* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.template.soy.soyparse;
import com.google.template.soy.base.IdGenerator;
import com.google.template.soy.base.IncrementingIdGenerator;
import com.google.template.soy.base.SoySyntaxException;
import com.google.template.soy.data.SanitizedContent.ContentKind;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.DataRefNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.ExprRootNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.FunctionNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.IntegerNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.OperatorNodes.GreaterThanOpNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.OperatorNodes.NegativeOpNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.OperatorNodes.PlusOpNode;
import com.google.template.soy.exprtree.StringNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CallBasicNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CallDelegateNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CallNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CallParamContentNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CallParamValueNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CssNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.DebuggerNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.ForNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.ForeachIfemptyNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.ForeachNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.ForeachNonemptyNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.IfCondNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.IfElseNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.IfNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.LetContentNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.LetValueNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.LogNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgHtmlTagNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgPlaceholderNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgPluralCaseNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgPluralDefaultNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgPluralNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgSelectCaseNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgSelectDefaultNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.MsgSelectNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.PrintDirectiveNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.PrintNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.RawTextNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.SoyNode.StandaloneNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.SoyNode.SyntaxVersion;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.SwitchCaseNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.SwitchDefaultNode;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.SwitchNode;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.List;
* Unit tests for the template parser.
* @author Kai Huang
public class TemplateParserTest extends TestCase {
public void testRecognizeSoyTag() throws Exception {
assertIsTemplateBody("{ sp }");
assertIsTemplateBody("{{ {sp} }}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{{ {} }}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{{ }s{p { }}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{sp blah}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{print { }");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{print } }");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{print }}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{{{blah: blah}}}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{{print {{ }}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{{print {}}");
public void testRecognizeRawText() throws Exception {
assertIsTemplateBody("blah{literal}{ {{{ } }{ {}} { }}}}}}}\n" +
"}}}}}}}}}{ { {{/literal}blah");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{sp ace}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{literal attrib=\"value\"}");
public void testRecognizeCommands() throws Exception {
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{msg desc=\"blah\" hidden=\"true\"}\n" +
" {$boo} is a <a href=\"{$fooUrl}\">{$foo}</a>.\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody("{$aaa + 1}{print $bbb.ccc[$ddd] |noescape}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{css selected-option}{css CSS_SELECTED_OPTION}{css $cssSelectedOption}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{if $boo}foo{elseif $goo}moo{else}zoo{/if}");
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
" {switch $boo}\n" +
" {case $foo} blah blah\n" +
" {case 2, $goo.moo, 'too'} bleh bleh\n" +
" {default} bluh bluh\n" +
" {/switch}\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("{foreach $item in $items}{index($item)}. {$item.name}<br>{/foreach}");
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{for $i in range($boo + 1,\n" +
" 88, 11)}\n" +
"Number {$i}.{{/for}}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{call function=\"aaa.bbb.ccc\" data=\"all\" /}");
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{call name=\".aaa\"}\n" +
" {{param key=\"boo\" value=\"$boo\" /}}\n" +
" {param key=\"foo\"}blah blah{/param}\n" +
" {param key=\"foo\" kind=\"html\"}blah blah{/param}\n" +
" {param foo kind=\"html\"}blah blah{/param}\n" +
"{call .aaa}\n" +
" {param foo : bar \" baz/}\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody("{call aaa.bbb.ccc data=\"all\" /}");
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{call .aaa}\n" +
" {{param key=\"boo\" value=\"$boo\" /}}\n" +
" {param key=\"foo\"}blah blah{/param}\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody("{delcall aaa.bbb.ccc data=\"all\" /}");
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{delcall name=\"ddd.eee\"}\n" +
" {{param key=\"boo\" value=\"$boo\" /}}\n" +
" {param key=\"foo\"}blah blah{/param}\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody("" +
"{msg meaning=\"boo\" desc=\"blah\"}\n" +
" {$boo phname=\"foo\"} is a \n" +
" <a phname=\"begin_link\" href=\"{$fooUrl}\">\n" +
" {$foo |noAutoescape phname=\"booFoo\" }\n" +
" </a phname=\"END_LINK\" >.\n" +
" {call .aaa data=\"all\"\nphname=\"AaaBbb\"/}\n" +
" {call .aaa phname=\"AaaBbb\" data=\"all\"}{/call}\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody("{log}Blah blah.{/log}");
assertIsTemplateBody("{let $foo : 1 + 2/}\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("{let $foo : '\"'/}\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("{let $foo}Hello{/let}\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("{let $foo kind=\"html\"}Hello{/let}\n");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}<a href=http://www.google.com{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}blah{msg desc=\"\"}bleh{/msg}bluh{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}blah{/msg blah}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{template}\n" + "blah\n" + "{/template}\n");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{print $boo /}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{if true}aaa{else/}bbb{/if}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{call .aaa.bbb /}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{delcall name=\"ddd.eee\"}{param foo: 0}{/call}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{delcall .dddEee /}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}{$boo phname=\"boo.foo\"}{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}<br phname=\"boo-foo\" />{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}{call .boo phname=\"boo\" phname=\"boo\" /}{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{msg desc=\"\"}<br phname=\"break\" phname=\"break\" />{/msg}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{call name=\".aaa\"}{param boo kind=\"html\": 123 /}{/call}\n");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{log 'Blah blah.'}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{let $foo kind=\"html\" : 1 + 1/}\n");
public void testRecognizeComments() throws Exception {
assertIsTemplateBody("blah // }\n" +
"{$boo}{msg desc=\"\"} //}\n" +
"{/msg} // {/msg}\n" +
"{foreach $item in $items}\t// }\n" +
"{$item.name}{/foreach} //{{{{\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("blah /* } */\n" +
"{msg desc=\"\"} /*}*/{$boo}\n" +
"/******************/ {/msg}\n" +
"/* {}} { }* }* / }/ * { **} //}{ { } {\n" +
"\n } {//*} {* /} { /* /}{} {}/ } **}}} */\n" +
"{foreach $item in $items} /* }\n" +
assertIsTemplateBody(" //}\n");
assertIsTemplateBody("\n //}\n");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{blah /* { */ blah}");
assertIsNotTemplateBody("{foreach $item // }\n" +
" in $items}\n" +
public void testRecognizeMsgPlural() throws Exception {
// Normal, valid plural message.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// Offset is optional.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$num_people} in {$place}, including {$person}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// Plural message should have a default clause.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// default should be the last clause, after all cases.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// Order is irrelevant for cases.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// Offset should not be less than 0.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"-1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
// Case should not be less than 0.
