Copyright (c) 2003-2009 ITerative Consulting Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:
o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer.
o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
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o This jcTOOL Helper Class software, whether in binary or source form may not be used within,
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package DisplayProject;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.LayoutManager2;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import DisplayProject.controls.Panel;
import Framework.TextData;
* This class simulates the Forte panel with natural size policy and takes in consideration the
* margin or border
public class PanelLayoutManager implements LayoutManager2, MoveListener {
* A helper to aid with the layout
private LayoutManagerHelper helper = new LayoutManagerHelper();
* A flag to indicate if anything has changed on this container
private boolean isDirty = false;
* This is the size of a panel which has no visible children
protected static Dimension EMPTY_DIMENSION = new Dimension(0, 0);
* A normal panel can be resized to be smaller than it's natural size, hiding some widgets
* However, in some cases, such as panels that come from window forms, we need the smallest
* size to be the natural size.
protected boolean isMinimumChildSizeEnforced = false;
* The panel associate with this panel layout manager.
// private final Panel panel;
private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(PanelLayoutManager.class);
public PanelLayoutManager(){
// this.panel = panel;
// this.panel.putClientProperty("qqVirtalLoc", new Point(0, 0));
public PanelLayoutManager(boolean pIsMinimumChildSizeEnforced){
this.isMinimumChildSizeEnforced = pIsMinimumChildSizeEnforced;
* The rules for panel layout are:
* - A panel that is parented directly on the window form or is parented immediately
* inside a tab folder has a minimum size of it's natural size.
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Component[] comps = parent.getComponents();
for ( int k = 0; k < comps.length; k++){
if (!(comps[k].isVisible())) continue;
_log.debug("Panel ["+ comps[k].getName() + "] :" +
comps[k].getX() + ":" +
comps[k].getY() + ":" +
comps[k].getWidth() + ":" +
performLayout(parent, true);
* Return the width of the caption of the parent, in pixels
* @param parent
* @return
private int getCaptionWidth(Container parent) {
// calculate caption width if one exists
int captionWidth = 0;
if (parent instanceof Panel){
Panel parentPanel = (Panel)parent;
TextData tdCaption = parentPanel.getCaption();
String caption = (tdCaption == null) ? "": tdCaption.toString();
if ("".equals(caption)) {
captionWidth = 0;
else {
Font font = null;
if (parentPanel.getCaptionFont() != null)
font = parentPanel.getCaptionFont();
font = parentPanel.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = parentPanel.getFontMetrics(font);
// TF:21/8/07:Set the caption to be a little bigger to allow some dashes on the side.
captionWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, caption) + 10;
return captionWidth;
private int adjustingDueToLayout = 0;
* This calculates the minimum size of the panel based on visible components
* and height and width policy. It returns the minimum size this component
* can possibly be.
public Dimension performLayout(Container pParent, boolean pAdjustSizes) {
// TF:21/8/07:We need to get the insets, but this will already cater for the border insets if needed
Insets borderInsets = pParent.getInsets();
//Insets borderInsets = LayoutManagerHelper.getBorderInsets(pParent);
boolean useOld = false;
int widthPolicy = LayoutManagerHelper.getWidthPolicy(pParent);
int heightPolicy = LayoutManagerHelper.getHeightPolicy(pParent);
int minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// These 2 variables hold the maximum X and Y location of the widgets minumum size.
