
Source Code of

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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:

o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer.
o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
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o This jcTOOL Helper Class software, whether in binary or source form may not be used within,
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import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.ToolTipManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager;

import DisplayProject.CloseHideAdaptor;
import DisplayProject.Constants;
import DisplayProject.GridField;
import DisplayProject.UIutils;
import DisplayProject.UsageMap;
import DisplayProject.WindowFormLayout;
import DisplayProject.WindowManager;
import DisplayProject.actions.HeightPolicy;
import DisplayProject.actions.UserWindow;
import DisplayProject.actions.WidgetState;
import DisplayProject.actions.WidthPolicy;
import DisplayProject.binding.BindingManager;
import DisplayProject.binding.beans.ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport;
import DisplayProject.binding.beans.Observable;
import DisplayProject.controls.PictureGraphic;
import DisplayProject.controls.TextGraphic;
import DisplayProject.factory.CompoundFieldFactory;
import DisplayProject.factory.GraphicFactory;
import DisplayProject.factory.PushButtonFactory;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.File;
import Framework.ForteKeyboardFocusManager;
import Framework.ImageData;
import Framework.RuntimeProperties;
import Framework.UsageException;


* The IconWindow class stores the enabled and disabled icons for all the toolbar buttons.
* <p>
* @author ITerative Consulting
* @since  26-Feb-2008
@RuntimeProperties(isDistributed=false, isAnchored=false, isShared=false, isTransactional=false)
public class IconWindow
        extends JFrame
        implements Serializable, Observable

    // ----------
    // Attributes
    // ----------
    protected File DefaultHelpFile;
    protected BindingManager bindingManager = null;
    public PropertyChangeSupport qq_Listeners = new ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport(this, true);

    // ------------
    // Constructors
    // ------------
    public IconWindow() {
        // Explicitly call the superclass constructor to prevent the implicit call

    // ----------------------
    // Accessors and Mutators
    // ----------------------
    public File getDefaultHelpFile() {
        return DefaultHelpFile;

    public void setDefaultHelpFile(File defaultHelpFile) {
        DefaultHelpFile = defaultHelpFile;
        //this.getForm().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, 0), "VK_HELP");
        //this.getForm().getActionMap().put("VK_HELP", new HelpAction(defaultHelpFile));
        UserWindow.createHelp(this, defaultHelpFile);

    public void setHelpURL(String urlString) {
        try {
            URL url = new URL(urlString);
            UserWindow.createHelp(this, url);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            UsageException err = new UsageException("Cannot create help URL", e);
            throw err;

    protected BindingManager getBindingManager() {
        if (this.bindingManager == null) {
            this.bindingManager = new BindingManager(this);
        return bindingManager;

    // -------
    // Methods
    // -------
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        qq_Listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(property, listener);

    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(String property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        qq_Listeners.removePropertyChangeListener(property, listener);

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    // ------------------
    // Window Definitions
    // ------------------
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Window Definitions">
    private int qq_defaultSet = 1;
    private int qq_msgNumber = 0;
    private int qq_msgSet = 0;
    protected int initialX;
    protected int initialY;
    protected int qq_SystemClosePolicy = Constants.SC_ENABLEDSHUTDOWN;
    protected int qq_initialPositionPolicy = Constants.PP_SYSTEMDEFAULT;
    public GridField qq_GridField1;
    public GridField qq_GridField;
    public JButton qq_ClearDisabledIcon;
    public JButton qq_ClearIcon;
    public JButton qq_DeleteDisabledIcon;
    public JButton qq_DeleteIcon;
    public JButton qq_InsertDisabledIcon;
    public JButton qq_InsertIcon;
    public JButton qq_SaveDisabledIcon;
    public JButton qq_SaveIcon;
    public JButton qq_SearchDisabledIcon;
    public JButton qq_SearchIcon;
    public JPanel Form;
    public PictureGraphic qq_FolderLeftEdge;
    public PictureGraphic qq_FolderOneLeftEdge;
    public TextGraphic qq_ClearResultSetLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_DeleteRecordLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_DisabledLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_EnabledLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_InsertRecordLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_SaveLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_SearchLbl;
    public TextGraphic qq_ToolbarIconsLbl;

