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o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
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o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
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o This jcTOOL Helper Class software, whether in binary or source form may not be used within,
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package GenericDBMS;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientConfiguration;
import org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerRequestExecutor;
import org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor;
import org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocation;
import org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocationResult;
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
import org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.DefaultTransactionDefinition;
import Framework.AppContextHolder;
import Framework.Constants;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.FrameworkUtils;
import Framework.Task;
import Framework.UUIDGen;
import Framework.UsageException;
import Framework.anchored.Anchorable;
import Framework.anchored.ServiceProxy;
import Framework.remoting.AbstractPluggableBean;
import Framework.remoting.RemoteInvocationAttributeConsumer;
import Framework.remoting.RemoteInvocationAttributeProvider;
import Framework.remoting.RemoteInvocationResultWrapper;
import Framework.remoting.parameters.CopyInputOutput;
import Framework.remoting.parameters.CopyOutput;
import Framework.remoting.parameters.Input;
import Framework.remoting.parameters.InputOutput;
import Framework.remoting.parameters.Output;
* Manages the demarcation of Bean managed transaction equivalent to Forte
public class TransactionMgr {
* A list of the transation types that can be used.
public enum TransactionType {DEPENDENT, INDEPENDENT, NESTED};
* This class should contain static methods, not be instantiated itself.
private TransactionMgr() {}
protected static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(TransactionMgr.class);
* The transaction id of the next transaction
private static int ID = 0;
* Get the id of the next available transaction id.
protected static synchronized int getNextTransactionId() {
return ++ID;
* A holder to the statistics maintained by this transaction manager
static TransactionMgrStats statistics = new TransactionMgrStats();
* Get the statistics for this transaction manager. These statistics are all
public static TransactionMgrStats getStatistics() {
return statistics.clone();
* A class that holds the components used to maintain a transaction -- the transaction
* manager and the transactions status
* @author Tim
public static class TransactionData {
private transient PlatformTransactionManager txnManager;
private transient TransactionStatus status;
private transient DBConnectionManager dataSource;
private int id;
private boolean rolledBack;
private TransactionType type;
private String distributedTransactionID;
private transient List<Object> distributedInvokers = null;
* The invoker being used for the current distributed transaction
private transient Object currentInvoker = null;
* This flag indicates whether the data source was ever set on this transaction.
* This may be used in the future to add a flag to be returned from a distributed
* transaction that says whether the remote transaction partook in transactional
* activities, and hence needs to be committed or rolled back. This is a possible
* optimisation in the future.
private boolean wasUsed = false;
public TransactionData(TransactionType pType) {
this.id = getNextTransactionId();
this.rolledBack = false;
type = pType;
public TransactionData(DBConnectionManager pDataSource, TransactionType pType) {
public PlatformTransactionManager getManager() {
return this.txnManager;
public TransactionStatus getStatus() {
return this.status;
public boolean hasRolledBack() {
return this.rolledBack;
public DBConnectionManager getDataSource() {
return this.dataSource;
public String getDataSourceName() {
return this.dataSource == null ? null : this.dataSource.getDataSourceName();
public TransactionType getType() {
return type;
public int getId() {
return this.id;
* This is a hang-over method from Forte, when you could get for example the transaction
* id off the transaction desc, but not off the transaction handle
* @return
public TransactionData getTransactionDesc() {
return this;
public boolean isEqual(Object o) {
return equals(o);
* Set the data source associated with the transaction. This will also begin the transaction. If the
* data source has already been set, this method will raise an exception
* @param pDataSource
public void setDataSource(DBConnectionManager pDataSource) {
if (this.dataSource != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A data source has already been set on the TransactionStatus");
this.wasUsed = true;
// Nested transactions are not committed or rolled back until their outermost transaction is committed
// or rolled back, so in effect they have no use unless they're done at the top level, in which case
// they're effectively INDEPENDENT transactions.
// NB: The coding of this class supports Independent, Nested and Dependent transactions as described in the Accessing Databases
// Forte manual. However, these 3 transaction types seem to be analagous to PROPEGATION_REQUIRES_NEW, PROPEGATION_NESTED
// and PROPEGATION_REQUIRED in the Spring TransactionDefinition class. We could, therefore, implement these in this way if the
// proper behaviour (and not just a clone of the Forte behaviour) was required.
if (this.type != TransactionType.NESTED) {
this.dataSource = pDataSource;
DefaultTransactionDefinition tx = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED);
this.txnManager = pDataSource.getTransactionManager();
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("Begin Transaction: " + pDataSource + ":" + tx);
this.status = this.txnManager.getTransaction(tx);
// If we've been rolled back ahead of time, we must flag this transaction for rollback only
if (this.rolledBack) {
public String toString() {
return type + "[" + this.dataSource + ":" + getManager() + "]";
* The behaviour of transactions in Forte is a little convoluted. The successful case is easy and works as expected, but
* if an exception escapes a transaction block then the whole transaction stack is aborted (ie Transaction.isActive = false
* during the exception handler of the transaction block and afterwards).
