* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.template.soy.soytree;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.template.soy.base.BaseUtils;
import com.google.template.soy.base.SoySyntaxException;
import com.google.template.soy.data.SanitizedContent.ContentKind;
import com.google.template.soy.data.internalutils.NodeContentKinds;
import com.google.template.soy.soytree.CommandTextAttributesParser.Attribute;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* Node representing a basic template.
* <p> Important: Do not use outside of Soy code (treat as superpackage-private).
* @author Kai Huang
public class TemplateBasicNode extends TemplateNode {
* Private helper class used by constructors. Encapsulates all the info derived from the command
* text.
private static class CommandTextInfo extends TemplateNode.CommandTextInfo {
public final boolean isOverride;
public CommandTextInfo(
String commandText, String templateName, @Nullable String partialTemplateName,
boolean isOverride, boolean isPrivate, AutoescapeMode autoescapeMode,
ContentKind contentKind, SyntaxVersion syntaxVersion) {
super(commandText, templateName, partialTemplateName, isPrivate, autoescapeMode,
contentKind, syntaxVersion);
this.isOverride = isOverride;
/** Pattern for a template name not listed as an attribute name="...". */
private static final Pattern NONATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE_NAME =
Pattern.compile("^ (?! name=\") [.\\w]+ (?= \\s | $)", Pattern.COMMENTS);
/** Parser for the command text. */
private static final CommandTextAttributesParser ATTRIBUTES_PARSER =
new CommandTextAttributesParser("template",
new Attribute("name", Attribute.ALLOW_ALL_VALUES, null),
new Attribute("private", Attribute.BOOLEAN_VALUES, "false"),
new Attribute("override", Attribute.BOOLEAN_VALUES, null), // V1
new Attribute("autoescape", AutoescapeMode.getAttributeValues(), null),
new Attribute("kind", NodeContentKinds.getAttributeValues(), null));
/** Whether this template overrides another (always false for syntax version V2). */
private final boolean isOverride;
* Creates a TemplateNode given the source command text.
* @param id The id for this node.
* @param soyFileHeaderInfo Info from the containing Soy file's header declarations.
* @param commandText The command text.
* @param soyDoc The full SoyDoc, including the start/end tokens, or null if the template is not
* preceded by SoyDoc.
* @throws SoySyntaxException If a syntax error is found.
public TemplateBasicNode(
int id, SoyFileHeaderInfo soyFileHeaderInfo, String commandText, @Nullable String soyDoc)
throws SoySyntaxException {
this(id, soyFileHeaderInfo, parseCommandTextHelper(soyFileHeaderInfo, commandText), soyDoc);
* Private helper for constructor
* {@link #TemplateBasicNode(int, SoyFileHeaderInfo, String, String)}.
private static final CommandTextInfo parseCommandTextHelper(
SoyFileHeaderInfo soyFileHeaderInfo, String commandText) {
SyntaxVersion syntaxVersion = SyntaxVersion.V2;
String commandTextForParsing = commandText;
// Handle template name not listed as an attribute name="...".
String nameAttr = null;
Matcher ntnMatcher = NONATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE_NAME.matcher(commandTextForParsing);
if (ntnMatcher.find()) {
nameAttr = ntnMatcher.group();
commandTextForParsing = commandTextForParsing.substring(ntnMatcher.end()).trim();
Map<String, String> attributes = ATTRIBUTES_PARSER.parse(commandTextForParsing);
if (nameAttr == null) {
nameAttr = attributes.get("name");
if (nameAttr == null) {
throw SoySyntaxException.createWithoutMetaInfo(
"Invalid 'template' command missing template name: {template " + commandText + "}.");
} else {
if (attributes.get("name") != null) {
throw SoySyntaxException.createWithoutMetaInfo(
"Invalid 'template' command with template name declared multiple times (" +
nameAttr + ", " + attributes.get("name") + ").");
String templateName;
String partialTemplateName;
if (BaseUtils.isIdentifierWithLeadingDot(nameAttr)) {
if (soyFileHeaderInfo.namespace == null) {
throw SoySyntaxException.createWithoutMetaInfo(
"Missing namespace in Soy file containing 'template' with namespace-relative name" +
" ({template " + commandText + "}).");
partialTemplateName = nameAttr;
templateName = soyFileHeaderInfo.namespace + partialTemplateName;
} else if (BaseUtils.isDottedIdentifier(nameAttr)) {
syntaxVersion = SyntaxVersion.V1;
templateName = nameAttr;
partialTemplateName = null;
} else {
throw SoySyntaxException.createWithoutMetaInfo("Invalid template name \"" + nameAttr + "\".");
boolean isPrivate = attributes.get("private").equals("true");
boolean isOverride;
String overrideAttr = attributes.get("override");
if (overrideAttr == null) {
isOverride = false;
} else {
syntaxVersion = SyntaxVersion.V1;
isOverride = overrideAttr.equals("true");
AutoescapeMode autoescapeMode;
String autoescapeModeStr = attributes.get("autoescape");
if (autoescapeModeStr != null) {
autoescapeMode = AutoescapeMode.forAttributeValue(autoescapeModeStr);
} else {
autoescapeMode = soyFileHeaderInfo.defaultAutoescapeMode; // Inherit from containing file.
