* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nels E. Beckman,
* Kevin Bierhoff, David Dickey, Ciera Jaspan, Thomas LaToza, Gabriel Zenarosa, and others.
* This file is part of Crystal.
* Crystal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Crystal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Crystal. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.IAnalysisInput;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.AnalysisDirection;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.IBranchSensitiveTransferFunction;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.IFlowAnalysisDefinition;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.ILabel;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.ILatticeOperations;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.IResult;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.ITransferFunction;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.LabeledSingleResult;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.MotherFlowAnalysis;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.flow.SingleResult;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.eclipse.CompilationUnitTACs;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.eclipse.EclipseInstructionSequence;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.eclipse.EclipseTAC;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.SourceVariable;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.SuperVariable;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.TACInstruction;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.TempVariable;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.ThisVariable;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.tac.model.Variable;
* This class implements flow analyses over 3-address code instructions
* ({@link TACInstruction}). To define a specific analysis, implement
* {@link ITACTransferFunction} for conventional or
* {@link ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction} for branch-sensitive flow analyses.
* @author Kevin Bierhoff
* @since Crystal 3.3
* @param <LE> The type that represents the analysis knowledge
public class TACFlowAnalysis<LE>
extends MotherFlowAnalysis<LE> implements ITACFlowAnalysis<LE> {
* Flow analysis definition for superclass that translates
* AST nodes into TAC instructions and invokes the client-
* defined transfer function on those instructions.
* Driver object is re-used across different methods to be analyzed.
private final AbstractTACAnalysisDriver<?> driver;
* Creates a branch insensitive flow analysis object
* @param transferFunction
* @param analysisInput
public TACFlowAnalysis(ITACTransferFunction<LE> transferFunction, IAnalysisInput analysisInput) {
this.driver = new BranchInsensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(transferFunction, analysisInput.getComUnitTACs().unwrap());
* Creates a branch insensitive flow analysis object.
* @param transferFunction
* @param eclipseTAC
public TACFlowAnalysis(ITACTransferFunction<LE> transferFunction, CompilationUnitTACs eclipseTAC) {
this.driver = new BranchInsensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(transferFunction, eclipseTAC);
* Creates a branch sensitive flow analysis object.
* @param transferFunction
* @param analysisInput
public TACFlowAnalysis(ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction<LE> transferFunction,
IAnalysisInput analysisInput) {
this.driver = new BranchSensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(transferFunction, analysisInput.getComUnitTACs().unwrap());
* Creates a branch sensitive flow analysis object.
* @param transferFunction
* @param eclipseTAC
public TACFlowAnalysis(ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction<LE> transferFunction,
CompilationUnitTACs eclipseTAC) {
this.driver = new BranchSensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(transferFunction, eclipseTAC);
public LE getResultsAfter(final TACInstruction instr) {
ASTNode node = instr.getNode();
// get regular results before looking up root instruction
// to switch to surrounding method, if necessary
// (driver.tac could be null or outdated otherwise)
final LE nodeResults = getResultsAfter(node);
final TACInstruction rootInstr = this.driver.tac.instruction(node);
if(rootInstr == instr) {
// usual case: only one instruction for this node
// return regular results
return nodeResults;
else if(rootInstr instanceof EclipseInstructionSequence) {
// compute intermediary results for instruction sequence
EclipseInstructionSequence seq = (EclipseInstructionSequence) rootInstr;
LE incoming = getResultsOrNull(node, this.driver.tf.getAnalysisDirection() == AnalysisDirection.BACKWARD_ANALYSIS, false);
if(incoming == null)
// no result available -> return bottom
return nodeResults;
// derive result for needed instruction in sequence
return mergeLabeledResult(this.driver.deriveResult(seq, incoming, instr, true), node);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't determine results for instruction: " + instr);
public LE getResultsBefore(final TACInstruction instr) {
ASTNode node = instr.getNode();
// get regular results before looking up root instruction
// to switch to surrounding method, if necessary
// (driver.tac could be null or outdated otherwise)
final LE nodeResults = getResultsBefore(node);
final TACInstruction rootInstr = this.driver.tac.instruction(node);
if(rootInstr == instr) {
