package battleTank;
import java.util.Observable;
import rectangles.ImmovableBlockRectangle;
* This class is the immovable object which has health (-1), a rectangle that
* will be used to determine object collisions, and a location. The immovable
* object may be created, determined if has health, receive damage, and
* determined if needed to be removed from the field.
* @author Team Exception
* @extends Observable
* @implements Obstacle
* @see Obstacle, TankView, Crate, FireRing, SpikePit, TNT
public class ImmovableBlock extends Observable implements Obstacle {
// declaring instance variables
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int health;// health of the crate (either 0 or 1)
private ImmovableBlockRectangle rect;// shape for crate controlling
// collisions
private Map map;
private Point location;// location of crate
* This is the class constructor for the ImmovableBLock class which simply
* is only placed on a given map and serves no other purpose. It has health
* but it is assigned a value of -1 so it may never be destroyed.
* @category constructor
* @param p
* location at which the immovable block is to placed
* @param map
* the map on which this immovable object is on
public ImmovableBlock(Point p, Map map) { = map;
location = p;// setting location of immovable block
health = -1;// -1 invincible so -1 health
// creating new rectangle to detect collisions
rect = new ImmovableBlockRectangle(location.col - 25, location.row - 25);
* This method will deal the damage appropriate to this immovable object
* @param dmg
* damage that this object will take
public void recieveDamage(int dmg) {
health = health + dmg - dmg;// troll math
* This method will return whether this object is to be removed from the
* field
* @return whether this object should be removed (never will be) so always
* returns false
public boolean removeObstacle() {
return false;// this object can't be removed
* This method returns the health of this object.
* @return the health of the object
public int getHealth() {
* This method sets the location to which this immovable object is to be
* set.
* @return the location of the immovable object
public Point getLocation() {
return this.location;
* This method returns the appropriate collision rectangle for this
* ImmovableBlock.
* @return collision rectangle for this ImmovableBlock
public ImmovableBlockRectangle getRectangle() {
return rect;