     * qq_DisabledLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65531
    public TextGraphic getqq_DisabledLbl() {
        if (qq_DisabledLbl == null) {
            qq_DisabledLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Disabled\n", "");
            qq_DisabledLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.BOLD, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_DisabledLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_DisabledLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_DisabledLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_DisabledLbl;

     * qq_EnabledLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65530
    public TextGraphic getqq_EnabledLbl() {
        if (qq_EnabledLbl == null) {
            qq_EnabledLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Enabled\n", "");
            qq_EnabledLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.BOLD, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_EnabledLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_EnabledLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_EnabledLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_EnabledLbl;

     * qq_ToolbarIconsLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65529
    public TextGraphic getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl() {
        if (qq_ToolbarIconsLbl == null) {
            qq_ToolbarIconsLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Toolbar Icons\n", "");
            qq_ToolbarIconsLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.BOLD, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_ToolbarIconsLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_ToolbarIconsLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_ToolbarIconsLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_ToolbarIconsLbl;

     * qq_ClearResultSetLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65528
    public TextGraphic getqq_ClearResultSetLbl() {
        if (qq_ClearResultSetLbl == null) {
            qq_ClearResultSetLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Clear Result Set\n", "");
            qq_ClearResultSetLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_ClearResultSetLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_ClearResultSetLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_ClearResultSetLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_ClearResultSetLbl;

     * qq_SearchLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65527
    public TextGraphic getqq_SearchLbl() {
        if (qq_SearchLbl == null) {
            qq_SearchLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Search\n", "");
            qq_SearchLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_SearchLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SearchLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SearchLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_SearchLbl;

     * qq_InsertRecordLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65526
    public TextGraphic getqq_InsertRecordLbl() {
        if (qq_InsertRecordLbl == null) {
            qq_InsertRecordLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Insert Record\n", "");
            qq_InsertRecordLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_InsertRecordLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_InsertRecordLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_InsertRecordLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_InsertRecordLbl;

     * qq_SaveLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65525
    public TextGraphic getqq_SaveLbl() {
        if (qq_SaveLbl == null) {
            qq_SaveLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Save\n", "");
            qq_SaveLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_SaveLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SaveLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SaveLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_SaveLbl;

     * qq_DeleteRecordLbl: transformed from: qqds_TextGraphic
     * TagId=65520
    public TextGraphic getqq_DeleteRecordLbl() {
        if (qq_DeleteRecordLbl == null) {
            qq_DeleteRecordLbl = GraphicFactory.newTextGraphic("Delete Record\n", "");
            qq_DeleteRecordLbl.setFont(new Font("Default", Font.PLAIN, 11));
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_DeleteRecordLbl, mcat);
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_DeleteRecordLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_DeleteRecordLbl, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
        return qq_DeleteRecordLbl;

     * qq_FolderOneLeftEdge: transformed from: qqds_PictureGraphic
     * TagId=12
    public PictureGraphic getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge() {
        if (qq_FolderOneLeftEdge == null) {
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge = GraphicFactory.newPictureGraphic("", Constants.CG_CENTER);
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.setImageValue(new ImageData(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.png"))));
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.setOpaque( true );
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.setSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
            qq_FolderOneLeftEdge.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
        return qq_FolderOneLeftEdge;

     * qq_FolderLeftEdge: transformed from: qqds_PictureGraphic
     * TagId=13
    public PictureGraphic getqq_FolderLeftEdge() {
        if (qq_FolderLeftEdge == null) {
            qq_FolderLeftEdge = GraphicFactory.newPictureGraphic("", Constants.CG_CENTER);
            qq_FolderLeftEdge.setImageValue(new ImageData(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_FolderLeftEdge.png"))));
            qq_FolderLeftEdge.setOpaque( true );
            qq_FolderLeftEdge.setSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
            qq_FolderLeftEdge.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
            qq_FolderLeftEdge.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(4, 36));
        return qq_FolderLeftEdge;

