* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nels E. Beckman, Kevin
* Bierhoff, David Dickey, Ciera Jaspan, Thomas LaToza, Gabriel Zenarosa, and others.
* This file is part of Crystal.
* Crystal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Crystal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Crystal. If
* not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.cmu.cs.crystal.annotations;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMemberValuePair;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IAnnotationBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMemberValuePairBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.internal.CrystalRuntimeException;
import edu.cmu.cs.crystal.util.Pair;
* This class is a database for annotations. It can store annotations of methods we have analyzed or
* of ones we have not. Either way, it does not store any AST information, so it returns Crystal
* objects that represent an annotation. Those who want to use this database must register the type
* of annotations to scan for, @see{ICrystalAnnotation}.
* A ICrystalAnnotation provides all the information that one needs about the annotations. An
* AnnotationSummary is particularly useful for finding all information relating to the method,
* including parameters.
* And just in case you were wondering...we can not use regular reflection objects here (Class,
* Annotation, etc.) as the files we are analyzing aren't on the classpath of the system we are
* running.
* The annotation database currently allows clients to request annotations if they provide an ITypeBinding.
* However, this means that Crystal needs to have parsed and analyzed the code in question to get an ITypeBinding
* in the first place. Instead, we would like to retrieve annotations from unanalyzed code (for example, a library).
* This can currently be done with @link{#getAnnosForType(IType)}, and the plan is to eventually allow methods and
* fields based upon the Java Model instead of the Java ASTNodes.
* @author ciera
* @author Nels Beckman
public class AnnotationDatabase {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AnnotationDatabase.class.getName());
* {@link MultiAnnotation}'s fully qualified name or {@code null}
* if it's not in the classpath (means edu.cmu.cs.planno plugin not loaded).
* Notice that edu.cmu.cs.planno is an optional dependency so it may be missing.
private static final String MULTI_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME;
static {
String className = null;
try {
className = MultiAnnotation.class.getName();
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Expect NoClassDefFoundError if MultiAnnotation is missing
// catch-all just in case so we can keep going no matter what
log.log(Level.INFO, "@MultiAnnotation not available, install edu.cmu.cs.planno plugin if you want to use multi-annotations", t);
private Map<String, Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation>> qualNames;
private Map<String, Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation>> metaQualNames;
private Map<String, AnnotationSummary> methods;
private Map<String, List<ICrystalAnnotation>> classes;
private Map<String, List<ICrystalAnnotation>> fields;
public AnnotationDatabase() {
qualNames = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation>>();
metaQualNames = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation>>();
methods = new HashMap<String, AnnotationSummary>();
classes = new HashMap<String, List<ICrystalAnnotation>>();
fields = new HashMap<String, List<ICrystalAnnotation>>();
public void register(String fullyQualifiedName,
Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation> crystalAnnotationClass, boolean isMeta) {
Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation> annoClass =
isMeta ? metaQualNames.get(fullyQualifiedName) : qualNames.get(fullyQualifiedName);
if (crystalAnnotationClass != null && annoClass != null
&& !(crystalAnnotationClass.isAssignableFrom(annoClass))) {
throw new CrystalRuntimeException("Can not register " + fullyQualifiedName + " for "
+ crystalAnnotationClass.getCanonicalName() + ", the class "
+ annoClass.getCanonicalName() + " is already registered.");
if (isMeta)
metaQualNames.put(fullyQualifiedName, crystalAnnotationClass);
qualNames.put(fullyQualifiedName, crystalAnnotationClass);
* Given a method binding, returns a summary that represents annotation info for that method
* declaration.
public AnnotationSummary getSummaryForMethod(IMethodBinding binding) {
while (binding != binding.getMethodDeclaration())
binding = binding.getMethodDeclaration();
String name = binding.getKey();
AnnotationSummary result = methods.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = createMethodSummary(binding);
methods.put(name, result);
return result;
private AnnotationSummary createMethodSummary(IMethodBinding binding) {
int paramCount = binding.getParameterTypes().length;
String[] paramNames = new String[paramCount];
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
paramNames[i] = "arg" + i;
AnnotationSummary result = new AnnotationSummary(paramNames);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
result.addAllParameter(createAnnotations(binding.getParameterAnnotations(i)), i);
catch (NullPointerException e) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING))
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Bug in JDT (Eclipse 3.4M5) triggered in " + binding
+ ". Not all annotations on parameters might be available.", e);
return result;
* This method will return the list of annotations associated with the
* given type. It's very similar in functionality to
* {@link #getAnnosForType(ITypeBinding)} except that it works on the
* Java model element, so it does not require the type to have been parsed
* and analyzed by Crystal.
