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package GenericDBMS;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionProxy;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SingleConnectionDataSource;
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import Framework.Array_Of_NamedElement;
import Framework.Array_Of_TextData;
import Framework.FrameworkUtils;
import Framework.NamedElement;
import Framework.ParameterHolder;
import Framework.ServiceObjectProxy;
import Framework.ServiceObjectRegistry;
import Framework.Task;
import Framework.TextData;
import Framework.UsageException;
* This class wraps up the management of a single JDBC data source and controls
* database connections obtained from it.
* @author Tim
public class DBConnectionManager implements Constants, Framework.Constants {
/** Container data source to get connection from database */
private static Map<String, DBConnectionManager> dbConnectionManagers = new Hashtable<String, DBConnectionManager>();
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DBConnectionManager.class);
private static boolean isDebugEnabled = log.isDebugEnabled();
private DataSource ds;
private JdbcTemplate template;
private PlatformTransactionManager transaction;
//private Connection connection;
// private List statements = new ArrayList();
private String dbName;
private String dataSourceName;
* It is possible to obtain a callback whenever a connection is created
private ConnectionInitializer connectionInitialiser;
* A list of the connections that are known by this DBConnectionManager. Note that
* this really should be a weak hash set, but none exists. This map will only be
* used if there is a sessionInitialiser present and <tt>useSingleDataConnection</tt>
* is <tt>false</tt>.
* <p>
* Note that nothing is ever explicitly removed from this hash table. The removal
* of items depends upon the connection pool releasing them and the garbage collector
* realsing that the weak reference associated with the key is now no longer needed
* and automatically removing the item from the map.
private Map<Connection, String> sessionList = new WeakHashMap<Connection, String>();
* In some cases we need to force the use of a single data connection per DBConnection manager. This is instead of the
* normal java pattern of using a connection pool, and more closely resembles the Forte way of doing things. This may
* be needed if the data access pattern creates a bunch of statements at partition startup time and keeps these statements
* around for long periods of time. Using a connection pool would result in the statements being closed when the connection
* is released back to the pool.<p>
* <p>
* If this pattern is used, this attribute holds the single database connection used to access the database. If this
* pattern is not used, then the dataConnection field will remain at null.
private Connection dataConnection = null;
* Determine the data access pattern to use. If this field is true, a DBConnectionManager will always use the same
* connection. If this field is false, the normal (pooled) connections will be used.
private boolean useSingleDataConnection = false;
public String getDataSourceName() {
return dataSourceName;
public void setDataSourceName(String dataSourceName) {
this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName;
* @param dataSource a string containing the name of the
* data source this connection manager should use.
* @return a instance of DBConnectionManager using the specified data
* source.
public synchronized static DBConnectionManager getInstance(String dataSourceName) {
DBConnectionManager result = null;
// TF:07/07/2009:First see if there's an existing connection that we're forced to use, for example if a Forte
// load balanced service wrappers a connection, we must stick with the same connection.
result = ServiceObjectProxy.getExistingInstance(dataSourceName, DBConnectionManager.class);
if (result == null) {
if (dbConnectionManagers.containsKey(dataSourceName)) {
result = (DBConnectionManager) dbConnectionManagers.get(dataSourceName);
} else {
// There's one other possibility -- it just hasn't been injected yet. (eg if
// the client accesses the database directly)
result = (DBConnectionManager)ServiceObjectRegistry.getService(dataSourceName, DBConnectionManager.class);
if (result == null) {
throw new UsageException("Data source " + dataSourceName + " has not been injected into the DBConnectionMgr");
return result;
* Create a new DBConnectionManager using the passed connection properties. The returned instance will be wrappered in its
* own transaction manager (and hence be transactional, but outside the transaction scope of other services) and will not
* be managed in any way. To close the connection and dispose of the associated resources, {@link #destroy()} must be
* called on this DBConnectionManager instance.