     * qq_InsertIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65506
    public JButton getqq_InsertIcon() {
        if (qq_InsertIcon == null) {
            qq_InsertIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("InsertIcon");
            qq_InsertIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_InsertIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_InsertIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_InsertIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_InsertIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_InsertIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_InsertIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_InsertIcon;

     * qq_ClearIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65505
    public JButton getqq_ClearIcon() {
        if (qq_ClearIcon == null) {
            qq_ClearIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("ClearIcon");
            qq_ClearIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_ClearIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_ClearIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_ClearIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_ClearIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_ClearIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_ClearIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_ClearIcon;

     * qq_SearchIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65504
    public JButton getqq_SearchIcon() {
        if (qq_SearchIcon == null) {
            qq_SearchIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("SearchIcon");
            qq_SearchIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_SearchIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SearchIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SearchIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_SearchIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SearchIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SearchIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_SearchIcon;

     * qq_SaveIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65503
    public JButton getqq_SaveIcon() {
        if (qq_SaveIcon == null) {
            qq_SaveIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("SaveIcon");
            qq_SaveIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_SaveIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SaveIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SaveIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_SaveIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SaveIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SaveIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_SaveIcon;

     * qq_DeleteIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65502
    public JButton getqq_DeleteIcon() {
        if (qq_DeleteIcon == null) {
            qq_DeleteIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("DeleteIcon");
            qq_DeleteIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_DeleteIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_DeleteIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_DeleteIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_DeleteIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_DeleteIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_DeleteIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_DeleteIcon;

     * qq_ClearDisabledIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65497
    public JButton getqq_ClearDisabledIcon() {
        if (qq_ClearDisabledIcon == null) {
            qq_ClearDisabledIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("ClearDisabledIcon");
            qq_ClearDisabledIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_ClearDisabledIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_ClearDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_ClearDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_ClearDisabledIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_ClearDisabledIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_ClearDisabledIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_ClearDisabledIcon;

     * qq_SearchDisabledIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65496
    public JButton getqq_SearchDisabledIcon() {
        if (qq_SearchDisabledIcon == null) {
            qq_SearchDisabledIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("SearchDisabledIcon");
            qq_SearchDisabledIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_SearchDisabledIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SearchDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SearchDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_SearchDisabledIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SearchDisabledIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SearchDisabledIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_SearchDisabledIcon;

     * qq_SaveDisabledIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65495
    public JButton getqq_SaveDisabledIcon() {
        if (qq_SaveDisabledIcon == null) {
            qq_SaveDisabledIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("SaveDisabledIcon");
            qq_SaveDisabledIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_SaveDisabledIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_SaveDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_SaveDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_SaveDisabledIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SaveDisabledIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_SaveDisabledIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_SaveDisabledIcon;

     * qq_InsertDisabledIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65494
    public JButton getqq_InsertDisabledIcon() {
        if (qq_InsertDisabledIcon == null) {
            qq_InsertDisabledIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("InsertDisabledIcon");
            qq_InsertDisabledIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_InsertDisabledIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_InsertDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_InsertDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_InsertDisabledIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_InsertDisabledIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_InsertDisabledIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_InsertDisabledIcon;

     * qq_DeleteDisabledIcon: transformed from: qqds_PictureButton
     * TagId=65493
    public JButton getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon() {
        if (qq_DeleteDisabledIcon == null) {
            qq_DeleteDisabledIcon = PushButtonFactory.newInstance("DeleteDisabledIcon");
            qq_DeleteDisabledIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("Express/windows/IconWindow.qq_DeleteDisabledIcon.png")));
            WidthPolicy.set(qq_DeleteDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            HeightPolicy.set(qq_DeleteDisabledIcon, Constants.SP_NATURAL);
            qq_DeleteDisabledIcon.setSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_DeleteDisabledIcon.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
            qq_DeleteDisabledIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(31, 31));
        return qq_DeleteDisabledIcon;

