* This file is distributed under the GPL
* $Id: CommandEventHandler.java 1892 2011-08-02 07:10:19Z scotta $
package net.bnubot.bot;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAccess;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAdd;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAddAlias;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAllSeen;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAuth;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandAutoPromotion;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandBan;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandClearQueue;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandCreateAccount;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandDemote;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandDisconnect;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandHome;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandInfo;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandInvite;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandKick;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandMail;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandMailAll;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandPing;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandPingMe;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandPromote;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandQuit;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandReconnect;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandRecruit;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandRecruits;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandRejoin;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandRenameAccount;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSay;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSearch;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSearchRank;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSeen;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSetAccount;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSetAuth;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSetBirthday;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSetRank;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSetRecruiter;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandSweepBan;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandTimeBan;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandTrigger;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandUnban;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandUpdate;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandVote;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandVoteBan;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandVoteCancel;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandVoteKick;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandWhisperBack;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandWhoami;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.CommandWhois;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.TimeBan;
import net.bnubot.bot.commands.Vote;
import net.bnubot.core.Connection;
import net.bnubot.core.EventHandler;
import net.bnubot.core.Profile;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.AccountDoesNotExistException;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.CommandFailedWithDetailsException;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.InsufficientAccessException;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.InvalidUseException;
import net.bnubot.core.commands.NeverSeenUserException;
import net.bnubot.db.Account;
import net.bnubot.db.BNLogin;
import net.bnubot.db.Mail;
import net.bnubot.db.Rank;
import net.bnubot.db.conf.DatabaseContext;
import net.bnubot.logging.Out;
import net.bnubot.settings.GlobalSettings;
import net.bnubot.util.BNetUser;
import net.bnubot.util.TimeFormatter;
import net.bnubot.util.UnloggedException;
* @author scotta
public class CommandEventHandler extends EventHandler {
public static final Map<Connection, Boolean> sweepBanInProgress = new HashMap<Connection, Boolean>();
public static final Map<Connection, Integer> sweepBannedUsers = new HashMap<Connection, Integer>();
public static final List<TimeBan> timeBannedUsers = new ArrayList<TimeBan>();
public static final Map<Connection, Vote> votes = new HashMap<Connection, Vote>();
public CommandEventHandler(Profile profile) {
if(DatabaseContext.getContext() == null)
throw new UnloggedException("Can not enable commands without a database!");
protected BNLogin touchUser(Connection source, BNetUser user, String action) {
try {
BNLogin rsUser = BNLogin.getCreate(user);
if(rsUser != null) {
rsUser.setLastSeen(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if(action != null)