* <br>
* Consider the following code fragment: <br>
* <pre>
* begin transaction
* begin
* begin transactaion
* -- something that throws an exception --
* end transaction
* exception
* when err : GenericException do
* -- handle exception, don't rethrow it --
* end
* begin transaction
* -- Some SQL --
* end transaction
* end transaction
* </pre>
* When the first transaction is escaped by the unhandled exception, the whole transaction stack is aborted, not just the
* inner transaction. So the second inner transaction creates a new transaction (the root of the transaction stack) rather
* than a sub-ordinate tranasaction of the outer transaction. This transaction will commit or rollback in its own right. Thus
* what seems like an inner transaction can actually commit when a prior part of the transaction has failed. Of course, if the
* thread of execution ever hits the outer end transaction an exception will be raised.
* <br>
* Note that returning from inside a transaction behaves as if it executes the end of the transactions properly, including
* throwing an exception if there has been a non-caught exception thrown from one of the inner transactions.
* <br>
* Since the transaction manager needs to handle returns from inside transactions by commiting them (or throwing an exception
* as appropriate), there must be a finally block which calls endTransction(). If the transaction stack has been aborted, then
* we need to make a special case of this endTransaction call NOT throwing a UsageException, but any other calls on the
* transaction manager or a second call to the endTransaction method throwing an exception
private static class TransactionStack extends LightweightStack<TransactionData> {
private boolean shouldIgnoreEndTransactionFlag = false;
public void setIgnoreEndTransaction() {
shouldIgnoreEndTransactionFlag = true;
public boolean shouldIgnoreEndTransaction() {
if (shouldIgnoreEndTransactionFlag) {
shouldIgnoreEndTransactionFlag = false;
return true;
return false;
private static ThreadLocal<TransactionStack> _transactionStorage = new ThreadLocal<TransactionStack>() {
protected synchronized TransactionStack initialValue() {
return new TransactionStack();
* Begin a transaction. By default, this will be a dependent transaction
public static void beginTransaction() {
* Begin a dependent transaction.
public static void beginDependentTransaction() {
* Begin a nested transaction.
public static void beginNestedTransaction() {
* Begin an independent transaction.
public static void beginIndependentTransaction() {
* Begin a transaction without specifying the associated data source. If the thread is currently participating
* in a transaction, the transaction will be joined again with a nested transaction on the same data source.
* If the thread is not currently within a transaction, beginning the transaction will be deferred until the
* first use of the data source associated with the transaction.
public static void beginTransaction(TransactionType type) {
// Check to see if the task has been cancelled
// Now put the transaction definition onto the stack for this thread
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
// This is a new transaction which has not previously been nested. Irrespective of the type,
// it's always created as an independent transaction
stack.push(new TransactionData(TransactionType.INDEPENDENT));
else if (type == TransactionType.INDEPENDENT) {
// We're trying to create an independent transaction in a thread that is already participating
// in a transaction. This is illegal in Forte, so raise an exception
UsageException ue = new UsageException("An INDEPENDENT transaction may not be nested");
ue.reasonCode = Constants.SP_ER_INVALIDSTATE;
throw ue;
else {
// We need to add a new item to the stack. If the outer transaction has been started, we just
// inherit it's data source. Otherwise, we defer the commencement of the transaction until
// we actually use the data source
TransactionData lastItem = stack.peek();
if (lastItem.getType() == TransactionType.NESTED && type == TransactionType.DEPENDENT) {
// We're trying to create an dependent transaction in a thread that is already participating
// in a nested transaction. This is illegal in Forte, so raise an exception
UsageException ue = new UsageException("A DEPENDENT transaction may not be started from a NESTED transaction");
ue.reasonCode = Constants.SP_ER_INVALIDSTATE;
throw ue;
else if (lastItem.getType() == TransactionType.DEPENDENT && type == TransactionType.NESTED) {
// We're trying to create a nested transaction in a thread that is already participating
// in a dependent transaction. This is illegal in Forte, so raise an exception
UsageException ue = new UsageException("A NESTED transaction may not be started from a DEPENDENT transaction");
ue.reasonCode = Constants.SP_ER_INVALIDSTATE;
throw ue;
TransactionData data;
if (lastItem.dataSource != null) {
data = new TransactionData(lastItem.getDataSource(), type);
else {
// There is no active transaction, push a new one onto the stack
data = new TransactionData(type);
if (lastItem.rolledBack) {
// If our previous transaction has been rolled back, we must roll back.
data.rolledBack = true;
// Now put the transaction definition onto the stack for this thread
* Set the data source for any transactions active in the stack that currently don't have an associated data source
* @param pDataSource - the data source to use for the transaction. This parameter should not be <pre>null</pre>
static void setTransactionalDataSource(DBConnectionManager pDataSource) {
if (pDataSource == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("pDataSource cannot be null");
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
// We need to set all the datasources to the passed datasource, so we violate the integrity of the stack a little here...
for (TransactionData data : stack) {
if (data.getDataSource() == null) {
public static void beginTransaction(String pDataSource, TransactionDefinition pTransaction) {
beginTransaction(DBConnectionManager.getInstance(pDataSource), pTransaction);
public static void beginTransaction(DBConnectionManager pDataSource, TransactionDefinition pTransaction) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
stack.push(new TransactionData(pDataSource, TransactionType.DEPENDENT));
public static void beginTransaction(String pDataSource) {
DefaultTransactionDefinition tx = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED);
beginTransaction(pDataSource, tx);
public static void beginTransaction(DBConnectionManager pDataSource) {
DefaultTransactionDefinition tx = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED);
beginTransaction(pDataSource, tx);
* Determine if there is an active transaction for the current thread.
