Package org.zkoss.zss.model.impl

Source Code of org.zkoss.zss.model.impl.HSSFSheetImpl$DVRecordVisitor


    Sep 3, 2010 10:23:47 AM, Created by henrichen

Copyright (C) 2010 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

package org.zkoss.zss.model.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.zkoss.lang.Classes;
import org.zkoss.lang.Library;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.model.HSSFFormulaParser;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.model.InternalSheet;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.model.InternalWorkbook;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.DVRecord;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.HyperlinkRecord;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.NoteRecord;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.Record;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.RecordBase;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.DataValidityTable;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellHelper;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFComment;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataValidation;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRowHelper;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheetHelper;
import org.zkoss.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbookHelper;
import org.zkoss.zss.model.Book;
import org.zkoss.zss.model.Range;
import org.zkoss.zss.model.Worksheet;

* Implementation of {@link Worksheet} based on HSSFSheet.
* @author henrichen
public class HSSFSheetImpl extends HSSFSheet implements SheetCtrl, Worksheet {
  private final HSSFSheetHelper _helper; //helper to lift the package protection

  protected HSSFSheetImpl(HSSFBookImpl workbook) {
    _helper = new HSSFSheetHelper(this);
    protected HSSFSheetImpl(HSSFBookImpl workbook, InternalSheet sheet) {
      super(workbook, sheet);
    _helper = new HSSFSheetHelper(this);
    private void init(HSSFBookImpl workbook) {
    //20100520, Shift rows only, don't handle formula
     * Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows.
     * If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up.
     * Code ensures that rows don't wrap around
     * <p>
     * Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these
     * rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).
     * <p>
     * TODO Might want to add bounds checking here
     * @param startRow the row to start shifting
     * @param endRow the row to end shifting
     * @param n the number of rows to shift
     * @param copyRowHeight whether to copy the row height during the shift
     * @param resetOriginalRowHeight whether to set the original row's height to the default
     * @param moveComments whether to move comments at the same time as the cells they are attached to
     * @param clearRest whether clear the rest row after shifted endRow (meaningful only when n < 0)
     * @param copyOrigin copy format from the above/below row for the inserted rows(meaningful only when n > 0)
     * @return List of shifted merge ranges
    public List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftRowsOnly(int startRow, int endRow, int n,
            boolean copyRowHeight, boolean resetOriginalRowHeight, boolean moveComments, boolean clearRest, int copyOrigin) {
      //prepare source format row
      final int srcRownum = n <= 0 ? -1 : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_RIGHTBELOW ? startRow : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_LEFTABOVE ? startRow - 1 : -1;
      final HSSFRow srcRow = srcRownum >= 0 ? getRow(srcRownum) : null;
      final Map<Integer, Cell> srcCells = srcRow != null ? BookHelper.copyRowCells(srcRow, srcRow.getFirstCellNum(), srcRow.getLastCellNum()) : null;
      final short srcHeight = srcRow != null ? srcRow.getHeight() : -1;
      final HSSFCellStyle srcStyle = srcRow != null ? srcRow.getRowStyle() : null;
        int s, inc;
        if (n < 0) {
            s = startRow;
            inc = 1;
        } else {
            s = endRow;
            inc = -1;
        NoteRecord[] noteRecs;
        if (moveComments) {
            noteRecs = _helper.getInternalSheet().getNoteRecords();
        } else {
            noteRecs = NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
        final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        final List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftedRanges = BookHelper.shiftMergedRegion(this, startRow, 0, endRow, maxcol, n, false);
        _helper.getInternalSheet().getPageSettings().shiftRowBreaks(startRow, endRow, n);
        for ( int rowNum = s; rowNum >= startRow && rowNum <= endRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; rowNum += inc ) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
            // notify all cells in this row that we are going to shift them,
            // it can throw IllegalStateException if the operation is not allowed, for example,
            // if the row contains cells included in a multi-cell array formula
            if(row != null) notifyRowShifting(row);

            final int newRowNum = rowNum + n;
            final boolean inbound = newRowNum >= 0 && newRowNum <= maxrow;
            if (!inbound) {
              if (row != null) {
                    if (resetOriginalRowHeight) {
                    new HSSFRowHelper(row).removeAllCells();
            HSSFRow row2Replace = getRow( rowNum + n );
            if (row != null) {
              if ( row2Replace == null )
                  row2Replace = createRow( rowNum + n );
              // Remove all the old cells from the row we'll
              //  be writing too, before we start overwriting
              //  any cells. This avoids issues with cells
              //  changing type, and records not being correctly
              //  overwritten
              new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).removeAllCells();
            } else {
              // If this row doesn't exist, shall also remove
              //  the empty destination row
              if (row2Replace != null) {
              continue; // Nothing to do for this row

            // Fix up row heights if required
            if (copyRowHeight) {
            if (resetOriginalRowHeight) {