     * qq_GridField1: transformed from: qqds_GridField
     * TagId=65532
     * In forte this was a 3x7 grid field.
     * The top and bottom cell margins are both 40 mils, but neither the left nor the right cell margins are set.
     * The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
    public GridField getqq_GridField1() {
        if (qq_GridField1 == null) {
            qq_GridField1 = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("");
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_GridField1, mcat);
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField1.setSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
            qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMRIGHT
            qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), qq_gbc );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc1.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc1.gridy = 0; // Row 1
            qq_gbc1.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc1.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc1.insets = new Insets(7, 0, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_EnabledLbl(), qq_gbc1 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc2.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc2.gridy = 0; // Row 1
            qq_gbc2.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc2.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc2.insets = new Insets(7, 0, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_DisabledLbl(), qq_gbc2 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc3.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc3.gridy = 1; // Row 2
            qq_gbc3.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc3.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
            qq_gbc3.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc3.insets = new Insets(1, 0, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), qq_gbc3 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc4 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc4.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc4.gridy = 1; // Row 2
            qq_gbc4.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc4.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc4.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc4.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc4.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_ClearIcon(), qq_gbc4 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc5 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc5.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc5.gridy = 1; // Row 2
            qq_gbc5.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc5.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc5.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc5.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc5.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), qq_gbc5 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc6 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc6.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc6.gridy = 2; // Row 3
            qq_gbc6.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc6.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc6.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
            qq_gbc6.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc6.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SearchLbl(), qq_gbc6 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc7 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc7.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc7.gridy = 2; // Row 3
            qq_gbc7.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc7.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc7.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc7.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc7.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SearchIcon(), qq_gbc7 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc8 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc8.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc8.gridy = 2; // Row 3
            qq_gbc8.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc8.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc8.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc8.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc8.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), qq_gbc8 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc9 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc9.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc9.gridy = 3; // Row 4
            qq_gbc9.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc9.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc9.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
            qq_gbc9.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc9.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SaveLbl(), qq_gbc9 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc10 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc10.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc10.gridy = 3; // Row 4
            qq_gbc10.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc10.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc10.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc10.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc10.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SaveIcon(), qq_gbc10 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc11 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc11.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc11.gridy = 3; // Row 4
            qq_gbc11.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc11.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc11.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc11.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc11.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), qq_gbc11 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc12 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc12.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc12.gridy = 4; // Row 5
            qq_gbc12.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc12.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc12.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
            qq_gbc12.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc12.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), qq_gbc12 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc13 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc13.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc13.gridy = 4; // Row 5
            qq_gbc13.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc13.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc13.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc13.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc13.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_InsertIcon(), qq_gbc13 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc14 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc14.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc14.gridy = 4; // Row 5
            qq_gbc14.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc14.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc14.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc14.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc14.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), qq_gbc14 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc15 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc15.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc15.gridy = 5; // Row 6
            qq_gbc15.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc15.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc15.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; // Gravity - original: CG_MIDDLERIGHT
            qq_gbc15.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc15.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), qq_gbc15 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc16 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc16.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc16.gridy = 5; // Row 6
            qq_gbc16.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc16.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc16.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc16.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc16.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_DeleteIcon(), qq_gbc16 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc17 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc17.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc17.gridy = 5; // Row 6
            qq_gbc17.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc17.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc17.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc17.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc17.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), qq_gbc17 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc18 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc18.gridx = 1; // Column 2
            qq_gbc18.gridy = 6; // Row 7
            qq_gbc18.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc18.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc18.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc18.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc18.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), qq_gbc18 );

            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc19 = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc19.gridx = 2; // Column 3
            qq_gbc19.gridy = 6; // Row 7
            qq_gbc19.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc19.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc19.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST; // Gravity - original: CG_BOTTOMLEFT
            qq_gbc19.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc19.insets = new Insets(1, 9, 1, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField1.add( getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), qq_gbc19 );

        return qq_GridField1;