* @return false if there is no currently active transaction for the thread.
public static boolean isActive() {
// We don't really need to know if there's an active transaction or not, because we might have
// "started" a transaction, but not actually had the DataSource set. So all we do is see if the
// exception stack is empty.
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
return !(stack.isEmpty());
* Determine if the current transaction was aborted. If there is no active transaction, this
* method will return false.
public static boolean isAborted() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return stack.get(0).rolledBack;
* Determine if the passed user transaction is currently active or inactive
* @param pDataSource - the DataSource to examine
* @return false if the passed transaction is null, or it is not currently active.
* @deprecated use {@link #isActive()} instead
public static boolean isActive(String pDataSource) {
if (pDataSource == null) {
return false;
else {
return isActive(DBConnectionManager.getInstance(pDataSource));
* Determine if the passed user transaction is currently active or inactive
* @param pDataSource - the DataSource to examine
* @return false if the passed transaction is null, or it is not currently active.
* @deprecated use {@link #isActive()} instead
public static boolean isActive(DBConnectionManager pDataSource) {
if (pDataSource == null) {
return false;
else {
// There is no guaranteed way of determining whether a transaction is active or not
// under spring. So we try to join the existing one, and if we can't, it's not active
// (We could inspect the transaction data stack for the thread, but this isn't guaranteed
// if the user has created transactions for themselves)
try {
PlatformTransactionManager qq_txn1 = pDataSource.getTransactionManager();
TransactionStatus aTxnStatus = qq_txn1.getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_MANDATORY));
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* The isDependent method returns true if the current transaction is a dependent transaction;
* otherwise isDependent returns false.<p>
* <p>
* @return This method returns true only if the transaction is actually a dependent transaction. If
* the transaction was started with the beginDependent method while the task was not already
* in a transaction, this method returns false.
public static boolean isDependent() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.size() > 1 && currentTransactions.get(currentTransactions.size() - 1).type == TransactionType.DEPENDENT) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* The isNested method returns true if the current transaction is a nested transaction;
* otherwise isDependent returns false.<p>
* <p>
* @return This method returns true only if the transaction is actually a nested transaction. If
* the transaction was started with the beginNested method while the task was not already
* in a transaction, this method returns false.
public static boolean isNested() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.size() > 1 && currentTransactions.get(currentTransactions.size() - 1).type == TransactionType.NESTED) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* returns the transaction ID for the current transaction
public static int getTransactionID() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("getTransactionID called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
return transactionData.id;
* Abort the current transaction and all transactions within the transaction stack. This method differs
* to the normal {@link #abort()} method in that if the next call to the TransactionMgr from this thread
* is an endTransaction(), then this endTransaction call is ignored. Also, this method can be safely
* called even when not in a transaction, however there is no effect in this case.
* @see #abort()
public static void abortWithinTransactionBlock() {
TransactionStack currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
// Since transactions may be nested, and an exception propegated from the inner one to the outer ones,
// it's necessary to see if there's any work to do prior to calling abort (as aborting the inner one
// will have cleared the error stack, so there's nothing for the abort on the outer one to do)
if (!currentTransactions.isEmpty()) {
* Flag the current transaction to only be able to be rolled back. If commitTransaction() is
* invoked after this method is called for any transaction in the current transaction stack,
* the transaction will still be rolled back.
* @deprecated this method should not be needed anymore, and its implementation has been changed to that
* of {@link #abortWithinTransactionBlock()} to provide the same functionality as Forte
public static void setRollback() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("setRollback called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
// NESTED transactions get whether to commit or rollback from their outermost transaction
// so ignore them unless they are the only transaction on the stack (in which case they
// should be flagged as INDEPENDENT transaction, but it doesn't hurt to check)
if (transactionData.type != TransactionType.NESTED || currentTransactions.size() == 1) {
TransactionStatus currentStatus = transactionData.getStatus();
if (currentStatus != null) {
_log.debug("Marking for rollback: " + currentStatus.toString());
// We must flag all transactions to be rolled back. This is necessary because there is
// no guarantee we have actually started the transaction, so we may not be able to mark
// it as being only able to be rolled back.
for (TransactionData data : currentTransactions ) {
data.rolledBack = true;
* Rollback the current transaction. Do not call this method if calling commit() threw an
* exception -- the transaction will have already been rolled back. This method will rarely
* be used by client code -- they will normally use {@link #endTransaction()} which will
* automatically invoke either this method or commitTransaction as appropriate
public static void rollbackTransaction() {
// Check to see if the task has been cancelled
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("rollback called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.pop();
// NESTED transactions get whether to commit or rollback from their outermost transaction
// so ignore them unless they are the only transaction on the stack (in which case they
// should be flagged as INDEPENDENT transaction, but it doesn't hurt to check)
// TF:27/04/2008:Changed the check of the size to 0, as we've popped the top of the stack
if (transactionData.type != TransactionType.NESTED || currentTransactions.size() == 0) {
TransactionStatus currentStatus = transactionData.getStatus();
PlatformTransactionManager aTxn = transactionData.getManager();
if (currentStatus != null && aTxn != null) {
_log.debug("Rollback Transaction: " + transactionData);
// We must flag all transactions to be rolled back. This is necessary because there is
// no guarantee we have actually started the transaction, so we may not be able to mark
// it as being only able to be rolled back.
for (TransactionData data : currentTransactions ) {
data.rolledBack = true;
completeRemoteTransaction(currentTransactions, transactionData, false);
// if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
// _log.debug("RollBack Transaction: Releasing connection");
// DBConnectionManager dcm = DBConnectionManager.getInstance(transactionData.getDataSource());
// Connection con = dcm.getConnection();
// DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dcm.getDataSource());
// }
* Flag the current transaction to only be able to be rolled back. If commitTransaction() is
* invoked after this method is called, the transaction will still be rolled back.
public static void forceRollbackOnly() {
// TF:24/3/08:This method doesn't cater correctly for rolling back a nested transaction when then
// outer transaction is going to commit, whereas setRollback() does. This method should be deprecated
// and setRollback used in preference to it.
// LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
// if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
// throw new UsageException("rollback called when not in a transaction");
// }
// // We must flag all transactions to be rolled back. This is necessary because there is
// // no guarantee we have actually started the transaction, so we may not be able to mark
// // it as being only able to be rolled back.
// for (TransactionData data : currentTransactions ) {
// data.rolledBack = true;
// }
// TF:24/2/08:We haven't actually rolled this transaction back yet, so we can't flag it.
// statistics.incrementRollbackCount();
// if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
// _log.debug("RollBack Transaction: Releasing connection");
// DBConnectionManager dcm = DBConnectionManager.getInstance(transactionData.getDataSource());
// Connection con = dcm.getConnection();
// DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dcm.getDataSource());
// }
* Commits the current transaction. Most client code will not call this method directly, as they
* will use endTransaction in preference to this method.
public static void commitTransaction() {
// Check to see if the task has been cancelled
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("commit called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.pop();
// NESTED transactions get whether to commit or rollback from their outermost transaction
// so ignore them unless they are the only transaction on the stack (in which case they
// should be flagged as INDEPENDENT transaction, but it doesn't hurt to check)
// TF:27/04/2008:Changed the check of the size to 0, as we've popped the top of the stack
if (transactionData.type != TransactionType.NESTED || currentTransactions.size() == 0) {
TransactionStatus currentStatus = transactionData.getStatus();
PlatformTransactionManager aTxn = transactionData.getManager();
if (aTxn != null && currentStatus != null) {
if (transactionData.rolledBack) {
// Something has previously rolled back, forcing this transaction to rollback
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("Commit Transaction (will rollback): " + transactionData);
else {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("Commit Transaction: " + transactionData);
else {
else {
// NB: We do NOT attempt to do 2-phase commits here -- if the server transaction should fail
// we will become inconsistent, as we've already commited our transaction!
completeRemoteTransaction(currentTransactions, transactionData, !transactionData.rolledBack);
// if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
// _log.debug("Commit Transaction: Releasing connection");
// DBConnectionManager dcm = DBConnectionManager.getInstance(transactionData.getDataSource());
// Connection con = dcm.getConnection();
// DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dcm.getDataSource());
// }
* End the current transaction, committing or rolling back the data as appropriate. Use {@link #setRollback()}
* to mark a transaction as being aborted, and then use this method to explicitly end the transaction.
public static void endTransaction() {
TransactionStack currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.shouldIgnoreEndTransaction()) {
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("endTransaction called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
if (transactionData.rolledBack) {
else {
* The getOuterTransactionDesc() method provides access to the outermost transaction running for the current transaction.
* @return If no transaction is in process, the return value is null.
public static TransactionData getOuterTransactionDesc() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
return null;
TransactionData transactionData = currentTransactions.get(0);
_log.debug("Outer Transaction: " + transactionData);
return transactionData;
* The AbortNested method aborts the innermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abortNested</code> method, all work associated with the nested transaction is rolled back.
* Aborting a nested transaction has no effect on its outermost transaction. If the transaction is not nested,
* abortNested is equivalent to abort.
* <p>
* <b>Raising an exception</b>
* <p>
* If you wish to raise an exception when the transaction is aborted, set the value of the pRaiseException parameter to true.
* The default exception for the abortNested method is an UnexpectedRollbackException. If you wish
* to raise a different exception, you can use the error parameter.
* <p>
* If you invoke the abortNested method without raising an exception from within a begin nested transaction block you will
* cause a runtime error when you reach the final end transaction statement.
* <p>
* @param pRaiseException
* @param pError
public static void abortNested(boolean pRaiseException, RuntimeException pError) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("endTransaction called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
if (transactionData.getType() == TransactionType.NESTED) {
// A nested transaction either commits or rolls back based on the scope of the
// outer transaction. So it doesn't really matter if we commit it or roll it back
// here, the net result is the same. Just remove the transaction from the stack.
if (pRaiseException) {
if (!ErrorMgr.isListed(pError)) {
throw pError;
else {
// If we're not nested, this method is equivalent to Abort
TransactionMgr.abort(pRaiseException, pError);
* The AbortNested method aborts the innermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abortNested</code> method, all work associated with the nested transaction is rolled back.
* Aborting a nested transaction has no effect on its outermost transaction. If the transaction is not nested,
* abortNested is equivalent to abort.
* <p>
* <b>Raising an exception</b>
* <p>
* If you wish to raise an exception when the transaction is aborted, set the value of the pRaiseException parameter to true.
* This will throw an UnexpectedRollbackException.
* <p>
* If you invoke the abortNested method without raising an exception from within a begin nested transaction block you will
* cause a runtime error when you reach the final end transaction statement.