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case -1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
public void testRecognizeMsgSelect() throws Exception {
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// Default should be present.
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n");
// Default should be the last clause.
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// There is no restriction that 'female' and 'male' should not occur together.
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {case 'male'}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// There is no restriction of case keywords. An arbitrary word like 'neuter' is fine.
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {case 'male'}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {case 'neuter'}{$person} added you to its circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// It is not possible to have more than one string in a case.
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $job}\n" +
" {case 'hw_engineer', 'sw_engineer'}{$person}, an engineer, liked this.\n" +
" {default}{$person} liked this.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// select should have a default.
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {case 'male'}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
public void testRecognizeNestedPlrsel() throws Exception {
// Select nested inside select should be allowed.
"{msg desc=\"A sample nested message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}\n" +
" {select $gender2}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person1} added {$person2} and her friends to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person1} added {$person2} and his friends to her circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" {select $gender2}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person1} added {$person2} and her friends to his circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person1} added {$person2} and his friends to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// Plural nested inside select should be allowed.
"{msg desc=\"A sample nested message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}\n" +
" {plural $num_people}\n" +
" {case 1}{$person} added one person to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added {$num_people} to her circle.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" {plural $num_people}\n" +
" {case 1}{$person} added one person to his circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added {$num_people} to his circle.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
// Plural inside plural should not be allowed.
"{msg desc=\"A sample nested message\"}\n" +
" {plural $n_friends}\n" +
" {case 1}\n" +
" {plural $n_circles}\n" +
" {case 1}You have one friend in one circle.\n" +
" {default}You have one friend in {$n_circles} circles.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" {plural $n_circles}\n" +
" {case 1}You have {$n_friends} friends in one circle.\n" +
" {default}You have {$n_friends} friends in {$n_circles} circles.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
// Select inside plural should not be allowed.
"{msg desc=\"A sample nested message\"}\n" +
" {plural $n_friends}\n" +
" {case 1}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} has one person in her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} has one person in his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} has {$n_friends} persons in her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} has {$n_friends} persons in his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
// Messages with more than one plural/gender clauses should not be allowed.
"{msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}\n" +
" {/msg}\n");
public void testParseRawText() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {sp} aaa bbb \n" +
" ccc {lb}{rb} ddd {\\n}\n" +
" eee <br>\n" +
" fff\n" +
" {literal}ggg\n" +
"hhh }{ {/literal} \n" +
" \u2222\uEEEE\u9EC4\u607A\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
RawTextNode rtn = (RawTextNode) nodes.get(0);
" aaa bbb ccc {} ddd \neee <br>fffggg\nhhh }{ \u2222\uEEEE\u9EC4\u607A",
" aaa bbb ccc {lb}{rb} ddd {\\n}eee <br>fffggg{\\n}hhh {rb}{lb} \u2222\uEEEE\u9EC4\u607A",
public void testParseComments() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {sp} // {sp}\n" + // first {sp} outside of comments
" /* {sp} {sp} */ // {sp}\n" +
" /* {sp} */{sp}/* {sp} */\n" + // middle {sp} outside of comments
" /* {sp}\n" +
" {sp} */{sp}\n" + // last {sp} outside of comments
" // {sp} /* {sp} */\n" +
" http://www.google.com\n"; // not a comment if "//" preceded by a non-space such as ":"
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
assertEquals(" http://www.google.com", ((RawTextNode) nodes.get(0)).getRawText());
public void testParsePrintStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {$boo.foo}{$boo.foo}\n" +
" {$goo + 1 |noescape}\n" + // note 'noescape' is V1 syntax
" {print 'blah blahblahblah' |escapeHtml|insertWordBreaks:8}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(4, nodes.size());
PrintNode pn0 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("$boo.foo", pn0.getExprText());
assertEquals(0, pn0.getChildren().size());
assertEquals("FOO", pn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("{$boo.foo}", pn0.toSourceString());
assertTrue(pn0.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
PrintNode pn1 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn1.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
PrintNode pn2 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn2.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("$goo + 1", pn2.getExprText());
assertEquals(1, pn2.getChildren().size());
PrintDirectiveNode pn2d0 = pn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V1, pn2d0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("|noAutoescape", pn2d0.getName());
assertEquals("XXX", pn2.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertTrue(pn2.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof PlusOpNode);
PrintNode pn3 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(3);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn3.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("'blah blahblahblah'", pn3.getExprText());
assertEquals(2, pn3.getChildren().size());
PrintDirectiveNode pn3d0 = pn3.getChild(0);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn3d0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("|escapeHtml", pn3d0.getName());
PrintDirectiveNode pn3d1 = pn3.getChild(1);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn3d1.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("|insertWordBreaks", pn3d1.getName());
assertEquals(8, ((IntegerNode) pn3d1.getArgs().get(0).getChild(0)).getValue());
assertEquals("XXX", pn3.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertTrue(pn3.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof StringNode);
public void testParsePrintStmtWithPhname() throws Exception {
String templateBody = "" +
" {$boo.foo}\n" +
" {$boo.foo phname=\"booFoo\"}\n" +
" {$boo.foo phname=\"booFoo\" }\n" +
" {$boo.foo phname=\"boo_foo\"}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(4, nodes.size());
PrintNode pn0 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("$boo.foo", pn0.getExprText());
assertEquals("FOO", pn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("{$boo.foo}", pn0.toSourceString());
PrintNode pn1 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals("$boo.foo", pn1.getExprText());
assertEquals("BOO_FOO", pn1.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("{$boo.foo phname=\"booFoo\"}", pn1.toSourceString());