     * qq_GridField: transformed from: qqds_GridField
     * TagId=65535
     * In forte this was a 1x1 grid field.
     * There are no cell margins set
     * The width policy is set to Natural, and the height policy is set to Natural.
    public GridField getqq_GridField() {
        if (qq_GridField == null) {
            qq_GridField = CompoundFieldFactory.newGridField("");
            // OPTIONAL UIutils.reloadLabelText(qq_GridField, mcat);
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField.setSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            // OPTIONAL qq_GridField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(209, 249));
            GridBagConstraints qq_gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            qq_gbc.gridx = 0; // Column 1
            qq_gbc.gridy = 0; // Row 1
            qq_gbc.weightx = 0;
            qq_gbc.weighty = 0;
            qq_gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; // Gravity - original: CG_CENTER gf
            qq_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; // Size to parent - original: No size to parent
            qq_gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Top, Left, Bottom, Right Margin
            qq_GridField.add( getqq_GridField1(), qq_gbc );

        return qq_GridField;

     * Form: transformed from: qqds_Panel
     * TagId=1
    public JPanel getForm() {
        if (Form == null) {
            Form = CompoundFieldFactory.newForm();
            Form.setLayout(new WindowFormLayout(this));
            Form.setOpaque( true );
            Form.add( getqq_GridField() );
        return Form;

     * Gets the system close policy
     * The SystemClosePolicy property determines how a window responds to user attempts to close it by using the native window system through the window close box or a window system menu command.
     * SystemClosePolicy responds to window closure attempts according to the following parameters:
     * <li>Constants.SC_DISABLED  Does not allow window closure through window system.</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDNOFINALIZE  Window can be closed, but the contents are not verified, guaranteeing that the window will close (for example, the user clicks the Cancel button).</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDFINALIZE  Posts the RequestFinalize method on the window, with a reason code of zero.</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDSHUTDOWN  Posts Shutdown event to window�s task and to all tasks started by that task. This is the default value.</li>
    public int getSystemClosePolicy() {
        return qq_SystemClosePolicy;

     * Sets the system close policy
     * The SystemClosePolicy property determines how a window responds to user attempts to close it by using the native window system through the window close box or a window system menu command.
     * SystemClosePolicy responds to window closure attempts according to the following parameters:
     * <li>Constants.SC_DISABLED  Does not allow window closure through window system.</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDNOFINALIZE  Window can be closed, but the contents are not verified, guaranteeing that the window will close (for example, the user clicks the Cancel button).</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDFINALIZE  Posts the RequestFinalize method on the window, with a reason code of zero.</li>
     * <li>Constants.SC_ENABLEDSHUTDOWN  Posts Shutdown event to window�s task and to all tasks started by that task. This is the default value.</li>
    public void setSystemClosePolicy(int policy) {
        this.qq_SystemClosePolicy = policy;
        if (policy == Constants.SC_DISABLED) {
            this.addComponentListener(new CloseHideAdaptor(this));
        } else {
            for (ComponentListener cl : this.getComponentListeners()) {
                if (cl instanceof CloseHideAdaptor) {

* Gets the initial position policy
* The InitialPositionPolicy property sets the position of a main window when it is first displayed, relative to a primary window or the screen.
* You use the InitialPositionPolicy property in conjunction with the InitialX, InitialY properties.
* InitialPositionPolicy sets the position of a window according to the following values:
* <li>Constants.PP_SYSTEMDEFAULT    Accepts the default window system placement specification.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_PRIMARYCENTERED  Centers the window relative to the window specified as the PrimaryWindow property.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE  Positions the window relative to the primary window, using the PrimaryWindow, InitialX and InitialY attributes.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_SCREENCENTERED  Centers the window relative to the screen.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_SCREENRELATIVE  Positions the window relative to the screen, using the InitialX and InitialY properties.</li>
public int getInitialPositionPolicy() {
    return qq_initialPositionPolicy;

