetFieldForAttr<br>
* Generated windows, except outline windows, will have a<br>
* generated version of this method that is specific to the<br>
* window. That method will over-ride this one.<br>
* <p>
* @param attr Type: int
* @return JComponent
public JComponent getFieldForAttr(int attr) {
return null;
* getFocusField<p>
* GetFocusField<br>
* GetFocusField returns the focus field for the<br>
* current window, even if it is running as a nested<br>
* or folder link in another window.<br>
* <p>
* @return JComponent
public Component getFocusField() {
Component w = this;
while (((Component)Parent.get(w)) != null) {
w = (Component)Parent.get(w);
return ((JFrame)w).getFocusOwner();
* getInitialRecords<p>
* GetInitialRecords<br>
* GetInitialRecords returns the initial result set<br>
* passed into this window, or nil if none was passed<br>
* in.<br>
* <p>
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> getInitialRecords() {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null) {
return this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet();
else {
return null;
* getInitialSearch<p>
* GetInitialSearch<br>
* GetInitialSearch returns the initial Search criteria<br>
* passed into this window, or nil if none was passed<br>
* in.<br>
* <p>
* @return BusinessQuery
public BusinessQuery getInitialSearch() {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null) {
return this.getWindowInfo().getInitialSearch();
else {
return null;
* getParentCurrentRecord<p>
* GetParentCurrentRecord<br>
* GetParentCurrentRecord returns the current record<br>
* in this window's parent window (if it has one).<br>
* <p>
* @return BusinessClass
public BusinessClass getParentCurrentRecord() {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
return this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getCurRec();
else {
return null;
* getParentWindow<p>
* GetInitialRecords<br>
* GetInitialRecords returns the initial result set<br>
* passed into this window, or nil if none was passed<br>
* in.<br>
* <p>
* @return ExpressClassWindow
public ExpressClassWindow getParentWindow() {
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null) {
return this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow();
else {
return null;
* getRecordTemplate<p>
* GetRecordTemplate<br>
* GetRecordTemplate builds a query tree based on the fields<br>
* this window displays.<br>
* <p>
* Returns the query tree built from this window's<br>
* values.<br>
* <p>
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @return BusinessQuery
public BusinessQuery getRecordTemplate(BusinessQuery template) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.GetRecordTemplate", this).getException();
* getSearchCriteria<p>
* GetSearchCriteria<br>
* GetSearchCriteria builds a query tree based on this window's<br>
* values.<br>
* <p>
* Returns the query tree built from this window's<br>
* values.<br>
* <p>
* @return BusinessQuery
public BusinessQuery getSearchCriteria() {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.GetSearchCriteria", this).getException();
* hasAllRequiredColumns<p>
* HasAllRequiredColumns<br>
* HasAllRequiredColumns returns TRUE if the given class has<br>
* all the columns this window requires for display.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery
* @return boolean
public boolean hasAllRequiredColumns(BusinessClass record, BusinessQuery template) {
if (template == null) {
return true;
if (record == null) {
return false;
// Check the simple attributes
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_DB); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i) && record.getAttr(i) == null) {
return false;
// Check x to One Foreign attributes
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i+10000) && (template.getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) <= 0) {
BusinessClass rec = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
record.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
rec = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
if (rec == null) {
// If optional association, then we may have "rec=NIL" because (outer
// join) query was run and nothing selected, or else no query was run
// by the calling window. We can't tell which, so check if the join
// fields for the optional association are present in the parent window
// record; if they're there, then assume that a query was run and
// nothing was selected, so that required column is present (it's just NIL).
if ((template.getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_OPTIONAL) > 0) {
Array_Of_QueryAttrMap<QueryAttrMap> joinAttrs = template.getForeignAttrMap(i+10000);
if (joinAttrs != null) {
for (QueryAttrMap attrPair : joinAttrs) {
if (record.getAttr(attrPair.getLocal()) == null) {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
// if we have the record, we still may be missing
// columns in that record. Check for those.
if (!(this.hasAllRequiredColumns(rec, template.getQuery(i+10000)))) {
return false;
return true;
* hasParentMultiplicity<p>
* HasParentMultiplicity<br>
* Check the multiplicity (to-1, 1-n, etc) of the BusinessClass<br>
* this window is based on and compare it with argument "mult".<br>
* <p>
* Parameters:<br>
* mult - will be one of the following values:<br>
* BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_ONE_MASK - To-one association (including<br>
* optional). This window's businessclass has a "To-one"<br>
* association with the parent window's businessclass.<br>
* BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_ONE - To-one association (not optional).<br>
* This window's businessclass has a non-optional "To-one"<br>
* association with the parent window's businessclass.<br>
* BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY - To-many association.<br>
* This window's businessclass has a "To-many"<br>
* association with the parent window's businessclass.<br>
* BusinessQuery.ASSOC_AGGREGATION - Aggregate association. TRUE if<br>
* the current window's businessclass is an aggregate-component<br>
* of the parent window's class.<br>
* BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_OPTIONAL - Optional To-one association.<br>
* This window's businessclass has an optional "To-one"<br>
* association with the parent window's businessclass.<br>
* Returns:<br>
* TRUE if the association multiplicity matches the "mult" parameter;<br>
* FALSE otherwise.<br>
* <p>
* @param mult Type: int
* @return boolean
public boolean hasParentMultiplicity(int mult) {
boolean ret = false;
if (this.getWindowInfo() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum() != 0 && this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getRecordTemplate() != null) {
int mask = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getRecordTemplate().getForeignAttrMult(this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
if ((mask&mult) > 0) {
ret = true;
return ret;
* hasParentWindowMode<p>
* HasParentWindowMode<br>
* Check parent windows for the given mode. Returns TRUE<br>
* if a parent window is in this mode; FALSE otherwise.<br>
* <p>
* @param mode Type: int
* @return boolean
public boolean hasParentWindowMode(int mode) {
ExpressClassWindow w = this.getParentWindow();
boolean foundMode = false;
while (w != null) {
if (w.getWindowMode() != null && w.getWindowMode().getValue() == mode) {
foundMode = true;
w = w.getParentWindow();
return foundMode;
* initializeDates<p>
* InitializeDates<br>
* Check the simple attributes for date fields and<br>
* initialize them to today's date & time if they<br>
* have the default (this will avoid errors on<br>
* Microsoft SQL Server). If the record is empty, also<br>
* perform a LogAttr on the date field.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @param template Type: BusinessQuery
public void initializeDates(BusinessClass record, BusinessQuery template) {
DateTimeNullable emptyDate = new DateTimeNullable();
int recStat = record.getInstanceStatus();
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_DB); i++) {
DataValue attr = record.getAttr(i);
if (attr != null && attr instanceof DateTimeNullable) {
if (recStat == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY || recStat == BusinessClass.ST_INSERT) {
this.getBusinessClient().logAttr(record, i);
if (((DateTimeNullable)attr).getIsNull() || ((DateTimeNullable)attr).isEqual(emptyDate).getValue()) {
// If corresponding field has a date template defined,
// use that format for setting the current date & time
// (for example, this will set only the date if template
// doesn't call for time).
JComponent fld = this.getFieldForAttr(i);
if (fld != null && fld instanceof DataField && DateTemplate.get(((DataField)fld)) != null) {
DateFormat fmt = new DateFormat(DateTemplate.get(((DataField)fld)));
TextData dateTxt = fmt.formatDate((DateTimeNullable)attr);
((DateTimeNullable)attr).decodeValue(dateTxt, fmt);
else {
// We don't want date initialization to make the Record look like
// the User has typed values in it. So, if LogAttr changed the
// recordStatus from EMPTY, set it back.
if (recStat == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY && record.getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
// Check x to One Foreign attributes for date fields and
// initialize them to today's date & time if they
// have the default (this will avoid errors on
// Microsoft SQL Server)
for (int i = 1; i <= template.getNumAttrs(BusinessQuery.ATTR_FOREIGN); i++) {
if (template.hasAttr(i+10000) && (template.getForeignAttrMult(i+10000)&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_TO_MANY) <= 0) {
BusinessClass rec = null;
// ------------------------------
// Parameters for call to GetAttr
// ------------------------------
ParameterHolder_BusinessClass qq_value = new ParameterHolder_BusinessClass();
record.getAttr(i+10000, qq_value);
rec = (BusinessClass)qq_value.getObject();
if (rec != null) {
BusinessQuery temp = template.getQuery(i+10000);
this.initializeDates(rec, temp);
* initResultSet<p>
* InitResultSet<br>
* InitResultSet initializes this Window's result set<br>
* using information provided in the link information.<br>
* If the caller provided an initial search, this method<br>
* will use it to find records from the database and<br>
* fill the result set. If the caller did not provide<br>
* an initial search, but did provide a result set, we<br>
* use this result set as our result set. If the caller<br>
* provided neither, we start with an empty result set.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* if the caller provided an initial search, use it to populate<br>
* our result set.<br>
* <p>
* @param info Type: LinkInfo
public void initResultSet(LinkInfo info) {
if (info.getInitialSearch() != null) {
this.setResultSetFromQuery(info.getInitialSearch(), info.getRecordIndex().getValue());
if (this.getResultSet() == null || this.getResultSet().size() == 0) {
TextData msg = new TextData(this.getWindowName().toString());
msg.concat(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_RECORDS_NOT_FOUND));
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, msg.toString(), "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
else {
if (info.getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_EDIT_SINGLE) {
// otherwise, if the caller provided a result set, use it as
// our result set.
else if (info.getResultSet() != null) {
if (info.getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_NESTED || info.getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_FOLDER) {
this.setResultSetFromData(info.getResultSet(), info.getRecordIndex().getValue(), false);
else {
this.setResultSetFromData(info.getResultSet(), info.getRecordIndex().getValue(), true);
// otherwise, start with an empty result set.
else {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> set = new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>();
this.setResultSetFromData(set, 0, true);
* initValuesInNewRec<p>
* InitValuesInNewRec<br>
* Initialize values in a newly created BusinessClass instance.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* Initialize any dates in the record or its associated<br>
* record to the current date & time (initialize according<br>
* to the corresponding field's format template).<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
public void initValuesInNewRec(BusinessClass record) {
this.initializeDates(record, this.getRecordTemplate());
// Invoke user customization to set additional initial values.
* insertRec<p>
* InsertRec<br>
* InsertRec appends the given record into the<br>
* displayed record set.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @return int
public int insertRec(BusinessClass record) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.InsertRec", this).getException();
* insertRecordIntoResultSet<p>
* InsertRecordIntoResultSet<br>
* Insert an empty record into the result set at the currently<br>
* selected position.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* Validate the current record before inserting a new record.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
public void insertRecordIntoResultSet(BusinessClass record) {
// Update the nested result sets before switching
// to a new record.
// If the given record is nil, create a new one.
if (record == null) {
record = this.newObject((BusinessClass)null);
if (this.getResultSet().size() == 1 && this.getResultSet().get(0) == null && this.getWindowInfo() != null && (this.getWindowInfo().getAssociationMultiplicityMask()&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_ONE_MASK) > 0) {
this.getResultSet().set(0, record);
// Make sure parent window's current record references the
// same record as this window's result set.
BusinessClass rec = this.getParentCurrentRecord();
if (rec != null) {
rec.setAttr(this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum(), record);
else {
// Set initial values in the new record.
// Tell SelectRecord not to validate current record.
try {
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
this.getStatusLine().setStatus(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_RECORD_CREATED)), this.getRecordIndex());
//Reset the tab sequence just in case we are inserting a new
//record in a window that had no previous records.