            // Copy each cell from the source row to
            //  the destination row
            for(Iterator<Cell> cells = row.cellIterator(); cells.hasNext(); ) {
                HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell);
                row.removeCell( cell );
                CellValueRecordInterface cellRecord = new HSSFCellHelper(cell).getCellValueRecord();
                cellRecord.setRow( rowNum + n );
                new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).createCellFromRecord( cellRecord );
                _helper.getInternalSheet().addValueRecord( rowNum + n, cellRecord );
            // Now zap all the cells in the source row
            new HSSFRowHelper(row).removeAllCells();

            // Move comments from the source row to the
            //  destination row. Note that comments can
            //  exist for cells which are null
            if(moveComments) {
                // This code would get simpler if NoteRecords could be organised by HSSFRow.
                for(int i=noteRecs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                    NoteRecord nr = noteRecs[i];
                    if (nr.getRow() != rowNum) {
                    HSSFComment comment = getCellComment(rowNum, nr.getColumn());
                    if (comment != null) {
                       comment.setRow(rowNum + n);
        //handle inserted rows
        if (srcRow != null) {
          final int row2 = Math.min(startRow + n - 1, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());
          for ( int rownum = startRow; rownum <= row2; ++rownum) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow(rownum);
            if (row == null) {
              row = createRow(rownum);
            row.setHeight(srcHeight); //height
            if (srcStyle != null) {
              row.setRowStyle((HSSFCellStyle)BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), srcStyle));//style
            if (srcCells != null) {
              for (Entry<Integer, Cell> cellEntry : srcCells.entrySet()) {
                final Cell srcCell = cellEntry.getValue();
                final CellStyle cellStyle = srcCell.getCellStyle();
                final int c = cellEntry.getKey().intValue();
                Cell cell = row.getCell(c);
                if (cell == null) {
                  cell = row.createCell(c);
                cell.setCellStyle(BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), cellStyle));
        // Shift Hyperlinks which have been moved
        shiftHyperlinks(startRow, endRow, n, 0, maxcol, 0);
        //special case1: endRow < startRow
        //special case2: (endRow - startRow + 1) < ABS(n)
        if (n < 0) {
          if (endRow < startRow) { //special case1
          final int orgStartRow = startRow + n;
              for ( int rowNum = orgStartRow; rowNum >= orgStartRow && rowNum <= endRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; ++rowNum) {
                  final HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
                  if (row != null) {
              removeHyperlinks(orgStartRow, endRow, 0, maxcol);
            } else if (clearRest) { //special case 2
              final int orgStartRow = endRow + n + 1;
              if (orgStartRow <= startRow) {
                  for ( int rowNum = orgStartRow; rowNum >= orgStartRow && rowNum <= startRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; ++rowNum) {
                      final HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
                      if (row != null) {
                  removeHyperlinks(orgStartRow, startRow, 0, maxcol);
        final int lastrow = getLastRowNum();
        final int firstrow = getFirstRowNum();
        if ( endRow == lastrow || endRow + n > lastrow ) setLastRowNum(Math.min( endRow + n, maxrow ));
        if ( startRow == firstrow || startRow + n < firstrow ) setFirstRowNum(Math.max( startRow + n, 0 ));

        // Update any formulas on this sheet that point to
        //  rows which have been moved
        if (startRow <= endRow) {
          int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
          short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex, sheetIndex);
          PtgShifter shifter = new PtgShifter(externSheetIndex, startRow, endRow, n, 0, maxcol, 0, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
        return shiftedRanges;
    //20100525, Shift columns only, don't handle formula
     * Shifts columns between startCol and endCol n number of columns.
     * If you use a negative number, it will shift columns left.
     * Code ensures that columns don't wrap around
     * <p>
     * Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these
     * columns (ie. merged 2 cells on a column to be shifted).
     * <p>
     * @param startCol the column to start shifting
     * @param endCol the column to end shifting; -1 means using the last available column number
     * @param n the number of rows to shift
     * @param copyColWidth whether to copy the column width during the shift
     * @param resetOriginalColWidth whether to set the original column's height to the default
     * @param moveComments whether to move comments at the same time as the cells they are attached to
     * @param clearRest whether clear cells after the shifted endCol (meaningful only when n < 0)
     * @param copyOrigin copy format from the left/right column for the inserted column(meaningful only when n > 0)
     * @return List of shifted merge ranges
    public List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftColumnsOnly(int startCol, int endCol, int n,
            boolean copyColWidth, boolean resetOriginalColWidth, boolean moveComments, boolean clearRest, int copyOrigin) {
      //prepared inserting column format
      final int srcCol = n <= 0 ? -1 : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_RIGHTBELOW ? startCol : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_LEFTABOVE ? startCol - 1 : -1;
      final CellStyle colStyle = srcCol >= 0 ? getColumnStyle(srcCol) : null;
      final int colWidth = srcCol >= 0 ? getColumnWidth(srcCol) : -1;
      final Map<Integer, Cell> cells = srcCol >= 0 ? new HashMap<Integer, Cell>() : null;
      int maxColNum = -1;
        for ( int rowNum = getFirstRowNum(), endRowNum = getLastRowNum(); rowNum <= endRowNum; ++rowNum ) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
            if (row == null) continue;
            if (endCol < 0) {
              final int colNum = row.getLastCellNum() - 1;
              if (colNum > maxColNum)
                maxColNum = colNum;
            if (cells != null) {
               final Cell cell = row.getCell(srcCol);
               if (cell != null) {
                 cells.put(Integer.valueOf(rowNum), cell);
            row.shiftCells(startCol, endCol, n, clearRest);
        if (endCol < 0) {
          endCol = maxColNum;
        if (n > 0) {
          if (startCol > endCol) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
          if ((startCol + n) > endCol) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int s, inc;
        if (n < 0) {
            s = startCol;
            inc = 1;
        } else {
            s = endCol;
            inc = -1;
        NoteRecord[] noteRecs;
        if (moveComments) {
            noteRecs = _helper.getInternalSheet().getNoteRecords();
        } else {
            noteRecs = NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
        final List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftedRanges = BookHelper.shiftMergedRegion(this, 0, startCol, maxrow, endCol, n, true);
        _helper.getInternalSheet().getPageSettings().shiftColumnBreaks((short)startCol, (short)endCol, (short)n);

