* (c) Copyright 2003 Christian Lorenz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* This file is part of the JavaBluetooth Stack.
* The JavaBluetooth Stack is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The JavaBluetooth Stack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* Created on Jun 28, 2003
* by Christian Lorenz
package org.javabluetooth.stack.sdp;
import java.util.*;
import javax.bluetooth.DataElement;
import javax.bluetooth.UUID;
import org.javabluetooth.stack.l2cap.L2CAPChannel;
import org.javabluetooth.stack.l2cap.L2CAPChannelFactory;
import org.javabluetooth.stack.l2cap.L2CAPLink;
* The SDPServer managed the local Service Discover Database. Services
* may be registered and Service Lookups may be performed through this class.
* @author Christian Lorenz
public class SDPServer {
private static SDPServer sdpServer;
private Hashtable services;
private Hashtable serviceRecords;
private Hashtable uuidMap;
private long serviceHandleCounter = 0;
private SDPServer() {
services = new Hashtable();
serviceRecords = new Hashtable();
uuidMap = new Hashtable();
services.put(new Long(0x0001), new SDPServerChannelCreator(this));
public static SDPServer getSDPServer() {
if (sdpServer == null) sdpServer = new SDPServer();
return sdpServer;
public L2CAPChannel resolveAndCreateL2CAPChannel(long psm, L2CAPLink link, short localChannelID, short remoteChannelID) {
L2CAPChannelFactory channelCreator = (L2CAPChannelFactory)services.get(new Long(psm));
return channelCreator.newL2CAPChannel();
public Vector getServiceRecordHandels(DataElement serviceSearchPattern) {
Vector serviceRecordHandles = new Vector();
Enumeration elements = (Enumeration)serviceSearchPattern.getValue();
while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
DataElement element = (DataElement)elements.nextElement();
UUID uuid = (UUID)element.getValue();
System.out.println("getSRH for " + uuid);
serviceRecordHandles = (Vector)uuidMap.get(uuid);
//TODO this only takes the first UUID into consideration and not all like it's supposed to...
return serviceRecordHandles;
public byte[] getAttributes(long serviceRecordHandle, DataElement attributeIDList) {
// TODO parse attributes
Enumeration attributes = (Enumeration)attributeIDList.getValue();
return (byte[]) serviceRecords.get(new Long(serviceRecordHandle));
* @param channel
* @param serviceUUID
* @param browseUUID
* @param serviceRecord
public boolean registerService(L2CAPChannelFactory channelFactory, short serviceUUIDshort, short browseUUIDshort,
byte[] serviceRecord) {
Long psmKey = new Long(serviceUUIDshort);
if (services.contains(psmKey)) { //return false;
services.put(psmKey, channelFactory);
Long serviceHandle = new Long(serviceHandleCounter++);
DataElement serviceRecordElement = new DataElement(DataElement.DATSEQ);
serviceRecordElement.addElement(new DataElement(DataElement.U_INT_2, 0));
serviceRecordElement.addElement(new DataElement(DataElement.U_INT_4, serviceHandle.longValue()));
DataElement recordElements = new DataElement(serviceRecord);
Enumeration elements = (Enumeration)recordElements.getValue();
while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
DataElement element = (DataElement)elements.nextElement();
serviceRecords.put(serviceHandle, serviceRecordElement.toByteArray());
UUID serviceUUID = new UUID(serviceUUIDshort);
Vector serviceHandleVector = (Vector)uuidMap.get(serviceUUID);
if (serviceHandleVector == null) {
serviceHandleVector = new Vector();
uuidMap.put(serviceUUID, serviceHandleVector);
UUID browseUUID = new UUID(browseUUIDshort);
Vector browseHandleVector = (Vector)uuidMap.get(browseUUID);
if (browseHandleVector == null) {
browseHandleVector = new Vector();
uuidMap.put(browseUUID, browseHandleVector);
return true;
public void unregisterService(UUID uuid, Long handle) {
Vector serviceHandleVector = (Vector)uuidMap.get(uuid);
if (serviceHandleVector != null) {
if (serviceHandleVector.size() == 0) uuidMap.remove(uuid);