return rsUser;
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
private static boolean commandsInitialized = false;
private static void initializeCommands() {
commandsInitialized = true;
Profile.registerCommand("access", new CommandAccess());
Profile.registerCommand("add", new CommandAdd());
Profile.registerCommand("addalias", new CommandAddAlias());
Profile.registerCommand("allseen", new CommandAllSeen());
Profile.registerCommand("auth", new CommandAuth());
Profile.registerCommand("autopromotion", new CommandAutoPromotion());
Profile.registerCommand("ban", new CommandBan());
Profile.registerCommand("clearqueue", new CommandClearQueue());
Profile.registerCommand("createaccount", new CommandCreateAccount());
Profile.registerCommand("demote", new CommandDemote());
Profile.registerCommand("disconnect", new CommandDisconnect());
Profile.registerCommand("home", new CommandHome());
Profile.registerCommand("info", new CommandInfo());
Profile.registerCommand("invite", new CommandInvite());
Profile.registerCommand("kick", new CommandKick());
Profile.registerCommand("mail", new CommandMail());
Profile.registerCommand("mailall", new CommandMailAll());
Profile.registerCommand("ping", new CommandPing());
Profile.registerCommand("pingme", new CommandPingMe());
Profile.registerCommand("promote", new CommandPromote());
Profile.registerCommand("quit", new CommandQuit());
Profile.registerCommand("reconnect", new CommandReconnect());
Profile.registerCommand("recruit", new CommandRecruit());
Profile.registerCommand("recruits", new CommandRecruits());
Profile.registerCommand("rejoin", new CommandRejoin());
Profile.registerCommand("renameaccount", new CommandRenameAccount());
Profile.registerCommand("say", new CommandSay());
Profile.registerCommand("search", new CommandSearch());
Profile.registerCommand("searchrank", new CommandSearchRank());
Profile.registerCommand("seen", new CommandSeen());
Profile.registerCommand("setaccount", new CommandSetAccount());
Profile.registerCommand("setauth", new CommandSetAuth());
Profile.registerCommand("setbirthday", new CommandSetBirthday());
Profile.registerCommand("setrank", new CommandSetRank());
Profile.registerCommand("setrecruiter", new CommandSetRecruiter());
Profile.registerCommand("sweepban", new CommandSweepBan());
Profile.registerCommand("timeban", new CommandTimeBan());
Profile.registerCommand("trigger", new CommandTrigger());
Profile.registerCommand("unban", new CommandUnban());
Profile.registerCommand("update", new CommandUpdate());
Profile.registerCommand("vote", new CommandVote());
Profile.registerCommand("voteban", new CommandVoteBan());
Profile.registerCommand("votecancel", new CommandVoteCancel());
Profile.registerCommand("votekick", new CommandVoteKick());
Profile.registerCommand("whisperback", new CommandWhisperBack());
Profile.registerCommand("whoami", new CommandWhoami());
Profile.registerCommand("whois", new CommandWhois());
* Create an account
* @param accountName name of the account
* @param targetAccess the access to create the user at
* @param recruiter the {@link Account} of the recruiter, or null
* @param subject the account's first BNLogin
* @return the created account
* @throws AccountDoesNotExistException if the account
public static Account createAccount(String accountName, int targetAccess, Account recruiter, BNLogin subject)
throws AccountDoesNotExistException {
Account rsSubjectAccount = Account.get(accountName);
if(rsSubjectAccount != null)
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException("That account already exists!");
try {
rsSubjectAccount = Account.create(accountName, Rank.get(0), recruiter);
} catch(Exception e) {}
if(rsSubjectAccount == null)
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException("Failed to create account [" + accountName + "] for an unknown reason");
try {
return rsSubjectAccount;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage());
* Searches for a user by accountName, or a {@link BNLogin} by that name. If it doesn't exist, create it
* @param source the {@link Connection} the command was received from
* @param commander the {@link BNetUser} the command was issued by
* @param commanderAccount the {@link Account} the command was issued by
* @param accountName the name of the account to search for
* @param createAccess the access to create the user at if the account doesn't exist
* @return the user's {@link Account}
* @throws AccountDoesNotExistException if createAccount() fails
* @throws CommandFailedWithDetailsException if the {@link BNLogin} has never been seen
public static Account findOrCreateAccount(Connection source, BNetUser commander, Account commanderAccount, String accountName, int createAccess)
throws CommandFailedWithDetailsException, AccountDoesNotExistException {
Account subjectAccount = Account.get(accountName);
if(subjectAccount != null)