//If the window is nested, it will reset from the top most
//window all the way down.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() == null) {
else {
ExpressClassWindow exWin = null;
exWin = this;
while (exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
exWin = exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow();
* Same as {@link #insertRecordIntoResultSet(BusinessClass) with BusinessClass default value of null.
public void insertRecordIntoResultSet(){
* isForeignKeyModified<p>
* IsForeignKeyModified<br>
* IsForeignKeyModified checks to see if the foreign key<br>
* for a record has been changed by the user.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* if the record is nil, or the query is missing,<br>
* then this record has not been modified, we will<br>
* return FALSE<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @param attr Type: int
* @return boolean
public boolean isForeignKeyModified(BusinessClass record, int attr) {
if (record != null && record.getUpdateQuery() != null) {
// loop over a list of foreign / local key groups
Array_Of_QueryAttrMap<QueryAttrMap> qq_localVector = record.getUpdateQuery().getForeignAttrMap(attr);
if (qq_localVector != null) {
for (QueryAttrMap attrMap : qq_localVector) {
// see if the local key has changed, if it has,
// return TRUE
if (record.getUpdateQuery().getUpdateAttr(attrMap.getLocal()) != null) {
return true;
// if we get here, no keys have changed, return FALSE
return false;
* isRecordValid<p>
* IsRecordValid<br>
* IsRecordValid is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* check a custom flag that indicates if the given<br>
* record has already been validated. If this method<br>
* returns FALSE, the ValidateRecord method will be<br>
* called. If it returns TRUE, ValidateRecord will<br>
* not be called.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
* @return boolean
public boolean isRecordValid(BusinessClass record) {
return false;
* isSaveAppropriate<p>
* IsSaveAppropriate<br>
* IsSaveAppropriate checks to see if a transaction is<br>
* active, and if not, to see if there are any updates<br>
* or deletes (which would make the save inappropriate).<br>
* The method returns TRUE if appropriate, FALSE other-<br>
* wise. If TRUE, it also sets the ccMode.<br>
* <p>
* @param ccMode Type: int
* @return boolean
public boolean isSaveAppropriate(ParameterHolder_integer ccMode) {
boolean insertsOnly = false;
if (this.getBusinessClient().transActive() == true) {
else {
insertsOnly = true;
if (this.getResultSet() != null) {
for (BusinessClass r : this.getResultSet()) {
if (r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_UPDATE || r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_DELETE) {
insertsOnly = false;
if (insertsOnly) {
else {
return false;
return true;
* isWindowOpen<p>
* IsWindowOpen<br>
* IsWindowOpen returns TRUE if this window (or the<br>
* window that is ultimately its parent) is open. It<br>
* returns FALSE otherwise.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* if no window given, assume this window.<br>
* <p>
* @param theWindow Type: ExpressClassWindow (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @return boolean
public boolean isWindowOpen(ExpressClassWindow theWindow) {
if (theWindow == null) {
theWindow = this;
// if this window is open, return TRUE
if (theWindow.isShowing() == true) {
return true;
else {
// if the window info is nil, then this
// window definitely isn't open yet, but if
// window info isn't nil, then...
if (theWindow.getWindowInfo() != null) {
// if window info isn't nil, see if this is a
// nested or folder window, if it is, check to
// see if it's parent is open.
if (theWindow.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_NESTED || theWindow.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_FOLDER) {
return this.isWindowOpen(theWindow.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow());
return false;
* leavingRecord<p>
* LeavingRecord<br>
* LeavingRecord is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer may override to provide customer specific<br>
* behavior before the user scrolls off the record,<br>
* attempts to:<br>
* <p>
* o save the record,<br>
* o close the window,<br>
* o insert a new record,<br>
* o scroll off the record<br>
* <p>
public void leavingRecord() {
* logAttrForInsertRecords<p>
* LogAttrForInsertRecords<br>
* LogAttrForInsertRecords method marks each field in<br>
* all insert records as modified.<br>
* <p>
public void logAttrForInsertRecords() {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.LogAttrForInsertRecords", this).getException();
* markRecordInvalid<p>
* MarkRecordInvalid<br>
* MarkRecordInvalid is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* set a custom flag that indicates that the given<br>
* record has not been validated.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
public void markRecordInvalid(BusinessClass record) {
* markRecordValid<p>
* MarkRecordValid<br>
* MarkRecordValid is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* set a custom flag that indicates that the given<br>
* record has been validated. The developer is<br>
* responsible for calling this method from their<br>
* own custom ValidateRecord method.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
public void markRecordValid(BusinessClass record) {
* newObject<p>
* NewObject<br>
* NewObject returns a new record of the type this<br>
* window displays.<br>
* <p>
* @param obj Type: BusinessClass (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @return BusinessClass
public BusinessClass newObject(BusinessClass obj) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.NewObject", this).getException();
* postClearResultSet<p>
* End the current transaction, if one is active<br>
* <p>
public void postClearResultSet() {
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
// make an empty set and make it the result set
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> set = new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>();
// if we are doing the clear result set while in
// search mode, remove any templates from the fields
// (for instance, remove the 0 displayed in integer
// data fields).
if (this.getWindowMode().intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_SEARCH) {
if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH) {
set.set(0, this.newObject((BusinessClass)null));
this.setResultSetFromData(set, 1, false);
else {
this.setResultSetFromData(set, 0, false);
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_COMPLETED_CLEAR) );
* postOpenInit<p>
* PostOpenInit<br>
* PreOpenInit performs all initialization which must<br>
* occur after the window opens.<br>
* <p>
public void postOpenInit() {
// Only set the mode for windows which are NOT nested/folder.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() != ExpressContainerWindow.WS_NESTED && this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() != ExpressContainerWindow.WS_FOLDER) {
// Set the mode that this window will operate in according
// to information passed in the link information.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet() && this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() != CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH) {
else {
switch (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet()) {
case CommandMgr.CS_ALL: {
this.setMode(new IntegerData(ExpressContainerWindow.WM_EDIT, IntegerData.qq_Resolver.cINTEGERVALUE), false);
case CommandMgr.CS_EDIT_MULTIPLE: {
case CommandMgr.CS_EDIT_SINGLE: {
if (this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() == null && this.getWindowInfo().getInitialSearch() == null) {
this.getWindowInfo().setResultSet(new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>());
case CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH: {
case CommandMgr.CS_VIEW_MULTIPLE: {
case CommandMgr.CS_VIEW_SINGLE: {
// Set the result set if this is NOT a Nested/Folder window
// or if it is a Nested/Folder window but we were given
// initial records to display. But not if the command set
// is search (unless we are doing a find all).
if (((this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() != ExpressContainerWindow.WS_NESTED && this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() != ExpressContainerWindow.WS_FOLDER) || this.getWindowInfo().getInitialSearch() != null || (this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet().size() > 0)) && (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() != CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH || (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH && this.getWindowInfo().getInitialSearch() != null))) {
* quit<p>
* Quit<br>
* Quit exits the window without saving changes.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean quit(boolean confirm) {
int answer = 0;
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_CANCEL) );
if (confirm == true && this.getIsResultSetModified() == true) {
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_CANCEL)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmCancel());
if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_CANCEL_WINDOW );
return true;
else {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ABORTED_CANCEL) );
return false;
else {
EventManager.postEvent( this, ExpressContainerWindow.cEVENT_AFTER_CANCEL_WINDOW );
return true;
* recordDisplayed<p>
* RecordDisplayed<br>
* RecordDisplayed is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* run whenever a new record is displayed. The<br>
* recordType parameter indicates the type of<br>
* record displayed. The values are:<br>
* <p>
* RT_NIL - no records displayed<br>
* RT_NEW - new, unmodified record displayed<br>
* RT_DB - database record displayed<br>
* RT_INSERT - new, modified record displayed<br>
* RT_CRITERIA - search criteria record displayed<br>
* <p>
* @param recordType Type: int
public void recordDisplayed(int recordType) {
* removeEmptyRows<p>
* RemoveEmptyRows<br>
* Remove Empty rows from the DisplayedResultSet, which is passed<br>
* in as argument "Data". Return TRUE if at least 1 row was deleted;<br>
* return FALSE otherwise.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @return boolean
public boolean removeEmptyRows(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data) {
boolean deleteOccurred = false;
if (data != null) {
for (int i = data.size(); i >= 1; i--) {
if (data.get(i-1) != null && data.get(i-1).getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
deleteOccurred = true;
if (deleteOccurred) {
// reset currently selected record if highest record in list was deleted.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() > this.getMaxIndex().getValue()) {
return deleteOccurred;
* removeEmptyRows<p>
* RemoveEmptyRows<br>
* This method exists to be over-ridden by the method defined<br>
* in subclass ExpressOutlineWindow. This method is never<br>
* called directly.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_OutlineIndexNode<OutlineIndexNode>
* @return boolean
public boolean removeEmptyRows(Array_Of_OutlineIndexNode<OutlineIndexNode> data) {
return false;
* resetCommandStates<p>
* ResetCommandStates<br>
* ResetCommandStates sets the state of all the displayed<br>
* commands to enabled or disabled, as appropriate given<br>
* the current conditions.<br>
* <p>
public void resetCommandStates() {
if (this.getWindowMode().intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_EDIT) {
boolean enableCommitUndo = false;
// if the current record is not the first record, we can
// scroll backwards.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() > 1) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_FIRST, true);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_PREV, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_FIRST, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_PREV, false);
// if the current record is not the last record, we can
// scroll forwards.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() < this.getMaxIndex().getValue()) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_LAST, true);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_NEXT, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_LAST, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_NEXT, false);
if (this.getResultSet() != null) {
for (BusinessClass r : this.getResultSet()) {
if (r != null && (r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_INSERT || r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_UPDATE || r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_DELETE)) {
enableCommitUndo = true;
if (enableCommitUndo == true) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_SAVE, true);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_REVERT, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_SAVE, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_REVERT, false);
if (this.getMaxIndex().getValue() > 0 && this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet() == false) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_DELETE, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_DELETE, false);
if (this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet() == true) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_INSERT, false);
// Nested windows based on Optional (to-one) associations need
// special treatment for enabling the Insert and Delete buttons
// because their result set should only have 1 row.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_EDIT_SINGLE && this.getWindowInfo().getCommandInterface() == CommandMgr.CI_BUTTONS && (this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_NESTED || this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_FOLDER) && this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet() == false && (this.getWindowInfo().getAssociationMultiplicityMask()&BusinessQuery.ASSOC_MULT_OPTIONAL) > 0 && this.getResultSet() != null) {
if (this.getResultSet().size() > 0 && this.getResultSet().get(0) != null) {
if (this.getResultSet().get(0).getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_DELETE) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_INSERT, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_DELETE, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_INSERT, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_DELETE, false);
else if (!(this.hasParentWindowMode(ExpressContainerWindow.WM_SEARCH))) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_INSERT, true);
else if (this.getWindowMode().intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_SEARCH && this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH) {
// if the current record is not the first record, we can
// scroll backwards.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() > 1) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_FIRST, true);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_PREV, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_FIRST, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_PREV, false);
// if the current record is not the last record, we can
// scroll forwards.
if (this.getRecordIndex().getValue() < this.getMaxIndex().getValue()) {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_LAST, true);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_NEXT, true);
else {
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_LAST, false);
this.getCommandMgr().setState(CommandMgr.C_RS_NEXT, false);
// Even though this Search window can't Save, parent window may
// be able to, so note if there are unsaved changes
// (these will have been created by a linked window).
