* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.template.soy;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.inject.Injector;
import com.google.template.soy.base.SoySyntaxException;
import com.google.template.soy.jssrc.SoyJsSrcOptions;
import com.google.template.soy.jssrc.SoyJsSrcOptions.CodeStyle;
import com.google.template.soy.shared.SoyGeneralOptions.CssHandlingScheme;
import com.google.template.soy.xliffmsgplugin.XliffMsgPluginModule;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
* Executable for compiling a set of Soy files into corresponding JS source files.
* @author Kai Huang
public final class SoyToJsSrcCompiler {
/** The string to prepend to the usage message. */
private static final String USAGE_PREFIX =
"Usage:\n" +
"java com.google.template.soy.SoyToJsSrcCompiler \\\n" +
" [<flag1> <flag2> ...] --outputPathFormat <formatString> \\\n" +
" --srcs <soyFilePath>,... [--deps <soyFilePath>,...]\n";
@Option(name = "--inputPrefix",
usage = "If provided, this path prefix will be prepended to each input file path" +
" listed on the command line. This is a literal string prefix, so you'll need" +
" to include a trailing slash if necessary.")
private String inputPrefix = "";
@Option(name = "--srcs",
usage = "[Required] The list of source Soy files.",
handler = MainClassUtils.StringListOptionHandler.class)
private List<String> srcs = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--deps",
usage = "The list of dependency Soy files (if applicable). The compiler needs deps for" +
" analysis/checking, but will not generate code for dep files.",
handler = MainClassUtils.StringListOptionHandler.class)
private List<String> deps = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--allowExternalCalls",
usage = "Whether to allow external calls. New projects should set this to false, and" +
" existing projects should remove existing external calls and then set this" +
" to false. It will save you a lot of headaches. Currently defaults to true" +
" for backward compatibility.",
handler = MainClassUtils.BooleanOptionHandler.class)
private boolean allowExternalCalls = true;
@Option(name = "--outputPathFormat",
required = true,
usage = "[Required] A format string that specifies how to build the path to each" +
" output file. If not generating localized JS, then there will be one output" +
" JS file (UTF-8) for each input Soy file. If generating localized JS, then" +
" there will be one output JS file for each combination of input Soy file and" +
" locale. The format string can include literal characters as well as the" +
" {LOCALE_LOWER_CASE} also turns dash into underscore, e.g. pt-BR becomes" +
" pt_br.")
private String outputPathFormat = "";
@Option(name = "--isUsingIjData",
usage = "Whether to enable use of injected data (syntax is '$ij.*').",
handler = MainClassUtils.BooleanOptionHandler.class)
private boolean isUsingIjData = false;
@Option(name = "--codeStyle",
usage = "The code style to use when generating JS code ('stringbuilder' or 'concat').")
private CodeStyle codeStyle = CodeStyle.CONCAT;
@Option(name = "--shouldGenerateJsdoc",
usage = "Whether we should generate JSDoc with type info for the Closure Compiler." +
" Note the generated JSDoc does not have description text, only types for the" +
" benefit of the Closure Compiler.",
handler = MainClassUtils.BooleanOptionHandler.class)
private boolean shouldGenerateJsdoc = false;
@Option(name = "--shouldProvideRequireSoyNamespaces",
usage = "When this option is used, each generated JS file will contain (a) one single" +
" goog.provide statement for the corresponding Soy file's namespace and" +
" (b) goog.require statements for the namespaces of the called templates.",
handler = MainClassUtils.BooleanOptionHandler.class)
private boolean shouldProvideRequireSoyNamespaces = false;
@Option(name = "--shouldDeclareTopLevelNamespaces",
usage = "[Only applicable when generating regular JS code to define namespaces (i.e." +
" not generating goog.provide/goog.require).] When this option is set to" +
" false, each generated JS file will not attempt to declare the top-level" +
" name in its namespace, instead assuming the top-level name is already" +
" declared in the global scope. E.g. for namespace aaa.bbb, the code will not" +
" attempt to declare aaa, but will still define aaa.bbb if it's not already" +
" defined.",
handler = MainClassUtils.BooleanOptionHandler.class)
private boolean shouldDeclareTopLevelNamespaces = true;
@Option(name = "--locales",
usage = "[Required for generating localized JS] Comma-delimited list of locales for" +
" which to generate localized JS. There will be one output JS file for each" +
" combination of input Soy file and locale.",
handler = MainClassUtils.StringListOptionHandler.class)
private List<String> locales = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--messageFilePathFormat",
usage = "[Required for generating localized JS] A format string that specifies how to" +
" build the path to each translated messages file. The format string can" +
" include literal characters as well as the placeholders {INPUT_PREFIX}," +
" {LOCALE}, and {LOCALE_LOWER_CASE}. Note {LOCALE_LOWER_CASE} also turns dash" +
" into underscore, e.g. pt-BR becomes pt_br. The format string must end with" +
" an extension matching the message file format (case-insensitive).")
private String messageFilePathFormat = "";
@Option(name = "--shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs",
usage = "When this option is used, all 'msg' blocks will be turned into goog.getMsg" +
" definitions and corresponding usages. Must be used with either" +
" --bidiGlobalDir, or --useGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir, usually the latter." +
" Also see --googMsgsAreExternal.")