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, pn1.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(0, pn1.getChildren().size());
assertTrue(pn1.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
PrintNode pn2 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals("$boo.foo", pn2.getExprText());
assertEquals("BOO_FOO", pn2.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("{$boo.foo phname=\"booFoo\"}", pn2.toSourceString());
PrintNode pn3 = (PrintNode) nodes.get(3);
assertEquals("$boo.foo", pn3.getExprText());
assertEquals("BOO_FOO", pn3.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("{$boo.foo phname=\"boo_foo\"}", pn3.toSourceString());
public void testParseCssStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
"{css selected-option}\n" +
"{css $cssSelectedOption}";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
assertEquals("selected-option", ((CssNode) nodes.get(0)).getCommandText());
assertEquals("CSS_SELECTED_OPTION", ((CssNode) nodes.get(1)).getCommandText());
assertEquals("$cssSelectedOption", ((CssNode) nodes.get(2)).getCommandText());
public void testParseMsgStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {msg desc=\"Tells user's quota usage.\"}\n" +
" You're currently using {$usedMb} MB of your quota.{sp}\n" +
" <a href=\"{$learnMoreUrl}\">Learn more</A>\n" +
" <br /><br />\n" +
" {/msg}\n" +
" {msg meaning=\"noun\" desc=\"\" hidden=\"true\"}Archive{/msg}\n" +
" {msg meaning=\"noun\" desc=\"The archive (noun).\"}Archive{/msg}\n" +
" {msg meaning=\"verb\" desc=\"\"}Archive{/msg}\n" +
" {msg desc=\"\"}Archive{/msg}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(5, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn0 = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("Tells user's quota usage.", mn0.getDesc());
assertEquals(null, mn0.getMeaning());
assertEquals(false, mn0.isHidden());
assertEquals(8, mn0.numChildren());
assertEquals("You're currently using ", ((RawTextNode) mn0.getChild(0)).getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn1 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(1);
assertEquals("$usedMb", ((PrintNode) mpn1.getChild(0)).getExprText());
assertEquals(" MB of your quota. ", ((RawTextNode) mn0.getChild(2)).getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn3 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(3);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn3 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn3.getChild(0);
assertEquals("a", mhtn3.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("START_LINK", mhtn3.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("<a href=\"{$learnMoreUrl}\">", mhtn3.toSourceString());
assertEquals(3, mhtn3.numChildren());
assertEquals("<a href=\"", ((RawTextNode) mhtn3.getChild(0)).getRawText());
assertEquals("$learnMoreUrl", ((PrintNode) mhtn3.getChild(1)).getExprText());
assertEquals("\">", ((RawTextNode) mhtn3.getChild(2)).getRawText());
assertEquals("Learn more", ((RawTextNode) mn0.getChild(4)).getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn5 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(5);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn5 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn5.getChild(0);
assertEquals("/a", mhtn5.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("END_LINK", mhtn5.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("</A>", mhtn5.toSourceString());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn6 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(6);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn6 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn6.getChild(0);
assertEquals("BREAK", mhtn6.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertTrue(mpn6.isSamePlaceholderAs((MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(7)));
assertTrue(! mpn6.isSamePlaceholderAs(mpn5));
assertTrue(! mpn5.isSamePlaceholderAs(mpn3));
MsgNode mn1 = (MsgNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals("", mn1.getDesc());
assertEquals("noun", mn1.getMeaning());
assertEquals(true, mn1.isHidden());
assertEquals(1, mn1.numChildren());
assertEquals("Archive", ((RawTextNode) mn1.getChild(0)).getRawText());
assertEquals("{msg meaning=\"noun\" desc=\"\" hidden=\"true\"}Archive{/msg}",
public void testParseMsgHtmlTagWithPhname() throws Exception {
String templateBody = "" +
" {msg desc=\"\"}\n" +
" <a href=\"{$learnMoreUrl}\" phname=\"beginLearnMoreLink\">\n" +
" Learn more\n" +
" </A phname=\"end_LearnMore_LINK\">\n" +
" <br phname=\"breakTag\" /><br phname=\"breakTag\" /><br phname=\"break_tag\" />\n" +
" {/msg}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn0 = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(6, mn0.numChildren());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn0 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(0);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn0 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn0.getChild(0);
assertEquals("a", mhtn0.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("BEGIN_LEARN_MORE_LINK", mhtn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
"<a href=\"{$learnMoreUrl}\" phname=\"beginLearnMoreLink\">", mhtn0.toSourceString());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn2 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(2);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn2 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("/a", mhtn2.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("END_LEARN_MORE_LINK", mhtn2.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("</A phname=\"end_LearnMore_LINK\">", mhtn2.toSourceString());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn3 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(3);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn3 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn3.getChild(0);
assertEquals("br", mhtn3.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("BREAK_TAG", mhtn3.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("<br phname=\"breakTag\"/>", mhtn3.toSourceString());
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn4 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(4);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn4 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn4.getChild(0);
MsgPlaceholderNode mpn5 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) mn0.getChild(5);
MsgHtmlTagNode mhtn5 = (MsgHtmlTagNode) mpn5.getChild(0);
assertEquals("br", mhtn5.getLcTagName());
assertEquals("BREAK_TAG", mhtn5.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals("<br phname=\"break_tag\"/>", mhtn5.toSourceString());
public void testParseMsgStmtWithCall() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {msg desc=\"Blah.\"}\n" +
" Blah {call name=\".helper_\" data=\"all\" /} blah{sp}\n" +
" {call .helper_}\n" +
" {param foo}Foo{/param}\n" +
" {/call}{sp}\n" +
" blah.\n" +
" {/msg}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(5, mn.numChildren());
assertEquals("Blah ", ((RawTextNode) mn.getChild(0)).getRawText());
assertEquals(0, ((CallNode) ((MsgPlaceholderNode) mn.getChild(1)).getChild(0)).numChildren());
assertEquals(" blah ", ((RawTextNode) mn.getChild(2)).getRawText());
assertEquals(1, ((CallNode) ((MsgPlaceholderNode) mn.getChild(3)).getChild(0)).numChildren());
assertEquals(" blah.", ((RawTextNode) mn.getChild(4)).getRawText());
public void testParseMsgStmtWithIf() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {msg desc=\"Blah.\"}\n" +
" Blah \n" +
" {if $boo}\n" +
" bleh\n" +
" {else}\n" +
" bluh\n" +
" {/if}\n" +
" .\n" +
" {/msg}\n";
try {
} catch (SoySyntaxException sse) {
// Test passes.