if (this.getResultSet() != null) {
for (BusinessClass r : this.getResultSet()) {
if (r != null && (r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_INSERT || r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_UPDATE || r.getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_DELETE)) {
* resetDisplayedResultSet<p>
* ResetDisplayedResultSet<br>
* Clean up the Displayed Result Set for this window and any<br>
* nested windows by removing rows with a status of ST_EMPTY.<br>
* This method synchronizes the displayed result set with work<br>
* done to ResultSet during Save (status ST_EMPTY rows are removed).<br>
* <p>
* This method in ExpressClassWindow should never be invoked.<br>
* However, it does nothing, rather than<br>
* "raise Error(..).GetException" for upward compatibility with<br>
* Express Release 1 windows which have not been reGenerated under<br>
* Release 2. Windows that are not regenerated under release 2 will<br>
* not have a ResetDisplayedResultSet method generated into them.<br>
* <p>
public void resetDisplayedResultSet() {
* restrictInitialSearch<p>
* RestrictInitialSearch<br>
* RestrictInitialSearch is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* restrict which records to find when the window first<br>
* opens.<br>
* <p>
* @param searchCriteria Type: BusinessQuery
public void restrictInitialSearch(BusinessQuery searchCriteria) {
* restrictUserSearch<p>
* RestrictUserSearch<br>
* RestrictUserSearch is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* restrict which records to find when the user selects<br>
* the search command.<br>
* <p>
* @param searchCriteria Type: BusinessQuery
public void restrictUserSearch(BusinessQuery searchCriteria) {
* resultSetIsAggregateAndEmpty<p>
* ResultSetIsAggregateAndEmpty<br>
* ResultSetIsAggregateAndEmpty returns TRUE if the<br>
* given result set is an aggregate result set and<br>
* is empty.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @return boolean
public boolean resultSetIsAggregateAndEmpty(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data) {
if ((data == null || data.size() == 0) && this.getWindowInfo() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet()) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* revertToSaved<p>
* RevertToSaved<br>
* RevertToSaved rollsback any changes since the last commit.<br>
* <p>
* confirm specifies if the method should warn the user.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the user cancels<br>
* the operation.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @param redisplay Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: TRUE)
* @return boolean
public boolean revertToSaved(boolean confirm, boolean redisplay) {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_REVERT) );
if (confirm == true && this.getIsResultSetModified() == true) {
int answer = 0;
// request confirmation
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_REVERT)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmRevert());
if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ABORTED_REVERT) );
return false;
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
if (redisplay) {
if (this.getResultSet().size() > 0) {
this.setResultSetFromData(this.getResultSet(), 1, true);
else {
this.setResultSetFromData(this.getResultSet(), 0, true);
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_COMPLETED_REVERT) );
return true;
* save<p>
* Save<br>
* Save sends the user changes to the server<br>
* to be saved in the database.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if failed.<br>
* <p>
* @return boolean
public boolean save() {
try {
int ccMode = 0;
if (this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet()) {
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE_AGG), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE_AGG));
return false;
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_SAVE) );
// Validate the current record, others in this window
// have already been validated.
// Before sending changes to the database, bring the nested
// result sets up to date with changes to the parent record's
// keys, etc.
// LogAttr for all fields of all Insert records.
// pass the result set with all the changes to the client
// side manager
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Passing Result Set with ");
if (this.getResultSet() != null) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info( Integer.toString(this.getResultSet().size()));
else {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info("0");
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" items to server for update.");
// ----------------------------------------
// Parameters for call to IsSaveAppropriate
// ----------------------------------------
ParameterHolder_integer qq_ccMode = new ParameterHolder_integer(ccMode);
boolean qq_IsSaveAppropriate = this.isSaveAppropriate(qq_ccMode);
ccMode = qq_ccMode.getInt();
if (!(qq_IsSaveAppropriate)) {
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE));
return false;
else {
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE));
return false;
// retreive any extra records the developer has
// added in custom code.
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> extraRecords = null;
try {
extraRecords = this.addRecordsToSave();
if (extraRecords != null) {
if (extraRecords != null) {
for (BusinessClass r : extraRecords) {
this.getBusinessClient().update(this.getResultSet(), ccMode);
// remove any extra records the developer has
// added in custom code.
if (extraRecords != null) {
for (Iterator<BusinessClass> iterator = extraRecords
.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BusinessClass r =;
// remove any extra records the developer has
// added in custom code.
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (extraRecords != null) {
for (Iterator<BusinessClass> iterator = extraRecords
.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BusinessClass r =;
// ----------------------------------------
// Parameters for call to IsSaveAppropriate
// ----------------------------------------
ParameterHolder_integer qq_ccMode = new ParameterHolder_integer(ccMode);
boolean qq_IsSaveAppropriate = this.isSaveAppropriate(qq_ccMode);
ccMode = qq_ccMode.getInt();
if (qq_IsSaveAppropriate) {
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
else {
ErrorDesc err = (ErrorDesc)ErrorMgr.getAt(1);
if (err != null) {
TextData msg = err.getMessageText();
msg.concat(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_TRANS_ABORTED));
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_COMPLETED_SAVE) );
return true;
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got exception during Save.");
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
* scrollToFirst<p>
* ScrollToFirst<br>
* ScrollToFirst selects and displays the first record in<br>
* the displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
public void scrollToFirst() {
IntegerData i = new IntegerData(1);
* scrollToIndex<p>
* ScrollToIndex<br>
* ScrollToIndex selects and displays the record at the<br>
* given index in the displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
* TheIndex specifies the index of the record to display.<br>
* <p>
* @param theIndex Type: IntegerData
public void scrollToIndex(IntegerData theIndex) {
if (theIndex == null) {
theIndex = new IntegerData(1);
else if (theIndex.getValue() > this.getMaxIndex().getValue()) {
else if (theIndex.getValue() < 1) {
* scrollToLast<p>
* ScrollToLast<br>
* ScrollToLast selects and displays the first record in<br>
* the displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
public void scrollToLast() {
IntegerData i = new IntegerData(this.getMaxIndex().getValue());
* scrollToNext<p>
* ScrollToNext<br>
* ScrollToNext selects and displays the next record in<br>
* the displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
public void scrollToNext() {
IntegerData i = new IntegerData(this.getRecordIndex().getValue()+1);
* scrollToPrev<p>
* ScrollToPrev<br>
* ScrollToPrev selects and displays the previous record in<br>
* the displayed result set.<br>
* <p>
public void scrollToPrev() {
IntegerData i = new IntegerData(this.getRecordIndex().getValue()-1);
* search<p>
* Search<br>
* Search performs a search on the database using<br>
* the given search or constructing one from user input.<br>
* <p>
* search specifies a search to pass to the database. If<br>
* omitted, the method calls GetSearchCriteria, which constructs<br>
* the search from user input.<br>
* <p>
* Returns the resulting set of database records.<br>
* <p>
* @param queryTree Type: BusinessQuery
* @return Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
public Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> search(BusinessQuery queryTree) {
try {
Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data = null;
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_WORKING_SEARCH) );
// End the current transaction, if one is active
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
// Perform the select
if (this.getBusinessClient() != null) {
if (!(this.getWindowInfo().getIsAggregateResultSet())) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Performing query.");
data = this.getBusinessClient().select(queryTree, ConcurrencyMgr.TR_START);
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_CANNOT_SEARCH_AGG), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
return null;
// if no records returned, report search returned no records
if (data == null || data.size() == 0) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got 0 records back from query.");
if (this.getWindowMode().intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_SEARCH) {
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_RECORD_NONE_FOUND) );
else {
// if got records back, display them
else {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got ");
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info( Integer.toString(data.size()));
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(" records back from query.");
// if window has all commands, switch from search
// to edit mode.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_ALL) {
// This is a kludge that makes windows perform
// better. SetMode checks the ResultSet to see
// if the change is due to a successful search
// or user action. Since we got data back from
// the search, it will look different than the
// result set would look if the user just presses
// edit mode while in search mode. The upshot
// is that SetMode will not clear the result set
// when called from Search, but will when the
// user presses edit mode.
this.setMode(new IntegerData(ExpressContainerWindow.WM_EDIT, IntegerData.qq_Resolver.cINTEGERVALUE), false);
// if window only shows search commands, make the records
// view only.
else if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH) {
// display the returned records
this.setResultSetFromData(data, 1, true);
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_RECORD_NUM_FOUND) );
this.getStatusText().replaceParameters(this.getStatusText(), new IntegerData(data.size()));
// notify user if max records returned so they can
// requery if desired.
if (data.size() == this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getMaxRecords().getValue()) {
if (!(this.getIsInTestMode())) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_MAX_FOUND), "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
else {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_ERROR_MAX_FOUND));
// return the result set
return this.getResultSet();
catch (Throwable qq_ElseException) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(this.getWindowName());
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 10) ) Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(": Got exception during search.");
throw (RuntimeException)qq_ElseException;
* selectRecord<p>
* SelectRecord<br>
* SelectRecord selects the record at the given index<br>
* and displays it on this window. The code<br>
* to display the record varies depending on the data<br>
* display implementation, so this method is overridden<br>
* in the base Window code.<br>
* <p>
* TheIndex specifies the index of the record to select.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* Validate the current record before moving on to the next.<br>
* <p>
* @param theIndex Type: IntegerData
public void selectRecord(IntegerData theIndex) {
if (theIndex.getValue() > 0) {
// Don't validate if caller says not to (may not be leaving a record).
// Also, do not validate current record if selecting the same one.
if (!(this.getAppBroker().getSkipSelectRecordValidate()) && theIndex.getValue() != this.getRecordIndex().getValue()) {
// Before moving to a new record, bring the nested and folder
// window's records up to date with changes to the parent
// window's record keys.
if (this.getMaxIndex().getValue() != 0) {
// Now change the index to the given index (or the nearest
// valid choice).
// Now display the selected record.
* setCurRec<p>
* SetCurRec<br>
* SetCurRec replaces the current record with the given<br>
* record in both the resultSet and DisplayedResultSet.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
public void setCurRec(BusinessClass record) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.SetCurRec", this).getException();
* setCurrentFolder<p>
* SetCurrentFolder<br>
* SetCurrentFolder makes the folder corresponding to the<br>
* given folder number the selected folder.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if folderNum out of<br>
* bounds.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* switch to the new folder.<br>
* <p>
* @param folderNum Type: int
* @return boolean
public boolean setCurrentFolder(int folderNum) {
if (this.getFolderMgr().qq_setCurrentFolder(folderNum)) {
// refresh this window's state.
// refresh this folder's result set.
// reset the tab sequence
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() == null) {
else {
ExpressClassWindow exWin = null;
exWin = this;
while (exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
exWin = exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow();
return true;
else {
return false;
* setCurrentFolder<p>
* SetCurrentFolder<br>
* SetCurrentFolder makes the folder corresponding to the<br>
* given folder number the selected folder.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if folderNum out of<br>
* bounds.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* switch to the new folder.<br>
* <p>
* @param folder Type: FolderDesc
* @return boolean
public boolean setCurrentFolder(FolderDesc folder) {
if (this.getFolderMgr().qq_setCurrentFolder(folder)) {
// refresh this window's state.
// refresh this folder's result set.
// reset the tab sequence
if (this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() == null) {
else {
ExpressClassWindow exWin = null;
exWin = this;
while (exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
exWin = exWin.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow();
return true;
else {
return false;
* setEditMode<p>
* SetEditMode<br>
* SetEditMode puts a window into edit mode, which<br>
* allows viewing, inserting, deleting, and modifying<br>
* records.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* we're just going into edit mode, so there is<br>
* no way the user could have modified the result<br>
* set yet.<br>
* <p>
public void setEditMode() {
// Set the mode
this.getCommandMgr().setMode(this.getWindowMode(), this.getWindowInfo());
// Reset the commands' enabled and disabled state.
// set the field states to reflect edit mode
// (this may make some fields read/only).
