Package battleTank

Source Code of battleTank.PlayerTank$ImmuneThread

package battleTank;

import java.awt.Image;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Observable;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

import rectangles.TankRectangle;

* This class is the tank object that is controlled by the player that can be
* moved by arrow keys and shoot independently via the mouse. It contains the
* tanks location, health, and shape that detects collisions.
* @author Team Exception
* @extends Observable
* @see EnemyTank, TankView, Items, Observable
public class PlayerTank extends Observable {

  // declaring instance variables
  private Point p;
  // the speed at which the tank moves across the screen
  private int speed;
  // PlayerTank's associated rectangle
  private TankRectangle t;
  private int health;
  private Direction d;
  private Image img;
  private Map map;
  private boolean activeShield, activeBoost, activeIceBlock;

   * This is the class constructor for the PlayerTank class. It contains
   * values such as its health, location, and which map it is on.
   * @category constructor
   * @param p
   *            the location at which it is to be assigned
   * @param map
   *            the map on which it is on
  public PlayerTank(Point p, Map map) {
    this.p = p;
    health = 1; = map;
    activeShield = false;
    activeBoost = false;
    activeIceBlock = false;
    d = Direction.EAST;
    t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
    img = new ImageIcon("images/tankSOUTH.png").getImage();
    speed = 5;


   * This method returns the shape of the collision rectangle for the tank.
   * @return rectangle for tank collisions
  public TankRectangle getRectangle() {
    return t;

   * This method returns the direction in which the PlayerTank is facing.
   * @return direction in which the PlayerTank is facing
  public Direction getDirection() {
    return d;

   * This method returns the curretn location of the tank.
   * @return the player controlled tank's position
  public Point getLocation() {
    return p;

   * This method returns the current image of the tank.
   * @return current image of the tank
  public Image getImage() {
    return img;

   * This method sets the location of the PlayerTank to the input parameter.
   * @param p
   *            this location at which the tank is to be set at
  public void setLocation(Point p) {
    this.p = p;

   * This method returns the current health of the PlayerTank.
   * @return current health of the PlayerTank
  public int getHealth() {
    return health;

   * This method sets the health to the desire input parameter.
   * @param x
   *            health to be set at
  public void setHealth(int x) {
    if (x == 2) {
      activeShield = true;
    health = x;

   * This class will determine the speed of the PlayerTank depending on the
   * terrain that the tank is traversing across
   * @param t
   *            this is the terrain in which the PlayerTank is on whether
   *            grass, ice, or sand
  public void setSpeed(int x) {
    if (x == 0) {
      activeIceBlock = true;
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankFrozen" + d + ".png").getImage();
      speed = 0;
    } else {
      activeIceBlock = false;
      speed = x;

   * This method returns the current speed of the PlayerTank.
   * @return the current speed of the PlayerTank
  public int getSpeed() {
    return speed;

   * This method moves (if possible) the PlayerTank one unit in the up
   * direction. It will take into account whether it is destroyed by moving
   * into a FireRing or SpikePit, and will adjust the image of the tank
   * depending on whether it has a BubbleShield, IceBlock or neither. It will
   * also choose the tank image that is facing North.
   * @return whether it has successfully moved up
  public boolean moveUp() {
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<EnemyTank> enemies = map.getEnemies();
    d = Direction.NORTH;
    p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
    t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
    if (health == 1) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankNORTH.png").getImage();
    if (health == 2) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankShieldNORTH.png").getImage();
    if (activeIceBlock) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankFrozenNORTH.png").getImage();
    for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
      EnemyTank e = enemies.get(i);
      if (e.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
        p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
        t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle o = obs.get(i);
      if (o instanceof ImmovableBlock) {
        ImmovableBlock b = (ImmovableBlock) o;
        if (b.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
          t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
          return false;

      if (o instanceof Crate) {
        Crate c = (Crate) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;
      if (o instanceof TNT) {
        TNT c = (TNT) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;


    if (p.row < 30) {
      p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
      t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
      return false;
    return true;

   * This method moves (if possible) the PlayerTank one unit in the down
   * direction. It will take into account whether it is destroyed by moving
   * into a FireRing or SpikePit, and will adjust the image of the tank
   * depending on whether it has a BubbleShield, IceBlock or neither. It will
   * also choose the tank image that is facing South.
   * @return whether it has successfully moved down
  public boolean moveDown() {
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<EnemyTank> enemies = map.getEnemies();
    d = Direction.SOUTH;
    p = new Point(p.row + this.speed, p.col);
    t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
    if (health == 1) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankSOUTH.png").getImage();
    if (health == 2) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankShieldSOUTH.png").getImage();
    if (activeIceBlock) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankFrozenSOUTH.png").getImage();
    for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {

      EnemyTank e = enemies.get(i);
      if (e.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
        p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
        t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle o = obs.get(i);
      if (o instanceof ImmovableBlock) {
        ImmovableBlock b = (ImmovableBlock) o;
        if (b.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
          t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
          return false;

      if (o instanceof Crate) {
        Crate c = (Crate) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;
      if (o instanceof TNT) {
        TNT c = (TNT) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;

    if (p.row > 665) {
      p = new Point(p.row - this.speed, p.col);
      t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
      return false;
    return true;

