For Proof of Concept and evaluation purposes only:
This code is not to be used in production systems
without express written permission from ITerative Consulting Pty Ltd.
package AppletSupport;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.BindException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import AppletSupport.interfaces.ILaunchMgr;
import DisplayProject.events.ClientEventManager;
import Framework.Array_Of_Object;
import Framework.Array_Of_TextData;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.EventManager;
import Framework.FrameworkUtils;
import Framework.IListAppletService;
import Framework.NamedElement;
import Framework.ParameterHolder;
import Framework.RemoteEvent;
import Framework.RuntimeProperties;
import Framework.ServiceObject;
import Framework.ServiceObjectContext;
import Framework.ServiceObjectRegistry;
import Framework.TextData;
import Framework.UsageException;
* LaunchMgr<p>
* <p>
* The LaunchMgr class is a partial implementation of the Forte/UDS the class that defines the LaunchService service object,
* which provides functionality supporting client applications as Forte/UDS applets.
* <p>
* @since 05-Sep-2008
@RuntimeProperties(isDistributed=true, isAnchored=false, isShared=false, isTransactional=false)
@ServiceObject(name="LaunchService", visibility=ServiceObject.Visibility.USER, dialogDuration=ServiceObject.DialogDuration.SESSION, failover=false, loadBalanced=false)
public class LaunchMgr
implements Serializable, ILaunchMgr
static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(LaunchMgr.class);
* Do not call this method, used only to satisfy the interface
public String registerInterest(String pHostName, RemoteEvent pAnchoredObject, String pEvent) throws RemoteException {
return EventManager.registerInterest(pHostName, pAnchoredObject, this, pEvent);
* Do not call this method, used only to satisfy the interface
public void postEvent(String pEventName, Hashtable<String, Object> pParameters) throws RemoteException {
EventManager.postEvent(this, pEventName, pParameters);
* Do not call this method, used only to satisfy the interface
public void deregisterInterest(String pHostName, RemoteEvent pAnchoredObject, String pEvent) throws RemoteException {
EventManager.deregisterInterest(pHostName, pAnchoredObject, this, pEvent);
// ---------
// Constants
// ---------
// -----------------
// Event definitions
// -----------------
* Occurs when an applet or application completes.
public static final String cEVENT_RUN_STARTED = "RunStarted";
* Occurs when an applet or application starts running.
public static final String cEVENT_RUN_COMPLETED = "RunCompleted";
// ----------
// Attributes
// ----------
Preferences userPrefs;
Hashtable<String, AppletRunInfo> whatsRunning;
ServerSocket socket = null;
int nextAppletID = 1;
// ------------
// Constructors
// ------------
public LaunchMgr() {
// Explicitly call the superclass constructor to prevent the implicit call
userPrefs = Preferences.systemRoot();
whatsRunning = new Hashtable<String, AppletRunInfo>();
final String appletPortString = System.getProperty("qq_APPLETPort");
try {
if (appletPortString != null){
int port = Integer.parseInt(appletPortString);
socket = new ServerSocket(port);
} catch (BindException e) {
// just terminate
} catch (IOException e) {
_log.error("Launch manager socket exception", e);
Runnable listener = new Runnable(){
public void run() {
_log.debug("Launch manager listener started on port: " + appletPortString);
while (true){
try {
Socket client = socket.accept();
} catch (BindException e) {
// just terminate
} catch (IOException e) {
_log.error("Launch manager listener exception", e);
_log.debug("Launch manager listener terminated");
Thread listenerThread = new Thread(listener, "LaunchManagerListener");
private void processAppletConnection(final Socket appletConnected){
Runnable connection = new Runnable(){
ObjectInputStream in = null;
ObjectOutputStream out = null;
String message = null;
String parts[] = null;
AppletRunInfo appletInfo = null;
public void run() {
try {
in = new ObjectInputStream(appletConnected.getInputStream());
out = new ObjectOutputStream(appletConnected.getOutputStream());
boolean closeConnection = false;
do {
message = (String)in.readObject();
_log.debug("Processing message: " + message);
parts = message.split(":");
String appletName = parts[0];
String appletEvent = parts[1];
Hashtable<String, ParameterHolder> params = new Hashtable<String, ParameterHolder>(1);
if (appletEvent.equals("stopped")){
appletInfo = whatsRunning.get(appletName);
params.put("appletId", new ParameterHolder(appletInfo.getAppletId()));
_log.debug("Posting RunComplete event");
ClientEventManager.postEvent(LaunchMgr.this, "RunCompleted", params);
closeConnection = true;
} else if (appletEvent.equals("started")){
AppletRunInfo info = new AppletRunInfo();
this.appletInfo = info;
whatsRunning.put(appletName, info);
params.put("applet", new ParameterHolder(appletInfo));
_log.debug("Posting RunStarted event");
ClientEventManager.postEvent(LaunchMgr.this, "RunStarted", params);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException classnot){
System.err.println("Data received in unknown format");
} while(!closeConnection);
} catch (java.io.EOFException e){
Hashtable<String, ParameterHolder> params = new Hashtable<String, ParameterHolder>(1);
params.put("appletId", new ParameterHolder(appletInfo.getAppletId()));
_log.debug("Posting RunComplete event after connection closed");
ClientEventManager.postEvent(LaunchMgr.this, "RunCompleted", params);
} catch (IOException e) {
_log.error("Launch manager listener exception", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
_log.error("Launch manager listener exception", e);
Thread connectionThread = new Thread(connection, "AppletEventPoster");
* A dummy constructor used to instantiate a "blank" object. This is used for anchored objects, Spring beans and their
* superclasses, but should not be expected to create a valid LaunchMgr.