// If the window has completed opening, figure out if we
// should clear the result set.
if ((this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_MODAL || this.getWindowInfo().getLinkStyle() == ExpressContainerWindow.WS_MODELESS) && this.getWindowRegistered() == true) {
// if the user is exiting search mode, we want to
// clear the result set, if we're automatically
// leaving search mode after a successful search,
// don't clear the result set.
if (this.getResultSet() != null && this.getResultSet().size() > 0 && this.getResultSet().get(0) != null && this.getResultSet().get(0).getInstanceStatus() == BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY) {
this.getModeText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_MODE_EDIT) );
* setFieldValue<p>
* SetFieldValue<br>
* SetFieldValue displays the given data value in<br>
* the given field. If the data value is nil or<br>
* null, then the method clears the field.<br>
* <p>
* @param field Type: DataValue
* @param data Type: DataValue
public void setFieldValue(DataValue field, DataValue data) {
if (field != null && data != null && data.getIsNull() == false) {
else {
// if the field has a text representation,
// clear it's value
if (field instanceof NumericData || field instanceof DateTimeData || field instanceof TextData || field instanceof IntervalData) {
// if the field is boolean, set it to FALSE
else if (field instanceof BooleanData) {
* setFolderResultSet<p>
* SetFolderResultSet<br>
* SetFolderResultSet sets the result set of the current<br>
* folder.<br>
* <p>
public void setFolderResultSet() {
* setFolderWindowState<p>
* SetFolderWindowState<br>
* SetFolderWindowState sets the given window state<br>
* for the current folder in the window.<br>
* <p>
* @param state Type: int
public void setFolderWindowState(int state) {
* setIndex<p>
* SetIndex<br>
* SetIndex sets the record index to the given value, assuming<br>
* it is within valid bounds.<br>
* <p>
* TheIndex specifies the index of the record to select.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* if the given record is larger than the MaxIndex, or<br>
* smaller than the minimum, ignore the value select the first<br>
* record.<br>
* <p>
* @param theIndex Type: IntegerData
public void setIndex(IntegerData theIndex) {
if (theIndex.getValue() > this.getMaxIndex().getValue() || theIndex.getValue() < 1) {
if (this.getMaxIndex().getValue() >= 1) {
else {
* setMode<p>
* SetMode<br>
* SetMode aborts the current result set and places<br>
* the Window in search mode, or exits search mode without<br>
* performing a search.<br>
* <p>
* newMode specifies search mode state. If omitted, this method<br>
* toggles the current search mode.<br>
* <p>
* confirm specifies if the method should warn the user<br>
* and allow the user to commit changes.<br>
* <p>
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the user cancels<br>
* the operation.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* if newMode is given as EDIT, or if newMode not given<br>
* and current mode is SEARCH, then set mode to EDIT<br>
* <p>
* @param newMode Type: IntegerData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean setMode(IntegerData newMode, boolean confirm) {
if ((newMode != null && newMode.intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_EDIT) || (newMode == null && this.getWindowMode().intValue() == ExpressContainerWindow.WM_SEARCH)) {
return true;
// Otherwise, make mode SEARCH
else {
// Reset the Mode to EDIT in case an exception occurs
// during a customized ValidateRecord method
// Attempt to change the mode to search, if it fails,
// reset the mode to EDIT.
if (this.setSearchMode(confirm)) {
return true;
else {
if (newMode != null) {
return false;
* setResultSetFromData<p>
* SetResultSetFromData<br>
* Replace this Window's result set with the given<br>
* result set. This method generates an exception if<br>
* this Window is currently running in INDEPENDENT mode.<br>
* If the Window is not yet running in either mode, it<br>
* sets the mode to DEPENDENT.<br>
* <p>
* Parameter "data" holds the new result set.<br>
* <p>
* @param data Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>
* @param initialIndex Type: int (Input) (default in Forte: 1)
* @param allowDeferredFetch Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: TRUE)
public void setResultSetFromData(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> data, int initialIndex, boolean allowDeferredFetch) {
// check to ensure that we have all the columns we should
// have. First, see if we have records from the database.
if (this.firstRecordIsNil(data) && allowDeferredFetch) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".SetResultSetFromData1: calling ");
data.set(0, this.newObject((BusinessClass)null));
data = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getDependentData(data, this.getRecordTemplate(), this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
else if (this.firstRecordIsNotEmpty(data) && allowDeferredFetch) {
// look for a record from the database and see if it
// has all the columns this window requires.
if (data != null) {
for (BusinessClass record : data) {
if (record != null && record.getInstanceStatus() != BusinessClass.ST_EMPTY && this.hasAllRequiredColumns(record, this.getRecordTemplate()) == false && this.getWindowInfo() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow() != null) {
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".SetResultSetFromData2: calling ");
this.commandLinkQueryAddKeys(record, this.getRecordTemplate());
data = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getDependentData(data, this.getRecordTemplate(), this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
else if (this.resultSetIsAggregateAndEmpty(data) && allowDeferredFetch && this.getWindowInfo().getDataToDisplay() != ExpressClassWindow.DD_NEW_RECORD_INSERT) {
if (data == null) {
data = new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>();
if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Framework.Constants.SP_MT_DEBUG, Framework.Constants.SP_ST_EX, 30, 110)) {
Logger.getLogger("task.part.logmgr").info(".SetResultSetFromData3: calling ");
data = this.getWindowInfo().getParentWindow().getDependentData(data, this.getRecordTemplate(), this.getWindowInfo().getAssocNum());
// point to the given set of records
if (data == null) {
data = new Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass>();
* setResultSetFromQuery<p>
* SetResultSet<br>
* SetResultSet replaces this Window's result set with<br>
* the result set generated from the given search. This<br>
* method generates an exception if this Window is curr-<br>
* ently running in DEPENDENT mode. If the Window is<br>
* not yet running in either mode, it sets the mode to<br>
* <p>
* search holds the search used to fetch the new result set.<br>
* <p>
* @param query Type: BusinessQuery
* @param initialIndex Type: int (Input) (default in Forte: 1)
public void setResultSetFromQuery(BusinessQuery query, int initialIndex) {;
public void setResultSetFromQuery(BusinessQuery query){
this.setResultSetFromQuery(query, 1);
* setSearchConstraint<p>
* SetSearchConstraint<br>
* SetSearchConstraint records the query by example<br>
* value entered by the user (if any) for the given<br>
* field.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* Handle getting the search criteria from DataFields<br>
* and other text based fields.<br>
* <p>
* @param query Type: BusinessQuery
* @param attrNumber Type: int
* @param field Type: JComponent
* @param fieldType Type: DataValue
public void setSearchConstraint(BusinessQuery query, int attrNumber, JComponent field, DataValue fieldType) {
if (field instanceof CharacterField && WidgetState.get(field) == Constants.FS_QUERY) {
if (TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)) != null && !(TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)).getIsNull()) && TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)).isNotEqual("").getValue() && TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)).isNotEqual("N/A").getValue()) {
if (field instanceof DataField && (CharacterTemplate.get(((DataField)field)) != null || DateTemplate.get(((DataField)field)) != null || NumericTemplate.get(((DataField)field)) != null)) {
// DataField has a template defined. QBE value typed in
// by user must match the template.
TextData theTemplate = null;
if (CharacterTemplate.get(((DataField)field)) != null) {
theTemplate = CharacterTemplate.get(((DataField)field));
else if (DateTemplate.get(((DataField)field)) != null) {
theTemplate = DateTemplate.get(((DataField)field));
else {
theTemplate = NumericTemplate.get(((DataField)field));
query.addConstraint(attrNumber, TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)), fieldType, theTemplate);
else {
query.addConstraint(attrNumber, TextValue.getWithCharacterField(((CharacterField)field)), fieldType, (TextData)null);
// Handle getting the search criteria from DropLists,
// RadioLists, etc.
else if (field instanceof ListField) {
// If the list is numeric and it has a value to add
// as a constraint, get it's integer value
if (fieldType instanceof NumericData) {
if (TextValue.get(((ListField)field)) != null && !(TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).getIsNull()) && TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).isNotEqual("").getValue() && TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).isNotEqual("N/A").getValue()) {
query.addConstraint(attrNumber, new IntegerData(IntegerValue.get(((ListField)field))), fieldType, (TextData)null);
// if the list stores text and has a value, get it
else {
if (TextValue.get(((ListField)field)) != null && !(TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).getIsNull()) && TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).isNotEqual("").getValue() && TextValue.get(((ListField)field)).isNotEqual("N/A").getValue()) {
query.addConstraint(attrNumber, TextValue.get(((ListField)field)), fieldType, (TextData)null);
* setSearchMode<p>
* SetSearchMode<br>
* SetSearchMode puts a window into search mode, which<br>
* allows the user to enter search criteria and perform<br>
* queries.<br>
* <p>
* @param confirm Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: FALSE)
* @return boolean
public boolean setSearchMode(boolean confirm) {
int tempInteger = 0;
if (confirm == true) {
// if the result set has been changed, ask the
// user if they wish to save those changes.
if (this.getIsResultSetModified() == true && !(this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet())) {
// ----------------------------------------
// Parameters for call to IsSaveAppropriate
// ----------------------------------------
ParameterHolder_integer qq_ccMode = new ParameterHolder_integer(tempInteger);
boolean qq_IsSaveAppropriate = this.isSaveAppropriate(qq_ccMode);
tempInteger = qq_ccMode.getInt();
if (qq_IsSaveAppropriate) {
int answer = 0;
answer = this.getAppBroker().confirmationDialog(new TextData(this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_CONFIRM_SEARCH_MODE)), this.getWindowName(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, 50, this.getAppBroker().getPreferences().getConfirmMode());
// save if so instructed
if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
if ( == false) {
return false;
// if user canceled, stay in edit mode.
else if (answer == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) {
// just in case the caller passed a reference to
// the actual mode value, set it back to EDIT.
return false;
else {
// If result set isn't modified, we don't need to validate
// record (ValidateRecord is called in the Save() method),
// but we should still call LeavingRecord(), which will
// also be called in the Save() method if it is called.
// if we do not want to confirm entering search
// mode, then save changes before switching.
else if (this.getIsResultSetModified() == true && !(this.getWindowInfo().getIsReadOnlyResultSet())) {
if ( == false) {
return false;
else {
// If result set isn't modified, we don't need to validate
// record (ValidateRecord is called in the Save() method),
// but we should still call LeavingRecord(), which will
// also be called in the Save() method if it is called.