public void testParseLetStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {let $alpha: $boo.foo /}\n" +
" {let $beta}Boo!{/let}\n" +
" {let $gamma}\n" +
" {for $i in range($alpha)}\n" +
" {$i}{$beta}\n" +
" {/for}\n" +
" {/let}\n" +
" {let $delta kind=\"html\"}Boo!{/let}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(4, nodes.size());
LetValueNode alphaNode = (LetValueNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("alpha", alphaNode.getVarName());
assertEquals("$boo.foo", alphaNode.getValueExpr().toSourceString());
LetContentNode betaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals("beta", betaNode.getVarName());
assertEquals("Boo!", ((RawTextNode) betaNode.getChild(0)).getRawText());
LetContentNode gammaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals("gamma", gammaNode.getVarName());
assertTrue(gammaNode.getChild(0) instanceof ForNode);
LetContentNode deltaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(3);
assertEquals("delta", deltaNode.getVarName());
assertEquals("Boo!", ((RawTextNode) betaNode.getChild(0)).getRawText());
assertEquals(ContentKind.HTML, deltaNode.getContentKind());
// Test error case.
try {
parseTemplateBody("{let $alpha /}");
} catch (SoySyntaxException sse) {
"A 'let' tag should be self-ending (with a trailing '/') if and only if it also" +
" contains a value"));
// Test error case.
try {
parseTemplateBody("{let $alpha: $boo.foo}");
} catch (SoySyntaxException sse) {
"A 'let' tag should contain a value if and only if it is also self-ending (with a" +
" trailing '/')"));
public void testParseIfStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {if $zoo}{$zoo}{/if}\n" +
" {if $boo}\n" +
" Blah\n" +
" {elseif $foo.goo > 2}\n" +
" {$moo}\n" +
" {else}\n" +
" Blah {$moo}\n" +
" {/if}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
IfNode in0 = (IfNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(1, in0.numChildren());
IfCondNode in0icn0 = (IfCondNode) in0.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$zoo", in0icn0.getExprText());
assertEquals(1, in0icn0.numChildren());
assertEquals("$zoo", ((PrintNode) in0icn0.getChild(0)).getExprText());
assertTrue(in0icn0.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
IfNode in1 = (IfNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals(3, in1.numChildren());
IfCondNode in1icn0 = (IfCondNode) in1.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$boo", in1icn0.getExprText());
assertTrue(in1icn0.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
IfCondNode in1icn1 = (IfCondNode) in1.getChild(1);
assertEquals("$foo.goo > 2", in1icn1.getExprText());
assertTrue(in1icn1.getExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof GreaterThanOpNode);
assertEquals("", ((IfElseNode) in1.getChild(2)).getCommandText());
assertEquals("{if $boo}Blah{elseif $foo.goo > 2}{$moo}{else}Blah {$moo}{/if}",
public void testParseSwitchStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {switch $boo} {case 0}Blah\n" +
" {case $foo.goo}\n" +
" Bleh\n" +
" {case -1, 1, $moo}\n" +
" Bluh\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" Bloh\n" +
" {/switch}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
SwitchNode sn = (SwitchNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("$boo", sn.getExpr().toSourceString());
assertTrue(sn.getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
assertEquals(4, sn.numChildren());
SwitchCaseNode scn0 = (SwitchCaseNode) sn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("0", scn0.getExprListText());
assertEquals(1, scn0.getExprList().size());
assertTrue(scn0.getExprList().get(0).getChild(0) instanceof IntegerNode);
SwitchCaseNode scn1 = (SwitchCaseNode) sn.getChild(1);
assertEquals("$foo.goo", scn1.getExprListText());
assertEquals(1, scn1.getExprList().size());
assertTrue(scn1.getExprList().get(0).getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
SwitchCaseNode scn2 = (SwitchCaseNode) sn.getChild(2);
assertEquals("-1, 1, $moo", scn2.getExprListText());
assertEquals(3, scn2.getExprList().size());
assertTrue(scn2.getExprList().get(0).getChild(0) instanceof NegativeOpNode);
assertTrue(scn2.getExprList().get(1).getChild(0) instanceof IntegerNode);
assertTrue(scn2.getExprList().get(2).getChild(0) instanceof DataRefNode);
assertEquals("Bluh", ((RawTextNode) scn2.getChild(0)).getRawText());
"Bloh", ((RawTextNode) ((SwitchDefaultNode) sn.getChild(3)).getChild(0)).getRawText());
"{switch $boo}{case 0}Blah{case $foo.goo}Bleh{case -1, 1, $moo}Bluh{default}Bloh{/switch}",
public void testParseForeachStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {foreach $goo in $goose}\n" +
" {$goose.numKids} goslings.{\\n}\n" +
" {/foreach}\n" +
" {foreach $boo in $foo.booze}\n" +
" Scary drink {$boo.name}!\n" +
" {if not isLast($boo)}{\\n}{/if}\n" +
" {ifempty}\n" +
" Sorry, no booze.\n" +
" {/foreach}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
ForeachNode fn0 = (ForeachNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("goo", fn0.getVarName());
assertEquals("$goose", fn0.getExprText());
assertEquals(0, ((DataRefNode) fn0.getExpr().getChild(0)).numChildren());
assertEquals(1, fn0.numChildren());
ForeachNonemptyNode fn0fnn0 = (ForeachNonemptyNode) fn0.getChild(0);
assertEquals(2, fn0fnn0.numChildren());
assertEquals("$goose.numKids", ((PrintNode) fn0fnn0.getChild(0)).getExprText());
