* This file is distributed under the GPL
* $Id: CommandSetRecruiter.java 1893 2014-02-11 09:22:17Z scotta $
package net.bnubot.bot.commands;
import net.bnubot.core.Connection;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.AccountDoesNotExistException;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.CommandRunnable;
import net.bnubot.db.Account;
import net.bnubot.util.BNetUser;
* @author scotta
public final class CommandSetRecruiter implements CommandRunnable {
public void run(Connection source, BNetUser user, String param, String[] params, boolean whisperBack, Account commanderAccount, boolean superUser)
throws Exception {
if((params == null) || (params.length != 2)) {
user.sendChat("Use: %trigger%setrecruiter <account> <account>", whisperBack);
Account rsSubject = Account.get(params[0]);
if(rsSubject == null)
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException(params[0]);
params[0] = rsSubject.getName();
Account rsTarget = Account.get(params[1]);
if(rsTarget == null)
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException(params[1]);
params[1] = rsTarget.getName();
String recursive = params[0];
Account cb = rsTarget;
do {
recursive += " -> " + cb.getName();
if(cb == rsSubject) {
user.sendChat("Recursion detected: " + recursive, whisperBack);
cb = cb.getRecruiter();
if(cb == null) {
user.sendChat("Successfully updated recruiter for [ " + params[0] + " ] to [ " + params[1] + " ]" , whisperBack);
} while(true);