// when we get here the user has confirmed
// this operation, change the mode.
if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_ALL) {
this.getCommandMgr().setMode(this.getWindowMode(), this.getWindowInfo());
// Put the fields into search state (this will
// allow operator characters in integer fields
// and the like and may make some read/only fields
// read/write).
if (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() != CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH || (this.getWindowInfo().getCommandSet() == CommandMgr.CS_SEARCH && this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() != null && this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet().size() == 1 && this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet().get(0) == null) || (this.getWindowInfo().getResultSet() == null && this.getWindowInfo().getInitialSearch() == null)) {
// make an empty set and make it the result set
// Give the user a hint.
this.getStatusText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_PROMPT_ENTER_CRITERIA) );
this.getModeText().setValue( this.getAppBroker().getLocalString(ApplicationBroker.MS_MESSAGE_SET, ApplicationBroker.MN_MODE_SEARCH) );
return true;
* setValuesInNewRecord<p>
* SetValuesInNewRecord<br>
* SetValuesInNewRecord is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer can override to add code that will<br>
* set some default values for newly inserted records<br>
* when the user chooses the Insert Record command.<br>
* <p>
* @param record Type: BusinessClass
public void setValuesInNewRecord(BusinessClass record) {
* setWidgetState<p>
* SetWidgetState<br>
* SetWidgetState sets the state the given field widget<br>
* and sets it's color to match.<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* <p>
* First ensure that this window (or this window's parent)<br>
* is open (this is a workaround for a bug in the V2.0.C.1<br>
* version of Forte, which causes problems with radio buttons<br>
* if they are disabled before the window is open).<br>
* <p>
* @param field Type: JComponent
* @param state Type: int
public void setWidgetState(JComponent field, int state) {
if (this.isWindowOpen((ExpressClassWindow)null)) {
WidgetState.set(field, state);
//if the field is a ToggleField, set the color to inherit no matter
//what the state is to avoid the ring around the checkbox
if (field instanceof JCheckBox) {
ColourChange.setBackground(((JComponent)field), Constants.C_INHERIT);
else if (field instanceof CharacterField || field instanceof ListField) {
switch (state) {
case Constants.FS_VIEWONLY: {
ColourChange.setBackground(((JComponent)field), Constants.C_GRAY2);
case Constants.FS_UPDATE: {
if (!(field instanceof JCheckBox) && !(field instanceof RadioList)) {
ColourChange.setBackground(((JComponent)field), Constants.C_WHITE);
case Constants.FS_QUERY: {
if (!(field instanceof JCheckBox) && !(field instanceof RadioList)) {
ColourChange.setBackground(((JComponent)field), Constants.C_WHITE);
else {
ColourChange.setBackground(((JComponent)field), Constants.C_GRAY2);
if (!(field instanceof CharacterField)) {
WidgetState.set(field, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
else {
if (state == Constants.FS_VIEWONLY) {
WidgetState.set(field, Constants.FS_DISABLED);
* qq_setWindowState<p>
* Method renamed by jcTOOL from SetWindowState to qq_setWindowState
* because it conflicted with an attribute<p>
* SetWindowState<br>
* SetWindowState sets the state of the fields in<br>
* the window to match the given window state of<br>
* Edit, Search, or View.<br>
* <p>
* @param state Type: int
public void qq_setWindowState(int state) {
throw new Error(Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED, "ExpressClassWindow.SetWindowState", this).getException();
* updateFolderResultSets<p>
* UpdateFolderResultSets<br>
* UpdateFolderResultSets compiles all the changes to the<br>
* result set being managed by Folder windows (which<br>
* includes the selected folder if this window has a<br>
* folder/tab interface).<br>
* <p>
* By default, a window has no links, so this method<br>
* does nothing by default. When a generated window<br>
* has links, the class overrides this method to provide<br>
* the correct behavior.<br>
* <p>
* @param records Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
public void updateFolderResultSets(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> records) {
* updateNestedResultSets<p>
* UpdateNestedResultSets<br>
* UpdateNestedResultSets compiles all the changes to the<br>
* result set being managed by nested windows.<br>
* <p>
* By default, a window has no links, so this method<br>
* does nothing by default. When a generated window<br>
* has nested links, the class overrides this method<br>
* to provide the correct behavior.<br>
* <p>
* @param records Type: Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
public void updateNestedResultSets(Array_Of_BusinessClass<BusinessClass> records) {
* validateField<p>
* ValidateField<br>
* ValidateField is a noop method which the express<br>
* developer may override to provide field validation<br>
* logic to their application.<br>
* <p>
* @param fieldNum Type: int
* @param newValue Type: DataValue
public void validateField(int fieldNum, DataValue newValue) {
* validateRecord<p>
* ValidateRecord<br>
* ValidateRecord is a noop method that the express<br>
* developer may override to provide validation logic<br>
* for the entire record before the user scrolls off<br>
* the record. It will run if the user attempts to:<br>
* <p>
* o save the record,<br>
* o close the window,<br>
* o insert a new record,<br>
* o scroll off the record<br>
* <p>
public void validateRecord() {
* validateWindowRecords<p>
* ValidateWindowRecords<br>
* Validate the current window record as well as the<br>
* current record in any nested and folder windows.<br>
* <p>
* By default, a window has no nested or folder links,<br>
* so this method does nothing by default. When a generated<br>
* window has nested or folder links, the window class overrides<br>
* this method to provide the correct validation behavior.<br>
* <p>
public void validateWindowRecords() {
// ------------------
// Window Definitions
// ------------------
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Window Definitions">
private int qq_defaultSet = 1;
private int qq_msgNumber = 0;
private int qq_msgSet = 0;
public DataField qq_ModeText;
public JMenu qq_ScrollMenu;
public JMenu qq_editMenu;
public JMenu qq_fileMenu;
public JMenu qq_resultSetMenu;
public JMenuBar qq_MainMenuBar;
public JMenuItem qq_CancelMC;
public JMenuItem qq_ClearMC;
public JMenuItem qq_CloseMC;
public JMenuItem qq_DeleteMC;
public JMenuItem qq_EditCopyMC;
public JMenuItem qq_EditCutMC;
public JMenuItem qq_EditDeleteMC;
public JMenuItem qq_EditPasteMC;
public JMenuItem qq_EditSelectallMC;
public JMenuItem qq_ExitAllMC;
public JMenuItem qq_FirstMC;
public JMenuItem qq_InsertMC;
public JMenuItem qq_LastMC;
public JMenuItem qq_NextMC;
public JMenuItem qq_PreferencesMC;
public JMenuItem qq_PrevMC;
public JMenuItem qq_PrintMC;
public JMenuItem qq_PrintSetupMC;
public JMenuItem qq_RevertMC;
public JMenuItem qq_SaveMC;
public JMenuItem qq_SearchMC;
public MenuList qq_ModeMC;
public MenuSeparator qq_CancelSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_ClearSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_CloseSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_ModeSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_PreferencesSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_PrintSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_RevertSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_SaveSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_ScrollSP;
public MenuSeparator qq_ScrollToSP;
* qq_PreferencesMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_PreferencesMC() {
if (qq_PreferencesMC == null) {
qq_PreferencesMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("PreferencesMC", true);
this.qq_PreferencesMC.setMnemonic( 'P' );
qq_PreferencesMC.setText( "Preferences..." );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_PreferencesMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_PreferencesMC, 663);
return qq_PreferencesMC;
public void setqq_PreferencesMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_PreferencesMC;
qq_PreferencesMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PreferencesMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_PreferencesSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_PreferencesSP() {
if (qq_PreferencesSP == null) {
qq_PreferencesSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_PreferencesSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_PreferencesSP;
public void setqq_PreferencesSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_PreferencesSP;
qq_PreferencesSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PreferencesSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_RevertMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_RevertMC() {
if (qq_RevertMC == null) {
qq_RevertMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("RevertMC", true);
this.qq_RevertMC.setMnemonic( 'v' );
qq_RevertMC.setText( "Revert to Saved" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_RevertMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_RevertMC, 666);
return qq_RevertMC;
public void setqq_RevertMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_RevertMC;
qq_RevertMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_RevertMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_RevertSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_RevertSP() {
if (qq_RevertSP == null) {
qq_RevertSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_RevertSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_RevertSP;
public void setqq_RevertSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_RevertSP;
qq_RevertSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_RevertSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrintMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_PrintMC() {
if (qq_PrintMC == null) {
qq_PrintMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("PrintMC", true);
qq_PrintMC.addActionListener(new PrintActionListener(this));
qq_PrintMC.setText( "Print..." );
qq_PrintMC.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
return qq_PrintMC;
public void setqq_PrintMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_PrintMC;
qq_PrintMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrintMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrintSetupMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_PrintSetupMC() {
if (qq_PrintSetupMC == null) {
qq_PrintSetupMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("PrintSetupMC", true);
qq_PrintSetupMC.addActionListener(new PrintSetupActionListener());
qq_PrintSetupMC.setText( "Print Setup..." );
return qq_PrintSetupMC;
public void setqq_PrintSetupMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_PrintSetupMC;
qq_PrintSetupMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrintSetupMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrintSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_PrintSP() {
if (qq_PrintSP == null) {
qq_PrintSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_PrintSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_PrintSP;
public void setqq_PrintSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_PrintSP;
qq_PrintSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrintSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_SaveMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_SaveMC() {
if (qq_SaveMC == null) {
qq_SaveMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("SaveMC", true);
this.qq_SaveMC.setMnemonic( 'S' );
qq_SaveMC.setText( "Save" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_SaveMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_SaveMC, 667);
return qq_SaveMC;
public void setqq_SaveMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_SaveMC;
qq_SaveMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SaveMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_SaveSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_SaveSP() {
if (qq_SaveSP == null) {
qq_SaveSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_SaveSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_SaveSP;
public void setqq_SaveSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_SaveSP;
qq_SaveSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SaveSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_CancelMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_CancelMC() {
if (qq_CancelMC == null) {
qq_CancelMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("CancelMC", false);
this.qq_CancelMC.setMnemonic( 'n' );
qq_CancelMC.setText( "Cancel" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_CancelMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_CancelMC, 651);
return qq_CancelMC;
public void setqq_CancelMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_CancelMC;
qq_CancelMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_CancelMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_CancelSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_CancelSP() {
if (qq_CancelSP == null) {
qq_CancelSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_CancelSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_CancelSP;
public void setqq_CancelSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_CancelSP;
qq_CancelSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_CancelSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_CloseMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_CloseMC() {
if (qq_CloseMC == null) {
qq_CloseMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("CloseMC", true);
qq_CloseMC.setText( "Close" );
return qq_CloseMC;
public void setqq_CloseMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_CloseMC;
qq_CloseMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_CloseMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_CloseSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_CloseSP() {
if (qq_CloseSP == null) {
qq_CloseSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_CloseSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_CloseSP;
public void setqq_CloseSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_CloseSP;
qq_CloseSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_CloseSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_ExitAllMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_ExitAllMC() {
if (qq_ExitAllMC == null) {
qq_ExitAllMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("ExitAllMC", true);
this.qq_ExitAllMC.setMnemonic( 'A' );
qq_ExitAllMC.setText( "Exit All" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_ExitAllMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_ExitAllMC, 655);
return qq_ExitAllMC;
public void setqq_ExitAllMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_ExitAllMC;
qq_ExitAllMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ExitAllMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_fileMenu: transformed from: qqds_Submenu
public JMenu getqq_fileMenu() {
if (qq_fileMenu == null) {
qq_fileMenu = new JMenu();
this.qq_fileMenu.setMnemonic( 'F' );
qq_fileMenu.setText( "File" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_fileMenu, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_fileMenu, 656);
return qq_fileMenu;
* qq_EditCutMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_EditCutMC() {
if (qq_EditCutMC == null) {
qq_EditCutMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("EditCutMC", true);
qq_EditCutMC.addActionListener(new DefaultEditorKit.CutAction());
qq_EditCutMC.setText( "Cut" );
return qq_EditCutMC;