* @param dataSourceName
* @param properties
* @return
public static DBConnectionManager createInstance(String dataSourceName, ConnectionProperties properties) {
DataSource ds = new SingleConnectionDataSource(
PlatformTransactionManager txnMgr = new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds);
DBConnectionManager conn = new DBConnectionManager(dataSourceName, ds, txnMgr, null, false);
return conn;
public DBConnectionManager(String name, DataSource ds) {
this(name, ds, new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds));
public DBConnectionManager(String name, DataSource ds, PlatformTransactionManager txn) {
this(name, ds, txn, null, true);
public DBConnectionManager(String name, DataSource ds, PlatformTransactionManager txn, ConnectionInitializer initializer) {
this(name, ds, txn, initializer, true);
private DBConnectionManager(String name, DataSource ds, PlatformTransactionManager txn, ConnectionInitializer initializer, boolean addToManagerMap) {
this.ds = ds;
//this.template = new JdbcTemplate(ds);
this.template = new JdbcTemplateWithNulls(new DelegatingDataSource(ds));
this.transaction = txn;
this.dbName = name;
this.dataSourceName = name;
this.connectionInitialiser = initializer;
if (addToManagerMap) {
dbConnectionManagers.put(name, this);
* The delegating datasource allows us to implement calls to getConnection
* and replace them with our own getConnection method so we can keep track
* of them. This class is used only for the datasource passed to the JdbcTemplate
* -- all other calls in this class use the true (original) data source to
* prevent infinitely recursive callback loops
* @author tFaulkes
private class DelegatingDataSource implements DataSource {
DataSource original;
public DelegatingDataSource(DataSource original) {
this.original = original;
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
// Do not monitor the connections here, otherwise we will never be able
// to release them.
// TF:22/06/2009:Do NOT call through to getConnection, as this will call
// DataSourceUtils.getConnection(). The problem is that this method will
// be called from getJdbcTemplate, which calls DataSourceUtils.getConnection()
// which calls doGetConnection -- which calls this method. Calling getConnection()
// here will really screw things up.
// return DBConnectionManager.this.getConnection(false);
Connection result = original.getConnection();
initialiseConnection(result, false);
return result;
public Connection getConnection(String username, String password)
throws SQLException {
return original.getConnection(username, password);
public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException {
return original.getLogWriter();
public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException {
return original.getLoginTimeout();
public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) throws SQLException {
public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException {
// TF:02/07/2009:We must override the equals and hash code methods to return
// the same values as the originals, so that looking this up in a non-identity
// map will result in the same object. Otherwise a transaction can be started using
// dynamic SQL or straight JDBC and the connection looked up in the Spring
// TransactionSynchronisationManager.getResource, and it will identify the delegating
// data source as a difference data source so think it's not in a transaction.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return original.equals(obj);
public int hashCode() {
return original.hashCode();
/* JVM 1.6 methods */
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException {
return original.isWrapperFor(iface);
public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException {
return original.unwrap(iface);
* This constructor allows the selection of the data access pattern to use, as well as the normal parameters
* @param name
* @param ds
* @param txn
* @param pUseSingleDatabaseConnection
public DBConnectionManager(String name, DataSource ds, PlatformTransactionManager txn, boolean pUseSingleDatabaseConnection) {
this(name, ds, txn);
this.useSingleDataConnection = pUseSingleDatabaseConnection;
* Obtain the platform transaction manager associated with this data source.
* @return the transaction manager for this data source
public PlatformTransactionManager getTransactionManager() {
return this.transaction;
* Call this method to get a new CallableStatement from the DB.
* @param call - a String containing the callable statement to execute.
* @return - a CallableStatement.
* @throws SQLException - if there is an error creating the CallableStatement.
public CallableStatement getCallableStatement(String call)
throws SQLException {
// TF:22/06/2009:Added in proper error handling in order for the conneciton to be released.
// CallableStatement cs = getConnection().prepareCall(call);
Connection conn = this.getConnection();
CallableStatement cs;
try {
cs = conn.prepareCall(call);
catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw sqlE;
return cs;
* Call this method to get a new PreparedStatement from the DB.
* @param call - a String containing the prepared statement to execute.
* @return - a PreparedStatement.
* @throws SQLException - if there is an error creating the PreparedStatement.
public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String call)
throws SQLException {
return getPreparedStatement(call, false);
* Call this method to get a new PreparedStatement from the DB.
* @param call - a String containing the prepared statement to execute.
* @param pForUpdate - if this parameter is true, the result set will be scrollable and updateable, otherwise
* it will be scrollable in the forwards direction only and read only. It is more efficient to specify false for this parameter
* @return - a PreparedStatement.
* @throws SQLException - if there is an error creating the PreparedStatement.
public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String call, boolean pForUpdate)
throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps;
// TF:16/07/2008:If we're using a single connection, we need to ensure this is synchronised
// as a single connection is not thread-safe in java
if (useSingleDataConnection) {
synchronized (this) {
CloseTolerantStatement dps = new CloseTolerantStatement(call, this, pForUpdate);
ps = dps.getStatement();
else {
// TF:03/03/2009:Ensure that if an exception is thrown that the connection is released properly
Connection conn = this.getConnection();
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(call);
// TF:13/10/2009:Set the default fetch size for efficiency.
catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw sqlE;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("in getPreparedStatement, the preparedStatement is: " + call);
return ps;
* Get a PreparedStatement for use with the dynamic SQL. This method will
* translate the SQL from ANSI SQL syntax into the java syntax (eg by
* replacing the placeholder characters with ?), determine the call type
* and the column list.