* Sets the initial position policy
* The InitialPositionPolicy property sets the position of a main window when it is first displayed, relative to a primary window or the screen.
* You use the InitialPositionPolicy property in conjunction with the InitialX, InitialY properties.
* InitialPositionPolicy sets the position of a window according to the following values:
* <li>Constants.PP_SYSTEMDEFAULT    Accepts the default window system placement specification.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_PRIMARYCENTERED  Centers the window relative to the window specified as the PrimaryWindow property.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE  Positions the window relative to the primary window, using the PrimaryWindow, InitialX and InitialY attributes.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_SCREENCENTERED  Centers the window relative to the screen.</li>
* <li>Constants.PP_SCREENRELATIVE  Positions the window relative to the screen, using the InitialX and InitialY properties.</li>
public void setInitialPositionPolicy(int policy) {
    this.qq_initialPositionPolicy = policy;
    UserWindow.setInitialPositionPolicy(this, policy);

* Gets the InitialX value
* The InitialX property (integer) is the window�s initial horizontal screen position, relative to a primary window or the screen. It is specified in mils.
* InitialX applies only to main windows and only when a window�s InitialPositionPolicy attribute is set to PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE (relative to the primary window) or PP_SCREENRELATIVE (relative to the screen).
* InitialX, and its corollary, InitialY, work in conjunction with the PrimaryWindow and InitialPositionPolicy attributes to determine the position of a main window when it is first realized.
public int getInitialX() {
    return initialX;

* Sets the InitialX value
* The InitialX property (integer) is the window�s initial horizontal screen position, relative to a primary window or the screen. It is specified in mils.
* InitialX applies only to main windows and only when a window�s InitialPositionPolicy attribute is set to PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE (relative to the primary window) or PP_SCREENRELATIVE (relative to the screen).
* InitialX, and its corollary, InitialY, work in conjunction with the PrimaryWindow and InitialPositionPolicy attributes to determine the position of a main window when it is first realized.
public void setInitialX(int value) {
    this.initialX = value;

* Gets the InitialY value
* The InitialY property (integer) is the window�s initial vertical screen position, relative to a primary window or the screen. It is specified in mils.
* InitialY applies only to main windows and only when a window�s InitialPositionPolicy attribute is set to PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE (relative to the primary window) or PP_SCREENRELATIVE (relative to the screen).
* InitialY, and its corollary, InitialX, work in conjunction with the PrimaryWindow and InitialPositionPolicy attributes to determine the position of a main window when it is first realized.
public int getInitialY() {
    return initialY;

* Sets the InitialY value
* The InitialY property (integer) is the window�s initial vertical screen position, relative to a primary window or the screen. It is specified in mils.
* InitialY applies only to main windows and only when a window�s InitialPositionPolicy attribute is set to PP_PRIMARYRELATIVE (relative to the primary window) or PP_SCREENRELATIVE (relative to the screen).
* InitialY, and its corollary, InitialX, work in conjunction with the PrimaryWindow and InitialPositionPolicy attributes to determine the position of a main window when it is first realized.
public void setInitialY(int value) {
    this.initialY = value;

* Gets the default message set number for the window and its widgets.
public int getSetNum() {
    return this.qq_defaultSet;

* Sets the default message set number for the window and its widgets.
public void setSetNum(int value) {
    this.qq_defaultSet = value;

* Gets the message set number for the message number of the window's title.
public int getTitleSetNum() {
    return this.qq_msgSet;

* Sets the message set number for the message number of the window's title.
public void setTitleSetNum(int value) {
    this.qq_msgSet = value;

* Gets the message number for the message number of the window's title.
public int getTitleMsgNum() {
    return this.qq_msgNumber;

* Sets the message number for the message number of the window's title.
public void setTitleMsgNum(int value) {
    this.qq_msgNumber = value;

     * Initialise the window and all its children.
    private void initialize() {
        this.setName( "IconWindow" );
        this.setTitle( "Sample Icons" );
        if (this.getContentPane() != this.getForm()) {
        this.setResizable( false );

