* This file is distributed under the GPL
* $Id: VersionCheck.java 1810 2009-06-22 17:33:07Z scotta $
package net.bnubot.vercheck;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import net.bnubot.core.ChatQueue;
import net.bnubot.core.PluginManager;
import net.bnubot.logging.Out;
import net.bnubot.settings.GlobalSettings;
import net.bnubot.settings.Settings;
import net.bnubot.util.BNetUser;
import net.bnubot.util.OperatingSystem;
import net.bnubot.util.SHA1Sum;
import net.bnubot.util.URLDownloader;
import org.jbls.util.Constants;
* @author scotta
public class VersionCheck {
private static final String VERSION_CHECK_TIME = "versionCheckTime";
protected static XMLElementDecorator elem = null;
protected static VersionNumber vnLatest = null;
* Helper method to the version check
* @param force If enabled, do the version check no matter what. Otherwise, only do it once every six hours
* @return True if there was an update; false if none available or no version check was performed
* @throws Exception If an error occurred
public static boolean checkVersion(boolean force) throws Exception {
return checkVersion(force, null, false);
public static boolean checkVersion(boolean force, BNetUser bnSubject, boolean whisperBack) throws Exception {
if(!force) {
final long lastVersionCheck = Settings.getSection(null).read(VERSION_CHECK_TIME, 0l);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Wait 6 hours
if(now - lastVersionCheck < 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
return false;
return checkVersion(false, GlobalSettings.releaseType, bnSubject, whisperBack);
* Helper method to the version check
* @see #doCheckVersion(boolean, ReleaseType, String, String)
private static boolean checkVersion(boolean forceDownload, ReleaseType rt, BNetUser bnSubject, boolean whisperBack) throws Exception {
if(CurrentVersion.fromJar()) {
String path = System.getProperty("net.bnubot.jarpath", "BNUBot.jar");
if(!new File(path).exists())
throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
return checkVersion(forceDownload, rt, path, null, bnSubject, whisperBack);
return checkVersion(false, rt, null, null, bnSubject, whisperBack);
* Helper method to the version check
* This method is protected because it is used by InstallMain
* @see #doCheckVersion(boolean, ReleaseType, String, String)
protected static boolean checkVersion(boolean forceDownload, ReleaseType rt, String jarFileName, String downloadFolder) throws Exception {
return checkVersion(forceDownload, rt, jarFileName, downloadFolder, null, false);
private static boolean checkVersion(boolean forceDownload, ReleaseType rt, String jarFileName, String downloadFolder, BNetUser bnSubject, boolean whisperBack) throws Exception {
boolean cv = doCheckVersion(forceDownload, rt, jarFileName, downloadFolder, bnSubject, whisperBack);
if(bnSubject == null)
Out.debug(VersionCheck.class, "No update available.");
bnSubject.sendChat("No update available.", whisperBack);
return cv;
* Go ahead and do the version check for real now
* @param forceDownload Install mode: don't ask any questions, just download everything
* @param rt The ReleaseType to check for
* @param jarFileName Location of BNUBot.jar
* @param downloadFolder Location of the install path
* @param bnSubject The user to send information to
* @param whisperBack Was the initial command a whisper?