int maxMinimumX = 0;
int maxMinimumY = 0;
// These 2 variables hold the maximum X and Y location of the widgets current size. These
// will never be less than maxMinimumX and maxMinimumY
int maxCurrentX = 0;
int maxCurrentY = 0;
Component[] comps = pParent.getComponents();
int visibleChildren = 0;
// Point virtualLoc = pParent.getLocation();
// Point actualLoc = pParent.getLocation();
// if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
// virtualLoc = ((Panel)pParent).getVirtualLocation();
// }
boolean ignoreInvisibleChildren = (pParent instanceof Panel) ? ((Panel)pParent).getIgnoreInvisibleChildren() : true;
// The minimum size of a panel on a tab folder or form is the same as if it were natural
boolean isMinSizeEnforced = pParent.getParent() == null || pParent.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane ||
// TF:10/7/07: Ensured there is at least one visible child to prevent the calculation going haywire
// theChild variable holds the last visited child, important if there is only one
Component theChild = null;
for ( int k = 0; k < comps.length; k++){
// TF:2/10/07:Compensated for the ignoreInvisibleChildren flag
if (ignoreInvisibleChildren && !(comps[k].isVisible())) {
theChild = comps[k];
if (theChild.isVisible()) {
if (theChild instanceof JComponent) {
int childX;
int childY;
if (useOld) {
childX = theChild.getX();
childY = theChild.getY();
else {
Integer value = (Integer)((JComponent)theChild).getClientProperty("qq_XinPanel");
childX = value == null ? theChild.getX() : value.intValue();
value = (Integer)((JComponent)theChild).getClientProperty("qq_YinPanel");
childY = value == null ? theChild.getY() : value.intValue();
Dimension minSize = LayoutManagerHelper.getMinimumSize(theChild);
minX = Math.min(childX, minX);
int compWidth = Math.max(theChild.getWidth(), minSize.width);
maxMinimumX = Math.max(childX + minSize.width, maxMinimumX);
maxCurrentX = Math.max(childX + compWidth, maxCurrentX);
minY = Math.min(childY, minY);
int compHeight = Math.max(theChild.getHeight(), minSize.height);
maxMinimumY = Math.max(childY + minSize.height, maxMinimumY);
maxCurrentY = Math.max(childY + compHeight, maxCurrentY);
// TF:21/9/07:The co-ordinates gathered so far include the border, which we have to remove
// TF:28/04/2008:if there are no components, we don't need any of these sized
if (theChild == null) {
minX = minY = 0;
maxMinimumX = maxMinimumY = 0;
maxCurrentX = maxCurrentY = 0;
else {
minX -= borderInsets.left;
maxMinimumX -= borderInsets.left;
maxCurrentX -= borderInsets.left;
minY -= borderInsets.top;
maxMinimumY -= borderInsets.top;
maxCurrentY -= borderInsets.top;
// Now determine the appropriate width and height based on the sizing
// policy of the widget under question.
int naturalWidth = 0, naturalHeight = 0;
int width = 0, height = 0;
int minWidth = 0, minHeight = 0;
// TF:26/07/2009:Added in Constants.SP_TO_PARENT
if (widthPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL || widthPolicy == Constants.SP_TO_PARTNER || widthPolicy == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT || isMinSizeEnforced) {
// Our size is the bounding box containing all the children plus the frame size if any plus margins.
if ((ignoreInvisibleChildren && visibleChildren > 0) || (!ignoreInvisibleChildren && pParent.getComponentCount() > 0)) {
naturalWidth = maxMinimumX - minX /*+ 1*/;
naturalWidth += borderInsets.left + borderInsets.right;
// Add the border margins and panel margin twice (for both left and right margins)
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
Panel aPanel = (Panel)pParent;
naturalWidth += 2*aPanel.getMargin();
// TF:02/03/2010:Compensate the locations by the difference between the real locations and the virtual locations
//naturalWidth += actualLoc.x - virtualLoc.x;
switch (widthPolicy) {
case Constants.SP_NATURAL:
minWidth = width = naturalWidth;
case Constants.SP_TO_PARENT:
// To parent size: our minimum is our border insets, but we can go up to the parent size
// TF:26/07/2009:The minimum size of the panel is larger of the natural width and the borders
// This condition about the tab panel is an issue for DET-103, but may just be eratic behaviour in Forte
width = borderInsets.left + borderInsets.right;
if (width < naturalWidth && !isMinSizeEnforced) {
// TF:14/08/2009:This isn't correct in most cases, removed this change.