return subjectAccount;
// They don't have an account by that name, check if it's a user
BNetUser bnSubject = source.getCreateBNetUser(accountName, commander);
subjectAccount = Account.get(bnSubject);
if(subjectAccount != null)
return subjectAccount;
// The account does not exist
BNLogin subject = BNLogin.get(bnSubject);
if(subject == null)
throw new NeverSeenUserException(bnSubject);
return createAccount(accountName, createAccess, commanderAccount, subject);
public static void setAccountAccess(BNetUser commander, Account commanderAccount, Account subjectAccount, int targetAccess, boolean superUser, boolean whisperBack)
throws InsufficientAccessException, CommandFailedWithDetailsException {
Rank originalRank = subjectAccount.getRank();
int originalAccess = originalRank.getAccess();
if(targetAccess == originalAccess)
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("That would have no effect");
Rank targetRank = Rank.get(targetAccess);
if(targetRank == null)
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("Invalid rank: " + targetAccess);
if(!superUser) {
throw new InsufficientAccessException("to modify your self", true);
int commanderAccess = 0;
if(commanderAccount != null)
commanderAccess = commanderAccount.getAccess();
// TODO: get addMax from the database
int addMax = commanderAccess - 1;
if(targetAccess > addMax)
throw new InsufficientAccessException("to add users beyond " + addMax, true);
if(originalAccess >= commanderAccess)
throw new InsufficientAccessException("to add users ranked above " + (commanderAccess - 1), true);
subjectAccount.setLastRankChange(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
try {
commander.sendChat(subjectAccount.getName() + "'s rank has changed from "
+ originalRank.getPrefix() + " (" + originalAccess + ") to "
+ targetRank.getPrefix() + " (" + targetAccess + ")", whisperBack);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException(e);
private static boolean canKickBan(BNetUser user, BNetUser subject) {
// If the subject has no account, the user outranks them
Account as = Account.get(subject);
if(as == null)
return true;
// If the user has no account, the subject outranks them
Account au = Account.get(user);
if(au == null)
return false;
// Compare access
return (au.getAccess() > as.getAccess());
public static void doKickBan(Connection source, BNetUser user, String param, boolean isBan, boolean whisperBack)
throws InvalidUseException, CommandFailedWithDetailsException {
if((param == null) || (param.length() == 0))
throw new InvalidUseException();
// Extract the reason
String[] params = param.split(" ", 2);
String reason = params[0];
if(params.length > 1)
reason = params[1];
if(isBan && (params[0].indexOf('*') == -1)) {
BNetUser bnSubject = source.findUser(params[0], user);
if(!canKickBan(user, bnSubject))
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("You may not kick or ban users who outrank you.");
// Regular ban
String out = (isBan) ? "/ban " : "/kick ";
if(bnSubject != null)
out += bnSubject.getFullLogonName();
out += params[0];
out += " " + reason;
// Send the command
setInfoForwarding(source, user, whisperBack);
} else {
// Wildcard kick/ban
Collection<BNetUser> users = source.findUsersWildcard(params[0], user);
if(users.size() == 0)
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("That pattern did not match any users.");
int numSkippedOp = 0;
int numSkippedOutranked = 0;
for(BNetUser u : users) {
if((u.getFlags() & 0x02) != 0) {
if(!canKickBan(user, u)) {
// Build the command
String out = (isBan) ? "/ban " : "/kick ";
out += u.getFullLogonName() + " " + reason;
// Send the command
setInfoForwarding(source, user, whisperBack);
if(numSkippedOp > 0)
user.sendChat("Skipped " + numSkippedOp + " users with operator status.", whisperBack);
if(numSkippedOutranked > 0)
user.sendChat("Skipped " + numSkippedOutranked + " users who outrank you.", whisperBack);
* Start a vote
* @param source The connection to vote on
* @param user The user who started the vote
* @param target The user to vote against
* @param whisperBack
* @param isBan Whether to ban if vote succeeds
public static void startVote(Connection source, BNetUser user, String target, boolean whisperBack, boolean isBan) {
if(votes.get(source) != null) {
user.sendChat("There is already a vote in progress!", whisperBack);
BNetUser bnSubject = source.findUser(target, user);
if(bnSubject == null) {
user.sendChat("User not found", whisperBack);
Vote v = new Vote(source, bnSubject, isBan);
votes.put(source, v);
public void channelJoin(Connection source, BNetUser user) {
synchronized(timeBannedUsers) {
for(TimeBan tb : timeBannedUsers)
if(tb.getSubject().equals(user)) {
source.sendChat("/ban " + user.getFullLogonName() + " TimeBan: " + TimeFormatter.formatTime(tb.getTimeLeft(), false) + " left");
BNLogin rsUser = touchUser(source, user, "joining the channel");