* @return whether an update is available
* @throws Exception if an error occurred
private static boolean doCheckVersion(boolean forceDownload, ReleaseType rt, String jarFileName, String downloadFolder, BNetUser bnSubject, boolean whisperBack) throws Exception {
if(!forceDownload) {
Settings.getSection(null).write(VERSION_CHECK_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis());
try {
String url = "http://www.clanbnu.net/bnubot/version.php?";
if(!forceDownload && (CurrentVersion.version().getSvnRevision() != null))
url += "svn=" + CurrentVersion.version().getSvnRevision() + "&";
url += "release=" + rt.toString();
url += "&os=" + OperatingSystem.userOS.name();
Out.debugAlways(VersionCheck.class, "Requesting latest version from " + url);
elem = XMLElementDecorator.parse(url);
} catch(Exception e) {
if(bnSubject == null)
Out.error(VersionCheck.class, "Failed to get latest version: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".");
bnSubject.sendChat("Failed to get latest version: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".", whisperBack);
return false;
if(downloadFolder != null)
jarFileName = downloadFolder + File.separatorChar + jarFileName;
XMLElementDecorator error = elem.getChild("error");
if(error != null) {
if(bnSubject == null)
Out.error(VersionCheck.class, error.getString());
bnSubject.sendChat(error.getString(), whisperBack);
return false;
XMLElementDecorator motd = elem.getPath("bnubot/motd");
if((motd != null) && (motd.getString() != null))
Out.info(VersionCheck.class, motd.getString());
if(forceDownload || CurrentVersion.fromJar()) {
XMLElementDecorator downloads = elem.getPath("bnubot/downloads");
if(downloads != null) {
for(XMLElementDecorator file : downloads.getChildren("file")) {
XMLElementDecorator sha1Element = file.getChild("sha1");
SHA1Sum sha1 = null;
if(sha1Element != null)
sha1 = new SHA1Sum(sha1Element.getString());
String from = file.getChild("from").getString();
String to = file.getChild("to").getString();
if(downloadFolder != null)
to = downloadFolder + File.separatorChar + to;
new URL(from),
new File(to),
XMLElementDecorator gamesElem = elem.getPath("bnubot/games");
if(gamesElem != null)
for(int i = 0; i < Constants.prods.length; i++) {
String game = Constants.prods[i];
int verByte = Constants.IX86verbytes[i];
XMLElementDecorator gameElem = gamesElem.getPath(game);
if(gameElem == null)
int vb = gameElem.getPath("verbyte").getInt();
if(verByte != vb) {
Out.error(VersionCheck.class, "Verbyte for game " + game + " is updating from 0x" + Integer.toHexString(verByte) + " to 0x" + Integer.toHexString(vb));
Constants.IX86verbytes[i] = vb;
XMLElementDecorator verLatest = elem.getPath("bnubot/latestVersion");
if(verLatest == null)
return false;
String releaseType = verLatest.getChild("type").getString();
// FIXME: this is for logging, to collect data
if(releaseType == null)
throw new NullPointerException("type is null\n" + verLatest.toString());
vnLatest = new VersionNumber(
Enum.valueOf(ReleaseType.class, releaseType),
String url = verLatest.getChild("url").getString();
XMLElementDecorator sha1Element = verLatest.getChild("sha1");
SHA1Sum sha1 = null;
if((sha1Element != null) && (sha1Element.getString() != null))
sha1 = new SHA1Sum(sha1Element.getString());
if(forceDownload) {
if(url == null)
return false;
URLDownloader.downloadURL(new URL(url), new File(jarFileName), sha1, true);
return true;
return false;
Out.error(VersionCheck.class, "Latest version: " + vnLatest.toString());
if(url == null)
return true;
if(jarFileName != null) {
File thisJar = new File(jarFileName);
if(thisJar.exists()) {
boolean doUpdate = true;
try {
if((bnSubject == null) && PluginManager.getEnableGui()) {
String msg = "BNU-Bot version " + vnLatest.toString() + " is available.\nWould you like to update?";
doUpdate = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, msg, "BNU-Bot update available", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
} catch(Exception e) {
// GUI is probably broken
if(doUpdate) {
// Find the parent folder
String parentFolder = thisJar.getAbsolutePath();
parentFolder = parentFolder.substring(0, parentFolder.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
// Download to download.jar
File to = new File(parentFolder + "download.jar");
URLDownloader.downloadURL(new URL(url), to, sha1, true);
String command;
switch(OperatingSystem.userOS) {
command = "BNUBot.exe";
case OSX:
command = "Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub";
command = "./run.sh";
// Swap the files
renameFile(thisJar, new File(parentFolder + CurrentVersion.version().toFileName()));
renameFile(to, thisJar);
// Show complete notification
try {
if((bnSubject == null) && PluginManager.getEnableGui())
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Update complete. BNU-Bot will now attempt to restart.");
} catch(Exception e) {
// GUI is probably broken
if(bnSubject != null) {
bnSubject.sendChat("Updated to " + vnLatest.toString() + "; restarting", whisperBack);
// Wait a maximum of 10 seconds for the queue to empty
long target = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
ChatQueue cq = bnSubject.getConnection().getProfile().getChatQueue();
while((cq.size() > 0) && (target > System.currentTimeMillis())) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Restart failed; oh well, nothing we can do about it now!
return true;
Out.error(VersionCheck.class, "Update: " + url);
return true;
private static void renameFile(File from, File to) throws IOException {
// Windows doesn't allow renaming open files; copy the contents instead
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(from);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(to);
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
do {
int c = is.read(b);
if(c == -1)
os.write(b, 0, c);
} while(true);