// usual case: only one instruction for this node
// return regular results
return nodeResults;
else if(rootInstr instanceof EclipseInstructionSequence) {
// compute intermediary results for instruction sequence
EclipseInstructionSequence seq = (EclipseInstructionSequence) rootInstr;
LE incoming = getResultsOrNull(node, this.driver.tf.getAnalysisDirection() == AnalysisDirection.BACKWARD_ANALYSIS, false);
if(incoming == null)
// no result available -> return bottom
return nodeResults;
// derive result for needed instruction in sequence
return mergeLabeledResult(this.driver.deriveResult(seq, incoming, instr, false), node);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't determine results for instruction: " + instr);
public IResult<LE> getLabeledResultsAfter(final TACInstruction instr) {
ASTNode node = instr.getNode();
// get regular results before looking up root instruction
// to switch to surrounding method, if necessary
// (driver.tac could be null or outdated otherwise)
final IResult<LE> nodeResults = getLabeledResultsAfter(node);
final TACInstruction rootInstr = this.driver.tac.instruction(node);
if(rootInstr == instr) {
// usual case: only one instruction for this node
// return regular results
return nodeResults;
else if(rootInstr instanceof EclipseInstructionSequence) {
// compute intermediary results for instruction sequence
EclipseInstructionSequence seq = (EclipseInstructionSequence) rootInstr;
LE incoming = getResultsOrNull(node, this.driver.tf.getAnalysisDirection() == AnalysisDirection.BACKWARD_ANALYSIS, false);
if(incoming == null)
// no result available -> return bottom
return nodeResults;
// derive result for needed instruction in sequence
return this.driver.deriveResult(seq, incoming, instr, true);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't determine results for instruction: " + instr);
public IResult<LE> getLabeledResultsBefore(final TACInstruction instr) {
ASTNode node = instr.getNode();
// get regular results before looking up root instruction
// to switch to surrounding method, if necessary
// (driver.tac could be null or outdated otherwise)
final IResult<LE> nodeResults = getLabeledResultsBefore(node);
final TACInstruction rootInstr = this.driver.tac.instruction(node);
if(rootInstr == instr) {
// usual case: only one instruction for this node
// return regular results
return nodeResults;
else if(rootInstr instanceof EclipseInstructionSequence) {
// compute intermediary results for instruction sequence
EclipseInstructionSequence seq = (EclipseInstructionSequence) rootInstr;
LE incoming = getResultsOrNull(node, this.driver.tf.getAnalysisDirection() == AnalysisDirection.BACKWARD_ANALYSIS, false);
if(incoming == null)
// no result available -> return bottom
return nodeResults;
// derive result for needed instruction in sequence
return this.driver.deriveResult(seq, incoming, instr, false);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't determine results for instruction: " + instr);
public ASTNode getNode(Variable x, TACInstruction instruction) {
if(x instanceof TempVariable) {
return ((TempVariable) x).getNode();
// TODO return better node for source, type, and keyword variables
return instruction.getNode();
public Variable getVariable(ASTNode node) {
if(hasResults(node) || findSurroundingMethod(node) == getCurrentMethod())
return driver.tac.variable(node);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not currently analyzing method surrounding node: " + node);
public ThisVariable getThisVariable(MethodDeclaration methodDecl) {
if(methodDecl == null || methodDecl != getCurrentMethod())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not currently analyzing method: " + methodDecl);
return driver.tac.thisVariable();
public SourceVariable getSourceVariable(IVariableBinding varBinding) {
if(varBinding.getDeclaringMethod() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a local or parameter: " + varBinding);
if(false == varBinding.getDeclaringMethod().equals(getCurrentMethod().resolveBinding()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not currently analyzing method declaring variable: " + varBinding);
return driver.tac.sourceVariable(varBinding);
public ThisVariable getImplicitThisVariable(IBinding accessedElement) {
// TODO make sure this is only called for accesses from currently analyzed method
return driver.tac.implicitThisVariable(accessedElement);
protected IFlowAnalysisDefinition<LE> createTransferFunction(MethodDeclaration method) {
return driver;
* Subclasses of this class transfer over AST nodes by translating
* AST nodes into TAC instructions and calling a client-provided TAC-based
* transfer function. This class implements common functionality
* for querying results using TAC instructions; subclass perform
* the actual translation into TAC instructions and the transfer over
* the client-provided transfer function.
* @author Kevin Bierhoff
* @since Crystal 3.3
* @param <TF> Exact type of transfer function being wrapped
protected abstract class
AbstractTACAnalysisDriver<TF extends IFlowAnalysisDefinition<LE>>
implements IFlowAnalysisDefinition<LE>, ITACAnalysisContext {
protected TF tf;
protected EclipseTAC tac;
protected final CompilationUnitTACs compUnitTacs;
public AbstractTACAnalysisDriver(TF tf, CompilationUnitTACs compUnitTacs) {
this.tf = tf;
this.compUnitTacs = compUnitTacs;
* Switches the analysis over to the given method, which will
* require changing the {@link #tac} being used.