        // Fix up column width and comment if required
        if (moveComments || copyColWidth || resetOriginalColWidth) {
          final int defaultColumnWidth = getDefaultColumnWidth();
          for ( int colNum = s; colNum >= startCol && colNum <= endCol && colNum >= 0 && colNum <= maxcol; colNum += inc ) {
            final int newColNum = colNum + n;
            if (copyColWidth) {
                setColumnWidth(newColNum, getColumnWidth(colNum));
            if (resetOriginalColWidth) {
                setColumnWidth(colNum, defaultColumnWidth);
              // Move comments from the source column to the
              //  destination column. Note that comments can
              //  exist for cells which are null
              if(moveComments) {
                  for(int i=noteRecs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                      NoteRecord nr = noteRecs[i];
                      if (nr.getColumn() != colNum) {
                      HSSFComment comment = getCellComment(nr.getRow(), colNum);
                      if (comment != null) {

        //handle inserted columns
        if (srcCol >= 0) {
          final int col2 = Math.min(startCol + n - 1, maxcol);
          for (int col = startCol; col <= col2 ; ++col) {
            //copy the column width
            setColumnWidth(col, colWidth);
            if (colStyle != null) {
              setDefaultColumnStyle(col, BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), colStyle));
          if (cells != null) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Cell> cellEntry : cells.entrySet()) {
                final HSSFRow row = getRow(cellEntry.getKey().intValue());
                final Cell srcCell = cellEntry.getValue();
                final CellStyle srcStyle = srcCell.getCellStyle();
              for (int col = startCol; col <= col2; ++col) {
                Cell dstCell = row.getCell(col);
                if (dstCell == null) {
                  dstCell = row.createCell(col);
                dstCell.setCellStyle(BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), srcStyle));
        // Shift Hyperlinks which have been moved
        shiftHyperlinks(0, maxrow, 0, startCol, endCol, n);
        //special case1: endCol < startCol
        //special case2: (endCol - startCol + 1) < ABS(n)
        if (n < 0) {
          if (endCol < startCol) { //special case1
          final int replacedStartCol = startCol + n;
          removeHyperlinks(0, maxrow, replacedStartCol, endCol);
            } else if (clearRest) { //special case 2
              final int replacedStartCol = endCol + n + 1;
              if (replacedStartCol <= startCol) {
              removeHyperlinks(0, maxrow, replacedStartCol, startCol);
        // Update any formulas on this sheet that point to
        // columns which have been moved
        if (startCol <= endCol) {
          int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
          short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex, sheetIndex);
          PtgShifter shifter = new PtgShifter(externSheetIndex, 0, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex(), 0, startCol, endCol, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
        return shiftedRanges;
    //20100701, Shift columns of a range
     * Shifts columns of a range between startCol and endCol n number of columns in the boundary of top row(tRow) and bottom row(bRow).
     * If you use a negative number, it will shift columns left.
     * Code ensures that columns don't wrap around
     * <p>
     * Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these
     * columns (ie. merged 2 cells on a column to be shifted) within the specified boundary rows.
     * <p>
     * @param startCol the column to start shifting
     * @param endCol the column to end shifting; -1 means using the last available column number
     * @param n the number of rows to shift
     * @param tRow top boundary row index
     * @param bRow bottom boundary row index
     * @param copyColWidth whether to copy the column width during the shift
     * @param resetOriginalColWidth whether to set the original column's height to the default
     * @param moveComments whether to move comments at the same time as the cells they are attached to
     * @param clearRest whether clear cells after the shifted endCol (meaningful only when n < 0)
     * @param copyOrigin copy format from the left/right column for the inserted column(meaningful only when n > 0)
     * @return List of shifted merge ranges
    public List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftColumnsRange(int startCol, int endCol, int n, int tRow, int bRow,
            boolean copyColWidth, boolean resetOriginalColWidth, boolean moveComments, boolean clearRest, int copyOrigin) {
      //prepared inserting column format
      final int srcCol = n <= 0 ? -1 : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_RIGHTBELOW ? startCol : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_LEFTABOVE ? startCol - 1 : -1;
      final CellStyle colStyle = srcCol >= 0 ? getColumnStyle(srcCol) : null;
      final int colWidth = srcCol >= 0 ? getColumnWidth(srcCol) : -1;
      final Map<Integer, Cell> cells = srcCol >= 0 ? new HashMap<Integer, Cell>() : null;
      int startRow = Math.max(tRow, getFirstRowNum());
      int endRow = Math.min(bRow, getLastRowNum());
      int maxColNum = -1;
        for ( int rowNum = startRow, endRowNum = endRow; rowNum <= endRowNum; ++rowNum ) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
            if (row == null) continue;
            if (endCol < 0) {
              final int colNum = row.getLastCellNum() - 1;
              if (colNum > maxColNum)
                maxColNum = colNum;
            if (n > 0 && cells != null) {
               final Cell cell = row.getCell(srcCol);
               if (cell != null) {
                 cells.put(Integer.valueOf(rowNum), cell);
            row.shiftCells(startCol, endCol, n, clearRest);
        if (endCol < 0) {
          endCol = maxColNum;
        if (n > 0) {
          if (startCol > endCol) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
          if ((startCol + n) > endCol) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int s, inc;
        if (n < 0) {
            s = startCol;
            inc = 1;
        } else {
            s = endCol;
            inc = -1;
        NoteRecord[] noteRecs;
        if (moveComments) {
            noteRecs = _helper.getInternalSheet().getNoteRecords();
        } else {
            noteRecs = NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
        final List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftedRanges = BookHelper.shiftMergedRegion(this, tRow, startCol, bRow, endCol, n, true);
        final boolean wholeColumn = tRow == 0 && bRow == maxrow;
        if (wholeColumn) {
          _helper.getInternalSheet().getPageSettings().shiftColumnBreaks((short)startCol, (short)endCol, (short)n);