assertEquals(" goslings.\n", ((RawTextNode) fn0fnn0.getChild(1)).getRawText());
ForeachNode fn1 = (ForeachNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals("boo", fn1.getVarName());
assertEquals("$foo.booze", fn1.getExprText());
assertEquals(1, ((DataRefNode) fn1.getExpr().getChild(0)).numChildren());
assertEquals(2, fn1.numChildren());
ForeachNonemptyNode fn1fnn0 = (ForeachNonemptyNode) fn1.getChild(0);
assertEquals("boo", fn1fnn0.getVarName());
assertEquals("$foo.booze", fn1fnn0.getExprText());
assertEquals("boo", fn1fnn0.getVarName());
assertEquals(4, fn1fnn0.numChildren());
IfNode fn1fnn0in = (IfNode) fn1fnn0.getChild(3);
assertEquals(1, fn1fnn0in.numChildren());
assertEquals("not isLast($boo)", ((IfCondNode) fn1fnn0in.getChild(0)).getExprText());
ForeachIfemptyNode fn1fin1 = (ForeachIfemptyNode) fn1.getChild(1);
assertEquals(1, fn1fin1.numChildren());
assertEquals("Sorry, no booze.", ((RawTextNode) fn1fin1.getChild(0)).getRawText());
public void testParseForStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {for $i in range(1, $items.length + 1)}\n" + // note: not actually V2, but parses fine
" {msg desc=\"Numbered item.\"}\n" +
" {$i}: {$items[$i - 1]}{\\n}\n" +
" {/msg}\n" +
" {/for}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
ForNode fn = (ForNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("i", fn.getVarName());
List<String> rangeArgTexts = fn.getRangeArgTexts();
assertEquals(2, rangeArgTexts.size());
assertEquals("1", rangeArgTexts.get(0));
assertEquals("$items.length + 1", rangeArgTexts.get(1));
List<ExprRootNode<?>> rangeArgs = fn.getRangeArgs();
assertEquals(2, rangeArgs.size());
assertTrue(rangeArgs.get(0).getChild(0) instanceof IntegerNode);
assertTrue(rangeArgs.get(1).getChild(0) instanceof PlusOpNode);
assertEquals(1, fn.numChildren());
MsgNode mn = (MsgNode) fn.getChild(0);
assertEquals(4, mn.numChildren());
((PrintNode) ((MsgPlaceholderNode) mn.getChild(0)).getChild(0)).getExprText());
assertEquals("$items[$i - 1]",
((PrintNode) ((MsgPlaceholderNode) mn.getChild(2)).getChild(0)).getExprText());
public void testParseBasicCallStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {call name=\".booTemplate_\" /}\n" +
" {call function=\"foo.goo.mooTemplate\" data=\"all\" /}\n" +
" {call name=\".zooTemplate\" data=\"$animals\"}\n" +
" {param key=\"yoo\" value=\"round($too)\" /}\n" +
" {param key=\"woo\"}poo{/param}\n" +
" {param key=\"doo\" kind=\"html\"}doopoo{/param}\n" +
" {/call}\n" +
" {call .booTemplate_ /}\n" +
" {call .zooTemplate data=\"$animals\"}\n" +
" {param yoo: round($too) /}\n" +
" {param woo}poo{/param}\n" +
" {param zoo: 0 /}\n" +
" {param doo kind=\"html\"}doopoo{/param}\n" +
" {/call}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(5, nodes.size());
CallBasicNode cn0 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn0.getCalleeName());
assertEquals(".booTemplate_", cn0.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn0.getDataExpr());
assertEquals("XXX", cn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals(0, cn0.numChildren());
CallBasicNode cn1 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V1, cn1.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn1.getCalleeName());
assertEquals("foo.goo.mooTemplate", cn1.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn1.isPassingData());
assertEquals(true, cn1.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn1.getDataExpr());
assertEquals(0, cn1.numChildren());
CallBasicNode cn2 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn2.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn2.getCalleeName());
assertEquals(".zooTemplate", cn2.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn2.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn2.isPassingAllData());
assertTrue(cn2.getDataExpr().getChild(0) != null);
assertEquals("$animals", cn2.getDataExpr().toSourceString());
assertEquals(3, cn2.numChildren());
final CallParamValueNode cn2cpvn0 = (CallParamValueNode) cn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("yoo", cn2cpvn0.getKey());
assertEquals("round($too)", cn2cpvn0.getValueExprText());
assertTrue(cn2cpvn0.getValueExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof FunctionNode);
final CallParamContentNode cn2cpcn1 = (CallParamContentNode) cn2.getChild(1);
assertEquals("woo", cn2cpcn1.getKey());
assertEquals("poo", ((RawTextNode) cn2cpcn1.getChild(0)).getRawText());
final CallParamContentNode cn2cpcn2 = (CallParamContentNode) cn2.getChild(2);
assertEquals("doo", cn2cpcn2.getKey());
assertEquals(ContentKind.HTML, cn2cpcn2.getContentKind());
assertEquals("doopoo", ((RawTextNode) cn2cpcn2.getChild(0)).getRawText());
CallBasicNode cn3 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(3);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn3.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn3.getCalleeName());
assertEquals(".booTemplate_", cn3.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(false, cn3.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn3.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn3.getDataExpr());
assertEquals("XXX", cn3.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals(0, cn3.numChildren());
CallBasicNode cn4 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(4);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn4.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn4.getCalleeName());
