* This file is distributed under the GPL
* $Id: CommandSetRank.java 1893 2014-02-11 09:22:17Z scotta $
package net.bnubot.bot.commands;
import net.bnubot.core.CommandResponseCookie;
import net.bnubot.core.Connection;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.CommandRunnable;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.InvalidUseException;
import net.bnubot.db.Account;
import net.bnubot.util.BNetUser;
import net.bnubot.util.CookieUtility;
* @author scotta
public final class CommandSetRank implements CommandRunnable {
public void run(Connection source, BNetUser user, String param, String[] params, boolean whisperBack, Account commanderAccount, boolean superUser)
throws Exception {
try {
if(params == null)
throw new InvalidUseException();
if(params.length != 2)
throw new InvalidUseException();
int newRank = 0;
if(params[1].compareToIgnoreCase("peon") == 0)
newRank = 1;
else if(params[1].compareToIgnoreCase("grunt") == 0)
newRank = 2;
else if(params[1].compareToIgnoreCase("shaman") == 0)
newRank = 3;
try {
newRank = Integer.valueOf(params[1]);
} catch(Exception e) {}
if((newRank < 1) || (newRank > 3))
throw new InvalidUseException();
// TODO: validate that params[0] is in the clan
CookieUtility.createCookie(new CommandResponseCookie(user, whisperBack)),
} catch(InvalidUseException e) {
user.sendChat("Use: %trigger%setrank <user> <rank(peon|grunt|shaman|1-3)>", whisperBack);