        // Fix up column width and comment if required
        if (moveComments || copyColWidth || resetOriginalColWidth) {
          final int defaultColumnWidth = getDefaultColumnWidth();
          for ( int colNum = s; colNum >= startCol && colNum <= endCol && colNum >= 0 && colNum <= maxcol; colNum += inc ) {
            final int newColNum = colNum + n;
            if (wholeColumn) {
              if (copyColWidth) {
                  setColumnWidth(newColNum, getColumnWidth(colNum));
              if (resetOriginalColWidth) {
                  setColumnWidth(colNum, defaultColumnWidth);
              // Move comments from the source column to the
              //  destination column. Note that comments can
              //  exist for cells which are null
              if(moveComments) {
                  for(int i=noteRecs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                      NoteRecord nr = noteRecs[i];
                      if (nr.getColumn() != colNum || nr.getRow() < tRow || nr.getRow() > bRow) { //not in range
                      HSSFComment comment = getCellComment(nr.getRow(), colNum);
                      if (comment != null) {

        //handle inserted columns
        if (srcCol >= 0) {
          final int col2 = Math.min(startCol + n - 1, maxcol);
          if (wholeColumn) {
            for (int col = startCol; col <= col2 ; ++col) {
              //copy the column width
              setColumnWidth(col, colWidth);
              setDefaultColumnStyle(col, BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), colStyle));
          if (cells != null) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Cell> cellEntry : cells.entrySet()) {
                final HSSFRow row = getRow(cellEntry.getKey().intValue());
                final Cell srcCell = cellEntry.getValue();
                final CellStyle srcStyle = srcCell.getCellStyle();
              for (int col = startCol; col <= col2 ; ++col) {
                Cell dstCell = row.getCell(col);
                if (dstCell == null) {
                  dstCell = row.createCell(col);
                dstCell.setCellStyle(BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), srcStyle));
        // Shift Hyperlinks which have been moved
        shiftHyperlinks(tRow, bRow, 0, startCol, endCol, n);
        //special case1: endCol < startCol
        //special case2: (endCol - startCol + 1) < ABS(n)
        if (n < 0) {
          if (endCol < startCol) { //special case1
          final int replacedStartCol = startCol + n;
          removeHyperlinks(tRow, bRow, replacedStartCol, endCol);
            } else if (clearRest) { //special case 2
              final int replacedStartCol = endCol + n + 1;
              if (replacedStartCol <= startCol) {
              removeHyperlinks(tRow, bRow, replacedStartCol, startCol);

        // Update any formulas on this sheet that point to
        // columns which have been moved
        if (startCol <= endCol) {
          int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
          short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex, sheetIndex);
          PtgShifter shifter = new PtgShifter(externSheetIndex, tRow, bRow, 0, startCol, endCol, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
        return shiftedRanges;