//width = naturalWidth;
minWidth = width;
if (width < pParent.getWidth()) {
width = pParent.getWidth();
case Constants.SP_FORM:
// We form a border around the panel the size of the minX component
width = 2* minX + (maxCurrentX - minX);
width += borderInsets.left + borderInsets.right;
minWidth = width;
if (width < pParent.getWidth()) {
width = pParent.getWidth();
case Constants.SP_TO_PARTNER:
// Our size is the size of the largest minimum size of us or our partners
JComponent partner = LayoutManagerHelper.getWidthPartner((JComponent)pParent);
width = minWidth = naturalWidth;
while (partner != null && partner != pParent && partner.isVisible()) {
// Need to perform this check to prevent infinite recursion
if (partner.isMinimumSizeSet()) {
Dimension d = LayoutManagerHelper.getMinimumSizeWithoutPartners(partner);
if (d.width >width) {
width = d.width;
partner = LayoutManagerHelper.getWidthPartner(partner);
// We're using explicit, our size cannot change
width = pParent.getWidth();
minWidth = width;
// TF:29/04/2008:If we're a folder in a tab pane, we can leave our width wider than
// normal, if it's already there. Otherwise, a grid which is sized to parent in a panel
// which has natural size inside a tab folder will be the wrong size (too small)
if (pParent.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane) {
if (pParent.getWidth() > width) {
width = pParent.getWidth();
// Width can also never shrink smaller than the title width
int titleWidth = getCaptionWidth(pParent);
// TF:2/10/07: Added a margin to make the titles look like forte
if (minWidth < titleWidth + 8) {
minWidth = titleWidth + 8;
if (isMinSizeEnforced) {
// Tab folders have a size of the natural size + the offset of the child
if (pParent.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane) {
naturalWidth += minX;
if (minWidth < naturalWidth) {
minWidth = naturalWidth;
// We can never shrink smaller than the min size
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
int aMinWidth = ((Panel)pParent).getMinWidth();
if (aMinWidth > width) {
width = ((Panel)pParent).getMinWidth();
// TF:18/9/07:Separated this logic out as the width is not always the same as the minWidth
if (aMinWidth > minWidth) {
minWidth = aMinWidth;
// Enforce the minimum width
if (width < minWidth) {
width = minWidth;
// Now repeat with height
// TF:26/07/2009:Added in Constants.SP_TO_PARENT
if (heightPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL || heightPolicy == Constants.SP_TO_PARTNER || heightPolicy == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT || isMinSizeEnforced) {
// Our size is the bounding box containing all the children plus the frame size if any plus margins.
if ((ignoreInvisibleChildren && visibleChildren > 0) || (!ignoreInvisibleChildren && pParent.getComponentCount() > 0)) {
naturalHeight = maxMinimumY - minY /* + 1 */;
naturalHeight += borderInsets.top + borderInsets.bottom;
// Add the border margins and panel margin twice (for both left and right margins)
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
Panel aPanel = (Panel)pParent;
naturalHeight += 2*aPanel.getMargin();
// TF:02/03/2010:Compensate the locations by the difference between the real locations and the virtual locations
// naturalHeight += actualLoc.y - virtualLoc.y;
switch (heightPolicy) {
case Constants.SP_NATURAL:
minHeight = height = naturalHeight;
case Constants.SP_TO_PARENT:
// To parent size: our minimum is our border insets, but we can go up to the parent size
// TF:26/07/2009:The minimum height of the panel is larger of the natural height and the borders
// This condition about the tab panel is an issue for DET-103, but may just be eratic behaviour in Forte
height = borderInsets.top + borderInsets.bottom;
if (height < naturalHeight && !isMinSizeEnforced) {
// TF:14/08/2009:This isn't correct in most cases, removed this change.
// height = naturalHeight;
minHeight = height;
if (height < pParent.getHeight()) {
height = pParent.getHeight();
case Constants.SP_FORM:
// We form a border around the panel the size of the minX component
height = 2* minY + (maxCurrentY - minY);
height += borderInsets.top + borderInsets.bottom;
minHeight = height;
if (height < pParent.getHeight()) {
height = pParent.getHeight();
case Constants.SP_TO_PARTNER:
// Our size is the size of the largest minimum size of us or our partners
JComponent partner = LayoutManagerHelper.getHeightPartner((JComponent)pParent);
width = minHeight = naturalHeight;
while (partner != null && partner != pParent && partner.isVisible()) {
// Need to perform this check to prevent infinite recursion
if (partner.isMinimumSizeSet()) {
Dimension d = LayoutManagerHelper.getMinimumSizeWithoutPartners(partner);
if (d.height > height) {
height = d.height;
partner = LayoutManagerHelper.getHeightPartner(partner);
// We're using explicit, our size cannot change
height = pParent.getHeight();
minHeight = height;
// TF:29/04/2008:If we're a folder in a tab pane, we can leave our width wider than
// normal, if it's already there. Otherwise, a grid which is sized to parent in a panel
// which has natural size inside a tab folder will be the wrong size (too small)
if (pParent.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane) {
if (pParent.getHeight() > height) {
height = pParent.getHeight();
// We can never shrink smaller than the min size
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
int aMinHeight = ((Panel)pParent).getMinHeight();
if (aMinHeight > height) {
height = aMinHeight;
// TF:18/9/07:Separated this logic out as the height is not always the same as the minHeight
if (aMinHeight > minHeight) {
minHeight = aMinHeight;
if (isMinSizeEnforced) {
// Tab folders have a size of the natural size + the offset of the child
if (pParent.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane) {
// The y-coordinate of a tab pane seems funny -- like it doesn't compensate for the
// bottom 2 pixels of the drawing. If we don't add this "fudge factor" of 2 in, we'll
// draw over the bottom part of the panel. (This doesn't seem to happen on the width)
naturalHeight += minY + 2;
if (minHeight < naturalHeight) {
minHeight = naturalHeight;
// Enforce the minimum height
if (height < minHeight) {
height = minHeight;
// TF:06/11/2008:Added in a new change which can force layouts to be performed, as we were missing some...