* <p>
* Callable statements are proxied to intercept the calls. This is needed only
* on dynamic SQL translated from Forte because on these calls to stored
* procedures or functions the output parameters need to be set. However, we don't
* explicitly ever have a chance to do this in the user code, as it was not
* required in Forte. Hence we kludge this by assuming any parameters that are
* not explicitly set in the input statement are output parameters.
* @param pCall
* @param pCmdType
* @param pColList
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public PreparedStatement getDynamicStatement(String pCall, ParameterHolder pCmdType, ParameterHolder pColList) {
return this.getDynamicStatement(pCall, pCmdType, pColList, false);
* The PreparedStatementWithResults class is used to allow multiple calls to getOutputDataSet to
* return the same instance of the result data set. This is needed because in JDBC you can call
* getResultSet() only once per executing a query. In order to be able to ensure the same result
* DBDataSet can be returned, this class then needs to cache this information.
* @author Tim
private class PreparedStatementWithResults extends PreparedStatementMap {
private DBDataSet results;
public PreparedStatementWithResults(PreparedStatement delegate) {
public DBDataSet getOutputDataSet() {
if (results == null) {
try {
results = new DBDataSet(this, super.getResultSet());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw DBUtilities.translateSQLException(Constants.DB_VT_UNKNOWN, e);
return results;
public boolean execute() throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.execute();
public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
public boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.execute(sql, columnIndexes);
public boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.execute(sql, columnNames);
public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.execute(sql);
public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeBatch();
public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeQuery();
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeQuery(sql);
public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeUpdate();
public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
public int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes);
public int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames)
throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames);
public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.executeUpdate(sql);
public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.getMoreResults();
public boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException {
results = null;
return super.getMoreResults(current);
public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException {
ResultSetHelper helper = getOutputDataSet().getResultSet();
if (helper != null) {
return helper.getResultSet();
return null;
* Get a PreparedStatement for use with the dynamic SQL. This method will
* translate the SQL from ANSI SQL syntax into the java syntax (eg by
* replacing the placeholder characters with ?), determine the call type
* and the column list.
* <p>
* Callable statements are proxied to intercept the calls. This is needed only
* on dynamic SQL translated from Forte because on these calls to stored
* procedures or functions the output parameters need to be set. However, we don't
* explicitly ever have a chance to do this in the user code, as it was not
* required in Forte. Hence we kludge this by assuming any parameters that are
* not explicitly set in the input statement are output parameters.
* @param pCall
* @param pCmdType
* @param pColList
* @param pForUpdate If this parameter is true, the result set created will be scrollable and updatable, otherwise it will
* be scrollable forwards only and not updatable
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public PreparedStatement getDynamicStatement(String pCall, ParameterHolder pCmdType, ParameterHolder pColList, boolean pForUpdate) {
try {
String sql = DBUtilities.translateSQL(pCall, pCmdType, pColList);
if (sql.startsWith("{? = call ")) {
CallableStatement cs = getCallableStatement(sql);
cs = (CallableStatement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] {CallableStatement.class},
new CallableStatementDelegate(cs));
cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER);
return new PreparedStatementWithResults(cs);
else if (sql.startsWith("{call ")) {
CallableStatement cs = getCallableStatement(sql);
cs = (CallableStatement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] {CallableStatement.class},
new CallableStatementDelegate(cs));
return new PreparedStatementWithResults(cs);
else {
return new PreparedStatementWithResults(getPreparedStatement(sql, pForUpdate));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw DBUtilities.translateSQLException(Constants.DB_VT_UNKNOWN, e);
public void cleanup(Statement statement) {
try {
if (statement != null) {
Connection connection = statement.getConnection();
try {
catch (Exception e) {}
if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed()) {
// TF:19/9/07:Changed this to use
// DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection();
// connection.close();
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve the connection to close", e);
* Call this method from a finally block to cleanup all statements, results
* sets and connections.
* @param rs -
* an array of results set to clean up.
public void cleanup(ResultSet[] rs) {
for (ResultSet resultSet : rs) {
if (resultSet == null)
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve the connection to close", e);
* Obtain the datasource associated with this connection
* @return the datasource
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return this.ds;
* Obtain a JdbcTemplate reference associated with this datasource
* @return a JdbcTemplate that can be used to access the database
public JdbcTemplate getTemplate() {
return this.template;
private Map<Connection, String> openConnections = new HashMap<Connection, String>();
* Get a connection to the database from the connection pool represented by this
* DBConnectionManager. This method may return an existing connection, especially if
* <tt>useSingleDataConnection</tt> is set to true.