* @throws JavaModelException
public List<ICrystalAnnotation> getAnnosForType(IType type) throws JavaModelException {
String name = type.getKey();
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result = classes.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = createAnnotations(type.getAnnotations(), type);
classes.put(name, result);
return result;
* This method will return the list of annotations associated with the
* given type. To work, this binding had to be parsed by Crystal. If you do not have
* a type that was parsed by Crystal, use {@link #getAnnosForType(IType)}.
public List<ICrystalAnnotation> getAnnosForType(ITypeBinding type) {
while (type != type.getTypeDeclaration())
type = type.getTypeDeclaration();
if (type.isPrimitive())
return Collections.emptyList();
if (type.isArray()) {
log.warning("Annotations for array type requested: " + type.getName());
String name = type.getKey();
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result = classes.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = createAnnotations(type.getAnnotations());
classes.put(name, result);
return result;
* This method will return the list of annotations associated with the
* given variable.
public List<ICrystalAnnotation> getAnnosForVariable(IVariableBinding binding) {
while (binding != binding.getVariableDeclaration())
binding = binding.getVariableDeclaration();
String name = binding.getKey();
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result = fields.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = createAnnotations(binding.getAnnotations());
fields.put(name, result);
return result;
protected List<ICrystalAnnotation> createAnnotations(IAnnotationBinding[] bindings) {
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result = new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>(bindings.length);
for (IAnnotationBinding anno : bindings) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
* See {@link #createAnnotations(IAnnotationBinding[])}.
* @throws JavaModelException
protected List<ICrystalAnnotation> createAnnotations(IAnnotation[] annotations, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result = new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>(annotations.length);
for (IAnnotation anno : annotations) {
result.addAll(createAnnotations(anno, relative_type));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
* See {@link #createAnnotations(IAnnotationBinding)}.
* @throws JavaModelException
protected List<ICrystalAnnotation> createAnnotations(IAnnotation anno, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
if (isMulti(anno, relative_type)) {
for (IMemberValuePair pair : anno.getMemberValuePairs()) {
Object value;
if ("value".equals(pair.getMemberName()))
value = pair.getValue();
else if ("annos".equals(pair.getMemberName()))
value = pair.getValue();
else {
log.warning("Ignore extra attribute in multi-annotation " + anno.getElementName()
+ ": " + pair.toString());
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) value;
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result =
new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>(array.length);
for (Object o : array) {
result.add(createAnnotation((IAnnotation) o, relative_type));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
else {
// Eclipse doesn't desugar single-element arrays with omitted braces as arrays
// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=223225
return Collections.singletonList(createAnnotation((IAnnotationBinding) value));
log.warning("Couldn't find annotation array in: " + anno);
return Collections.singletonList(createAnnotation(anno, relative_type));
protected List<ICrystalAnnotation> createAnnotations(IAnnotationBinding binding) {
if (isMulti(binding)) {
for (IMemberValuePairBinding pair : binding.getAllMemberValuePairs()) {
Object value;
if ("value".equals(pair.getName()))
value = pair.getValue();
else if ("annos".equals(pair.getName()))
value = pair.getValue();
else {
log.warning("Ignore extra attribute in multi-annotation " + binding.getName()
+ ": " + pair.toString());
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) value;
List<ICrystalAnnotation> result =
new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>(array.length);
for (Object o : array) {
result.add(createAnnotation((IAnnotationBinding) o));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
else {
// Eclipse doesn't desugar single-element arrays with omitted braces as arrays
// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=223225
return Collections.singletonList(createAnnotation((IAnnotationBinding) value));
log.warning("Couldn't find annotation array in: " + binding);
return Collections.singletonList(createAnnotation(binding));
* Given an annotation binding, determine what parser to use for it.