* <p>
* @param pRaiseException
public static void abortNested(boolean pRaiseException) {
TransactionMgr.abortNested(pRaiseException, new UnexpectedRollbackException("TransactionMgr.abortNested invoked"));
* abort the outermost transaction.
* @deprecated the pError parameter is ignored in this overload, use abortNested() instead
public static void abortNested(RuntimeException pError) {
* The AbortNested method aborts the innermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abortNested</code> method, all work associated with the nested transaction is rolled back.
* Aborting a nested transaction has no effect on its outermost transaction. If the transaction is not nested,
* abortNested is equivalent to abort.
* <p>
public static void abortNested() {
TransactionMgr.abortNested(false, null);
* The Abort method aborts the outermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abort</code> method, all work associated with the outer transaction is rolled back.
* If you are running in a nested or dependent transaction, all nesting levels are aborted.
* <p>
* <b>Raising an exception</b>
* <p>
* If you wish to raise an exception when the transaction is aborted, set the value of the pRaiseException parameter to true.
* The default exception for the abort method is an UnexpectedRollbackException. If you wish
* to raise a different exception, you can use the error parameter.
* <p>
* If you invoke the abort method without raising an exception from within a begin nested transaction block you will
* cause a runtime error when you reach the final end transaction statement.
* <p>
* @param pRaiseException
* @param pError
public static void abort(boolean pRaiseException, RuntimeException pError) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("abort called when not in a transaction");
while (!currentTransactions.isEmpty()) {
// TF:27/04/2008:Also abort any distributed transactions we're partaking in.
if (!currentTransactions.isEmpty()) {
if (pRaiseException) {
if (!ErrorMgr.isListed(pError)) {
throw pError;
* abort the outermost transaction.
* @deprecated the pError parameter is ignored in this overload, use abort instead
public static void abort(RuntimeException pError) {
* The Abort method aborts the outermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abort</code> method, all work associated with the outer transaction is rolled back.
* If you are running in a nested or dependent transaction, all nesting levels are aborted.
* <p>
* <b>Raising an exception</b>
* <p>
* If you wish to raise an exception when the transaction is aborted, set the value of the pRaiseException parameter to true.
* This will raise an UnexpectedRollbackException.
* <p>
* If you invoke the abort method without raising an exception from within a begin nested transaction block you will
* cause a runtime error when you reach the final end transaction statement.
* <p>
* @param pRaiseException
public static void abort(boolean pRaiseException) {
TransactionMgr.abort(pRaiseException, new UnexpectedRollbackException("TransactionMgr.abort invoked"));
* The Abort method aborts the outermost nested transaction.
* <p>
* When you invoke the <code>abort</code> method, all work associated with the outer transaction is rolled back.
* If you are running in a nested or dependent transaction, all nesting levels are aborted.
public static void abort() {
TransactionMgr.abort(false, null);
* The commit method commits the transaction and all its nested and dependent transactions. This method is equivalent
* to the forte method Transaction.commit, but not the <code>end transaction</code> statement, which just commits
* a single transaction
public static void commit() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("commit called when not in a transaction");
while (!currentTransactions.isEmpty()) {
// There's no need to complete the remote transactions, this should have been taken
// care of in endTransaction()
* The commitNested method commits the innermost nested transaction. If the innermost transaction
* is not a nested transaction, this method behaves the same as calling {@link #commit()}.
* Use the commitNested method for a transaction that was started with the beginNested method.
* Although the work is not actually committed until the calling transaction commits, you should
* use this method in case the transaction was actually started as a independent transaction. This
* happens when the task was not already in transaction at the time you gave the beginNested method.
* In this case, the commitNested method is equivalent to commit.
public static void commitNested() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("commitNested called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
if (transactionData.getType() == TransactionType.NESTED) {
// A nested transaction either commits or rolls back based on the scope of the
// outer transaction. So it doesn't really matter if we commit it or roll it back
// here, the net result is the same. Just remove the transaction from the stack.
else {
// If we're not nested, this method is equivalent to commit()
* The commitDependent method commits the innermost nested transaction. If the innermost transaction
* is not a dependent transaction, this method behaves the same as calling {@link #commit()}.
* Use the commitDependent method for a transaction that was started with the beginDependent method.
* Although the work is not actually committed until the calling transaction commits, you should
* use this method in case the transaction was actually started as a independent transaction. This
* happens when the task was not already in transaction at the time you gave the beginDependent method.
* In this case, the commitDependent method is equivalent to commit.