* <p>
* This method allows the DBConnectionManager to keep track of the sessions that have been
* returned from the connection pool and initialise them appropriately. For this reason,
* it should be used in preference to <tt>DataSourceUtils.getConnection</tt> (which it
* calls itself to get the actual connection).
* <p>
* If <tt>monitorConnection</tt> is set to true, the passed connection will be monitored to
* see if it's open or not; that is it will be added to a set of connections that are
* maintained which allows easy determination of when the connection was created. Note that
* not all connections can be monitored in this way -- in particular, connections that are
* used by <tt>JdbcTemplate</tt>s are not able to be monitored because there is no easy way
* to be able to intercept their release. The only connections that should be monitored are
* the ones that will use DBConnectionManager.releaseConnection to remove their connections.
* @param monitorConnection
* @return the newly created connection
* @throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException
private Connection getConnection(boolean monitorConnection) throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException {
// Check to see if the task has been cancelled
// TF:16/07/2008:We need to ensure that a single data manager only ever returns the same
// database connection, and thus load balance the beans in the same way Forte did. This is
// because AXA cache the statements and the standard data access pattern will not work.
if (useSingleDataConnection) {
boolean requireNewConnection = (dataConnection == null);
if (!requireNewConnection) {
// Check to see if we need a new connection due to the connection being closed. This is
// possible as some calls in java such as committing a transaction will automatically close
// the connection and hence invalidate it.
try {
requireNewConnection = dataConnection.isClosed();
catch (Exception e) {
// Yep, need a new connection
requireNewConnection = true;
if (requireNewConnection) {
dataConnection = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds);
// TF:23 sept. 2008:Added a check for the session initialiser
if (this.connectionInitialiser != null) {
return dataConnection;
else {
try {
Connection result = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds);
this.initialiseConnection(result, monitorConnection);
return result;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("Error getting a connection to datasource " + this.dataSourceName);
log.error("The exception thrown was: " + e.getMessage(), e);
synchronized (this) {
Set<Connection> keys = openConnections.keySet();
int i = 0;
for (Connection key : keys) {
log.error("Connection[" + (i++) + "] " + key.toString() + " set from " + openConnections.get(key));
throw e;
* Initialise a new connection. This method will log the connection into the openConnections table if the
* monitorConnection parameter is set to true and the debug is enabled on the log. Additionally, this method
* will see if there are any connection initialisers, and if there are it will invoke the connection
* initialiser on the real connection.
* @param newConnection
* @param monitorConnection
private synchronized void initialiseConnection(Connection newConnection, boolean monitorConnection) {
Connection realConnection = null;
// TF:18/05/2009:Connection optimisation -- only do debugging of connections if the log flag is on
if (monitorConnection && isDebugEnabled) {
boolean debug = false;
// AD:Aug 14, 2008 - Only debug if the new connection and the openConnections size (plus the new connection) is divisible by 10
// TF:26/05/2009:Changed the key to use the real connection, and not the returned connection
realConnection = DataSourceUtils.getTargetConnection(newConnection);
if (openConnections.get(realConnection) == null && ((openConnections.size() + 1) % 10) == 0) {
debug = true;
openConnections.put(realConnection, FrameworkUtils.traceBack());
if (debug) {
Set<Connection> keys = openConnections.keySet();
int i = 0;
for (Connection key : keys) {
log.debug("Connection[" + (i++) + "] " + key.toString() + " set from " + openConnections.get(key));
// TF:23 sept. 2008:Added a check for the session initialiser
if (this.connectionInitialiser != null) {
// We must use the real connection and not any proxies to a connection.
if (realConnection == null) {
realConnection = DataSourceUtils.getTargetConnection(newConnection);
// Only invoke the initialiser if we haven't seen this connection before
if (!this.sessionList.containsKey(realConnection)) {
this.sessionList.put(realConnection, "");
* Get a connection to the database from the connection pool represented by this
* DBConnectionManager. This method may return an existing connection, especially if
* <tt>useSingleDataConnection</tt> is set to true.
* <p>
* This method allows the DBConnectionManager to keep track of the sessions that have been
* returned from the connection pool and initialise them appropriately. For this reason,
* it should be used in preference to <tt>DataSourceUtils.getConnection</tt> (which it
* calls itself to get the actual connection).
* @return the newly created connection
* @throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException
public Connection getConnection() throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException {
return getConnection(true);
* Release a connection back to the connection pool (or disconnect it from the database if
* it didn't come from a connection pool). Favour this method over <tt>DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection</tt>
* (which is called behind the scenes anyway) to allow the monitoring of connections. In
* particular, any connection obtained with a call to DBConnectionManager.getConnection
* should be released with this method call.