ContentKind contentKind = (attributes.get("kind") != null) ?
NodeContentKinds.forAttributeValue(attributes.get("kind")) : null;
return new CommandTextInfo(
commandText, templateName, partialTemplateName, isOverride, isPrivate, autoescapeMode,
contentKind, syntaxVersion);
* Creates a TemplateNode given values for fields.
* @param soyFileHeaderInfo Info from the containing Soy file's header declarations.
* @param templateName The full template name.
* @param partialTemplateName The template name without any namespace, or null for templates in
* V1 syntax.
* @param useAttrStyleForName true to use an attribute to specify the name.
* This is purely cosmetic.
* @param isOverride True iff the template overrides another (false for V2).
* @param isPrivate True iff the template can only be used by other templates from the same file
* @param autoescapeMode Specifies how <code>{print}</code> commands are escaped.
public TemplateBasicNode(
int id, SoyFileHeaderInfo soyFileHeaderInfo, String templateName,
@Nullable String partialTemplateName, boolean useAttrStyleForName, boolean isOverride,
boolean isPrivate, AutoescapeMode autoescapeMode, ContentKind contentKind,
@Nullable String soyDoc, SyntaxVersion syntaxVersion) {
id, soyFileHeaderInfo,
templateName, partialTemplateName, useAttrStyleForName, isOverride, isPrivate,
autoescapeMode, contentKind, syntaxVersion),
* Private helper for constructor
* {@link #TemplateBasicNode(
* int, SoyFileHeaderInfo, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, AutoescapeMode,
* ContentKind, String, SyntaxVersion)}.
private static final CommandTextInfo buildCommandTextInfoHelper(
String templateName, @Nullable String partialTemplateName, boolean useAttrStyleForName,
boolean isOverride, boolean isPrivate, AutoescapeMode autoescapeMode, ContentKind contentKind,
SyntaxVersion syntaxVersion) {
partialTemplateName == null || BaseUtils.isIdentifierWithLeadingDot(partialTemplateName));
Preconditions.checkArgument((contentKind != null) == (autoescapeMode == AutoescapeMode.STRICT));
StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder();
String templateNameInCommandText =
(partialTemplateName != null) ? partialTemplateName : templateName;
if (useAttrStyleForName) {
} else {
commandText.append(" autoescape=\"").append(autoescapeMode.getAttributeValue()).append('"');
if (contentKind != null) {
commandText.append(" kind=\"" + NodeContentKinds.toAttributeValue(contentKind) + '"');
if (isOverride) {
commandText.append(" override=\"true\"");
if (isPrivate) {
commandText.append(" private=\"true\"");
return new CommandTextInfo(
commandText.toString(), templateName, partialTemplateName, isOverride, isPrivate,
autoescapeMode, contentKind, syntaxVersion);
* Private helper constructor used by both of the constructors
* {@link #TemplateBasicNode(int, SoyFileHeaderInfo, String, String)} and
* {@link #TemplateBasicNode(
* int, SoyFileHeaderInfo, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, AutoescapeMode,
* ContentKind, String, SyntaxVersion)}.
private TemplateBasicNode(
int id, SoyFileHeaderInfo soyFileHeaderInfo, CommandTextInfo commandTextInfo,
@Nullable String soyDoc) {
super(id, soyFileHeaderInfo, "template", commandTextInfo, soyDoc);
this.isOverride = commandTextInfo.isOverride;
* Copy constructor.
* @param orig The node to copy.
protected TemplateBasicNode(TemplateBasicNode orig) {
this.isOverride = orig.isOverride;
@Override public Kind getKind() {
@Override public String getTemplateNameForUserMsgs() {
return getTemplateName();
/** Returns whether this template overrides another (always false for syntax version V2). */
public boolean isOverride() {
return isOverride;
@Override public TemplateBasicNode clone() {
return new TemplateBasicNode(this);