    //20100520, Shift rows of a range
     * Shifts rows of a range between startRow and endRow n number of rows in the boundary of left column(lCol) and right column(rCol).
     * If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up.
     * Code ensures that rows don't wrap around
     * <p>
     * Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these
     * rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).
     * <p>
     * TODO Might want to add bounds checking here
     * @param startRow the row to start shifting
     * @param endRow the row to end shifting
     * @param n the number of rows to shift
     * @param lCol left boundary column
     * @param rCol right boundary column
     * @param copyRowHeight whether to copy the row height during the shift
     * @param resetOriginalRowHeight whether to set the original row's height to the default
     * @param moveComments whether to move comments at the same time as the cells they are attached to
     * @param clearRest whether clear the rest row after shifted endRow (meaningful only when n < 0)
     * @param copyOrigin copy format from the above/below row for the inserted rows(meaningful only when n > 0)
     * @return List of shifted merge ranges
    public List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftRowsRange(int startRow, int endRow, int n, int lCol, int rCol,
            boolean copyRowHeight, boolean resetOriginalRowHeight, boolean moveComments, boolean clearRest, int copyOrigin) {
      //prepare source format row
      final int srcRownum = n <= 0 ? -1 : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_RIGHTBELOW ? startRow : copyOrigin == Range.FORMAT_LEFTABOVE ? startRow - 1 : -1;
      final HSSFRow srcRow = srcRownum >= 0 ? getRow(srcRownum) : null;
      final Map<Integer, Cell> srcCells = srcRow != null ? BookHelper.copyRowCells(srcRow, lCol, rCol) : null;
      final short srcHeight = srcRow != null ? srcRow.getHeight() : -1;
      final HSSFCellStyle srcStyle = srcRow != null ? srcRow.getRowStyle() : null;
        final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        if (endRow < 0) {
          endRow = maxrow;
        if (n > 0) {
          if (startRow > endRow ) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
          if ((startRow + n) > endRow) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int s, inc;
        if (n < 0) {
            s = startRow;
            inc = 1;
        } else {
            s = endRow;
            inc = -1;
        NoteRecord[] noteRecs;
        if (moveComments) {
            noteRecs = _helper.getInternalSheet().getNoteRecords();
        } else {
            noteRecs = NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
        final List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftedRanges = BookHelper.shiftMergedRegion(this, startRow, lCol, endRow, rCol, n, false);
        final boolean wholeRow = lCol == 0 && rCol == maxcol;
        if (wholeRow) {
          _helper.getInternalSheet().getPageSettings().shiftRowBreaks(startRow, endRow, n);
        for ( int rowNum = s; rowNum >= startRow && rowNum <= endRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; rowNum += inc ) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
            // notify all cells in this row that we are going to shift them,
            // it can throw IllegalStateException if the operation is not allowed, for example,
            // if the row contains cells included in a multi-cell array formula
            if(row != null) notifyRowShifting(row); //TODO: add lCol, rCol information

            final int newRowNum = rowNum + n;
            final boolean inbound = newRowNum >= 0 && newRowNum <= maxrow;
            if (!inbound) {
              if (row != null) {
                if (wholeRow) {
                      if (resetOriginalRowHeight) {
                          row.setHeight((short)-1); //default height
                      new HSSFRowHelper(row).removeAllCells();
                } else {
                  removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);
            HSSFRow row2Replace = getRow( rowNum + n );
            if (row != null) {
              if ( row2Replace == null )
                  row2Replace = createRow( rowNum + n );
              // Remove all the old cells from the row we'll
              //  be writing too, before we start overwriting
              //  any cells. This avoids issues with cells
              //  changing type, and records not being correctly
              //  overwritten
              if (wholeRow) {
                new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).removeAllCells();
              } else {
                removeCells(row2Replace, lCol, rCol);
            } else {
              // If this row doesn't exist, shall also remove
              //  the empty destination row
              if (row2Replace != null) {
                if (wholeRow) {
                } else {
                    removeCells(row2Replace, lCol, rCol);
              continue; // Nothing to do for this row

            // Fix up row heights if required
            if (wholeRow) {
              if (copyRowHeight) {
              if (resetOriginalRowHeight) {

            // Copy each cell from the source row to
            //  the destination row
            if (wholeRow) {
              for(Iterator<Cell> cells = row.cellIterator(); cells.hasNext(); ) {
                  HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell);
                  row.removeCell( cell );
                  CellValueRecordInterface cellRecord = new HSSFCellHelper(cell).getCellValueRecord();
                  cellRecord.setRow( rowNum + n );
                  new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).createCellFromRecord( cellRecord );
                  _helper.getInternalSheet().addValueRecord( rowNum + n, cellRecord );
              // Now zap all the cells in the source row
              new HSSFRowHelper(row).removeAllCells();
            } else {
              final int startCol = Math.max(row.getFirstCellNum(), lCol);
              final int endCol = Math.min(row.getLastCellNum(), rCol);
              for(int col = startCol; col <= endCol; ++col) {
                  HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)row.getCell(col);
                  if (cell == null) {
                  row.removeCell( cell );
                  CellValueRecordInterface cellRecord = new HSSFCellHelper(cell).getCellValueRecord();
                  cellRecord.setRow( rowNum + n );
                  new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).createCellFromRecord( cellRecord );
                  _helper.getInternalSheet().addValueRecord( rowNum + n, cellRecord );
              // Now zap the cells in the source row
              removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);