public static void commitDependent() {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (currentTransactions.empty()) {
throw new UsageException("commitNested called when not in a transaction");
TransactionData transactionData = (TransactionData)currentTransactions.peek();
if (transactionData.getType() == TransactionType.DEPENDENT) {
// Use endTransaction to do the work for us, we know the state is consistent
else {
// If we're not dependent, this method is equivalent to commit()
private static final String TXN_ID = "qq_DistTxnId";
private static final String COMMIT_TXN = "TransactionMgr.commit";
private static final String ROLLBACK_TXN = "TransactionMgr.rollback";
private static final String ABORT_TXN = "TransactionMgr.abort";
private static final String WAS_ABORTED = "qq_wasAborted";
private static void preProcessAttributeConsumers(AbstractPluggableBean bean, RemoteInvocation invocation) {
// Attribute consumers
for (RemoteInvocationAttributeConsumer attributeConsumer : bean.getRemoteInvocationAttributeConsumers()) { //JVM 1.5
attributeConsumer.consume(invocation.getArguments(), invocation.getAttribute(attributeConsumer.getAttributeName()));
private static void postProcessAttributeProviders(RemoteInvocation invocation, RemoteInvocationResultWrapper result, AbstractPluggableBean bean, Object targetObject) {
// Attribute Providers
for (RemoteInvocationAttributeProvider attributeProvider : bean.getRemoteInvocationAttributeProviders()) {
attributeProvider.getAttributeValue(invocation, targetObject));
// We also need to add an attribute which says if the distributed transaction
// was aborted or not. If it was, then we can kill this thread after we've returned
private static void postProcessParameters(AppContextHolder response, Method invokedMethod, Object[] args) {
// Now, for any input, output, etc annotated parameters, copy their values back
Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = invokedMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < parameterAnnotations.length; parameterIndex++) {
if (parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex] == null) continue;
for (int annotationIndex = 0; annotationIndex < parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex].length; annotationIndex++) {
* if we wanted to have other annotations line Input or CopyInput we would
* change the following test for instanceof Input, etc
if ((parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex][annotationIndex] instanceof Input)||
(parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex][annotationIndex] instanceof Output)||
(parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex][annotationIndex] instanceof InputOutput)||
(parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex][annotationIndex] instanceof CopyOutput)||
(parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex][annotationIndex] instanceof CopyInputOutput)){
response.setParameter("arg" + parameterIndex, args[parameterIndex]);
private static class ManagedThread extends Thread{
public RemoteInvocation invocation;
public Object targetObject;
public volatile boolean isBusy = true;
public Exception exception;
public boolean wasAborted;
RemoteInvocationResultWrapper result;
AbstractPluggableBean bean;
public String txnId;
// Attributes to be used for service object proxy calls
private AppContextHolder response;
private Map<String, Object> appContext;
private String proxyMethodName;
private Method invokedMethod;
private Object[] args;
private Object wrappedObject;
public ManagedThread(String name) {
public void initialiseForCall(Map<String, Object> appContext, String proxyMethodName,
Method invokedMethod, Object[] args, Object wrappedObject, String txnId) {
this.appContext = appContext;
this.proxyMethodName = proxyMethodName;
this.invokedMethod = invokedMethod;
this.args = args;
this.wrappedObject = wrappedObject;
this.txnId = txnId;
// Clear out the other part of the local variables to avoid executing the wrong part (ie
// the spring server stuff instead of the anchored object stuff)
this.invocation = null;
this.targetObject = null;
this.bean = null;
public void initialiseForCall(RemoteInvocation invocation, Object targetObject, String txnId, AbstractPluggableBean bean) {
this.invocation = invocation;
this.targetObject = targetObject;
this.txnId = txnId;
this.bean = bean;
// Clear out the other part of the local variables to avoid executing the wrong part (ie
// the anchored object stuff instead of the spring server stuff)
this.appContext = null;
this.proxyMethodName = null;
this.invokedMethod = null;
this.args = null;
this.wrappedObject = null;
* This method is invoked from a thread when it is time for this managed thread to do it's work. initialiseForCall
* must have been invoked prior to this method.
public void executeCall() {
synchronized(this) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
public synchronized void run() {
// Begin a transaction on the new thread. The corresponding commit
// or rollback will be issued from the remote process
isBusy = false;
boolean terminateThread = false;
while (!terminateThread) {
try {
isBusy = true;
result = null;
response = null;
exception = null;
wasAborted = false;
try {
if (invocation != null) {
String methodName = invocation.getMethodName();
preProcessAttributeConsumers(bean, invocation);
if (methodName.equals(COMMIT_TXN)) {
result = new RemoteInvocationResultWrapper("Commit successful");
terminateThread = true;
else if (methodName.equals(ROLLBACK_TXN)) {
result = new RemoteInvocationResultWrapper("Rollback successful");
terminateThread = true;
else if (methodName.equals(ABORT_TXN)) {
result = new RemoteInvocationResultWrapper("Abort successful");
terminateThread = true;
else {
result = new RemoteInvocationResultWrapper(invocation.invoke(targetObject));
wasAborted = TransactionMgr.isAborted();
postProcessAttributeProviders(invocation, result, bean, targetObject);
// We also need to add an attribute which says if the distributed transaction
// was aborted or not. If it was, then we can kill this thread after we've returned
result.addAttribute(WAS_ABORTED, Boolean.valueOf(wasAborted));
else {
// This must be using a service proxy
if (proxyMethodName.equals(COMMIT_TXN)) {
response = new AppContextHolder("Commit successful");
terminateThread = true;
else if (proxyMethodName.equals(ROLLBACK_TXN)) {
response = new AppContextHolder("Rollback successful");
terminateThread = true;
else if (proxyMethodName.equals(ABORT_TXN)) {
response = new AppContextHolder("Abort successful");
terminateThread = true;
else {
response = new AppContextHolder(invokedMethod.invoke(wrappedObject, args));
postProcessParameters(response, invokedMethod, args);
wasAborted = TransactionMgr.isAborted();
catch (Exception e) {
exception = e;
wasAborted = TransactionMgr.isAborted();
// We must also remove this thread from the set of distributed transactions
if (terminateThread) {
this.isBusy = false;
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// The thread is being kill, just die nicely
private static class AttributedException implements Serializable {
Exception exception;
boolean wasAborted;
public AttributedException(Exception exception, boolean wasAborted) {
this.exception = exception;
this.wasAborted = wasAborted;
private static ManagedThread getThreadForTxn(String txnId) {
ManagedThread thread = threadTable.get(txnId);
if (thread == null) {
thread = new ManagedThread("TxnMgr-" + txnId);
threadTable.put(txnId, thread);
while (thread.isBusy) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
return thread;
private static Hashtable<String, ManagedThread> threadTable = new Hashtable<String, ManagedThread>();
* The beginRemoteCall method is invoked when a thread is leaving the JVM for another JVM.