* @param connection the connection to be released
public void releaseConnection(Connection connection) {
// TF:16/07/2008:If we're using a single data connection, never release the connection back to the pool
if (connection != null && !useSingleDataConnection) {
// TF:18/05/2009:If we're not debugging then the openConnections is not used, so we can skip this.
// Note that we cannot dynamically check the flag, otherwise the user might change the value on the
// fly, and unfortunate timing could result in a memory leak.
if (isDebugEnabled) {
synchronized(this) {
// TF:26/05/2009:Changed this to use the target connection, otherwise it's possible for the
// connection used to store the stack trace and the connection used to remove the stack trace
// to be different to one another, as one could be a proxy.
DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(connection, this.ds);
* The DatabaseName attribute is a read-only attribute that contains the
* name of the database to which the session is connected. This is the
* unique name of the database, not the name of the Resource Manager.
* @return the database name
public String getDatabaseName() {
return this.dbName;
* The UserName attribute is a read-only attribute that contains
* the user name under which this session is operating.
* @return the userName
public String getUserName() {
Connection c = this.getConnection();
try {
return c.getMetaData().getUserName();
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Could not determine database user", e);
finally {
return "";
// TF:16/07/2008:Cache the database vendor type
private int databaseType = -1;
* The DBVendorType attribute is a read-only attribute that contains a
* constant indicating the type of database interface to which the session
* is connected. This attribute is useful for writing portable code with
* conditional sections.
* @return an int with on the of the following constant values:
* <UL>
* <LI><B>DB_VT_DB2</B>
* <LI><B>DB_VT_RDB</B>
* </UL>
public int getDBVendorType(){
if (databaseType >= 0) {
return databaseType;
Connection connection = null;
try {
int type = -1;
connection = getConnection();
// TF:09/12/2009:DET-142:Made this case insensitive
String product = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase();
if (product.indexOf("sybase")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_SYBASE;
else if (product.indexOf("db2")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_DB2;
else if (product.indexOf("informix")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_INFORMIX;
else if (product.indexOf("ingress")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_INGRES;
else if (product.indexOf("rdb")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_RDB;
else if (product.indexOf("sqlserver")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_ODBC;
else if (product.indexOf("oracle")!= -1)
type = Constants.DB_VT_ORACLE;
databaseType = type;
return type;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Cannot get Vendor Type", e);
} finally {
public void reconnect(){
// this method is a stub only as J2EE will get connections as required
public boolean isConnected(){
// this method is a stub only as J2EE will get connections as required
return true;
public void setConnected(boolean value){
// this method is a stub only as J2EE will get connections as required
* The GetDatabaseDesc method returns a DBDatabaseDesc object which
* describes a collection of database tables. Gets only columns by default.
* @param tableNamePattern
* The tableNamePattern parameter specifies the search pattern
* that is used to select the table names. You can use any
* standard SQL search pattern that can be used in a LIKE clause
* of a SQL select statement. If a pattern is not specified or is
* empty, then all tables accessible by the session in the
* current database, schema, and catalog are returned.
* @return a DBDatabaseDesc object which describes a collection of database
* tables.
public DBDatabaseDesc getDatabaseDesc(String tableNamePattern){
return getDatabaseDesc(tableNamePattern, Constants.DB_IN_COLUMNINFO + Constants.DB_IN_KEYINFO + Constants.DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO);
* The GetDatabaseDesc method returns a DBDatabaseDesc object which
* describes a collection of database tables.
* @param tableNamePattern
* The tableNamePattern parameter specifies the search pattern
* that is used to select the table names. You can use any
* standard SQL search pattern that can be used in a LIKE clause
* of a SQL select statement. If a pattern is not specified or is
* empty, then all tables accessible by the session in the
* current database, schema, and catalog are returned.
* @param info
* The info parameter specifies what type of information to
* include. The following legal values form a bitmask and can be
* added together:
* <UL>
* <LI><B>DB_IN_COLUMNINFO</B> returns information about each
* column for each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_KEYINFO</B> returns information about each key
* of each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO</B> returns information about
* each foreign key of each table
* </UL>
* @return a DBDatabaseDesc object which describes a collection of database
* tables.
