package utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import entities.Event;
import entities.FinaBaseTimes;
public class Calculations {
private static Calculations instance;
private Map<String, String> styleType = new Constants().getStyleNames();
private Map<String, String> pathFile = new Constants().getDataFiles();
private String osName = new Constants().getOsName();
private Calculations() {
public static synchronized Calculations getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new Calculations();
return instance;
public int calculateLocalPoints(int place) {
return (place == 1) ? 10 : (place == 2) ? 8 : (place == 3) ? 6 : (place == 4) ? 5 : (place == 5) ? 4
: (place == 6) ? 3 : (place == 7) ? 2 : (place == 8) ? 1 : 0;
private Integer getMinuteFromString(String time) {
String[] minSplit;
minSplit = time.split(":");
return (minSplit.length == 2) ? Integer.parseInt(minSplit[0]) : 0;
private Integer getSecondsFromString(String time) {
String[] minSplit = time.split(":");
String[] secSplit = ((minSplit.length == 2) ? minSplit[1] : minSplit[0]).split("\\.");
return Integer.parseInt(secSplit[0]);
private Integer getMSecondsFromString(String time) {
String[] minSplit = time.split(":");
String[] secSplit = ((minSplit.length == 2) ? minSplit[1] : minSplit[0]).split("\\.");
return Integer.parseInt(secSplit[1]);
public List<FinaBaseTimes> getAllBaseTimes() {
List<FinaBaseTimes> fina = new ArrayList<FinaBaseTimes>();
Scanner scanner;
String tmp = "buzz";
try {
scanner = new Scanner(new File(pathFile.get("util")
+ (osName.toLowerCase().startsWith("linux") ? "/FINA Base Times.csv" : "\\FINA Base Times.csv")));
try {
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String[] entry = scanner.nextLine().split(";");
entry[10] = entry[10].isEmpty() ? "99:99.99" : entry[10];
entry[11] = entry[11].isEmpty() ? "99:99.99" : entry[11];
fina.add(new FinaBaseTimes(entry[0], entry[1], entry[2], entry[4], Integer.parseInt(entry[3]),
entry[5], entry[6], getMinuteFromString(entry[10]), getSecondsFromString(entry[10]),
getMSecondsFromString(entry[10]), Double.parseDouble(entry[11].replace(",", "."))));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
} finally {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return fina;
public double getBaseTimeForEvent(Event event, String age, String gender) {
Boolean matchFoundPoolType = false;
Boolean matchFoundStyle = false;
Boolean matchFoundDistance = false;
Boolean matchFoundGender = false;
List<FinaBaseTimes> fina = getAllBaseTimes();
for (FinaBaseTimes times : fina) {
// only base times of a certain age group are taken into account
if (times.getAgeGroup().equals(age)) {
// establish the pooltype
matchFoundPoolType = (times.getPoolType().equals("SCM")) ? (event.getPoolType().contains("25") ? true
: false) : (times.getPoolType().equals("LCM")) ? (event.getPoolType().contains("50") ? true
: false) : false;
// establish the style
matchFoundStyle = (times.getStyle().equals("FREE")) ? (event.getStyle().equals(
styleType.get("FREE").toString()) ? true : false) : (times.getStyle().equals("BACK")) ? (event
.getStyle().equals(styleType.get("BACK").toString()) ? true : false) : (times.getStyle()
.equals("BREAST")) ? (event.getStyle().equals(styleType.get("BREAST").toString()) ? true
: false) : (times.getStyle().equals("FLY")) ? (event.getStyle().equals(
styleType.get("FLY").toString()) ? true : false) : (times.getStyle().equals("MEDLEY")) ? (event
.getStyle().equals(styleType.get("MEDLEY").toString()) ? true : false) : false;
// establish the length
matchFoundDistance = ((times.getLength() + " Meters").equals(event.getLength())) ? true : false;
// match the gender
matchFoundGender = times.getGender().toLowerCase().equals(gender.toLowerCase()) ? true : false;
if (matchFoundPoolType && matchFoundStyle && matchFoundDistance && matchFoundGender) {
return times.getBaseTimesSeconds();
return 0;
public String calculateFinaPoints(double swimTime, double baseTime) {
if (swimTime == 0.0)
return "0";
return String.format("%.5g%n", 1000 * Math.pow(baseTime / swimTime, 3));