Package edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.junit

Source Code of edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.junit.XmlContentConverterTest

* Copyright (c) 2009 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.junit;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.XmlContentConverter;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.DocumentMD.DocumentMD;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.DocumentMD.DocumentMD.Feature;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.BasicDigitalObjectInformation;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.BasicImageCharacteristics;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.BasicImageInformation;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.CameraCaptureSettings;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.Component;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.DigitalCameraCapture;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.GPSData;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.GPSDestLatitude;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.ImageCaptureMetadata;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.Mix;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.PhotometricInterpretation;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.ReferenceBlackWhite;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.YCbCr;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.MIX.YCbCrCoefficients;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.TextMD.CharacterInfo;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.TextMD.MarkupBasis;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.TextMD.MarkupLanguage;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.TextMD.TextMD;

//import org.jdom.Attribute;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.junit.Test;
//import org.jdom.JDOMException;

import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.*;

public class XmlContentConverterTest {

    public void testToMix () {
        // Construct a document using JDOM
        Document jdoc = new Document ();
        Element imgElem = new Element ("image");
        Element elem = new Element ("byteOrder");
        elem.addContent("big endian");
        imgElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("gpsVersionID");
        elem.addContent ("99.5");
        imgElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("gpsDestLatitude");
        elem.addContent ("33 deg 24' 51.40\" N");
        imgElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("referenceBlackWhite");
        elem.addContent ("0.0 255.0 0.0 255.0 0.0 255.0");
        imgElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("YCbCrCoefficients");
        elem.addContent ("10.0 20.0 30.0");
        imgElem.addContent (elem);
        XmlContentConverter conv = new XmlContentConverter ();
        Mix mix = (Mix) conv.toMix (imgElem,null);
        BasicDigitalObjectInformation bdoi = mix.getBasicDigitalObjectInformation();
        String byteOrder = bdoi.getByteOrder().toString ();
        assertEquals ("big endian", byteOrder);
        ImageCaptureMetadata icm = mix.getImageCaptureMetadata();
        DigitalCameraCapture dcc = icm.getDigitalCameraCapture();
        CameraCaptureSettings ccs = dcc.getCameraCaptureSettings();
        GPSData gps = ccs.getGPSData();
        String gpsVersionID = gps.getGpsVersionID().toString();
        assertEquals ("99.5", gpsVersionID);
        GPSDestLatitude dlat = gps.getGPSDestLatitude();
        double deg = dlat.getDegrees().toRational().getDouble();
        double min = dlat.getMinutes().toRational().getDouble();
        double sec = dlat.getSeconds().toRational().getDouble();
        assertTrue ((int) deg == 33);
        assertTrue ((int) min == 24);
        assertTrue ((int) sec == 51);
        BasicImageInformation bii = mix.getBasicImageInformation();
        BasicImageCharacteristics bic = bii.getBasicImageCharacteristics();
        PhotometricInterpretation phi = bic.getPhotometricInterpretation();
        List<ReferenceBlackWhite> rbwList = phi.getReferenceBlackWhites();
        ReferenceBlackWhite rbw = rbwList.get(0);
        List<Component> compList = rbw.getComponents();
        assertTrue (compList.size() == 3);
        Component comp = compList.get(0);
        assertEquals ("Y", comp.getComponentPhotometricInterpretation().toString ());
        double headroom = comp.getHeadroom().toRational().getDouble();
        assertTrue (headroom == 0.0);
        YCbCr ycbcr = phi.getYCbCr();
        YCbCrCoefficients ycbcrc = ycbcr.getYCbCrCoefficients();
        double lumaRed = ycbcrc.getLumaRed().toRational().getDouble ();
        assertTrue (lumaRed == 10.0);
        double lumaGreen = ycbcrc.getLumaGreen().toRational().getDouble ();
        assertTrue (lumaGreen == 20.0);
        double lumaBlue = ycbcrc.getLumaBlue().toRational().getDouble ();
        assertTrue (lumaBlue == 30.0);   

    public void testToDocumentMD () {
        // Construct a document using JDOM
        Document jdoc = new Document ();
        Element docElem = new Element ("document");

        Element elem = new Element ("isTagged");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("hasOutline");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("hasAnnotations");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("pageCount");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("isRightsManaged");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("isProtected");
        docElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element( "hasForms");
        docElem.addContent (elem);

        XmlContentConverter conv = new XmlContentConverter ();
        DocumentMD dmd = (DocumentMD) conv.toDocumentMD (docElem);
        List<Feature> features = dmd.getFeatures ();
        assertTrue (features.size() == 1);
        Feature feature = features.get(0);
        assertTrue (feature == Feature.hasForms);

        assertTrue (dmd.getPageCount() == 6);
    public void testToTextMD () {
        final String mln = "";
        // Construct a document using JDOM
        Document jdoc = new Document ();
        Element textElem = new Element ("text");
        Element elem = new Element ("linebreak");
        elem.addContent ("LF");
        textElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("charset");
        elem.addContent ("US-ASCII");
        textElem.addContent (elem);

        elem = new Element ("markupBasis");
        elem.addContent ("HTML");
        textElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("markupBasisVersion");
        elem.addContent ("1.0");
        textElem.addContent (elem);
        elem = new Element ("markupLanguage");
        elem.addContent (mln);
        textElem.addContent (elem);
        XmlContentConverter conv = new XmlContentConverter ();
        TextMD tmd = (TextMD) conv.toTextMD (textElem);
        List<CharacterInfo> chinfos = tmd.getCharacterInfos();
        assertTrue (chinfos.size() == 1);
        CharacterInfo chinfo = chinfos.get(0);
        assertEquals ("US-ASCII", chinfo.getCharset());
        assertEquals ("LF", chinfo.getLinebreak ());
        List<MarkupBasis> mkbases = tmd.getMarkupBases();
        assertTrue (mkbases.size () == 1);
        MarkupBasis mkbas = mkbases.get(0);
        assertEquals ("HTML", mkbas.getValue());
        assertEquals ("1.0", mkbas.getVersion());
        List<MarkupLanguage> mklangs = tmd.getMarkupLanguages();
        assertTrue (mklangs.size() == 1);
        MarkupLanguage mklang = mklangs.get(0);
        assertEquals (mln, mklang.getValue());


Related Classes of edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.junit.XmlContentConverterTest

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