if ((widthPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL && pParent.getWidth() != naturalWidth) ||
(heightPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL && pParent.getHeight() != naturalHeight)) {
isDirty = true;
// Now, if this component has changed, we need to resize properly
// TF:16/8/07:Optimisation -- if nothing has changed, no need to layout
if (pAdjustSizes && (isDirty || helper.isChanged())) {
// if (pAdjustSizes) {
isDirty = false;
Dimension compMinSize = pParent.getMinimumSize();
Dimension compCurrSize = pParent.getSize();
boolean sizeAdjusted = false;
if (compMinSize.height > compCurrSize.height) {
compCurrSize.height = compMinSize.height;
sizeAdjusted = true;
if (compMinSize.width > compCurrSize.width) {
compCurrSize.width = compMinSize.width;
sizeAdjusted = true;
// Adjust the location of the kids if we need to
if ((ignoreInvisibleChildren && visibleChildren > 0) || (!ignoreInvisibleChildren && pParent.getComponentCount() > 0)) {
for ( int k = 0; k < comps.length; k++){
// TF:2/10/07:Compensated for the ignoreInvisibleChildren flag
if (ignoreInvisibleChildren && !(comps[k].isVisible())) {
int newX = comps[k].getX();
int newY = comps[k].getY();
int newWidth = comps[k].getWidth();
int newHeight = comps[k].getHeight();
// Adjust the location based on this component, a policy of NATURAL can affect it's
// location as the parent component effectively "shrinks" around these components
if (widthPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL) {
// TF:2/10/08:We've already adjusted the minX for the border but not the current X, so don't re-do it.
// ie it's really:
// newX = comps[k].getX() - (minX + borderInsets.left) + borderInsets.left;
if (useOld) {
newX = comps[k].getX() - minX;
else {
newX = ((Integer)(((JComponent)comps[k]).getClientProperty("qq_XinPanel"))).intValue() - minX;
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
// TF:03/03/2010:compensate the panel location if we need to
newX += ((Panel)pParent).getMargin();
else {
// We need to adjust the new location by the border and the margin
newX = virtualToRealX(comps[k]);
if (heightPolicy == Constants.SP_NATURAL) {
// TF:2/10/08:We've already adjusted the minY like above for minX
if (useOld) {
newY = comps[k].getY() - minY;
else {
newY = ((Integer)(((JComponent)comps[k]).getClientProperty("qq_YinPanel"))).intValue() - minY;
if (pParent instanceof Panel) {
newY += ((Panel)pParent).getMargin();
else {
newY = virtualToRealY(comps[k]);
if (widthPolicy == Constants.SP_FORM) {
// If there's only 1 child and it's resizable we size it to us
if (visibleChildren == 1 && LayoutManagerHelper.getWidthPolicy(comps[k]) == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
newWidth = width - borderInsets.left - borderInsets.right - 2 * minX;
else if (LayoutManagerHelper.getWidthPolicy(comps[k]) == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
// We need to resize this component to our size less our margins
// TF:20/9/07:Catered for the borders around the components too
newWidth = width - borderInsets.left - borderInsets.right - minX * 2;
newX = borderInsets.left + minX;
if (heightPolicy == Constants.SP_FORM) {
// If there's only 1 child and it's resizable we size it to us
if (visibleChildren == 1 && LayoutManagerHelper.getHeightPolicy(comps[k]) == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
newHeight = height - borderInsets.top - borderInsets.bottom - 2 * minY;
else if (LayoutManagerHelper.getHeightPolicy(comps[k]) == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
// We need to resize this component to our size less our margins
// TF:20/9/07:Catered for the borders around the components too
newHeight = height - borderInsets.top - borderInsets.bottom - minY * 2;
newY = borderInsets.top + minY;
// TF:21/9/07: We can never shrink any component less than it's minimum size
Dimension minSize = LayoutManagerHelper.getMinimumSize(comps[k]);
newWidth = Math.max(newWidth, minSize.width);
newHeight = Math.max(newHeight, minSize.height);
if (comps[k].getX() != newX || comps[k].getY() != newY ||
comps[k].getWidth() != newWidth || comps[k].getHeight() != newHeight) {