* This will perform actions needed to allow distributed transactions to work across process
* boundaries.
* <p>
* This overload will be called from standard services objects, ie not anchored objects. We will
* place desired attributes for the server onto the attributes of the remote call
* <p>
* @param remoteMechanism
* @return
public static void beginRemoteCall(HttpInvokerClientConfiguration remoteMechanism, RemoteInvocation invocation) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
// We are in the middle of a transaction, and we're about to cross a process boundary
TransactionData data = stack.get(0);
if (data.distributedTransactionID == null) {
// This is the first time the transaction has cross a process boundary, allocate an id
UUIDGen gen = new UUIDGen();
data.distributedTransactionID = gen.asCharPtr();
// Add this key to the list of invokers if not already there
data.currentInvoker = remoteMechanism;
if (data.distributedInvokers != null) {
boolean found = false;
for (Object invoker : data.distributedInvokers) {
if (invoker instanceof HttpInvokerClientConfiguration && ((HttpInvokerClientConfiguration)invoker).getServiceUrl().equals(remoteMechanism.getServiceUrl())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
else {
data.distributedInvokers = new ArrayList<Object>();
invocation.addAttribute(TXN_ID, data.distributedTransactionID);
* The beginRemoteCall method is invoked when a thread is leaving the JVM for another JVM.
* This will perform actions needed to allow distributed transactions to work across process
* boundaries.
* <p>
* This overload will be called from anchored objects, that is where one class is a proxy to
* another class in a remote JVM. In this case we will simply add our parameters into the standard
* app context hash table (rather than changing method signatures)
* <p>
* @param remoteMechanism
* @return
public static void beginRemoteCall(ServiceProxy remoteMechanism, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> stack = _transactionStorage.get();
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
// We are in the middle of a transaction, and we're about to cross a process boundary
TransactionData data = stack.get(0);
if (data.distributedTransactionID == null) {
// This is the first time the transaction has cross a process boundary, allocate an id
UUIDGen gen = new UUIDGen();
data.distributedTransactionID = gen.asCharPtr();
// Add this key to the list of invokers if not already there
data.currentInvoker = remoteMechanism;
if (data.distributedInvokers != null) {
boolean found = false;
for (Object invoker : data.distributedInvokers) {
if (invoker instanceof ServiceProxy && ((ServiceProxy)invoker).getServiceUrl().equals(remoteMechanism.getServiceUrl())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
else {
data.distributedInvokers = new ArrayList<Object>();
parameters.put(TXN_ID, data.distributedTransactionID);
* End the remote call, leaving the state of the server transaction active
* @param result
* @return
public static RemoteInvocationResult endRemoteCall(RemoteInvocationResult result) {
if (result.getValue() instanceof AttributedException) {
AttributedException e = (AttributedException)result.getValue();
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (e.wasAborted) {
// The remote transaction will have already rolled back, so don't bother with it
if (!currentTransactions.empty()) {
if (!currentTransactions.empty()) {
currentTransactions.get(0).currentInvoker = null;
return new RemoteInvocationResult(e.exception);
else if (result.getValue() instanceof RemoteInvocationResultWrapper) {
RemoteInvocationResultWrapper wrapper = (RemoteInvocationResultWrapper)result.getValue();
Boolean wasAborted = (Boolean)wrapper.getAttribute(WAS_ABORTED);
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (wasAborted != null && wasAborted.booleanValue()) {
// The remote transaction will have already rolled back, so don't bother with it
if (!currentTransactions.empty()) {
if (!currentTransactions.empty()) {
currentTransactions.get(0).currentInvoker = null;
return result;
* End the remote call, leaving the state of the server transaction active. This overload
* is to be called from anchored objects, rather than service object proxies
* @param result
* @return
public static AppContextHolder endRemoteCall(AppContextHolder result) {
LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions = _transactionStorage.get();
if (!currentTransactions.empty()) {
Object abortedFlag = result.getParameter(WAS_ABORTED);
if (abortedFlag instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)abortedFlag).booleanValue()) {
currentTransactions.get(0).currentInvoker = null;
return result;
* Perform a server call, managing the transactions properly. This method is public only as an implementation consequence
* and should not be invoked by normal code.
public static Object performServerCall(RemoteInvocation invocation, Object targetObject, AbstractPluggableBean bean)
throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
_log.debug("Invoking: " + invocation.getMethodName());
String txnId = (String)invocation.getAttribute(TXN_ID);
Object result;
if (txnId != null) {
// We need to see if there's a transaction id, and if there is then get the thread that owns this id and then set up the transaction data.