            // Move comments from the source row to the
            //  destination row. Note that comments can
            //  exist for cells which are null
            if(moveComments) {
                // This code would get simpler if NoteRecords could be organised by HSSFRow.
                for(int i=noteRecs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                    NoteRecord nr = noteRecs[i];
                    if (nr.getRow() != rowNum || nr.getColumn() < lCol || nr.getColumn() > rCol) {
                    HSSFComment comment = getCellComment(rowNum, nr.getColumn());
                    if (comment != null) {
                       comment.setRow(rowNum + n);
        //handle inserted rows
        if (srcRow != null) {
          final int row2 = Math.min(startRow + n - 1, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());
          for(int rownum = startRow; rownum <= row2; ++rownum) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow(rownum);
            if (row == null) {
              row = createRow(rownum);
            if (wholeRow) {
              row.setRowStyle((HSSFCellStyle)BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), srcStyle));
                if (srcCells != null) {
              for(Entry<Integer, Cell> cellEntry : srcCells.entrySet()) {
                final int colnum = cellEntry.getKey().intValue();
                final Cell srcCell = cellEntry.getValue();
                final CellStyle cellStyle = srcCell.getCellStyle();
                Cell dstCell = row.getCell(colnum);
                if (dstCell == null) {
                  dstCell = row.createCell(colnum);
                dstCell.setCellStyle(BookHelper.copyFromStyleExceptBorder(getBook(), cellStyle));
        // Shift Hyperlinks which have been moved
        shiftHyperlinks(startRow, endRow, n, lCol, rCol, 0);
        //special case1: endRow < startRow
        //special case2: (endRow - startRow + 1) < ABS(n)
        if (n < 0) {
          if (endRow < startRow) { //special case1
          final int orgStartRow = startRow + n;
              for ( int rowNum = orgStartRow; rowNum >= orgStartRow && rowNum <= endRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; ++rowNum) {
                  final HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
                  if (row != null) {
                    if (wholeRow) {
                    } else {
                      removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);
              removeHyperlinks(orgStartRow, endRow, lCol, rCol);
            } else if (clearRest) { //special case 2
              final int orgStartRow = endRow + n + 1;
              if (orgStartRow <= startRow) {
                  for ( int rowNum = orgStartRow; rowNum >= orgStartRow && rowNum <= startRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; ++rowNum) {
                      final HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
                      if (row != null) {
                        if (wholeRow) {
                        } else {
                          removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);
                  removeHyperlinks(orgStartRow, startRow, lCol, rCol);
        final int lastrow = getLastRowNum();
        final int firstrow = getFirstRowNum();
        if ( endRow == lastrow || endRow + n > lastrow ) setLastRowNum(Math.min( endRow + n, maxrow));
        if ( startRow == firstrow || startRow + n < firstrow ) setFirstRowNum(Math.max( startRow + n, 0 ));

        // Update any formulas on this sheet that point to
        //  rows which have been moved
        if (startRow <= endRow) {
          int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
          short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex, sheetIndex);
          PtgShifter shifter = new PtgShifter(externSheetIndex, startRow, endRow, n, lCol, rCol, 0, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
        return shiftedRanges;
    //20100701, remove cells of the row between specified left column and right column
    private void removeCells(Row row, int lCol, int rCol) {
      final int startCol = Math.max(row.getFirstCellNum(), lCol);
      final int endCol = Math.min(row.getLastCellNum(), rCol);
    for(int col = startCol; col <= endCol; ++col) {
      final Cell cell = row.getCell(col);
      if (cell != null) {

    public List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftBothRange(int tRow, int bRow, int nRow, int lCol, int rCol, int nCol,
        boolean moveComments) {
        if (nRow > 0) {
          if (tRow > bRow ) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
          if ((tRow + nRow) > bRow) { //nothing to do
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int s, inc;
        if (nRow < 0) {
            s = tRow;
            inc = 1;
        } else {
            s = bRow;
            inc = -1;
        NoteRecord[] noteRecs;
        if (moveComments) {
            noteRecs = _helper.getInternalSheet().getNoteRecords();
        } else {
            noteRecs = NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
        final List<CellRangeAddress[]> shiftedRanges = BookHelper.shiftBothMergedRegion(this, tRow, lCol, bRow, rCol, nRow, nCol);
        for ( int rowNum = s; rowNum >= tRow && rowNum <= bRow && rowNum >= 0 && rowNum <= maxrow; rowNum += inc ) {
            HSSFRow row = getRow( rowNum );
            // notify all cells in this row that we are going to shift them,
            // it can throw IllegalStateException if the operation is not allowed, for example,
            // if the row contains cells included in a multi-cell array formula
            if(row != null) notifyRowShifting(row); //TODO: add lCol, rCol information

            final int newRowNum = rowNum + nRow;
            final boolean rowInbound = newRowNum >= 0 && newRowNum <= maxrow;
            if (!rowInbound) {
              if (row != null) {
                 removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);

            final int dstlCol = Math.max(lCol + nCol, 0);
            final int dstrCol = Math.min(rCol + nCol, maxcol);
            final boolean colInbound = dstlCol > maxcol || dstrCol < 0;
            HSSFRow row2Replace = getRow( newRowNum );
            if (row != null) {
              if ( row2Replace == null )
                  row2Replace = createRow( newRowNum );
              // Remove all the old cells from the row we'll
              //  be writing too, before we start overwriting
              //  any cells. This avoids issues with cells
              //  changing type, and records not being correctly
              //  overwritten
              if (colInbound) {
                removeCells(row2Replace, dstlCol, dstrCol);
            } else {
              // If this row doesn't exist, shall also remove
              //  the empty destination row
              if (row2Replace != null) {
                if (colInbound) {
                  removeCells(row2Replace, dstlCol, dstrCol);
              continue; // Nothing to do for this row

