package undecided;
import java.util.Observable;
import rectangles.ProjectileRectangle;
* The EnemyProjectile class is the bullets that either the AI or opponent of a
* PvP match tank will fire. It consists of a location speed in both the x and y
* direction and a projection of itself as a geometry class rectangle to control
* collisions.
* @author Team Exception
* @see TankView, EnemyTank
* @extends Observable
* @implements Projectile
public class EnemyProjectile extends Observable implements Projectile {
private Point p;// location of the projectile
private int speed;// speed of the projectile
public int xspeed, yspeed;// x and y speeds of projectile
boolean exists;// determines whether the projectile is in the field
private ProjectileRectangle rect;// rectangle of the projectile that will be
// used to determine collisions
private EnemyProjectile thisMissle;
private EnemyTank tank;
private Map map;
* This is the class constructor for the EnemyProjectile class. It will
* initialize the bearings meaning the direction in which it will go
* including the x and y directions so it can travel diagonally as well.
* @param p
* location of the projectile
* @param d
* direction of the projectile
public EnemyProjectile(Point p, int x, int y, EnemyTank t, Map map) {
this.p = p;// setting location
this.tank = t;// setting tank = map;// setting map
speed = 20;// setting speed
this.xspeed = x;// setting speed in x direction
this.yspeed = y;// setting speed in the y direction
rect = new ProjectileRectangle(p.col - 3, p.row - 3);// creating new
// projectile
// rectangle
exists = true;// saying it is on the field now
thisMissle = this;
Thread pt = new ProjectileThread();// creating new thread for the //
// projectile's movement
pt.start();// beginning the projectile's movement
* This method returns the current location of the projectile
* @return the current location of the projectile
public Point getLocation() {
return p;
* This method returns the current EnemyTank
* @return the EnemyTank
public EnemyTank getTank() {
return tank;
* This method returns the rectangle that will project itself as the
* background GUI for this projectile.
* @return the rectangle that will determine the projectile's collisions
public ProjectileRectangle getRectangle() {
return rect;
* This method sets the location of the projectile.
* @param p
* the location in which the projectile is to be set
public void setLocation(Point p) {
this.p = p;
* This method returns the damage that the projectile will inflict upon
* impact.
* @return the damage that the projectile will do on the object it hits
public int getDamage() {
return 1;
* This method determines if the projectile is still in the window/field and
* if so notifies observers that is still in the field and may be colliding
* with other objects on the field
public void exists() {
if (p.row <= 15 || p.row >= 665 || p.col <= 15 || p.col >= 975
|| map.isOver()) {
p = new Point(-1, -1);
rect = new ProjectileRectangle(-100, -100);
exists = false;
* This private inner class controls the projectile's movement through a
* separate thread.
* @author Team Exception
* @category inner class
* @extends Thread
private class ProjectileThread extends Thread {
* This method will run the thread that controls the projectile's
* movement across the screen. It will allow only one projectile of each
* tank on the field at a time and will be removed from the field upon
* impact of an obstacle.
public synchronized void run() {
while (exists) {
int x = p.col;
int y = p.row;
x = x + xspeed;// incrementing location of new point!!!
y = y + yspeed;
p = new Point(y, x);// new calculated point
rect = new ProjectileRectangle(p.col - 3, p.row - 3);// new
// projectile
// rectangle
// at
// new
// location
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* This method will set the projectile's existence to false therefore to be
* removed later from the field.
public void collided() {
exists = false;