* @param binding
* @return
protected ICrystalAnnotation createAnnotation(IAnnotationBinding binding) {
String qualName;
ICrystalAnnotation crystalAnno;
qualName = binding.getAnnotationType().getQualifiedName();
crystalAnno = createCrystalAnnotation(binding.getAnnotationType());
for (IMemberValuePairBinding pair : binding.getAllMemberValuePairs()) {
crystalAnno.setObject(pair.getName(), getAnnotationValue(pair.getValue(), pair
return crystalAnno;
* Find the type of the given annotation.
* @param anno The annotation whose type you need.
* @param relative_type The relative type that we want to use to look up this annotation's type. In the
* Java model, you can only look up a type wrt another type.
* @return The type of the given annotation.
* @throws JavaModelException
protected IType getTypeOfAnnotation(IAnnotation anno, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
IJavaProject project = anno.getJavaProject();
Pair<String,String> name = getQualifiedAnnoType(anno, relative_type);
IType anno_type = project.findType(name.fst(), name.snd());
return anno_type;
* Returns the fully qualified type name, as a package/type pair, for the given annotation relative
* to the relative type.
protected Pair<String,String> getQualifiedAnnoType(IAnnotation anno, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
String[][] names = relative_type.resolveType(anno.getElementName());
if( names.length > 1 ) throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented.");
String pack = names[0][0];
String clazz = names[0][1];
return Pair.create(pack, clazz);
* See {@link #createAnnotation(IAnnotationBinding)}.
* @throws JavaModelException
protected ICrystalAnnotation createAnnotation(IAnnotation anno, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
String qualName;
ICrystalAnnotation crystalAnno;
Pair<String,String> qual_name_ = getQualifiedAnnoType(anno, relative_type);
qualName = "".equals(qual_name_.fst()) ? qual_name_.snd() : qual_name_.fst() + "." + qual_name_.snd();
IType anno_type = getTypeOfAnnotation(anno, relative_type);
crystalAnno = createCrystalAnnotation(anno_type);
// These members have a value that is not default.
Set<String> has_non_default_value = new HashSet<String>();
for (IMemberValuePair pair : anno.getMemberValuePairs()) {
boolean val_is_array = pair.getValue() instanceof Object[];
getAnnotationValue(pair.getValue(), val_is_array));
// Now, for every default that we have not already seen a value for
// put the default value in.
for( IMemberValuePair pair : findAnnotationDefaults(anno_type) ) {
boolean val_is_array = pair.getValue() instanceof Object[];
if( !has_non_default_value.contains(pair.getMemberName()) ) {
getAnnotationValue(pair.getValue(), val_is_array));
return crystalAnno;
* Returns the default annotation values for the given annotation.
* @throws JavaModelException
private List<IMemberValuePair> findAnnotationDefaults(IType anno_type) throws JavaModelException {
IMethod[] properties = anno_type.getMethods();
List<IMemberValuePair> result = new ArrayList<IMemberValuePair>();
for( IMethod property : properties ) {
IMemberValuePair default_val_ = property.getDefaultValue();
if( default_val_ != null )
return result;
* Checks whether this annotation is marked as a multi annotation, as described by
* MultiAnnotation
* @param annoBinding
* @return true id this is a multi annotation, and false if it is not.
public boolean isMulti(IAnnotationBinding annoBinding) {
ITypeBinding binding = annoBinding.getAnnotationType();
for (IAnnotationBinding meta : binding.getAnnotations()) {
if (meta.getAnnotationType().getQualifiedName().equals(MULTI_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME))
return true;
return false;
* See {@link #isMulti(IAnnotationBinding)}.
* @throws JavaModelException
public boolean isMulti(IAnnotation anno, IType relative_type) throws JavaModelException {
// First we have to go from this particular annotation, to its declaration...
