* This file is distributed under the GPL
* $Id: DatabaseWizard.java 1893 2014-02-11 09:22:17Z scotta $
package net.bnubot.bot.gui.wizard;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.bnubot.bot.gui.components.ConfigPanel;
import net.bnubot.bot.gui.components.GhostDefaultTextField;
import net.bnubot.db.Account;
import net.bnubot.db.BNLogin;
import net.bnubot.db.Rank;
import net.bnubot.settings.GlobalSettings;
import net.bnubot.util.BNetUser;
* @author scotta
public class DatabaseWizard extends AbstractWizard {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new DatabaseWizard().displayAndBlock();
private final GhostDefaultTextField[] accountName = new GhostDefaultTextField[1];
private final GhostDefaultTextField[] bnLogins = new GhostDefaultTextField[5];
public DatabaseWizard() {
super("Database Wizard");
addWizardPage(new AbstractWizardPage() {
public void createComponent(ConfigPanel cp) {
cp.add(new JLabel("<html>" +
"<h1>Introduction</h1>" +
"<hr/><br/>" +
"This is the database configuration wizard. This wizard will assist you in setting up your<br/>" +
"database by helping you to configure your first account. To begin, click Next.<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"If you do not wish to use the database, you may close this window now." +
public String isPageComplete() {
return null;
addWizardPage(new AbstractWizardPage() {
public void createComponent(ConfigPanel cp) {
cp.add(new JLabel("<html>" +
"<h1>Step 1</h1>" +
"<hr/><br/>" +
"Create a super-user account to store your battle.net handles.<br/>" +
"You should not use your battle.net logon name for this, but a canonical name.<br/>" +
"For example, my Battle.net account is BNU-Camel@Azeroth, so my account name is Camel.<br/>" +
"I might also choose to use Scott for a more formal name. Users will use this canonical<br/>" +
"name for things like sending you mail, so try to keep it simple.<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
accountName[0] = cp.makeGhost("Account", "Camel");
public void display() {
public String isPageComplete() {
return "Account name not set";
return null;
addWizardPage(new AbstractWizardPage() {
public void createComponent(ConfigPanel cp) {
cp.add(new JLabel("<html>" +
"<h1>Step 2</h1>" +
"<hr/><br/>" +
"Associate your battle.net handles with your account.<br/>" +
"You must include the user namespace (the part following the @ symbol):<br/>" +
"<ul><li>useast.battle.net: USEast / Azeroth</li>" +
"<li>uswest.battle.net: USWest / Lordaeron</li>" +
"<li>europe.battle.net: Europe / Northrend</li>" +
"<li>asia.battle.net: Asia / Kalimdor</li></ul>" +
"You may leave boxes blank if you have fewer than five handles.<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
bnLogins[0] = cp.makeGhost("BNet Login 1", "BNU-Camel@USEast");
bnLogins[1] = cp.makeGhost("BNet Login 2", "BNU-Camel@Azeroth");
bnLogins[2] = cp.makeGhost("BNet Login 3", "BNU-Camel@USWest");
bnLogins[3] = cp.makeGhost("BNet Login 4", "BNU-Camel@Lordaeron");
bnLogins[4] = cp.makeGhost("BNet Login 5", "");
public void display() {
for(GhostDefaultTextField l : bnLogins)
public String isPageComplete() {
for(GhostDefaultTextField l : bnLogins)
return null;
return "No BNLogins specified";
addWizardPage(new AbstractWizardPage() {
public void createComponent(ConfigPanel cp) {
cp.add(new JLabel("<html>" +
"<h1>Conclusion</h1>" +
"<hr/><br/>" +
"When you click Finish, the new data will be added to the database.<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"To create more accounts, you can use commands directly through the bot window.<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"Example:<br/>" +
"/createaccount Camel<br/>" +
"/setaccount BNU-Camel@Azeroth Camel<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"You can also use the shortened versions (aliases) of these commands:<br/>" +
"/ca Camel<br/>" +
"/sa BNU-Camel@Azeroth Camel<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"Be sure to check out the database editors, on the Database menu, as well.<br/>" +
"You can customize greetings, autopromtions, and how long bnet logins remain<br/>" +
"in the database before being deleted (expireDays) with the rank editor.<br/>" +
public String isPageComplete() {
return null;
public void finish() throws Exception {
List<String> logins = new ArrayList<String>(bnLogins.length);
for(GhostDefaultTextField l : bnLogins) {
String login = l.getText();
if(login.length() <= 0)
if(login.indexOf('@') == -1)
throw new Exception("Invalid BNetLogin: " + login);
String account = accountName[0].getText();
Account a = Account.get(account);
if(a == null)
a = Account.create(account, Rank.getMax(), null);
for(String l : logins) {
BNLogin bnl = BNLogin.getCreate(new BNetUser(l));