assertEquals(".zooTemplate", cn4.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn4.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn4.isPassingAllData());
assertTrue(cn4.getDataExpr().getChild(0) != null);
assertEquals("$animals", cn4.getDataExpr().toSourceString());
assertEquals(4, cn4.numChildren());
final CallParamValueNode cn4cpvn0 = (CallParamValueNode) cn4.getChild(0);
assertEquals("yoo", cn4cpvn0.getKey());
assertEquals("round($too)", cn4cpvn0.getValueExprText());
assertTrue(cn4cpvn0.getValueExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof FunctionNode);
final CallParamContentNode cn4cpcn1 = (CallParamContentNode) cn4.getChild(1);
assertEquals("woo", cn4cpcn1.getKey());
assertEquals("poo", ((RawTextNode) cn4cpcn1.getChild(0)).getRawText());
final CallParamValueNode cn4cpvn2 = (CallParamValueNode) cn4.getChild(2);
assertEquals("zoo", cn4cpvn2.getKey());
assertEquals("0", cn4cpvn2.getValueExprText());
final CallParamContentNode cn4cpcn3 = (CallParamContentNode) cn4.getChild(3);
assertEquals("doo", cn4cpcn3.getKey());
assertEquals(ContentKind.HTML, cn4cpcn3.getContentKind());
assertEquals("doopoo", ((RawTextNode) cn4cpcn3.getChild(0)).getRawText());
public void testParseDelegateCallStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {delcall name=\"booTemplate\" /}\n" +
" {delcall foo.goo.mooTemplate data=\"all\" /}\n" +
" {delcall MySecretFeature.zooTemplate data=\"$animals\"}\n" +
" {param yoo: round($too) /}\n" +
" {param woo}poo{/param}\n" +
" {/delcall}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
CallDelegateNode cn0 = (CallDelegateNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("booTemplate", cn0.getDelCalleeName());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn0.getDataExpr());
assertEquals("XXX", cn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals(0, cn0.numChildren());
CallDelegateNode cn1 = (CallDelegateNode) nodes.get(1);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn1.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("foo.goo.mooTemplate", cn1.getDelCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn1.isPassingData());
assertEquals(true, cn1.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn1.getDataExpr());
assertEquals(0, cn1.numChildren());
CallDelegateNode cn2 = (CallDelegateNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn2.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("MySecretFeature.zooTemplate", cn2.getDelCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn2.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn2.isPassingAllData());
assertTrue(cn2.getDataExpr().getChild(0) != null);
assertEquals("$animals", cn2.getDataExpr().toSourceString());
assertEquals(2, cn2.numChildren());
CallParamValueNode cn2cpvn0 = (CallParamValueNode) cn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("yoo", cn2cpvn0.getKey());
assertEquals("round($too)", cn2cpvn0.getValueExprText());
assertTrue(cn2cpvn0.getValueExprUnion().getExpr().getChild(0) instanceof FunctionNode);
CallParamContentNode cn2cpcn1 = (CallParamContentNode) cn2.getChild(1);
assertEquals("woo", cn2cpcn1.getKey());
assertEquals("poo", ((RawTextNode) cn2cpcn1.getChild(0)).getRawText());
public void testParseCallStmtWithPhname() throws Exception {
String templateBody = "" +
" {call .booTemplate_ phname=\"booTemplate_\" /}\n" +
" {call .booTemplate_ phname=\"booTemplate_\" /}\n" +
" {delcall MySecretFeature.zooTemplate data=\"$animals\" phname=\"secret_zoo\"}\n" +
" {param zoo: 0 /}\n" +
" {/delcall}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
CallBasicNode cn0 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals("BOO_TEMPLATE", cn0.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn0.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals(null, cn0.getCalleeName());
assertEquals(".booTemplate_", cn0.getSrcCalleeName());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn0.isPassingAllData());
assertEquals(null, cn0.getDataExpr());
assertEquals(0, cn0.numChildren());
CallBasicNode cn1 = (CallBasicNode) nodes.get(1);
CallDelegateNode cn2 = (CallDelegateNode) nodes.get(2);
assertEquals("SECRET_ZOO", cn2.genBasePlaceholderName());
assertEquals(SyntaxVersion.V2, cn2.getSyntaxVersion());
assertEquals("MySecretFeature.zooTemplate", cn2.getDelCalleeName());
assertEquals(true, cn2.isPassingData());
assertEquals(false, cn2.isPassingAllData());
assertTrue(cn2.getDataExpr().getChild(0) != null);
assertEquals("$animals", cn2.getDataExpr().toSourceString());
assertEquals(1, cn2.numChildren());
assertFalse(cn0.genSamenessKey().equals(cn1.genSamenessKey())); // CallNodes are never same
public void testParseLogStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody = "{log}Blah {$foo}.{/log}";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
LogNode logNode = (LogNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(3, logNode.numChildren());
assertEquals("Blah ", ((RawTextNode) logNode.getChild(0)).getRawText());
assertEquals("$foo", ((PrintNode) logNode.getChild(1)).getExprText());
public void testParseDebuggerStmt() throws Exception {
String templateBody = "{debugger}";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
assertTrue(nodes.get(0) instanceof DebuggerNode);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plural/select messages.