if(rsUser == null)
try {
// Fix the case of the user's login if it has changed
switch(user.getStatString().getProduct()) {
case STAR: {
Integer newWins = user.getStatString().getWins();
if(newWins != null) {
Integer oldWins = rsUser.getWinsSTAR();
if((oldWins == null) || (newWins > oldWins)) {
case SEXP: {
Integer newWins = user.getStatString().getWins();
if(newWins != null) {
Integer oldWins = rsUser.getWinsSEXP();
if((oldWins == null) || (newWins > oldWins)) {
case W2BN: {
Integer newWins = user.getStatString().getWins();
if(newWins != null) {
Integer oldWins = rsUser.getWinsW2BN();
if((oldWins == null) || (newWins > oldWins)) {
case D2DV:
case D2XP: {
Integer newLevel = user.getStatString().getCharLevel();
if(newLevel != null) {
Integer oldLevel = rsUser.getLevelD2();
if((oldLevel == null) || (newLevel > oldLevel)) {
case WAR3:
case W3XP: {
Integer newLevel = user.getStatString().getLevel();
if(newLevel != null) {
Integer oldLevel = rsUser.getLevelW3();
if((oldLevel == null) || (newLevel > oldLevel)) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
Account rsAccount = Account.get(user);
Rank rsRank = (rsAccount == null) ? Rank.get(0) : rsAccount.getRank();
if(rsRank != null) {
// Autopromotions
Integer apDays = rsRank.getApDays();
// Check that they meet the days requirement
apBlock: if((apDays != null) && (apDays != 0)) {
double timeElapsed = 0;
if(rsAccount == null) {
timeElapsed = rsUser.getCreated().getTime();
} else if(rsAccount.getLastRankChange() != null) {
timeElapsed = rsAccount.getLastRankChange().getTime();
timeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeElapsed;
timeElapsed /= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
if(timeElapsed < apDays)
break apBlock;
if((rsRank.getApWins() == null)
|| (rsRank.getApD2Level() == null)
|| (rsRank.getApW3Level() == null))
break apBlock;
int apWins = rsRank.getApWins().intValue();
int apD2Level = rsRank.getApD2Level().intValue();
int apW3Level = rsRank.getApW3Level().intValue();
long wins[];
if(rsAccount == null)
wins = new long[] {0, 0, 0};
wins = rsAccount.getWinsLevels(GlobalSettings.recruitTagPrefix, GlobalSettings.recruitTagSuffix);
boolean hasEnoughWins = false;
hasEnoughWins |= ((apWins > 0) && (wins[0] >= apWins));
hasEnoughWins |= ((apD2Level > 0) && (wins[1] >= apD2Level));
hasEnoughWins |= ((apW3Level > 0) && (wins[2] >= apW3Level));
hasEnoughWins |= ((apWins == 0) && (apD2Level == 0) && (apW3Level == 0));
if(hasEnoughWins) {
// Check RS
long rs = 0;
if(rsAccount != null)
rs = rsAccount.getRecruitScore(GlobalSettings.recruitAccess);
Integer apRS = rsRank.getApRecruitScore();
if((apRS == null) || (apRS == 0) || (rs >= apRS)) {
int rank = 0;
if(rsAccount != null)
rank = rsAccount.getAccess();
else {
String name = user.getFullAccountName();
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('@'));
try {
Account recoverAccount = Account.get(name);
if((recoverAccount != null)
&& (recoverAccount.getAccess() <= 1)
&& (recoverAccount.getBnLogins().size() == 0)) {
rsAccount = recoverAccount;
// Reset the account to rank zero, just in case
} else {
rsAccount = createAccount(name, 0, null, rsUser);
} catch(Exception e) {
user.sendChat("I couldn't make an account for you: " + e.getMessage(), true);
break apBlock;
// Store the old AP mail message
String apMail = rsRank.getApMail();
// Give them a promotion
rsRank = Rank.get(++rank);
rsAccount.setLastRankChange(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
break apBlock;
user.resetPrettyName(); //Reset the presentable name
source.sendChat("Congratulations " + user.toString(GlobalSettings.bnUserToStringCommandResponse) + ", you've recieved a promotion! Your rank is now " + rsRank.getPrefix() + " (" + rank + ").");
if((apMail != null) && (apMail.length() > 0))
Mail.send(null, rsAccount, apMail);
} else {
user.sendChat("You need " + Long.toString(apRS - rs) + " more recruitment points to recieve a promotion!", true);
} else {
String msg = "You need ";
switch(user.getStatString().getProduct()) {
case STAR:
case SEXP:
case W2BN:
msg += Long.toString(apWins - wins[0]) + " more win";
if(apWins - wins[0] > 1)
msg += "s";
case D2DV:
case D2XP:
msg += "to reach Diablo 2 level " + apD2Level;
case WAR3:
case W3XP:
msg += "to reach Warcraft 3 level " + apW3Level;
break apBlock;
msg += " to recieve a promotion!";
user.sendChat(msg, true);
// Greetings
String greeting = rsRank.getGreeting();
if(greeting != null) {
try {
greeting = String.format(greeting, user.toString(), user.getPing(), user.getFullLogonName());
} catch(NoSuchMethodError e) {
} catch(UnknownFormatConversionException e) {
Out.error(getClass(), "String.format() failed: " + e.getMessage() + "\ngreeting=" + greeting + "\nping=" + user.getPing() + "\nuser=" + user.getFullLogonName());
if(rsAccount == null)
Date birthday = rsAccount.getBirthday();