comps[k].setBounds(newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight);
// TF:20/9/07: We must set the sizes AFTER doing our children, otherwise it is possible to get into a situation
// where the sizing of the parent affects the location of the children (if they're say grid fields and they
// re-layout as a result of the parent size changing) and this can then move the children, invalidating our
// calculated minX and minY, resulting in moving the child too far
Dimension newSize = new Dimension(width, height);
boolean hasChanged = false;
if (!newSize.equals(compCurrSize) || sizeAdjusted) {
hasChanged = true;
// TF:14/11/07:Added the check for isMinimumSizeSet() on the condition. This is needed so that
// a change event is triggered. If we have a grid field as a parent, we need to fire this event
// when our minimum size has changed. If the minimum size has never been set, this will call
// PanelLayoutManager.minimumLayoutSize() to get the minimum size and will never fire this event
if (compMinSize.width != minWidth || compMinSize.height != minHeight || !pParent.isMinimumSizeSet()) {
pParent.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(minWidth, minHeight));
hasChanged = true;
// TF:21/9/07: We don't need to tell a grid field to re-layout itself as it will be listening for us re-sizing anyway
Container grandMa = pParent.getParent();
if (hasChanged && grandMa != null && (!grandMa.isValid())&& !(grandMa.getLayout() instanceof GridFieldLayout)){
// helper.populateChangeInformation(pParent);
isDirty = false;
Dimension size = new Dimension(minWidth, minHeight);
return size;
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
return minimumLayoutSize(parent);
private ComponentAdapter moveAdapter = new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
if (e.getComponent() instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent comp = (JComponent)e.getComponent();
comp.putClientProperty("virtualX", realToVirtualX(comp));
comp.putClientProperty("virtualY", realToVirtualY(comp));
// if (adjustingDueToLayout == 0) {
// comp.putClientProperty("qq_XinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getX()));
// comp.putClientProperty("qq_YinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getY()));
// }
public void componentMoved(Component component) {
if (component instanceof JComponent && component.getParent() != null && component.getParent().getLayout() == this) {
// This is one of our children, and it's just been moved.
JComponent comp = (JComponent)component;
comp.putClientProperty("virtualX", realToVirtualX(comp));
comp.putClientProperty("virtualY", realToVirtualY(comp));
comp.putClientProperty("qq_XinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getX()));
comp.putClientProperty("qq_YinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getY()));
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {
// TF:02/03/2010:Added code to ensure the adapter was removed from the component
public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {
// Do nothing, this method should never get called.
public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constraint) {
if (comp instanceof JComponent) {
if (constraint instanceof GridBagConstraints) {
// We must merge the new parts from the constraints against the existing cell. For example, if the field
// is a grid field, it can have it's own constraints from having properties set on it such as height and
// width policies. When it's added to it's parent grid, it's added with the values from the GridBagConstraints
// so we must pick and choose which ones we really want.
GridCell cell = GridField.getConstraints((JComponent)comp);
GridCell newCell = new GridCell((GridBagConstraints)constraint);
GridField.setConstraints((JComponent)comp, cell);
else if (constraint instanceof GridCell) {
GridField.setConstraints((JComponent)comp, (GridCell)constraint);
// TF:05/11/2008:We need to add in the X and Y location as set. The actual location will be compensated for
// by the border and title height and margins, but we want to be able to know what the original X and Y location
// were so we can compensate for these.