IType anno_type = getTypeOfAnnotation(anno, relative_type);
for (IAnnotation meta : anno_type.getAnnotations()) {
Pair<String,String> qual_name_ = getQualifiedAnnoType(meta, anno_type);
String qual_name = "".equals(qual_name_.fst()) ? qual_name_.snd() : qual_name_.fst() + "." + qual_name_.snd();
if (qual_name.equals(MULTI_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME))
return true;
return false;
* @param value
* @return
private Object getAnnotationValue(Object rawValue, boolean forceArray) {
if (rawValue instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) rawValue;
Object[] result = new Object[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
result[i] = getAnnotationValue(array[i], false);
return result;
if (rawValue instanceof IAnnotationBinding) {
rawValue = createAnnotation((IAnnotationBinding) rawValue);
if (forceArray) {
// this is a workaround for an Eclipse "bug" (#223225)
// Eclipse doesn't desugar single-element arrays with omitted braces as arrays
// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=223225
return new Object[] { rawValue };
// other values are literals
return rawValue;
* See {@link #createCrystalAnnotation(ITypeBinding)}.
* @throws JavaModelException
public ICrystalAnnotation createCrystalAnnotation(IType typeOfAnnotation) throws JavaModelException {
Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation> annoClass =
if (annoClass == null) {
IAnnotation[] metas = typeOfAnnotation.getAnnotations();
// might still be a meta annotation. Check for this.
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < metas.length && annoClass == null; ndx++) {
IAnnotation meta = metas[ndx];
Pair<String,String> meta_name = getQualifiedAnnoType(meta, typeOfAnnotation);
String meta_name_ = meta_name.fst() + "." + meta_name.snd();
annoClass = metaQualNames.get(meta_name_);
if (annoClass == null)
return new CrystalAnnotation();
try {
// this annotation is registered directly
return annoClass.newInstance();
catch (InstantiationException e) {
"Error instantiating custom annotation parser. Using default representation.", e);
return new CrystalAnnotation();
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
"Error accessing custom annotation parser. Using default representation.", e);
return new CrystalAnnotation();
public ICrystalAnnotation createCrystalAnnotation(ITypeBinding typeBinding) {
Class<? extends ICrystalAnnotation> annoClass =
if (annoClass == null) {
IAnnotationBinding[] metas = typeBinding.getAnnotations();
// might still be a meta annotation. Check for this.
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < metas.length && annoClass == null; ndx++) {
IAnnotationBinding meta = metas[ndx];
String metaName = meta.getAnnotationType().getQualifiedName();
annoClass = metaQualNames.get(metaName);
if (annoClass == null)
return new CrystalAnnotation();
try {
// this annotation is registered directly
return annoClass.newInstance();
catch (InstantiationException e) {
"Error instantiating custom annotation parser. Using default representation.", e);
return new CrystalAnnotation();
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
"Error accessing custom annotation parser. Using default representation.", e);
return new CrystalAnnotation();
public void addAnnotationToField(ICrystalAnnotation anno, FieldDeclaration field) {
IVariableBinding binding;
String name;
List<ICrystalAnnotation> annoList;
if (field.fragments().isEmpty())
binding = ((VariableDeclarationFragment) field.fragments().get(0)).resolveBinding();
name = binding.getKey();
annoList = fields.get(name);
if (annoList == null) {
annoList = new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>();
fields.put(name, annoList);
public void addAnnotationToMethod(AnnotationSummary anno, MethodDeclaration method) {
IMethodBinding binding = method.resolveBinding();
String name = binding.getKey();
AnnotationSummary existing = methods.get(name);
if (existing == null)
methods.put(name, anno);
public void addAnnotationToType(ICrystalAnnotation anno, TypeDeclaration type) {
ITypeBinding binding = type.resolveBinding();
String name = binding.getKey();
List<ICrystalAnnotation> annoList;
annoList = classes.get(name);
if (annoList == null) {
annoList = new ArrayList<ICrystalAnnotation>();
classes.put(name, annoList);
public static <A extends ICrystalAnnotation> List<A> filter(List<ICrystalAnnotation> list,
Class<A> type) {
List<A> result = new LinkedList<A>();
for (ICrystalAnnotation anno : list) {
if (type.isAssignableFrom(anno.getClass())) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") A anno2 = (A) anno;
return result;
static protected ICrystalAnnotation findAnnotation(String name, List<ICrystalAnnotation> list) {
ICrystalAnnotation result = null;
for (ICrystalAnnotation anno : list) {
if (anno.getName().equals(name)) {
assert result == null;
result = anno;
return result;