if(birthday != null) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("M-d");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeFormatter.timeZone);
Date today = cal.getTime();
String s1 = sdf.format(today);
String s2 = sdf.format(birthday);
if(s1.equals(s2)) {
int age = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
age = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - age;
source.sendChat("Happy birthday, " + user.toString() + "! Today, you are " + age + " years old!");
int umc = Mail.getUnreadCount(rsAccount);
if(umc > 0)
user.sendChat("You have " + umc + " unread messages; type [ %trigger%mail read ] to retrieve them", true);
// Warn about accounts near expiration
long expireMs = ((long)rsAccount.getRank().getExpireDays()) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if(expireMs != 0) {
// Warn the users when 80% of their expire timer is used up
long warningThreshold = (expireMs * 4) / 5;
for(BNLogin alias : rsAccount.getBnLogins()) {
long timeSinceSeen = System.currentTimeMillis() - alias.getLastSeen().getTime();
if(timeSinceSeen < warningThreshold)
// Warn the user about their alias expiring
double timeToExpire = expireMs - timeSinceSeen;
timeToExpire /= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
//Round to 2 decimal places
String msg = ("00" + ((long)Math.floor(timeToExpire * 100) % 100));
msg = msg.substring(msg.length()-2);
msg = (long)Math.floor(timeToExpire) + "." + msg;
// Send them the message
user.sendChat("Your alias " + alias.getLogin() + " will be removed for inactivity in " + msg + " days if it's not seen in the channel", true);
// Only show them one message; they'll get the next when they refresh that accounts
} catch (Exception e) {
public void channelLeave(Connection source, BNetUser user) {
touchUser(source, user, "leaving the channel");
Vote vote = votes.get(source);
if((vote != null) && vote.getSubject().equals(user))
public void channelUser(Connection source, BNetUser user) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void recieveChat(Connection source, BNetUser user, String text) {
touchUser(source, user, "chatting in the channel");
public void recieveEmote(Connection source, BNetUser user, String text) {
touchUser(source, user, "chatting in the channel");
private static long lastCommandTime = 0;
private static BNetUser lastCommandUser = null;
private static boolean lastCommandWhisperBack = true;
* Set the user to forward info/error messages to
* @param source
* @param user
* @param whisperBack
public static void setInfoForwarding(Connection source, BNetUser user, boolean whisperBack) {
if(!user.equals(source.getMyUser())) {
lastCommandUser = user;
lastCommandTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastCommandWhisperBack = whisperBack;
} else {
// Do not allow forwarding messages to self
lastCommandUser = null;
private String lastInfo = null;
* Forward info/error messages to the last user who issued a command
* @param source
* @param text
private void recieveInfoError(Connection source, String text) {
if(lastCommandUser == null)
if(sweepBanInProgress.get(source) == Boolean.TRUE)
long timeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCommandTime;
// 500ms
if((timeElapsed < 500)
&& (!text.equals(lastInfo))) {
lastInfo = text;
lastCommandUser.sendChat(text, lastCommandWhisperBack);
public void recieveServerError(Connection source, String text) {
recieveInfoError(source, text);
* If the name is "[NAME]", return "NAME" otherwise pass name through
* @param name The name from the /who response
* @return Name with [] removed
private String removeOpUserBrackets(String name) {
if(name.charAt(0) == '[') {
if(name.charAt(name.length() - 1) == ']') {
return name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);
return name;
public void recieveServerInfo(Connection source, String text) {
if(sweepBanInProgress.get(source) == Boolean.TRUE) {
boolean turnItOff = true;
if(text.length() > 17) {
if(text.substring(0, 17).equals("Users in channel ")) {
if(sweepBannedUsers.get(source) == 0) {
turnItOff = false;
source.sendChat("Sweepbanning channel " + text.substring(17, text.length() - 1));
String users[] = text.split(", ");
if(users.length == 2) {
if(users[0].indexOf(' ') == -1) {
if(users[1].indexOf(' ') == -1) {
source.sendChat("/ban " + removeOpUserBrackets(users[0]));
source.sendChat("/ban " + removeOpUserBrackets(users[1]));
sweepBannedUsers.put(source, sweepBannedUsers.get(source) + 2);
turnItOff = false;
} else {
if(text.indexOf(' ') == -1) {
source.sendChat("/ban " + removeOpUserBrackets(text));
sweepBannedUsers.put(source, sweepBannedUsers.get(source) + 1);
turnItOff = true;
sweepBanInProgress.put(source, false);
if(sweepBanInProgress.get(source) == Boolean.TRUE)
if(text.contains(" was banned by ")
|| text.contains(" was unbanned by ")
|| text.contains(" was kicked out of the channel by "))
recieveInfoError(source, text);