public void setqq_EditCutMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_EditCutMC;
qq_EditCutMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditCutMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_EditCopyMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_EditCopyMC() {
if (qq_EditCopyMC == null) {
qq_EditCopyMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("EditCopyMC", true);
qq_EditCopyMC.addActionListener(new DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction());
qq_EditCopyMC.setText( "Copy" );
return qq_EditCopyMC;
public void setqq_EditCopyMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_EditCopyMC;
qq_EditCopyMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditCopyMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_EditPasteMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_EditPasteMC() {
if (qq_EditPasteMC == null) {
qq_EditPasteMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("EditPasteMC", true);
qq_EditPasteMC.addActionListener(new DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction());
qq_EditPasteMC.setText( "Paste" );
return qq_EditPasteMC;
public void setqq_EditPasteMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_EditPasteMC;
qq_EditPasteMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditPasteMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_EditDeleteMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_EditDeleteMC() {
if (qq_EditDeleteMC == null) {
qq_EditDeleteMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("EditDeleteMC", true);
qq_EditDeleteMC.setText( "Delete" );
return qq_EditDeleteMC;
public void setqq_EditDeleteMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_EditDeleteMC;
qq_EditDeleteMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditDeleteMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_EditSelectallMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_EditSelectallMC() {
if (qq_EditSelectallMC == null) {
qq_EditSelectallMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("EditSelectallMC", true);
qq_EditSelectallMC.addActionListener(new UIutils.SelectAllAction());
qq_EditSelectallMC.setText( "Select All" );
return qq_EditSelectallMC;
public void setqq_EditSelectallMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_EditSelectallMC;
qq_EditSelectallMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditSelectallMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_editMenu: transformed from: qqds_Submenu
public JMenu getqq_editMenu() {
if (qq_editMenu == null) {
qq_editMenu = new JMenu();
this.qq_editMenu.setMnemonic( 'E' );
qq_editMenu.setText( "Edit" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_editMenu, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_editMenu, 654);
return qq_editMenu;
* qq_ModeMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuList
public MenuList getqq_ModeMC() {
if (qq_ModeMC == null) {
qq_ModeMC = new MenuList();
String[] names = {"Edit Mode", "Search Mode"};
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> elements = new Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement>();
ListElement elements1 = new ListElement( 1, names[0], ListElement.qq_Resolver.cINTEGERVALUE_TEXTVALUE );
elements1.setTextValueMsgNum( 660 );
elements.add( elements1 );
ListElement elements2 = new ListElement( 2, names[1], ListElement.qq_Resolver.cINTEGERVALUE_TEXTVALUE );
elements2.setTextValueMsgNum( 661 );
elements.add( elements2 );
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_ModeMC, "modeMC", elements);
return qq_ModeMC;
public void setqq_ModeMC(MenuList value) {
MenuList oldValue = qq_ModeMC;
qq_ModeMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ModeMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ModeSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_ModeSP() {
if (qq_ModeSP == null) {
qq_ModeSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_ModeSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_ModeSP;
public void setqq_ModeSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_ModeSP;
qq_ModeSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ModeSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_ClearMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_ClearMC() {
if (qq_ClearMC == null) {
qq_ClearMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("ClearMC", false);
this.qq_ClearMC.setMnemonic( 'C' );
qq_ClearMC.setText( "Clear Result Set" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_ClearMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_ClearMC, 652);
return qq_ClearMC;
public void setqq_ClearMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_ClearMC;
qq_ClearMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ClearMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ClearSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_ClearSP() {
if (qq_ClearSP == null) {
qq_ClearSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_ClearSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_ClearSP;
public void setqq_ClearSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_ClearSP;
qq_ClearSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ClearSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_InsertMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_InsertMC() {
if (qq_InsertMC == null) {
qq_InsertMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("InsertMC", true);
this.qq_InsertMC.setMnemonic( 'I' );
qq_InsertMC.setText( "Insert Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_InsertMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_InsertMC, 658);
return qq_InsertMC;
public void setqq_InsertMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_InsertMC;
qq_InsertMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_InsertMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_DeleteMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_DeleteMC() {
if (qq_DeleteMC == null) {
qq_DeleteMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("DeleteMC", false);
this.qq_DeleteMC.setMnemonic( 'D' );
qq_DeleteMC.setText( "Delete Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_DeleteMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_DeleteMC, 653);
return qq_DeleteMC;
public void setqq_DeleteMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_DeleteMC;
qq_DeleteMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_DeleteMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ScrollToSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_ScrollToSP() {
if (qq_ScrollToSP == null) {
qq_ScrollToSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_ScrollToSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_ScrollToSP;
public void setqq_ScrollToSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_ScrollToSP;
qq_ScrollToSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ScrollToSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_FirstMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_FirstMC() {
if (qq_FirstMC == null) {
qq_FirstMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("FirstMC", true);
this.qq_FirstMC.setMnemonic( 'F' );
qq_FirstMC.setText( "First Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_FirstMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_FirstMC, 657);
qq_FirstMC.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
return qq_FirstMC;
public void setqq_FirstMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_FirstMC;
qq_FirstMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_FirstMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_LastMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_LastMC() {
if (qq_LastMC == null) {
qq_LastMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("LastMC", true);
this.qq_LastMC.setMnemonic( 'L' );
qq_LastMC.setText( "Last Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_LastMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_LastMC, 659);
qq_LastMC.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_L, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
return qq_LastMC;
public void setqq_LastMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_LastMC;
qq_LastMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_LastMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ScrollSP: transformed from: qqds_MenuSeparator
public MenuSeparator getqq_ScrollSP() {
if (qq_ScrollSP == null) {
qq_ScrollSP = new MenuSeparator();
qq_ScrollSP.setVisible( true );
return qq_ScrollSP;
public void setqq_ScrollSP(MenuSeparator value) {
MenuSeparator oldValue = qq_ScrollSP;
qq_ScrollSP = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ScrollSP", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrevMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_PrevMC() {
if (qq_PrevMC == null) {
qq_PrevMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("PrevMC", true);
this.qq_PrevMC.setMnemonic( 'P' );
qq_PrevMC.setText( "Previous Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_PrevMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_PrevMC, 664);
qq_PrevMC.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
return qq_PrevMC;
public void setqq_PrevMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_PrevMC;
qq_PrevMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrevMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_NextMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_NextMC() {
if (qq_NextMC == null) {
qq_NextMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("NextMC", true);
this.qq_NextMC.setMnemonic( 'N' );
qq_NextMC.setText( "Next Record" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_NextMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_NextMC, 662);
qq_NextMC.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
return qq_NextMC;
public void setqq_NextMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_NextMC;
qq_NextMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_NextMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ScrollMenu: transformed from: qqds_Submenu
public JMenu getqq_ScrollMenu() {
if (qq_ScrollMenu == null) {
qq_ScrollMenu = new JMenu();
this.qq_ScrollMenu.setMnemonic( 'T' );
qq_ScrollMenu.setText( "Scroll To" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_ScrollMenu, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_ScrollMenu, 668);
return qq_ScrollMenu;
* qq_SearchMC: transformed from: qqds_MenuCommand
public JMenuItem getqq_SearchMC() {
if (qq_SearchMC == null) {
qq_SearchMC = MenuFactory.newMenuItem("SearchMC", true);
this.qq_SearchMC.setMnemonic( 'r' );
qq_SearchMC.setText( "Search" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_SearchMC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_SearchMC, 669);
return qq_SearchMC;
public void setqq_SearchMC(JMenuItem value) {
JMenuItem oldValue = qq_SearchMC;
qq_SearchMC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SearchMC", oldValue, value);
* qq_resultSetMenu: transformed from: qqds_Submenu
public JMenu getqq_resultSetMenu() {
if (qq_resultSetMenu == null) {
qq_resultSetMenu = new JMenu();
this.qq_resultSetMenu.setMnemonic( 'R' );
qq_resultSetMenu.setText( "Result Set" );
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_resultSetMenu, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_resultSetMenu, 665);
return qq_resultSetMenu;
* qq_MainMenuBar: transformed from: qqds_MenuBar
public JMenuBar getqq_MenuBar() {
if (qq_MainMenuBar == null) {
qq_MainMenuBar = MenuFactory.newMenuBar();
return qq_MainMenuBar;
public void setqq_MainMenuBar(JMenuBar value) {
JMenuBar oldValue = qq_MainMenuBar;
qq_MainMenuBar = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_MainMenuBar", oldValue, value);
* qq_DummyGraphic: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
* TagId=65537
* isInherited=TRUE
public TextGraphic getqq_DummyGraphic() {
if (qq_DummyGraphic == null) {
// OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_DummyGraphic, mcat);
return qq_DummyGraphic;
public void setqq_DummyGraphic(TextGraphic value) {
TextGraphic oldValue = qq_DummyGraphic;
qq_DummyGraphic = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_DummyGraphic", oldValue, value);
* qq_DataGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131067
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Parent.
protected void setqq_DataGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_DataGrid() {
if (qq_DataGrid == null) {
qq_DataGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("DataGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_DataGrid.setSize(new Dimension(404, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_DataGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(404, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_DataGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(404, 59));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLELEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_DataGrid.add( getqq_DummyGraphic(), qq_gbc );
return qq_DataGrid;
public void setqq_DataGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_DataGrid;
qq_DataGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_DataGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_InsertBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131037
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_InsertBC() {
if (qq_InsertBC == null) {
// OPTIONAL qq_InsertBC.setSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
qq_InsertBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
qq_InsertBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
return qq_InsertBC;
public void setqq_InsertBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_InsertBC;
qq_InsertBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_InsertBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_DeleteBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131036
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_DeleteBC() {
if (qq_DeleteBC == null) {
// OPTIONAL qq_DeleteBC.setSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
qq_DeleteBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
qq_DeleteBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(45, 21));
return qq_DeleteBC;
public void setqq_DeleteBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_DeleteBC;
qq_DeleteBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_DeleteBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_SideBCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131038
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x2 grid field.
* The cell margins are all 50 mils
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_SideBCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_SideBCGrid() {
if (qq_SideBCGrid == null) {
qq_SideBCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("SideBCGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_SideBCGrid.setSize(new Dimension(55, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_SideBCGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(55, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_SideBCGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(55, 59));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_SideBCGrid.add( getqq_InsertBC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc1.gridy = 1; // Row 2
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_SideBCGrid.add( getqq_DeleteBC(), qq_gbc1 );
return qq_SideBCGrid;
public void setqq_SideBCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_SideBCGrid;
qq_SideBCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SideBCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_TopContentsGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131068
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 2x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Parent.