            // Copy each cell from the source row to
            //  the destination row
          final int startCol = Math.max(row.getFirstCellNum(), lCol);
          final int endCol = Math.min(row.getLastCellNum(), rCol);
            for(int col = startCol; col <= endCol; ++col) {
                HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)row.getCell(col);
                if (cell == null) {
                row.removeCell( cell );
                CellValueRecordInterface cellRecord = new HSSFCellHelper(cell).getCellValueRecord();
                cellRecord.setRow( rowNum + nRow );
                int colNum = cellRecord.getColumn() + nCol;
                if (colNum >= 0 && colNum <= maxcol) { //in bound
                  cellRecord.setColumn((short) colNum);
                new HSSFRowHelper(row2Replace).createCellFromRecord( cellRecord );
                _helper.getInternalSheet().addValueRecord( rowNum + nRow, cellRecord );
            // Now zap the cells in the source row
            removeCells(row, lCol, rCol);

            // Move comments from the source row to the
            //  destination row. Note that comments can
            //  exist for cells which are null
            if(moveComments) {
                // This code would get simpler if NoteRecords could be organised by HSSFRow.
                for(int i=noteRecs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                    NoteRecord nr = noteRecs[i];
                    if (nr.getRow() != rowNum || nr.getColumn() < lCol || nr.getColumn() > rCol) {
                    HSSFComment comment = getCellComment(rowNum, nr.getColumn());
                    if (comment != null) {
                      comment.setRow(rowNum + nRow);
                      int colNum = nr.getColumn()+nCol;
                      if (colNum >= 0 && colNum <= maxcol) {
        final int lastrow = getLastRowNum();
        final int firstrow = getFirstRowNum();
        if ( bRow == lastrow || bRow + nRow > lastrow ) setLastRowNum(Math.min( bRow + nRow, maxrow));
        if ( tRow == firstrow || tRow + nRow < firstrow ) setFirstRowNum(Math.max( tRow + nRow, 0 ));