* The method being switched to <b>must be in sync</b> with
* {@link MotherFlowAnalysis#getCurrentMethod()}.
* @param methodDecl
public void switchToMethod(MethodDeclaration methodDecl) {
this.tac = this.compUnitTacs.getMethodTAC(methodDecl);
* IFlowAnalysisDefinition methods
public AnalysisDirection getAnalysisDirection() {
return tf.getAnalysisDirection();
public ILatticeOperations<LE> getLatticeOperations() {
return tf.getLatticeOperations();
public LE createEntryValue(MethodDeclaration method) {
return tf.createEntryValue(method);
* ITACAnalysisContext methods
public MethodDeclaration getAnalyzedMethod() {
return TACFlowAnalysis.this.getCurrentMethod();
public SourceVariable getSourceVariable(IVariableBinding varBinding) {
return tac.sourceVariable(varBinding);
public SuperVariable getSuperVariable() {
return tac.superVariable(null);
public ThisVariable getThisVariable() {
return tac.thisVariable();
public Variable getVariable(ASTNode node) {
return tac.variable(node);
* Internal method to derive the result for a specific instruction
* in an instruction sequence (which is an internal class used to
* represent some eclipse AST nodes as instructions.
* @param seq Instruction sequence
* @param incoming Incoming analysis information
* @param targetInstruction instruction within the sequence
* @param afterResult <code>true</code> if the <i>after</i> result is
* requested, <code>false</code> for the <i>before</i> result.
* While <code>incoming</code> is relative to the analysis direction,
* <code>afterResult</code> is not.
* @return result before or after <code>targetInstruction</code>
* @see EclipseInstructionSequence#deriveResult(ITACTransferFunction, TACInstruction, Object, boolean)
* @see EclipseInstructionSequence#deriveResult(ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction, List, TACInstruction, Object, boolean)
public abstract IResult<LE> deriveResult(EclipseInstructionSequence seq, LE incoming, TACInstruction targetInstruction, boolean afterResult);
* Branch-insensitive version of transferring over TAC instructions.
* @author Kevin Bierhoff
* @since Crystal 3.3
protected class BranchInsensitiveTACAnalysisDriver
extends AbstractTACAnalysisDriver<ITACTransferFunction<LE>>
implements ITransferFunction<LE> {
public BranchInsensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(ITACTransferFunction<LE> tf,
CompilationUnitTACs compUnitTacs) {
super(tf, compUnitTacs);
public LE transfer(ASTNode astNode, LE incoming) {
LE result;
TACInstruction instr = tac.instruction(astNode);
if(instr == null)
result = incoming;
result = instr.transfer(tf, incoming);
return result;
public IResult<LE> deriveResult(EclipseInstructionSequence seq, LE incoming, TACInstruction targetInstruction, boolean afterResult) {
return new SingleResult<LE>(seq.deriveResult(tf, targetInstruction, incoming, afterResult));
* Branch-sensitive version of transferring over TAC instructions.
* @author Kevin Bierhoff
* @since Crystal 3.3
protected class BranchSensitiveTACAnalysisDriver
extends AbstractTACAnalysisDriver<ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction<LE>>
implements IBranchSensitiveTransferFunction<LE> {
public BranchSensitiveTACAnalysisDriver(ITACBranchSensitiveTransferFunction<LE> tf,
CompilationUnitTACs compUnitTacs) {
super(tf, compUnitTacs);
public IResult<LE> transfer(ASTNode astNode, List<ILabel> labels, LE value) {
TACInstruction instr = tac.instruction(astNode);
if(instr == null)
return new LabeledSingleResult<LE>(value, labels);
return instr.transfer(tf, labels, value);
public IResult<LE> deriveResult(EclipseInstructionSequence seq, LE incoming,
TACInstruction targetInstruction, boolean afterResult) {
Set<ILabel> labels = tf.getAnalysisDirection() == AnalysisDirection.BACKWARD_ANALYSIS ?
getLabeledResultsBefore(targetInstruction.getNode()).keySet() :
return seq.deriveResult(tf, new ArrayList<ILabel>(labels), targetInstruction, incoming, afterResult);