public void testParseMsgStmtWithPlural() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
" {msg desc=\"A sample plural message\"}\n" +
" {plural $num_people offset=\"1\"}\n" +
" {case 0}I see no one in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 1}I see {$person} in {$place}.\n" +
" {case 2}I see {$person} and one other person in {$place}.\n" +
" {default}I see {$person} and {remainder($num_people)} other people in {$place}.\n" +
" {/plural}" +
" {/msg}\n";
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(1, mn.numChildren());
assertEquals("A sample plural message", mn.getDesc());
MsgPluralNode pn = (MsgPluralNode) mn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$num_people offset=\"1\"", pn.getCommandText());
assertEquals(1, pn.getOffset());
assertEquals(4, pn.numChildren()); // 3 cases and default
// Case 0
MsgPluralCaseNode cn0 = (MsgPluralCaseNode) pn.getChild(0);
assertEquals(3, cn0.numChildren());
assertEquals(0, cn0.getCaseNumber());
RawTextNode rtn01 = (RawTextNode) cn0.getChild(0);
assertEquals("I see no one in ", rtn01.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phn01 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cn0.getChild(1);
assertEquals("{$place}", phn01.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtn02 = (RawTextNode) cn0.getChild(2);
assertEquals(".", rtn02.getRawText());
// Case 1
MsgPluralCaseNode cn1 = (MsgPluralCaseNode) pn.getChild(1);
assertEquals(5, cn1.numChildren());
assertEquals(1, cn1.getCaseNumber());
RawTextNode rtn11 = (RawTextNode) cn1.getChild(0);
assertEquals("I see ", rtn11.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phn11 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cn1.getChild(1);
assertEquals("{$person}", phn11.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtn12 = (RawTextNode) cn1.getChild(2);
assertEquals(" in ", rtn12.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phn12 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cn1.getChild(3);
assertEquals("{$place}", phn12.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtn13 = (RawTextNode) cn1.getChild(4);
assertEquals(".", rtn13.getRawText());
// Case 2
MsgPluralCaseNode cn2 = (MsgPluralCaseNode) pn.getChild(2);
assertEquals(5, cn2.numChildren());
assertEquals(2, cn2.getCaseNumber());
RawTextNode rtn21 = (RawTextNode) cn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("I see ", rtn21.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phn21 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cn2.getChild(1);
assertEquals("{$person}", phn21.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtn22 = (RawTextNode) cn2.getChild(2);
assertEquals(" and one other person in ", rtn22.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phn22 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cn2.getChild(3);
assertEquals("{$place}", phn22.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtn23 = (RawTextNode) cn2.getChild(4);
assertEquals(".", rtn23.getRawText());
// Default
MsgPluralDefaultNode dn = (MsgPluralDefaultNode) pn.getChild(3);
assertEquals(7, dn.numChildren());
RawTextNode rtnd1 = (RawTextNode) dn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("I see ", rtnd1.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phnd1 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn.getChild(1);
assertEquals("{$person}", phnd1.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtnd2 = (RawTextNode) dn.getChild(2);
assertEquals(" and ", rtnd2.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phnd2 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn.getChild(3);
assertEquals("{remainder($num_people)}", phnd2.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtnd3 = (RawTextNode) dn.getChild(4);
assertEquals(" other people in ", rtnd3.getRawText());
MsgPlaceholderNode phnd3 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn.getChild(5);
assertEquals("{$place}", phnd3.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtnd4 = (RawTextNode) dn.getChild(6);
assertEquals(".", rtnd4.getRawText());
public void testParseMsgStmtWithSelect() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
"{msg desc=\"A sample gender message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person} added you to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person} added you to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(1, mn.numChildren());
assertEquals("A sample gender message", mn.getDesc());
MsgSelectNode sn = (MsgSelectNode) mn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$gender", sn.getCommandText());
assertEquals(2, sn.numChildren()); // female and default
// Case 'female'
MsgSelectCaseNode cnf = (MsgSelectCaseNode) sn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("'female'", cnf.getCommandText());
assertEquals(2, cnf.numChildren());
MsgPlaceholderNode phnf = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cnf.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person}", phnf.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtnf = (RawTextNode) cnf.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" added you to her circle.", rtnf.getRawText());
// Default
MsgSelectDefaultNode dn = (MsgSelectDefaultNode) sn.getChild(1);
assertEquals(2, dn.numChildren());
MsgPlaceholderNode phnd = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person}", phnd.toSourceString());
RawTextNode rtnd = (RawTextNode) dn.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" added you to his circle.", rtnd.getRawText());
public void testParseMsgStmtWithNestedSelects() throws Exception {
String templateBody =
"{msg desc=\"A sample nested message\"}\n" +
" {select $gender1}\n" +
" {case 'female'}\n" +
" {select $gender2}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person1} added {$person2} and her friends to her circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person1} added {$person2} and his friends to her circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {default}\n" +
" {select $gender2}\n" +
" {case 'female'}{$person1} put {$person2} and her friends to his circle.\n" +
" {default}{$person1} put {$person2} and his friends to his circle.\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
" {/select}\n" +
List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateBody(templateBody);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
MsgNode mn = (MsgNode) nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(1, mn.numChildren());
assertEquals("A sample nested message", mn.getDesc());
// Outer select
MsgSelectNode sn = (MsgSelectNode) mn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$gender1", sn.getCommandText());
assertEquals(2, sn.numChildren()); // female and default
// Outer select: Case 'female'
MsgSelectCaseNode cnf = (MsgSelectCaseNode) sn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("'female'", cnf.getCommandText());
assertEquals(1, cnf.numChildren()); // Another select
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select
MsgSelectNode sn2 = (MsgSelectNode) cnf.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$gender2", sn2.getCommandText());
assertEquals(2, sn2.numChildren()); // female and default
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Case 'female'
MsgSelectCaseNode cnf2 = (MsgSelectCaseNode) sn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("'female'", cnf2.getCommandText());