protected void setqq_TopContentsGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_TopContentsGrid() {
if (qq_TopContentsGrid == null) {
qq_TopContentsGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("TopContentsGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_TopContentsGrid.setSize(new Dimension(460, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_TopContentsGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(460, 59));
// OPTIONAL qq_TopContentsGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(460, 59));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 1;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_TOPLEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; // Size to parent - original: H & W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_TopContentsGrid.add( getqq_DataGrid(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST; // Gravity - original: CG_TOPRIGHT
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_TopContentsGrid.add( getqq_SideBCGrid(), qq_gbc1 );
return qq_TopContentsGrid;
public void setqq_TopContentsGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_TopContentsGrid;
qq_TopContentsGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_TopContentsGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ClearBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131015
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_ClearBC() {
if (qq_ClearBC == null) {
LayoutManagerHelper.setWidthPartner(qq_ClearBC, getqq_OKBC());
// OPTIONAL qq_ClearBC.setSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_ClearBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_ClearBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
return qq_ClearBC;
public void setqq_ClearBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_ClearBC;
qq_ClearBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ClearBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_CancelBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131019
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_CancelBC() {
if (qq_CancelBC == null) {
LayoutManagerHelper.setWidthPartner(qq_CancelBC, getqq_SearchBC());
// OPTIONAL qq_CancelBC.setSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_CancelBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_CancelBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
return qq_CancelBC;
public void setqq_CancelBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_CancelBC;
qq_CancelBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_CancelBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_SearchBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131021
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_SearchBC() {
if (qq_SearchBC == null) {
LayoutManagerHelper.setWidthPartner(qq_SearchBC, getqq_ClearBC());
// OPTIONAL qq_SearchBC.setSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_SearchBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_SearchBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
return qq_SearchBC;
public void setqq_SearchBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_SearchBC;
qq_SearchBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SearchBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_OKBC: transformed from: qqds_PushButton
* TagId=131022
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_OKBC() {
if (qq_OKBC == null) {
LayoutManagerHelper.setWidthPartner(qq_OKBC, getqq_CancelBC());
// OPTIONAL qq_OKBC.setSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_OKBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
qq_OKBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(48, 21));
return qq_OKBC;
public void setqq_OKBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_OKBC;
qq_OKBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_OKBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_IndexBC: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131030
* isInherited=TRUE
public DataField getqq_IndexBC() {
if (qq_IndexBC == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_IndexBC, "indexBC");
// OPTIONAL qq_IndexBC.setSize(new Dimension(38, 19));
qq_IndexBC.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(38, 19));
qq_IndexBC.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(38, 19));
return qq_IndexBC;
public void setqq_IndexBC(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_IndexBC;
qq_IndexBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_IndexBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_MaxIndexBC: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131028
* isInherited=TRUE
public DataField getqq_MaxIndexBC() {
if (qq_MaxIndexBC == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_MaxIndexBC, "maxIndexBC");
return qq_MaxIndexBC;
public void setqq_MaxIndexBC(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_MaxIndexBC;
qq_MaxIndexBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_MaxIndexBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_OfBC: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
* TagId=65538
* isInherited=TRUE
public TextGraphic getqq_OfBC() {
if (qq_OfBC == null) {
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_OfBC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_OfBC, 606);
// OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_OfBC, mcat);
return qq_OfBC;
public void setqq_OfBC(TextGraphic value) {
TextGraphic oldValue = qq_OfBC;
qq_OfBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_OfBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_IndexesBCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131031
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 3x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_IndexesBCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_IndexesBCGrid() {
if (qq_IndexesBCGrid == null) {
qq_IndexesBCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("IndexesBCGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_IndexesBCGrid.setSize(new Dimension(93, 19));
// OPTIONAL qq_IndexesBCGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(93, 19));
// OPTIONAL qq_IndexesBCGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(93, 19));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesBCGrid.add( getqq_IndexBC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 4, 0, 4); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesBCGrid.add( getqq_OfBC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesBCGrid.add( getqq_MaxIndexBC(), qq_gbc2 );
return qq_IndexesBCGrid;
public void setqq_IndexesBCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_IndexesBCGrid;
qq_IndexesBCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_IndexesBCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_FirstBC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65548
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_FirstBC() {
if (qq_FirstBC == null) {
qq_FirstBC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_FirstBC.png")));
return qq_FirstBC;
public void setqq_FirstBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_FirstBC;
qq_FirstBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_FirstBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrevBC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65549
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_PrevBC() {
if (qq_PrevBC == null) {
qq_PrevBC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_PrevBC.png")));
return qq_PrevBC;
public void setqq_PrevBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_PrevBC;
qq_PrevBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrevBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_NextBC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65550
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_NextBC() {
if (qq_NextBC == null) {
qq_NextBC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_NextBC.png")));
return qq_NextBC;
public void setqq_NextBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_NextBC;
qq_NextBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_NextBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_LastBC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65551
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_LastBC() {
if (qq_LastBC == null) {
qq_LastBC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_LastBC.png")));
return qq_LastBC;
public void setqq_LastBC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_LastBC;
qq_LastBC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_LastBC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ScrollBCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131032
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 5x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_ScrollBCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ScrollBCGrid() {
if (qq_ScrollBCGrid == null) {
qq_ScrollBCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ScrollBCGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_ScrollBCGrid.setSize(new Dimension(199, 31));
// OPTIONAL qq_ScrollBCGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(199, 31));
// OPTIONAL qq_ScrollBCGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(199, 31));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollBCGrid.add( getqq_FirstBC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollBCGrid.add( getqq_PrevBC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollBCGrid.add( getqq_NextBC(), qq_gbc2 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc3.gridx = 3; // Column 4
qq_gbc3.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc3.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc3.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc3.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc3.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollBCGrid.add( getqq_LastBC(), qq_gbc3 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc4 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc4.gridx = 4; // Column 5
qq_gbc4.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc4.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc4.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc4.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc4.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc4.insets = new Insets(0, 4, 0, 4); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollBCGrid.add( getqq_IndexesBCGrid(), qq_gbc4 );
return qq_ScrollBCGrid;
public void setqq_ScrollBCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ScrollBCGrid;
qq_ScrollBCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ScrollBCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ButtonGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131035
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 5x1 grid field.
* The top and bottom cell margins are both 100 mils and the left and right cell margins are both 50 mils.
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_ButtonGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ButtonGrid() {
if (qq_ButtonGrid == null) {
qq_ButtonGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ButtonGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_ButtonGrid.setSize(new Dimension(424, 52));
// OPTIONAL qq_ButtonGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(424, 52));
// OPTIONAL qq_ButtonGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(424, 52));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(4, 2, 4, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ButtonGrid.add( getqq_OKBC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(4, 2, 4, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ButtonGrid.add( getqq_ClearBC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(4, 2, 4, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ButtonGrid.add( getqq_SearchBC(), qq_gbc2 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc3.gridx = 3; // Column 4
qq_gbc3.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc3.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc3.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc3.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc3.insets = new Insets(4, 2, 4, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ButtonGrid.add( getqq_CancelBC(), qq_gbc3 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc4 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc4.gridx = 4; // Column 5
qq_gbc4.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc4.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc4.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc4.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc4.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc4.insets = new Insets(4, 2, 4, 2); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ButtonGrid.add( getqq_ScrollBCGrid(), qq_gbc4 );
return qq_ButtonGrid;
public void setqq_ButtonGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ButtonGrid;
qq_ButtonGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ButtonGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_FolderPanel: transformed from: qqds_Panel
* TagId=130953
* isInherited=TRUE
public Panel getqq_FolderPanel() {
if (qq_FolderPanel == null) {
FrameWeight.set(qq_FolderPanel, Constants.W_NONE);
Caption.set(qq_FolderPanel, "");
// OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_FolderPanel, mcat);
return qq_FolderPanel;
public void setqq_FolderPanel(Panel value) {
Panel oldValue = qq_FolderPanel;
qq_FolderPanel = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_FolderPanel", oldValue, value);
* qq_NestedGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=130956
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x1 grid field.
* The top and bottom cell margins are both 50 mils, but neither the left nor the right cell margins are set.
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_NestedGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_NestedGrid() {
if (qq_NestedGrid == null) {
qq_NestedGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("NestedGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLELEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(2, 0, 2, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_NestedGrid.add( getqq_FolderPanel(), qq_gbc );
return qq_NestedGrid;
public void setqq_NestedGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_NestedGrid;
qq_NestedGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_NestedGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ContentsGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131069
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x3 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Parent.
protected void setqq_ContentsGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ContentsGrid() {
if (qq_ContentsGrid == null) {
qq_ContentsGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ContentsGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_ContentsGrid.setSize(new Dimension(460, 182));
// OPTIONAL qq_ContentsGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(460, 182));
// OPTIONAL qq_ContentsGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(460, 182));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_TOPLEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; // Size to parent - original: H & W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ContentsGrid.add( getqq_TopContentsGrid(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc1.gridy = 1; // Row 2
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ContentsGrid.add( getqq_NestedGrid(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc2.gridy = 2; // Row 3
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ContentsGrid.add( getqq_ButtonGrid(), qq_gbc2 );
return qq_ContentsGrid;
public void setqq_ContentsGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ContentsGrid;
qq_ContentsGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ContentsGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_StatusText: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131013
* isInherited=TRUE
public DataField getqq_StatusText() {
if (qq_StatusText == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_StatusText, "statusText");
// OPTIONAL qq_StatusText.setSize(new Dimension(384, 19));
qq_StatusText.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(384, 19));
qq_StatusText.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(384, 19));
qq_StatusText.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 12));
return qq_StatusText;
public void setqq_StatusText(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_StatusText;
qq_StatusText = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_StatusText", oldValue, value);
* qq_ModeText: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131085
* isInherited=FALSE
public DataField getqq_ModeText() {
if (qq_ModeText == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
qq_ModeText = DataFieldFactory.newDataField("ModeText", 11, TextData.class, DisplayProject.Constants.MK_NONE);
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_ModeText, "modeText");
WidthPolicy.set(qq_ModeText, Constants.SP_EXPLICIT);
HeightPolicy.set(qq_ModeText, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
// OPTIONAL qq_ModeText.setSize(new Dimension(76, 19));
qq_ModeText.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(76, 19));
qq_ModeText.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(76, 19));
qq_ModeText.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 12));
ColourChange.setBackground(qq_ModeText, UIutils.Gray2);
return qq_ModeText;
public void setqq_ModeText(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_ModeText;
qq_ModeText = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ModeText", oldValue, value);
* qq_StatusLineGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131014
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 2x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_StatusLineGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_StatusLineGrid() {
if (qq_StatusLineGrid == null) {
qq_StatusLineGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("StatusLineGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 1;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_StatusLineGrid.add( getqq_StatusText(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_StatusLineGrid.add( getqq_ModeText(), qq_gbc1 );
return qq_StatusLineGrid;
public void setqq_StatusLineGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_StatusLineGrid;
qq_StatusLineGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_StatusLineGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ModeTC: transformed from: qqds_PaletteList
* TagId=131009
* isInherited=TRUE
public PaletteList getqq_ModeTC() {
if (qq_ModeTC == null) {
qq_ModeTC.setOrientation( Constants.FO_VERTICAL );
qq_ModeTC.setWrapSize( 2 );
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> aole = new Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement>();
aole.add(new ListElement(new ImageData(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_ModeTC_1.png"))),
1, "Edit Mode\nAllows you to view, insert, update, and delete records.", ListElement.qq_Resolver.cIMAGEVALUE_INTEGERVALUE_TEXTVALUE));
aole.add(new ListElement(new ImageData(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_ModeTC_2.png"))),
2, "Search Mode\nAllows you to define and perform searches.", ListElement.qq_Resolver.cIMAGEVALUE_INTEGERVALUE_TEXTVALUE));
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_ModeTC, "modeTC", aole);
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_ModeTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_ModeTC, 509, 60100);
// FloatOverText
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_ModeTC, "Allows you to change between Search Mode and Edit Mode.");
return qq_ModeTC;
public void setqq_ModeTC(PaletteList value) {
PaletteList oldValue = qq_ModeTC;
qq_ModeTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ModeTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_IndexTC: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131002
* isInherited=TRUE
public DataField getqq_IndexTC() {
if (qq_IndexTC == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_IndexTC, "indexTC");
return qq_IndexTC;
public void setqq_IndexTC(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_IndexTC;
qq_IndexTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_IndexTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_MaxIndexTC: transformed from: qqds_DataField
* TagId=131000
* isInherited=TRUE
public DataField getqq_MaxIndexTC() {
if (qq_MaxIndexTC == null) {
// Mask type: MK_NONE
getBindingManager().bindComponent(qq_MaxIndexTC, "maxIndexTC");
return qq_MaxIndexTC;
public void setqq_MaxIndexTC(DataField value) {
DataField oldValue = qq_MaxIndexTC;
qq_MaxIndexTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_MaxIndexTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_OfTC: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
* TagId=65539
* isInherited=TRUE
public TextGraphic getqq_OfTC() {
if (qq_OfTC == null) {
UIutils.setMsgSet(qq_OfTC, 60100);
UIutils.setMsgNumber(qq_OfTC, 606);
// OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_OfTC, mcat);
return qq_OfTC;
public void setqq_OfTC(TextGraphic value) {
TextGraphic oldValue = qq_OfTC;
qq_OfTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_OfTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_IndexesTCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131003
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 3x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_IndexesTCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_IndexesTCGrid() {
if (qq_IndexesTCGrid == null) {
qq_IndexesTCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("IndexesTCGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesTCGrid.add( getqq_IndexTC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 4, 0, 4); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesTCGrid.add( getqq_OfTC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_IndexesTCGrid.add( getqq_MaxIndexTC(), qq_gbc2 );