ManagedThread thread = getThreadForTxn(txnId);
// This is in a distributed transaction, we must use the other thread (which must be waiting)
thread.initialiseForCall(invocation, targetObject, txnId, bean);
if (thread.exception != null) {
result = new AttributedException(thread.exception, thread.wasAborted);
else {
result = thread.result;
else {
preProcessAttributeConsumers(bean, invocation);
RemoteInvocationResultWrapper wrapper = new RemoteInvocationResultWrapper(invocation.invoke(targetObject));
result = wrapper;
postProcessAttributeProviders(invocation, wrapper, bean, targetObject);
return result;
* Perform a server call, managing the transactions properly. This method is public only as an implementation consequence
* and should not be invoked by normal code.
public static AppContextHolder performServerCall(Anchorable wrappedObject, String methodName, Method invokedMethod, Object[] args, Map<String, Object>appContext) throws Throwable {
_log.debug("Invoking: " + methodName);
String txnId = (String)appContext.get(TXN_ID);
AppContextHolder response;
if (txnId != null) {
// We need to see if there's a transaction id, and if there is then get the thread that owns this id and then set up the transaction data.
ManagedThread thread = getThreadForTxn(txnId);
// This is in a distributed transaction, we must use the other thread (which must be waiting)
thread.initialiseForCall(appContext, methodName, invokedMethod, args, wrappedObject, txnId);
if (thread.exception != null) {
response = new AppContextHolder(new AttributedException(thread.exception, thread.wasAborted));
else {
response = thread.response;
response.setParameter(WAS_ABORTED, Boolean.valueOf(thread.wasAborted));
else {
Object result = invokedMethod.invoke(wrappedObject, args);
response = new AppContextHolder(result);
postProcessParameters(response, invokedMethod, args);
return response;
* If this transaction is the last transaction in the transaction stack, we must tell any remote
* transaction that they are either to commit or rollback. If this transaction is not the last one
* in the stack, this method has no effect.
* @param currentTransactions
* @param transactionData
* @param commit
private static void completeRemoteTransaction(LightweightStack<TransactionData> currentTransactions, TransactionData transactionData, boolean commit) {
if (currentTransactions.isEmpty() &&
transactionData.distributedTransactionID != null &&
transactionData.distributedInvokers != null) {
// This transaction started another remote transaction, we need to send
// the remote transaction a message to rollback.
String action = commit ? TransactionMgr.COMMIT_TXN : TransactionMgr.ROLLBACK_TXN;
for (Object invokerObject : transactionData.distributedInvokers) {
if (invokerObject instanceof HttpInvokerClientConfiguration) {
HttpInvokerClientConfiguration invoker = (HttpInvokerClientConfiguration)invokerObject;
HttpInvokerRequestExecutor nestedHttpInvokerRequestExecutor = new SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor();
RemoteInvocation call = new RemoteInvocation(action, new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
call.addAttribute(TXN_ID, transactionData.distributedTransactionID);
try {
nestedHttpInvokerRequestExecutor.executeRequest(invoker, call);
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Completing distributed transaction failed", e);
else if (invokerObject instanceof ServiceProxy) {
ServiceProxy invoker = (ServiceProxy)invokerObject;
FrameworkUtils.setAppContext(TXN_ID, transactionData.distributedTransactionID);
invoker.intercept(action, (Object[])null);
FrameworkUtils.setAppContext(TXN_ID, null);
* If the transaction was aborted on the client side, we need to tell any remote servers to abort
* their transactions too
private static void abortRemoteTransaction(TransactionData rootData) {
if (rootData.distributedTransactionID != null && rootData.distributedInvokers != null) {
for (Object invokerObject : rootData.distributedInvokers) {
// If we're the current invoker, then this must have been caused by the remote invocation
// to which current invoker points aborting the transaction, in which case we don't neeed
// to re-tell it to abort the transaction
if (invokerObject != rootData.currentInvoker) {
if (invokerObject instanceof HttpInvokerClientConfiguration) {
HttpInvokerClientConfiguration invoker = (HttpInvokerClientConfiguration)invokerObject;
HttpInvokerRequestExecutor nestedHttpInvokerRequestExecutor = new SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor();
RemoteInvocation call = new RemoteInvocation(ABORT_TXN, new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
call.addAttribute(TXN_ID, rootData.distributedTransactionID);
try {
nestedHttpInvokerRequestExecutor.executeRequest(invoker, call);
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Aborting distributed transaction failed", e);
else if (invokerObject instanceof ServiceProxy) {
ServiceProxy invoker = (ServiceProxy)invokerObject;
FrameworkUtils.setAppContext(TXN_ID, rootData.distributedTransactionID);
try {
invoker.intercept(ABORT_TXN, (Object[])null);
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Aborting distributed transaction failed", e);
FrameworkUtils.setAppContext(TXN_ID, null);
* join adds this thread to the passed transaction descriptor
* @param desc
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this method is called
* @deprecated this feature is not supported in java
public static void join(TransactionData desc) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("join is not supported");
* Determine if this method is an aysnchronous participant in the transaction
* @param desc
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this method is called
* @deprecated this feature is not supported in java
public static boolean isAsyncParticipant() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("isAsyncParticipant is not supported");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TransactionMgr.beginDependentTransaction();
try {
if (true) {
UsageException err = new UsageException();
throw err;
catch (Throwable x) {
System.out.println("Exception caught" );
// TransactionMgr.commitDependent();