assertEquals(4, cnf2.numChildren());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Case 'female': Placeholder $person1
MsgPlaceholderNode phn1 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cnf2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person1}", phn1.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Case 'female': RawText
RawTextNode rtn1 = (RawTextNode) cnf2.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" added ", rtn1.getRawText());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Case 'female': Placeholder $person2
MsgPlaceholderNode phn2 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cnf2.getChild(2);
assertEquals("{$person2}", phn2.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Case 'female': RawText
RawTextNode rtn2 = (RawTextNode) cnf2.getChild(3);
assertEquals(" and her friends to her circle.", rtn2.getRawText());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Default
MsgSelectDefaultNode dn2 = (MsgSelectDefaultNode) sn2.getChild(1);
assertEquals(4, dn2.numChildren());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Default: Placeholder $person1
MsgPlaceholderNode phn21 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person1}", phn21.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Default: RawText
RawTextNode rtn21 = (RawTextNode) dn2.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" added ", rtn21.getRawText());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Default: Placeholder $person2
MsgPlaceholderNode phn22 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn2.getChild(2);
assertEquals("{$person2}", phn22.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Case 'female': Inner select: Default: RawText
RawTextNode rtn22 = (RawTextNode) dn2.getChild(3);
assertEquals(" and his friends to her circle.", rtn22.getRawText());
// Outer select: Default
MsgSelectDefaultNode dn = (MsgSelectDefaultNode) sn.getChild(1);
assertEquals(1, dn.numChildren()); // Another select
// Outer select: Default: Inner select
MsgSelectNode sn3 = (MsgSelectNode) dn.getChild(0);
assertEquals("$gender2", sn3.getCommandText());
assertEquals(2, sn3.numChildren()); // female and default
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Case 'female'
MsgSelectCaseNode cnf3 = (MsgSelectCaseNode) sn3.getChild(0);
assertEquals("'female'", cnf3.getCommandText());
assertEquals(4, cnf3.numChildren());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Case 'female': Placeholder $person1
MsgPlaceholderNode phn3 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cnf3.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person1}", phn3.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Case 'female': RawText
RawTextNode rtn3 = (RawTextNode) cnf3.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" put ", rtn3.getRawText());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Case 'female': Placeholder $person2
MsgPlaceholderNode phn4 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) cnf3.getChild(2);
assertEquals("{$person2}", phn4.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Case 'female': RawText
RawTextNode rtn4 = (RawTextNode) cnf3.getChild(3);
assertEquals(" and her friends to his circle.", rtn4.getRawText());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Default
MsgSelectDefaultNode dn3 = (MsgSelectDefaultNode) sn3.getChild(1);
assertEquals(4, dn3.numChildren());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Default: Placeholder $person1
MsgPlaceholderNode phn5 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn3.getChild(0);
assertEquals("{$person1}", phn5.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Default: RawText
RawTextNode rtn5 = (RawTextNode) dn3.getChild(1);
assertEquals(" put ", rtn5.getRawText());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Default: Placeholder $person2
MsgPlaceholderNode phn6 = (MsgPlaceholderNode) dn3.getChild(2);
assertEquals("{$person2}", phn6.toSourceString());
// Outer select: Default: Inner select: Default: RawText
RawTextNode rtn6 = (RawTextNode) dn3.getChild(3);
assertEquals(" and his friends to his circle.", rtn6.getRawText());
public void testMaybeWhitespaceEmitsLineNumberOnError() {
// Check that the line number is included.
try {
parseMaybeWhitespace("ErrorMessage", "foo");
fail("Should have failed with a ParseException");
} catch (ParseException pe) {
assertTrue("Expected [Found on line 1], received: " + pe.getMessage(),
pe.getMessage().contains("Found on line 1"));
// The line number is correct following a newline.
try {
parseMaybeWhitespace("ErrorMessage", "\nfoo");
fail("Should have failed with a ParseException");
} catch (ParseException pe) {
assertTrue("Expected [Found on line 2], received: " + pe.getMessage(),
pe.getMessage().contains("Found on line 2"));
// The line number is correct even when the template doesn't start on line 1.
try {
IdGenerator nodeIdGen = new IncrementingIdGenerator();
(new TemplateParser("foo", "test.soy", /* start line number */ 2, nodeIdGen))
fail("Should have failed with a ParseException");
} catch (ParseException pe) {
assertTrue("Expected [Found on line 2], received: " + pe.getMessage(),
pe.getMessage().contains("Found on line 2"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers.
* Parses the given input as a template body.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @throws SoySyntaxException When the given input has a syntax error.
* @throws TokenMgrError When the given input has a token error.
* @throws ParseException When the given input has a parse error.
* @return The parse tree nodes created.
private static List<StandaloneNode> parseTemplateBody(String input)
throws SoySyntaxException, TokenMgrError, ParseException {
IdGenerator nodeIdGen = new IncrementingIdGenerator();
return (new TemplateParser(input, "test.soy", /* start line number */ 1, nodeIdGen))
* Parses the given input using the MaybeWhitespace rule.
* @param errorMessage The error message MaybeWhitespace should emit when it fails.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @throws SoySyntaxException When the given input has a syntax error.
* @throws TokenMgrError When the given input has a token error.
* @throws ParseException When the given input has a parse error.
private static void parseMaybeWhitespace(String errorMessage, String input)
throws SoySyntaxException, TokenMgrError, ParseException {
IdGenerator nodeIdGen = new IncrementingIdGenerator();
(new TemplateParser(input, "test.soy", /* start line number */ 1, nodeIdGen))
* Asserts that the given input is a valid template.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @throws SoySyntaxException When the given input has a syntax error.
* @throws TokenMgrError When the given input has a token error.
* @throws ParseException When the given input has a parse error.
private static void assertIsTemplateBody(String input)
throws SoySyntaxException, TokenMgrError, ParseException {
* Asserts that the given input is not a valid template.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @throws AssertionFailedError When the given input is actually a valid template.
private static void assertIsNotTemplateBody(String input) throws AssertionFailedError {
try {
} catch (SoySyntaxException sse) {
// Test passes.
} catch (TokenMgrError tme) {
// Test passes.
} catch (ParseException pe) {
// Test passes.