import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jdo.annotations.NotPersistent;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.DateRangeFieldValidator;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.EmailValidator;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.RequiredFieldValidator;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.StringLengthFieldValidator;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.ValidatorType;
@PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
public class Booking extends KeyBasedDataWithAudit implements NamedEntity,
DeleteRestricted, ValidatableModelObject, Comparable<Booking> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String name;
private Key eventKey;
private Key unitKey;
private Date dob;
private Integer age;
private Email email;
private Date arrivalDate;
private Date departureDate;
private Key villageKey = null;
private String phoneNumber;
private String membershipNumber;
private Diet diet;
private String dietNotes;
private Text otherNeeds;
private String role;
private boolean becomeMember = false;
* The price of the booking, in pounds Note - cannot be called price since
* earlier version of class used this with a long price
private Double fee;
* Has this booking been cancelled, and if so, on what date?
private Date cancellationDate;
private Date bookingCreationDate;
* This is the date when the booking was unlocked so that it could be
* updated after the deadline, qualifying for late booking fee
private Date bookingUnlockDate;
* The my village key they receive by email, used to validate them
private String myVillageAuthKey;
* The my village username
private String myVillageUsername;
private Booking() {
// For JDO
private Booking(Unit unit, Event event, Clock clock) {
this.unitKey = unit.getKeyCheckNotNull();
// Grab the default village from the unit, if it's set
// This can be overriden by the admin later if required
Key defaultVillageKey = unit.getVillageKey();
if (defaultVillageKey != null)
villageKey = defaultVillageKey;
this.eventKey = event.getKeyCheckNotNull();
this.arrivalDate = event.getPublicEventStart();
this.departureDate = event.getPublicEventEnd();
this.bookingCreationDate = clock.getTime();
private Booking(String name, Unit unit, Event event, Clock clock) {
this(unit, event, clock);
if (name != null) = name;
@DateRangeFieldValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, min = "1900/01/01", message = "Valid date of birth required")
@RequiredFieldValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, message = "Date of Birth must be provided")
public Date getDob() {
return dob;
public void setDob(Date dob) {
this.dob = DateUtils.cleanupTime(dob);
* Age group as of the first day of the event
* @return
public AgeGroup getAgeGroup() {
if (this.dob == null)
return AgeGroup.Unknown;
Event event = CannedQueries.eventByKey(eventKey);
if (event == null)
return AgeGroup.Unknown;
return AgeGroup.groupFor(getAge());
* Age as of the first day of the event
* @return
private int getAge() {
if (age != null && age != -1) return age;
if (this.dob == null)
return -1;
Event event = CannedQueries.eventByKey(eventKey);
if (event == null)
return -1;
age = DateUtils.ageOnDay(dob, event.getPublicEventStart());
return age;
* Are they over 18 on the first day?
* @return
public Boolean getOver18() {
if (getAge() >= 18)
return Boolean.TRUE;
return Boolean.FALSE;
@EmailValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, message = "Email is required")
public String getEmail() {
if (email == null)
return null;
return email.getEmail();
public void setEmail(String email) { = new Email(email);
@RequiredFieldValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, message = "Arrival date must be provided")
public Date getArrivalDate() {
return arrivalDate;
public void setArrivalDate(Date arrivalDate) {
this.arrivalDate = DateUtils.cleanupTime(arrivalDate);
@RequiredFieldValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, message = "Departure date must be provided")
public Date getDepartureDate() {
return departureDate;
public void setDepartureDate(Date departureDate) {
this.departureDate = DateUtils.cleanupTime(departureDate);
@StringLengthFieldValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, minLength = "5", trim = true, message = "Full Name is required")
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public Unit getUnit() {
if (unitKey == null) return null;