((JComponent) comp).putClientProperty("virtualX", Integer.valueOf(comp.getX()));
((JComponent) comp).putClientProperty("virtualY", Integer.valueOf(comp.getY()));
// comp.addComponentListener(moveAdapter);
// When we add a component to the panel, we need to compensate it's location for what they will be within the panel.
// For example, a Line could be inserted from -2000, 0 to 2000, 10 into a panel which currently has a size of 0 to 1000
// In this case, the panel would need to expand to 4000mils, shift it's origin to -2000 (but remembering as it's "virtual"
// origin 0) and then re-locate each of it's children up by 2000 to compensate for the shift in origin. This is only
// necessary for NATURAL panels as the others do not shift their origins
((JComponent) comp).putClientProperty("qq_XinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getX()));
((JComponent) comp).putClientProperty("qq_YinPanel", Integer.valueOf(comp.getY()));
// Point virtualLocOffsets = (Point)this.panel.getClientProperty("qqVirtalLoc");
// if (virtualLocOffsets == null) {
// // Simple case where we haven't inserted an object yet.
// virtualLocOffsets = new Point();
// this.panel.putClientProperty("qqVirtualLoc", virtualLocOffsets);
// virtualLocOffsets.x = comp.getX();
// virtualLocOffsets.y = comp.getY();
// }
// else {
// int xDelta = 0, yDelta = 0;
// if (comp.getX() < virtualLocOffsets.x) {
// xDelta = virtualLocOffsets.x - comp.getX();
// virtualLocOffsets.x = comp.getX();
// // Need to shift all components left by xDelta components
// }
// }
* Map a "virtual" X location to the real screen coordinates. The virtual location refers to the location within
* the internal borders of the panel, compensating for title, borders and margins. For example, a widget at
* the top left hand corner of a panel, just inside it's border of 13 pixels would have a virtual location of
* 0,0 but a real location of 13,13
* @param comp
* @return
private int virtualToRealX(Component comp) {
Container container = comp.getParent();
if (container instanceof Panel && comp instanceof JComponent) {
Panel panel = (Panel)container;
Insets insets = panel.getInsets();
Integer virtualXObj = (Integer)((JComponent)comp).getClientProperty("virtualX");
if (virtualXObj != null) {
int virtualX = virtualXObj.intValue() + insets.left + panel.getMargin();
return virtualX;
return comp.getX();
* Map a "virtual" Y location to the real screen coordinates. The virtual location refers to the location within
* the internal borders of the panel, compensating for title, borders and margins. For example, a widget at
* the top left hand corner of a panel, just inside it's border of 13 pixels would have a virtual location of
* 0,0 but a real location of 13,13
* @param comp
* @return
private int virtualToRealY(Component comp) {
Container container = comp.getParent();
if (container instanceof Panel && comp instanceof JComponent) {
Panel panel = (Panel)container;
Insets insets = panel.getInsets();
Integer virtualYObj = (Integer)((JComponent)comp).getClientProperty("virtualY");
if (virtualYObj != null) {
int virtualY = virtualYObj.intValue() + insets.top + panel.getMargin();
return virtualY;
return comp.getY();
* Map a "real" X location to the virtual control coordinates. The virtual location refers to the location within
* the internal borders of the panel, compensating for title, borders and margins. For example, a widget at
* the top left hand corner of a panel, just inside it's border of 13 pixels would have a virtual location of
* 0,0 but a real location of 13,13
* @param comp
* @return
private int realToVirtualX(JComponent comp) {
Container container = comp.getParent();
if (container instanceof Panel) {
Panel panel = (Panel)container;
Insets insets = panel.getInsets();
return comp.getX() - insets.left - panel.getMargin();
return comp.getX();
* Map a "real" Y location to the virtual control coordinates. The virtual location refers to the location within
* the internal borders of the panel, compensating for title, borders and margins. For example, a widget at
* the top left hand corner of a panel, just inside it's border of 13 pixels would have a virtual location of
* 0,0 but a real location of 13,13
* @param comp
* @return
private int realToVirtualY(JComponent comp) {
Container container = comp.getParent();
if (container instanceof Panel) {
Panel panel = (Panel)container;
Insets insets = panel.getInsets();
return comp.getY() - insets.top - panel.getMargin();
return comp.getY();
public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container target) {
return 0;
public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container target) {
return 0;
public void invalidateLayout(Container target) {
public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) {
return null;
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
return performLayout(parent, false);