return qq_IndexesTCGrid;
public void setqq_IndexesTCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_IndexesTCGrid;
qq_IndexesTCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_IndexesTCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_FirstTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65552
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_FirstTC() {
if (qq_FirstTC == null) {
qq_FirstTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_FirstTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_FirstTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_FirstTC, 506, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_FirstTC.setToolTipText("First Record");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_FirstTC, "Scrolls to the First Record in the result set.");
return qq_FirstTC;
public void setqq_FirstTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_FirstTC;
qq_FirstTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_FirstTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_PrevTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65553
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_PrevTC() {
if (qq_PrevTC == null) {
qq_PrevTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_PrevTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_PrevTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_PrevTC, 514, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_PrevTC.setToolTipText("Previous Record");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_PrevTC, "Scrolls to the Previous Record in the result set.");
return qq_PrevTC;
public void setqq_PrevTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_PrevTC;
qq_PrevTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_PrevTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_NextTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65554
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_NextTC() {
if (qq_NextTC == null) {
qq_NextTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_NextTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_NextTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_NextTC, 512, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_NextTC.setToolTipText("Next Record");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_NextTC, "Scrolls to the Next Record in the result set.");
return qq_NextTC;
public void setqq_NextTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_NextTC;
qq_NextTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_NextTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_LastTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=65555
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_LastTC() {
if (qq_LastTC == null) {
qq_LastTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_LastTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_LastTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_LastTC, 508, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_LastTC.setToolTipText("Last Record");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_LastTC, "Scrolls to the Last Record in the result set.");
return qq_LastTC;
public void setqq_LastTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_LastTC;
qq_LastTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_LastTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ScrollTCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131008
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 5x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_ScrollTCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ScrollTCGrid() {
if (qq_ScrollTCGrid == null) {
qq_ScrollTCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ScrollTCGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollTCGrid.add( getqq_FirstTC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollTCGrid.add( getqq_PrevTC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollTCGrid.add( getqq_NextTC(), qq_gbc2 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc3.gridx = 3; // Column 4
qq_gbc3.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc3.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc3.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc3.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc3.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollTCGrid.add( getqq_LastTC(), qq_gbc3 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc4 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc4.gridx = 4; // Column 5
qq_gbc4.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc4.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc4.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc4.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc4.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc4.insets = new Insets(0, 4, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ScrollTCGrid.add( getqq_IndexesTCGrid(), qq_gbc4 );
return qq_ScrollTCGrid;
public void setqq_ScrollTCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ScrollTCGrid;
qq_ScrollTCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ScrollTCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_SaveTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=130998
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_SaveTC() {
if (qq_SaveTC == null) {
qq_SaveTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_SaveTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_SaveTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_SaveTC, 515, 60100);
// FloatOverText
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_SaveTC, "Saves all changes to result set in the database.");
return qq_SaveTC;
public void setqq_SaveTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_SaveTC;
qq_SaveTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SaveTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_DeleteTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=130995
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_DeleteTC() {
if (qq_DeleteTC == null) {
qq_DeleteTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_DeleteTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_DeleteTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_DeleteTC, 504, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_DeleteTC.setToolTipText("Delete Record from Result Set");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_DeleteTC, "Removes the selected record from the result set.");
return qq_DeleteTC;
public void setqq_DeleteTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_DeleteTC;
qq_DeleteTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_DeleteTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_InsertTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=130996
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_InsertTC() {
if (qq_InsertTC == null) {
qq_InsertTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_InsertTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_InsertTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_InsertTC, 507, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_InsertTC.setToolTipText("Insert Record into Result Set");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_InsertTC, "Inserts a new, empty record into the result set.");
return qq_InsertTC;
public void setqq_InsertTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_InsertTC;
qq_InsertTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_InsertTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_EditTCGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=130999
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 3x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_EditTCGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_EditTCGrid() {
if (qq_EditTCGrid == null) {
qq_EditTCGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("EditTCGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 6); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_EditTCGrid.add( getqq_SaveTC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_EditTCGrid.add( getqq_InsertTC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_EditTCGrid.add( getqq_DeleteTC(), qq_gbc2 );
return qq_EditTCGrid;
public void setqq_EditTCGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_EditTCGrid;
qq_EditTCGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_EditTCGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ClearTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=130997
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_ClearTC() {
if (qq_ClearTC == null) {
qq_ClearTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_ClearTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_ClearTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_ClearTC, 501, 60100);
// FloatOverText
qq_ClearTC.setToolTipText("Clear Result Set");
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_ClearTC, "Aborts any changes and creates an empty result set.");
return qq_ClearTC;
public void setqq_ClearTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_ClearTC;
qq_ClearTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ClearTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_SearchTC: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
* TagId=131010
* isInherited=TRUE
public JButton getqq_SearchTC() {
if (qq_SearchTC == null) {
qq_SearchTC.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ExpressClassWindow.class.getResource("ExpressClassWindow.qq_SearchTC.png")));
// HelpTopic
CSH.setHelpIDString(qq_SearchTC, "");
// Help Msg catalog
UIutils.setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(qq_SearchTC, 516, 60100);
// FloatOverText
// StatusText
StatusText.set(qq_SearchTC, "Allows you to define and perform searches.");
return qq_SearchTC;
public void setqq_SearchTC(JButton value) {
JButton oldValue = qq_SearchTC;
qq_SearchTC = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_SearchTC", oldValue, value);
* qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131011
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 5x1 grid field.
* The top and bottom cell margins are both 30 mils, but neither the left nor the right cell margins are set.
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_ToolBarBackgroundGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid() {
if (qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid == null) {
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ToolBarBackgroundGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 4); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid.add( getqq_ModeTC(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 6); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid.add( getqq_ClearTC(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 6); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid.add( getqq_SearchTC(), qq_gbc2 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc3.gridx = 3; // Column 4
qq_gbc3.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc3.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc3.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER
qq_gbc3.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc3.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 6); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid.add( getqq_EditTCGrid(), qq_gbc3 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc4 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc4.gridx = 4; // Column 5
qq_gbc4.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc4.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc4.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc4.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
qq_gbc4.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
qq_gbc4.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 9); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid.add( getqq_ScrollTCGrid(), qq_gbc4 );
return qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid;
public void setqq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid;
qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_ToolBarGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131012
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x1 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Natural.
protected void setqq_ToolBarGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_ToolBarGrid() {
if (qq_ToolBarGrid == null) {
qq_ToolBarGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("ToolBarGrid", false);
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_TOPLEFT
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_ToolBarGrid.add( getqq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid(), qq_gbc );
return qq_ToolBarGrid;
public void setqq_ToolBarGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_ToolBarGrid;
qq_ToolBarGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_ToolBarGrid", oldValue, value);
* qq_TopGrid: transformed from: qqds_GridField
* TagId=131070
* isInherited=TRUE
* In forte this was a 1x3 grid field.
* There are no cell margins set
* The width policy is set to Parent, and the height policy is set to Parent.
protected void setqq_TopGridProperties() {
public GridField getqq_TopGrid() {
if (qq_TopGrid == null) {
qq_TopGrid = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("TopGrid", false);
// OPTIONAL qq_TopGrid.setSize(new Dimension(460, 244));
// OPTIONAL qq_TopGrid.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(460, 244));
// OPTIONAL qq_TopGrid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(460, 244));
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_TopGrid.add( getqq_ToolBarGrid(), qq_gbc );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc1.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc1.gridy = 1; // Row 2
qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_TOPLEFT
qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; // Size to parent - original: H & W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_TopGrid.add( getqq_ContentsGrid(), qq_gbc1 );
GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
qq_gbc2.gridx = 0; // Column 1
qq_gbc2.gridy = 2; // Row 3
qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Size to parent - original: W = SP_TO_PARENT
qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
qq_TopGrid.add( getqq_StatusLineGrid(), qq_gbc2 );
return qq_TopGrid;
public void setqq_TopGrid(GridField value) {
GridField oldValue = qq_TopGrid;
qq_TopGrid = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("qq_TopGrid", oldValue, value);
* Form: transformed from: qqds_Panel
* TagId=1
* isInherited=FALSE
public JPanel getForm() {
if (Form == null) {
Form.setLayout(new WindowFormLayout(this));
Form.setOpaque( true );
return Form;
public void setForm(JPanel value) {
JPanel oldValue = Form;
Form = value;
this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("Form", oldValue, value);
* Gets the default message set number for the window and its widgets.
public int getSetNum() {
return this.qq_defaultSet;
* Sets the default message set number for the window and its widgets.
public void setSetNum(int value) {
this.qq_defaultSet = value;
* Gets the message set number for the message number of the window's title.
public int getTitleSetNum() {
return this.qq_msgSet;
* Sets the message set number for the message number of the window's title.
public void setTitleSetNum(int value) {
this.qq_msgSet = value;
* Gets the message number for the message number of the window's title.
public int getTitleMsgNum() {
return this.qq_msgNumber;
* Sets the message number for the message number of the window's title.
public void setTitleMsgNum(int value) {
this.qq_msgNumber = value;
* Initialise the window and all its children.
private void initialize() {
this.setName( "ExpressClassWindow" );
this.setTitle( "Part Window" );
this.setJMenuBar( getqq_MenuBar() );
if (this.getContentPane() != this.getForm()) {
this.setResizable( true );
UserWindow.setIconizeEnabled(this, true);
UserWindow.setMaximizeEnabled(this, true);
// ----------------
// Window usage
public void qq_setupWindowUsage() {
this.usage.add(getqq_PreferencesMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_PreferencesSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_RevertMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_RevertSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrintMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrintSetupMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrintSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_SaveMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_SaveSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_CancelMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_CancelSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_CloseMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_CloseSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ExitAllMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_fileMenu(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditCutMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditCopyMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditPasteMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditDeleteMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditSelectallMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_editMenu(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ModeMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ModeSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ClearMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ClearSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_InsertMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_DeleteMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ScrollToSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_FirstMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_LastMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ScrollSP(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrevMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_NextMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_ScrollMenu(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_SearchMC(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_resultSetMenu(), Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED, Constants.MS_ENABLED);
this.usage.add(getqq_TopGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ContentsGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_TopContentsGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_DataGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_DummyGraphic(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_SideBCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_InsertBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_DeleteBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ButtonGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ClearBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_CancelBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_SearchBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_OKBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ScrollBCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_IndexesBCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_DISABLED, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_IndexBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_MaxIndexBC(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_OfBC(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_FirstBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrevBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_NextBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_LastBC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_NestedGrid(), Constants.FS_INVISIBLE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_FolderPanel(), Constants.FS_INVISIBLE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_StatusLineGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_StatusText(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ModeText(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ToolBarGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ToolBarBackgroundGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ModeTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ScrollTCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_IndexesTCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_IndexTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_DISABLED, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_MaxIndexTC(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_DISABLED, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_OfTC(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_DISABLED, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_FirstTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_PrevTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_NextTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_LastTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_EditTCGrid(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_QUERY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_UPDATE);
this.usage.add(getqq_SaveTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_DeleteTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_InsertTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_ClearTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
this.usage.add(getqq_SearchTC(), Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_VIEWONLY, Constants.FS_UPDATE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE, Constants.FS_INACTIVE);
// </editor-fold>
// -----------
// Main method
// -----------
public static void main(String []args) {
KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(new ForteKeyboardFocusManager());
try {
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new Win32LookAndFeel());
catch (Exception e) {}
ExpressClassWindow myClass = new ExpressClassWindow();
} // end class ExpressClassWindow
// c Pass 2 Conversion Time: 13265 milliseconds