return CannedQueries.unitByKey(unitKey);
public Key getUnitKey() {
return unitKey;
public void setUnitKey(Key unitKey) {
this.unitKey = unitKey;
public void setVillageKey(Key villageKey) {
this.villageKey = villageKey;
public void setVillageWebKey(String villageWebKey) {
this.villageKey = KeyFactory.stringToKey(villageWebKey);
public Key getVillageKey() {
return villageKey;
public String getVillageWebKey() {
if (villageKey == null) return "";
return KeyFactory.keyToString(villageKey);
public Village getVillage() {
Village village = null;
if (villageKey !=null)
village = CannedQueries.villageByKey(villageKey);
return village;
public void setEventKey(Key eventKey) {
this.eventKey = eventKey;
public Key getEventKey() {
return eventKey;
public String toString() {
return getName();
public boolean getIsCancelled() {
return getCancellationDate() != null;
public void setCancellationDate(Date cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
public Date getCancellationDate() {
return cancellationDate;
private void setFee(double price) {
this.fee = price;
public double getFee() {
if (fee == null)
return 0;
return fee;
public void updateFee() {
Event event = CannedQueries.eventByKey(eventKey);
PricingStrategy pricer = PricingFactory.getPricingStrategy(event);
public String getDeleteConditionError(Clock clock) {
Event event = CannedQueries.eventByKey(eventKey);
if (event != null) {
if (event.getEarlyBookingDeadline().before(clock.getTime())) {
return "Cannot delete booking after early booking deadline. Only cancellations are possible";
return "";
public boolean deleteRequiresConfirmation() {
return true;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
public String getMembershipNumber() {
return membershipNumber;
public void setMembershipNumber(String membershipNumber) {
this.membershipNumber = membershipNumber;
public Diet getDiet() {
return diet;
public void setDiet(Diet diet) { = diet;
public String getDietNotes() {
return dietNotes;
public void setDietNotes(String dietNotes) {
this.dietNotes = dietNotes;
public String getOtherNeeds() {
if (otherNeeds == null)
return null;
return otherNeeds.getValue();
public void setOtherNeeds(String otherNeeds) {
this.otherNeeds = new Text(otherNeeds);
public boolean getBecomeMember() {
return becomeMember;
public void setBecomeMember(boolean becomeMember) {
this.becomeMember = becomeMember;
public Map<String, String> getValidationErrors() {
Map<String, String> errors = new HashMap<String, String>();
Event event = CannedQueries.eventByKey(getEventKey());
if (event != null) {
if (getArrivalDate() != null
&& getArrivalDate().before(event.getInternalEventStart()))
"Arrival must be at or after the start of the event");
if (getDepartureDate() != null
&& getDepartureDate().after(event.getInternalEventEnd()))
"Departure must at on or before the end of the event");
if (getDob() != null
&& getDob().after(event.getInternalEventStart()))
errors.put("dob", "Date of birth cannot be after event start");
if (getArrivalDate().after(getDepartureDate()))
errors.put("departureDate", "Departure must be after arrival");
return errors;
public void setBookingCreationDate(Date bookingCreationDate) {
this.bookingCreationDate = bookingCreationDate;
public Date getBookingCreationDate() {
return bookingCreationDate;
public void setBookingUnlockDate(Date bookingUnlockDate) {
this.bookingUnlockDate = bookingUnlockDate;
public Date getBookingUnlockDate() {
return bookingUnlockDate;
public int compareTo(Booking o) {
return this.getName().compareTo(o.getName());
public void setMyVillageAuthKey(String myVillageAuthKey) {
this.myVillageAuthKey = myVillageAuthKey;
public String getMyvillageAuthKey() {
return myVillageAuthKey;
public void setMyVillageUsername(String myVillageUsername) {
this.myVillageUsername = myVillageUsername;
public String getMyVillageUsername() {
return myVillageUsername;
public static final Booking create(String name, Unit unit, Event event, Clock clock) {
Booking booking = new Booking(name, unit, event, clock);
// Must be done after construction as requires a reference to the object itself.
return booking;
public static final Booking create(Unit unit, Event event, Clock clock) {
return create(null, unit, event, clock);
public static final Booking create(Unit unit, Event event) {
return create(unit, event, new SystemClock());
public String getRole() {
return role;
public void setRole(String role) {
this.role = role;