   * This method moves (if possible) the PlayerTank one unit in the right
   * direction. It will take into account whether it is destroyed by moving
   * into a FireRing or SpikePit, and will adjust the image of the tank
   * depending on whether it has a BubbleShield, IceBlock or neither. It will
   * also choose the tank image that is facing EAST.
   * @return whether it has successfully moved right
  public boolean moveRight() {
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<EnemyTank> enemies = map.getEnemies();
    d = Direction.EAST;
    p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
    t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
    if (health == 1) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankEAST.png").getImage();
    if (health == 2) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankShieldEAST.png").getImage();
    if (activeIceBlock) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankFrozenEAST.png").getImage();
    for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
      EnemyTank e = enemies.get(i);
      if (e.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
        p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
        t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle o = obs.get(i);
      if (o instanceof ImmovableBlock) {
        ImmovableBlock b = (ImmovableBlock) o;
        if (b.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
          t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
          return false;

      if (o instanceof Crate) {
        Crate c = (Crate) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;
      if (o instanceof TNT) {
        TNT c = (TNT) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;


    if (p.col > 955) {
      p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
      t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
      return false;
    return true;

   * This method returns if the BubbleShield is active on the PlayerTank.
   * @return if BubbleShield is active on the PlayerTank
  public boolean isActiveShield() {
    return activeShield;

   * This method sets active value of the BubbleShield to the desired input
   * parameter.
   * @param activeShield
   *            boolean describing whether the BubbleShield is to be set to on
   *            or off.
  public void setActiveShield(boolean activeShield) {
    this.activeShield = activeShield;

   * This method determines if the SpeedBoost is active on the PlayerTank.
   * @return whether the SpeedBoost is active on the PlayerTank
  public boolean isActiveBoost() {
    return activeBoost;

   * This method sets the active value of the SPeedBoost to the desired input
   * parameter.
   * @param activeBoost
   *            boolean describing whether the SpeedBoost is to be set to on
   *            or off.
  public void setActiveBoost(boolean activeBoost) {
    this.activeBoost = activeBoost;

   * This method moves (if possible) the PlayerTank one unit in the left
   * direction. It will take into account whether it is destroyed by moving
   * into a FireRing or SpikePit, and will adjust the image of the tank
   * depending on whether it has a BubbleShield, IceBlock or neither. It will
   * also choose the tank image that is facing West.
   * @return whether it has successfully moved left
  public boolean moveLeft() {
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<EnemyTank> enemies = map.getEnemies();
    d = Direction.WEST;
    p = new Point(p.row, p.col - this.speed);
    t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
    if (health == 1) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankWEST.png").getImage();
    if (health == 2) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankShieldWEST.png").getImage();
    if (activeIceBlock) {
      img = new ImageIcon("images/tankFrozenWEST.png").getImage();
    for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
      EnemyTank e = enemies.get(i);
      if (e.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
        p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
        t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle o = obs.get(i);
      if (o instanceof ImmovableBlock) {
        ImmovableBlock b = (ImmovableBlock) o;
        if (b.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
          t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
          return false;

      if (o instanceof Crate) {
        Crate c = (Crate) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;
      if (o instanceof TNT) {
        TNT c = (TNT) o;
        if (c.getRectangle().intersects(t)) {
          if (!c.move(d)) {
            p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
            t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
            return false;


    if (p.col < 30) {
      p = new Point(p.row, p.col + this.speed);
      t = new TankRectangle(p.col - 25, p.row - 25);
      return false;
    return true;

   * This method determines the direction of the tank and shoots a single
   * animated projectile in the appropriate direction. The direction may be
   * diagonally, having an x and y direction.
   * @param p
   *            current location of the projectile
   * @param x
   *            horizontal component speed of the projectile
   * @param y
   *            vertical component speed of the projectile
  public void shoot(Point p, int x, int y) {

    PlayerProjectile missle = new PlayerProjectile(p, x, y, this, map);


   * This method will deal damage to the PlayerTank according to the input
   * parameter value.
   * @param damage
   *            this is the damage that the player controlled tank is to
   *            receive
  public void recieveDamage(int damage) {
    health = health - damage;
    if (this.isDead()) {
      t = new TankRectangle(-100, -100);
      p = new Point(-1, -1);
    } else if (health == 1) {
      activeShield = false;
      ImmuneThread it = new ImmuneThread();


   * @author Team Exception
   *         This private inner class will control the tanks animation on the
   *         GUI.
   * @extends Thread
   * @category inner class
   *           @ see Thread
   * @override run() in Thread
  private class ImmuneThread extends Thread {

    private int timePassed;

     * This is the class constructor for the ImmuneThread class and simply
     * sets the timePassed to 0
     * @category constructor
    public ImmuneThread() {
      timePassed = 0;

     * This method runs the ImmuneThread and delays the tanks movement
     * accordingly
     * @overide run() in Thread
    public void run() {
      while (timePassed < 17) {
        if (timePassed < 16) {
          health = 10000;

        if (timePassed == 16) {
          health = 1;
        if (timePassed % 2 == 0) {
          img = new ImageIcon("images/tank" + d + ".png").getImage();
        if (timePassed % 2 == 1) {
          img = new ImageIcon("images/tankShield" + d + ".png")

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


   * THis method will determine if the PlayerTank is dead.
   * @return whether PlayerTank has no health
  public boolean isDead() {
    return (health == 0);


Related Classes of battleTank.PlayerTank$ImmuneThread

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