public DBDatabaseDesc getDatabaseDesc(String tableNamePattern, int info){
if ((info & Constants.DB_IN_COLUMNINFO) == 0) {
throw new UsageException("You must specify DB_IN_COLUMNINFO in the info parameter if you specify either DB_IN_KEYINFO or DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO.",
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = this.getConnection();
DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
DBDatabaseDesc dbd = new DBDatabaseDesc( meta.getURL(), getDBVendorType(), this.dbName);
ResultSet rs = meta.getTables(null, null, tableNamePattern, new String[] {"TABLE"});
DBTableDesc tabdesc = new DBTableDesc(
(rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE").equals("VIEW")) ? true : false);
// Get Columns
ResultSet cols = meta.getColumns(tabdesc.getCatalogName(), tabdesc.getSchemaName(), tabdesc.Name, null);
while (cols.next()){
DBColumnDesc aCol = new DBColumnDesc(
(cols.getInt("NULLABLE") == 0) ? false : true,
// Get Primary Keys if requested
if ((info & Constants.DB_IN_KEYINFO) != 0) {
// initialize the keys
tabdesc.setKeys(new Array_Of_DBKeyDesc<DBKeyDesc>());
// get the columns for the primary key
ResultSet primaryKeys = meta.getPrimaryKeys(tabdesc.getCatalogName(), tabdesc.getSchemaName(), tabdesc.Name);
DBKeyDesc aKey = null;
while (primaryKeys.next()) {
if (aKey == null) {
// Create and add the key if it doesn't exist
aKey = new DBKeyDesc(primaryKeys.getString("PK_NAME"), true, true);
// Get Foreign Keys if requested
// This section of code is in a separate loop because all the tables
// need to be populated first.
if ((info & Constants.DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO) != 0) {
for (DBTableDesc tabdesc : dbd.Tables) {
// initialize the keys
tabdesc.setForeignKeys(new Array_Of_DBForeignKeyDesc<DBForeignKeyDesc>());
// get the keys
ResultSet foreignKeys = meta.getImportedKeys(tabdesc.catalogName, tabdesc.schemaName, tabdesc.Name);
DBForeignKeyDesc aKey = null;
DBTableDesc foreignTableDesc = null;
while (foreignKeys.next()) {
if (aKey == null || !aKey.name.equals(foreignKeys.getString("FK_NAME")) ) {
// Create and add the key if it doesn't exist or is different from the previous one
foreignTableDesc = dbd.findTable(foreignKeys.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"));
aKey = new DBForeignKeyDesc(foreignKeys.getString("FK_NAME"), false, false, foreignTableDesc);
if (foreignTableDesc != null) {
// Only add the Foreign Columns if they the foreign table was found.
// This is the same as Forte
return dbd;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Error getting Database description", e);
} catch (RuntimeException e1){
throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Error getting Database description", e1);
} finally {
public String getServerName(){
return FrameworkUtils.getNodeName().toString();
* Ends the database session.
public void disconnect(){
* Destroy the connection, closeing the underlying data source. This method only has effect on connections
* created using {@link #createInstance(String, ConnectionProperties)}
public void destroy() {
if (this.ds instanceof SingleConnectionDataSource) {
SingleConnectionDataSource scds = (SingleConnectionDataSource)this.ds;
* Establish a connection to a database.
* @param databaseName
* @param userName
* @param userPassword
public DBConnectionManager connect(TextData databaseName, String userName, String userPassword){
return this.connect(databaseName.toString(), userName, userPassword);
* The ConnectDB method starts a new database session.
* @param databaseName
* @param userName
* @param userPassword
public DBConnectionManager connectDB(String databaseName, String userName, String userPassword){
return this.connect(databaseName, userName, userPassword);
public DBConnectionManager connectDB(TextData databaseName, TextData userName, TextData userPassword){
return this.connect(databaseName.asString(), userName.asString(), userPassword.asString());
public DBConnectionManager connectDB(TextData database, TextData userName, TextData userPassword, Array_Of_NamedElement<NamedElement> options) {
return this.connect(database.toString(), userName.toString(), userPassword.toString());
* Establish a connection to a database. This is a stub method only as
* connection pools are used.
* @param databaseName
* @param userName
* @param userPassword
public DBConnectionManager connect(String databaseName, String userName, String userPassword){
return this;
public DBConnectionManager connect(String databaseName, String userName, String userPassword, Array_Of_NamedElement<NamedElement> options){
return this;
* this method has no implementation
* @param statementHandle
* @param resultDataSet
public void setResultSizes(PreparedStatement statementHandle, DBDataSet resultDataSet){
* The DescribeTable method returns a DBDataSet object that describes the specified table.
* The table description, provided by your DBMS, is useful for preparing to display or store data that will be selected from a database.
* For example, you can use the table description to create a form on which to display data from the database.