private boolean shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs = false;
@Option(name = "--googMsgsAreExternal",
usage = "[Only applicable if --shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs is true]" +
" If this option is true, then we generate" +
" \"var MSG_EXTERNAL_<soyGeneratedMsgId> = goog.getMsg(...);\"." +
" If this option is false, then we generate" +
" \"var MSG_UNNAMED_<uniquefier> = goog.getMsg(...);\"." +
" [Explanation of true value]" +
" Set this option to true if your project is having Closure Templates do" +
" message extraction (e.g. with SoyMsgExtractor) and then having the Closure" +
" Compiler do translated message insertion." +
" [Explanation of false value]" +
" Set this option to false if your project is having the Closure Compiler do" +
" all of its localization, i.e. if you want the Closure Compiler to do both" +
" message extraction and translated message insertion. A significant drawback" +
" to this setup is that, if your templates are used from both JS and Java, you" +
" will end up with two separate and possibly different sets of translations" +
" for your messages.")
private boolean googMsgsAreExternal = false;
@Option(name = "--bidiGlobalDir",
usage = "The bidi global directionality (ltr=1, rtl=-1). Only applicable if your Soy" +
" code uses bidi functions/directives. Also note that this flag is usually not" +
" necessary if a message file is provided, because by default the bidi global" +
" directionality is simply inferred from the message file.")
private int bidiGlobalDir = 0;
@Option(name = "--useGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir",
usage = "[Only applicable if both --shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs and" +
" --shouldProvideRequireSoyNamespaces" +
" is true]" +
" Whether to determine the bidi global direction at template runtime by" +
" evaluating goog.i18n.bidi.IS_RTL. Do not combine with --bidiGlobalDir.")
private boolean useGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir = false;
@Option(name = "--cssHandlingScheme",
usage = "The scheme to use for handling 'css' commands. Specifying 'literal' will" +
" cause command text to be inserted as literal text. Specifying 'reference'" +
" will cause command text to be evaluated as a data or global reference." +
" Specifying 'goog' will cause generation of calls goog.getCssName. This" +
" option has no effect if the Soy code does not contain 'css' commands.")
private String cssHandlingScheme = "literal";
@Option(name = "--compileTimeGlobalsFile",
usage = "The path to a file containing the mappings for global names to be substituted" +
" at compile time. Each line of the file should have the format" +
" \"<global_name> = <primitive_data>\" where primitive_data is a valid Soy" +
" expression literal for a primitive type (null, boolean, integer, float, or" +
" string). Empty lines and lines beginning with \"//\" are ignored. The file" +
" should be encoded in UTF-8. If you need to generate a file in this format" +
" from Java, consider using the utility" +
" SoyUtils.generateCompileTimeGlobalsFile().")
private String compileTimeGlobalsFile = "";
@Option(name = "--messagePluginModule",
usage = "Specifies the full class name of a Guice module that binds a SoyMsgPlugin." +
" If not specified, the default is" +
" com.google.template.soy.xliffmsgplugin.XliffMsgPluginModule, which binds" +
" the XliffMsgPlugin.")
private String messagePluginModule = XliffMsgPluginModule.class.getName();
@Option(name = "--pluginModules",
usage = "Specifies the full class names of Guice modules for function plugins and" +
" print directive plugins (comma-delimited list).")
private String pluginModules = "";
/** The remaining arguments after parsing command-line flags. */
private List<String> arguments = Lists.newArrayList();
* Compiles a set of Soy files into corresponding JS source files.
* @param args Should contain command-line flags and the list of paths to the Soy files.
* @throws IOException If there are problems reading the input files or writing the output file.
* @throws SoySyntaxException If a syntax error is detected.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SoySyntaxException {
(new SoyToJsSrcCompiler()).execMain(args);
private SoyToJsSrcCompiler() {}
private void execMain(String[] args) throws IOException, SoySyntaxException {
final CmdLineParser cmdLineParser = MainClassUtils.parseFlags(this, args, USAGE_PREFIX);
final Function<String, Void> exitWithErrorFn = new Function<String, Void>() {
@Override public Void apply(String errorMsg) {
MainClassUtils.exitWithError(errorMsg, cmdLineParser, USAGE_PREFIX);
return null;
if (outputPathFormat.length() == 0) {
"Must provide the output path format.", cmdLineParser, USAGE_PREFIX);
Injector injector = MainClassUtils.createInjector(messagePluginModule, pluginModules);
// Create SoyFileSet.
SoyFileSet.Builder sfsBuilder = injector.getInstance(SoyFileSet.Builder.class);
MainClassUtils.addSoyFilesToBuilder(sfsBuilder, inputPrefix, srcs, arguments, deps,
String cssHandlingSchemeUc = cssHandlingScheme.toUpperCase();
cssHandlingSchemeUc.equals("GOOG") ?
CssHandlingScheme.BACKEND_SPECIFIC : CssHandlingScheme.valueOf(cssHandlingSchemeUc));
if (compileTimeGlobalsFile.length() > 0) {
sfsBuilder.setCompileTimeGlobals(new File(compileTimeGlobalsFile));
SoyFileSet sfs = sfsBuilder.build();
// Create SoyJsSrcOptions.
SoyJsSrcOptions jsSrcOptions = new SoyJsSrcOptions();
// Compile.
if (locales.size() == 0) {
// Not generating localized JS.
sfs.compileToJsSrcFiles(outputPathFormat, inputPrefix, jsSrcOptions, locales, null);
} else {
// Generating localized JS.
outputPathFormat, inputPrefix, jsSrcOptions, locales, messageFilePathFormat);