    // ----------------
    //  Window usage
    private UsageMap[] usageUpdate;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageUpdate() {
        if (usageUpdate == null) {
            usageUpdate = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_DISABLED),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_DISABLED),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_DISABLED),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_DISABLED),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_DISABLED),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),

        return usageUpdate;
    private UsageMap[] usageView;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageView() {
        if (usageView == null) {
            usageView = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_VIEWONLY),

        return usageView;
    private UsageMap[] usageQuery;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageQuery() {
        if (usageQuery == null) {
            usageQuery = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_QUERY),

        return usageQuery;
    private UsageMap[] usageUser1;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageUser1() {
        if (usageUser1 == null) {
            usageUser1 = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),

        return usageUser1;
    private UsageMap[] usageUser2;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageUser2() {
        if (usageUser2 == null) {
            usageUser2 = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),

        return usageUser2;
    private UsageMap[] usageUser3;
    public UsageMap[] getUsageUser3() {
        if (usageUser3 == null) {
            usageUser3 = new UsageMap[] {
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_GridField1(), Constants.FS_UPDATE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DisabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_EnabledLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ToolbarIconsLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearResultSetLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteRecordLbl(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderOneLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_FolderLeftEdge(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_ClearDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SearchDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_SaveDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_InsertDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),
                new UsageMap(getqq_DeleteDisabledIcon(), Constants.FS_INACTIVE),

        return usageUser3;
    protected int Usage = 0;
    public int getUsage() {
        if (Usage == 0) {
        return this.Usage;
     * Sets the window usage
     * The Usage property sets the state for all a window�s child widgets at once, providing collective widget state changes on a predefined basis. A widget�s state determines how the widget reacts to mouse actions and how it displays itself. A window�s Usage property provides a convenient way to control the states of a group of widgets in the context of their parent window. With the Usage attribute, you can synchronize widget states to conform to a pattern you establish for the window.
     * The Usage attribute accepts the following values:
     * <li>Constants.WU_EDIT  Edit usage: widgets themselves are editable, but not underlying data.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_QUERY  Query only usage: widget data is editable, but not widgets themselves.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_UPDATE  Update usage: mouse actions and keyboard input accepted. Widgets themselves are changeable. This is the default.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_USER1  A user-defined usage. Default values same as WU_UPDATE.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_USER2  A user-defined usage. Default values same as WU_UPDATE.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_USER3  A user-defined usage. Default values same as WU_UPDATE.</li>
     * <li>Constants.WU_VIEW  View-only usage: no keyboard input is accepted. Widget posts Click events for mouse clicks.</li>
    public void setUsage(int u) {
        if (this.Usage != u) {
            this.Usage = u;
            UsageMap[] usage = null;
            switch (u) {
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_UPDATE:
                    usage = this.getUsageUpdate();
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_VIEW:
                    usage = this.getUsageView();
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_QUERY:
                    usage = this.getUsageQuery();
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_USER1:
                    usage = this.getUsageUser1();
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_USER2:
                    usage = this.getUsageUser2();
                case  DisplayProject.Constants.WU_USER3:
                    usage = this.getUsageUser3();
                    throw new UsageException("Window usage " + u + " is unknown." );
            for (int i = 0 ; i < usage.length; i++) {
                WidgetState.set((JComponent)usage[i].getComponent(), usage[i].getState());
    // </editor-fold>

    // -----------
    // Main method
    // -----------
    public static void main(String []args) {
        KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(new ForteKeyboardFocusManager());
        try {
            // To change to platform look and feel, uncomment the following line,
            // and remove the WindowsClassicLookAndFeel
            // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
            // Forte displayed windows with a clasic Look and Feel
            UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new WindowsClassicLookAndFeel());
        catch (Exception e) {}
        IconWindow myClass = new IconWindow();
// end class IconWindow
// c Pass 2 Conversion Time: 594 milliseconds

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