* @param TableName
* @return
public DBDataSet describeTable(TextData TableName){
return this.describeTable(TableName.asString());
public DBDataSet describeTable(String TableName){
DBDataSet set;
Connection connection = this.getConnection();
try {
set = new DBDataSet(TableName, connection.getMetaData());
return set;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Error getting database Table description on table: " + TableName, e);
finally {
public Array_Of_TextData<TextData> getTableList(TextData string) {
return getTableList(string.toString());
* Get a list of the tables which matches the passed name
* @param string
* @return
public Array_Of_TextData<TextData> getTableList(String pName) {
Array_Of_TextData<TextData> tableNames = new Array_Of_TextData<TextData>();
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = this.getConnection();
ResultSet rs = connection.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, pName, null);
while (rs.next()) {
tableNames.add(new TextData(rs.getString(3)));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UsageException(e);
} finally {
return tableNames;
* For callable statements (ie stored procedures) if we're accessing them dynamically instead of
* statically we have a problem: Java requires that the output parameters are marked as such
* prior to executing the call, however there is no information in Forte which describes which
* parameters are input and which are output parameters.<p>
* <p>
* To solve this, we create a proxy that delegates through to a normal callable statement. When the
* execute method is called, we see which parameters have had their values set and assume that any
* values that have not been set are output parameters. Hence, we go through and set these values
* as outputs.<p>
* <p>
* This method currently makes no attempt to process the return value for stored functions or optional
* parameters.
* @author Tim
public class CallableStatementDelegate implements InvocationHandler {
* the statement we will delgate through to
private CallableStatement callableStmt;
* The meta data associated with the statement
private ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = null;
* An array to indicate whether the param is set.
private boolean[] paramsSet = null;
public CallableStatementDelegate(CallableStatement cs) {
this.callableStmt = cs;
try {
this.paramMetaData = cs.getParameterMetaData();
this.paramsSet = new boolean[this.paramMetaData.getParameterCount()];
Arrays.fill(this.paramsSet, false);
catch (Exception e) {}
// If there's any problems, we just ignore them because we have no choice.
// Methods later on in this class can handle if these have not been set properly
* Process the methods, mostly delegating through to the real statement
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws SQLException, Throwable {
if (method.getName().equals("execute")) {
// for any parameters that have not been set, register them as output parameters, type unknown
if (this.paramMetaData != null) {
int count = this.paramMetaData.getParameterCount();
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
switch (this.paramMetaData.getParameterMode(i)) {
case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeIn:
case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeOut:
case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeInOut:
this.callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, this.paramMetaData.getParameterType(i));
// We don't know what the mode of the parameter is, so we need to use the boolean
// set; if it hasn't been set, we assume it's an output parameter
if (!paramsSet[i-1]) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Marking parameter " + i + " as an output parameter");
this.callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, this.paramMetaData.getParameterType(i));
boolean result = ((Boolean)method.invoke(callableStmt, args)).booleanValue();
if (!result) {
// Stored procedures can return result sets or update counters, we only want to
// return results sets, not update counters
do {
if (callableStmt.getMoreResults()) {
// Ok, there really are results sets, return true
return new Boolean(true);
} while (callableStmt.getUpdateCount() != -1);
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
return Boolean.valueOf(true);
else if (method.getName().equals("getMoreResults")) {
// We cannot return update counters, only results sets or false
while (true) {
try {
if (this.callableStmt.getMoreResults()) {
return true;
} else if (callableStmt.getUpdateCount() == -1) {
return false;
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// We're in an illegal state (probably called getMoreResults too many times)
// so just return false
return false;
else if (method.getName().startsWith("set") && args != null && args.length == 2 && args[0].getClass().equals(Integer.class)) {
// It's one of the set statements to set one of the input values. We
// need to mark this parameter as set.
paramsSet[((Integer)args[0]).intValue()-1] = true;
return method.invoke(callableStmt, args);
// TF:16/07/2008:Cache the database product name
private String databaseName = null;
* Returns the Database Management Systems Name
* @return String The DBMS Name
public String getDatabaseProductName(){
// TF:19/9/07:Added this method
if (databaseName != null) {
return databaseName;
Connection connection = getConnection();
try {
String result = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
databaseName = result;
return result;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Error getting database product name", e);
finally {
* The GetDatabaseDesc method returns a DBDatabaseDesc object which
* describes a collection of database tables.
* @param tableNamePattern
* The tableNamePattern parameter specifies the search pattern
* that is used to select the table names. You can use any
* standard SQL search pattern that can be used in a LIKE clause
* of a SQL select statement. If a pattern is not specified or is
* empty, then all tables accessible by the session in the
* current database, schema, and catalog are returned.