public LaunchMgr(ServiceObjectContext pContext) {
// -------
// Methods
// -------
* convertList<p>
* <p>
* @param namesSeen Type: Array_Of_Object<Object>
* @param dataCache Type: Array_Of_Object<Object>
* @param nameList Type: Array_Of_TextData<TextData>
* @param type Type: int
* @param appletList Type: Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData>
public void convertList(Array_Of_Object<Object> namesSeen, Array_Of_Object<Object> dataCache, Array_Of_TextData<TextData> nameList, int type, Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData> appletList) {
throw new UsageException("This is a stub method only from a Forte library, please implement the library");
* Returns a list of the available applets or applications.<p>
* <p>
* @param type Type: int
* @param category Type: int (Input) (default in Forte: 3)
* @return Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData>
public Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData> listApplets(int type, int category) {
Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData> appletData = new Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData>();
// /*
// * get the server list
// */
IListAppletService ls = ServiceObjectRegistry.getService("listAppletService", IListAppletService.class);
ArrayList<NamedElement> apps = ls.listApplications();
for (NamedElement app : apps){
String name = app.getName().asString();
String url = (String)app.getObject();
AppletData ad = new AppletData(name, url);
return appletData;
public Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData> listApplets(int type) {
return listApplets(type, Constants.APPLET_CATEGORY_BOTH);
* Starts the named applet or application.<p>
* <p>
* @param name Type: TextData
* @param release Type: TextData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @param arguments Type: TextData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @param update Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: TRUE)
* @return AppletRunInfo
public AppletRunInfo runApplet(TextData name, TextData release, TextData arguments, boolean update) {
IListAppletService lister = ServiceObjectRegistry.getService("listAppletService", IListAppletService.class);
NamedElement ne = lister.findApplicationJNLP(name.toString());
if (ne == null){
UsageException ue = new UsageException("Unable to launch application: " + name);
throw ue;
String startClass = (String)ne.getObject();
String cmdString = "javaws \"" + startClass + "\"";
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("Launching application with: " + cmdString);
FrameworkUtils.runCommand(cmdString, false);
return null;
public AppletRunInfo runApplet(TextData name) {
return this.runApplet(name, null, null, true);
* runApplet<p>
* <p>
* @param name Type: TextData
* @param options Type: short
* @param release Type: TextData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @param arguments Type: TextData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
* @param update Type: boolean (Input) (default in Forte: TRUE)
* @return AppletRunInfo
public AppletRunInfo runApplet(TextData name, short options, TextData release, TextData arguments, boolean update) {
throw new UsageException("This is a stub method only from a Forte library, please implement the library");
* Returns a list of the currently running applets or applications.<p>
* <p>
* @return Array_Of_AppletRunInfo<AppletRunInfo>
public Array_Of_AppletRunInfo<AppletRunInfo> runningApplets() {
Enumeration<AppletRunInfo> running = this.whatsRunning.elements();
Array_Of_AppletRunInfo<AppletRunInfo> runningInfo = new Array_Of_AppletRunInfo<AppletRunInfo>();
while (running.hasMoreElements()){
return runningInfo;
* Shuts down one or more applets or applications started by the LaunchService service object.<p>
* <p>
* @param appletId Type: int
public void shutdown(int appletId) {
throw new UsageException("This is a stub method only from a Forte library, please implement the library");
* Updates the specified assigned applet or application.<p>
* <p>
* @param name Type: TextData
* @param release Type: TextData (Input) (default in Forte: NIL)
public void updateApplet(TextData name, TextData release) {
throw new UsageException("This is a stub method only from a Forte library, please implement the library");
// private void loadAppList(){
// if (this.appList == null){
// LaunchService ls = ServiceObjectRegistry.getService("launchService", LaunchService.class);
// this.appList = ls.listApplications();
// }
// }
public static void main (String[] args){
LaunchMgr lm = new LaunchMgr();
Array_Of_AppletData<AppletData> ad = lm.listApplets(3);
for (AppletData a : ad){
} // end class LaunchMgr
// c Pass 2 Conversion Time: 188 milliseconds