* @param info
* The info parameter specifies what type of information to
* include. The following legal values form a bitmask and can be
* added together:
* <UL>
* <LI><B>DB_IN_COLUMNINFO</B> returns information about each
* column for each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_KEYINFO</B> returns information about each key
* of each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO</B> returns information about
* each foreign key of each table
* </UL>
* @return a DBDatabaseDesc object which describes a collection of database
* tables.
public DBDatabaseDesc getDatabaseDesc(TextData tablename, int dbInColumninfo) {
return this.getDatabaseDesc(TextData.valueOf(tablename), dbInColumninfo);
* The GetDatabaseDesc method returns a DBDatabaseDesc object which
* describes a collection of database tables.
* @param tableNamePattern
* The tableNamePattern parameter specifies the search pattern
* that is used to select the table names. You can use any
* standard SQL search pattern that can be used in a LIKE clause
* of a SQL select statement. If a pattern is not specified or is
* empty, then all tables accessible by the session in the
* current database, schema, and catalog are returned.
* @param info
* The info parameter specifies what type of information to
* include. The following legal values form a bitmask and can be
* added together:
* <UL>
* <LI><B>DB_IN_COLUMNINFO</B> returns information about each
* column for each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_KEYINFO</B> returns information about each key
* of each table
* <LI><B>DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO</B> returns information about
* each foreign key of each table
* </UL>
* @return a DBDatabaseDesc object which describes a collection of database
* tables.
public DBDatabaseDesc getDatabaseDesc(TextData tablename) {
return this.getDatabaseDesc(TextData.valueOf(tablename), DB_IN_COLUMNINFO | DB_IN_FOREIGNKEYINFO | DB_IN_KEYINFO);
* The GetDatabaseDesc method returns a DBDatabaseDesc object which
* describes a collection of database tables.
* @return a DBDatabaseDesc object which describes a collection of database
* tables.
public DBDatabaseDesc getDatabaseDesc() {
return this.getDatabaseDesc((String)null);
* The DBMSName attribute that contains the name of the vendor for the DBMS
* connected to this session. Examples are Microsoft SQL Server or ACCESS.
* @return DMBSName
public String getDBMSName() {
return this.getDatabaseProductName();
* The openCursor method executes the prepared select or execute procedure statement and positions the cursor before the
* first row in the result set.
* <p>
* @return The return value of the OpenCursor method indicates the result type of the select or execute procedure statement.
* The values of the result type are the following:
* <table>
* <tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>DB_RS_ROW</td><td>The result set is rows from a select statement or first result set from a procedure.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>DB_RS_NONE</td><td>There are no result sets.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @param statement - The statement parameter identifies the SQL statement you prepared with the <tt>prepare</tt> method,
* which is also the <tt>PreparedStatement</tt> object returned from the <tt>prepare</tt> method. Note that this must be a
* statement of type DB_CV_SELECT or DB_CV_EXECUTE.
* @param inputDataSet - The inputDataSet parameter specifies a set of values to use for placeholder substitution. See the
* <tt>prepare</tt> method for information about the inputDataSet parameter. See DBDataSet for information about the methods
* for setting the values of the DBDataSet object.
* @param resultDataSet - The resultDataSet parameter (output) is a holder to the DBDataSet object that describes the data
* that will be returned from the database. This is useful for dynamically displaying the data to the end user. The data
* itself is returned by the FetchCursor method.
public int openCursor(PreparedStatement statement, DBDataSet inputDataSet, ParameterHolder resultDataSet) {
try {
if (statement.execute()) {
DBDataSet resultSet;
if (statement instanceof PreparedStatementWithResults) {
resultSet =((PreparedStatementWithResults)statement).getOutputDataSet();
else {
resultSet = new DBDataSet(statement, statement.getResultSet(), true);
return Constants.DB_RS_ROW;
else {
return Constants.DB_RS_NONE;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw DBUtilities.translateSQLException(Constants.DB_VT_UNKNOWN, e);
public int fetchCursor(PreparedStatement statement, ParameterHolder resultDataSet, int maxRows) {
// Set a hint to the database about how many rows to return
if (maxRows > 1) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing, it's just a hint...
// Now we need to get the output set. If it's a PreparedStatementWithResults, use this to get the results
DBDataSet resultSet;
if (statement instanceof PreparedStatementWithResults) {
resultSet =((PreparedStatementWithResults)statement).getOutputDataSet();
else {
try {
resultSet = new DBDataSet(statement, statement.getResultSet(), true);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw DBUtilities.translateSQLException(Constants.DB_VT_UNKNOWN, e);
return resultSet.fetch(maxRows);
public int fetchCursor(PreparedStatement statement, ParameterHolder resultDataSet) {
return this.fetchCursor(statement, resultDataSet, 1);