        // Shift Hyperlinks which have been moved
        shiftHyperlinks(tRow, bRow, nRow, lCol, rCol, nCol);
        // Update any formulas on this sheet that point to
        //  rows which have been moved
        if (tRow <= bRow && lCol <= rCol) {
          int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
          short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex, sheetIndex);
          PtgShifter shifter = new PtgShifter(externSheetIndex, tRow, bRow, nRow, lCol, rCol, nCol, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
        return shiftedRanges;
     * Updates named ranges due to moving of cells
    //20100705, update named references
    private void updateNamesAfterCellShift(PtgShifter shifter) {
      InternalWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbookHelper(getWorkbook()).getInternalWorkbook();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < book.getNumNames() ; ++i){
            NameRecord nr = book.getNameRecord(i);
            Ptg[] ptgs = nr.getNameDefinition();
            if (shifter.adjustFormula(ptgs, nr.getSheetNumber())) {
    //20100720, shift Hyperlinks
     * Shift Hyperlink of the specified range.
    private void shiftHyperlinks(int tRow, int bRow, int nRow, int lCol, int rCol, int nCol) {
      final int maxcol = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastColumnIndex();
      final int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex();
        for (Iterator<RecordBase> it = _helper.getInternalSheet().getRecords().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            RecordBase rec =;
            if (rec instanceof HyperlinkRecord){
                final HyperlinkRecord link = (HyperlinkRecord)rec;
                final int col = link.getFirstColumn();
                final int row = link.getFirstRow();
                if (inRange(row, tRow, bRow) && inRange(col, lCol, rCol)) {
                  final int dstrow = row + nRow;
                  final int dstcol = col + nCol;
                  if (inRange(dstrow, 0, maxrow) && inRange(dstcol, 0, maxcol)) {
                  } else {
    private void removeHyperlinks(int tRow, int bRow, int lCol, int rCol) {
        for (Iterator<RecordBase> it = _helper.getInternalSheet().getRecords().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            RecordBase rec =;
            if (rec instanceof HyperlinkRecord){
                final HyperlinkRecord link = (HyperlinkRecord)rec;
                final int col = link.getFirstColumn();
                final int row = link.getFirstRow();
                if (inRange(row, tRow, bRow) && inRange(col, lCol, rCol)) {
    private final boolean inRange(int val, int min, int max) {
      return min <= val && val <= max;
    //20100727, handle DataValidation
  private List<DataValidation> _dataValidations;
    public List<DataValidation> getDataValidations() {
      if (_dataValidations == null) {
        //populate the _dataValidations list
        final DataValidityTable tb = _helper.getInternalSheet().getOrCreateDataValidityTable();
        _dataValidations = new ArrayList<DataValidation>();
        final RecordVisitor rv = new DVRecordVisitor();
      return _dataValidations;
    //20100910, nullify the cached data validation list
    public void nullifyDataValidations() {
      _dataValidations = null;
    private class DVRecordVisitor implements RecordVisitor {
      private DataValidationHelper _helper;
      private DVRecordVisitor() {
        _helper = getDataValidationHelper();
    public void visitRecord(Record r) {
      if (r instanceof DVRecord) {
        final DVRecord dvRecord = (DVRecord) r;
        final CellRangeAddressList regions = dvRecord.getCellRangeAddress();
        final DataValidationConstraint constraint = createContraint(dvRecord);
        if (constraint != null) {
          HSSFDataValidation dataValidation = new HSSFDataValidation(regions, constraint);
          final boolean allowed = dvRecord.getEmptyCellAllowed();
          final int errStyle = dvRecord.getErrorStyle();
          final boolean showErr = dvRecord.getShowErrorOnInvalidValue();
          final boolean showPrompt = dvRecord.getShowPromptOnCellSelected();
          final boolean suppress = dvRecord.getSuppressDropdownArrow();
          final String promptTitle = dvRecord.getPromptTitle();
          final String promptText = dvRecord.getPromptText();
          final String errorTitle = dvRecord.getErrorTitle();
          final String errorText = dvRecord.getErrorText();
          if (showPrompt) {
            dataValidation.createPromptBox(promptTitle, promptText);
          if (showErr) {
            dataValidation.createErrorBox(errorTitle, errorText);
    private DataValidationConstraint createContraint(DVRecord dvRecord) {
      final int operatorType = dvRecord.getConditionOperator();
      final int validationType = dvRecord.getDataType();
      final boolean isExplicitValues = !dvRecord.getListExplicitFormula(); //whether list is given by excplicit values?
      final Ptg[] formulaPtgs1 = dvRecord.getFormula1();
      final Ptg[] formulaPtgs2 = dvRecord.getFormula2();
      String formula1 = HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(_workbook, formulaPtgs1);
      //bug #64: pasteSpecial copy Validation cause Null pointer exception (Ptgs must not be null)    
      String formula2 = formulaPtgs2 != null && formulaPtgs2.length > 0 ? HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(_workbook, formulaPtgs2) : null;
      switch(validationType) {
        case ValidationType.ANY:
          return _helper.createNumericConstraint(validationType, operatorType, formula1, formula2);
        case ValidationType.DECIMAL:
          return _helper.createDecimalConstraint(operatorType, formula1, formula2);
        case ValidationType.INTEGER:
          return _helper.createIntegerConstraint(operatorType, formula1, formula2);
        case ValidationType.TEXT_LENGTH:
          return _helper.createTextLengthConstraint(operatorType, formula1, formula2);
        case ValidationType.DATE:
          return _helper.createDateConstraint(operatorType, formula1, formula2, null /*dateFormat*/);
        case ValidationType.FORMULA:
          return _helper.createCustomConstraint(formula1);
        case ValidationType.LIST:
          if (isExplicitValues) {
            final String[] listOfValues = formula1.split("\0");
            return _helper.createExplicitListConstraint(listOfValues);
          return _helper.createFormulaListConstraint(formula1);
        case ValidationType.TIME:
          return _helper.createTimeConstraint(operatorType, formula1, formula2);
      return null;
    public boolean isFreezePanes() {
      return _helper.getInternalSheet().getWindowTwo().getFreezePanes();

    public int addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress region)
      if (region != null) {
        return super.addMergedRegion(region);

    public void removeMergedRegion(int index) {
      final CellRangeAddress region = getMergedRegion(index);
      if (region != null) {

    public Book getBook() {
      return (Book) getWorkbook();
  public List<Picture> getPictures() {
    DrawingManager dm = getDrawingManager();
    return new ArrayList<Picture>(dm.getPictures());
  public List<Chart> getCharts() {
    DrawingManager dm = getDrawingManager();
    return dm.getCharts();
  public List<PivotTable> getPivotTables() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;
    private volatile SheetCtrl _sheetCtrl = null;
    private SheetCtrl getSheetCtrl() {
      SheetCtrl ctrl = _sheetCtrl;
      if (ctrl == null) {
        synchronized(this) {
          ctrl = _sheetCtrl;
          if (ctrl == null) {
            String clsnm = Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zss.model.impl.SheetCtrl.class");
            if (clsnm == null) {
              clsnm = "org.zkoss.zss.model.impl.SheetCtrlImpl";
            try {
            ctrl = _sheetCtrl = (SheetCtrl) Classes.newInstanceByThread(clsnm, new Class[] {Book.class, Worksheet.class}, new Object[] {getBook(), this});
          } catch (Exception e) {
            ctrl = _sheetCtrl = new SheetCtrlImpl(getBook(), this);
      return ctrl;
  public void evalAll() {

  public boolean isEvalAll() {
    return getSheetCtrl().isEvalAll();

    public String getUuid() {
      return getSheetCtrl().getUuid();
  public CellRangeAddress getMerged(int row, int col) {
    return getSheetCtrl().getMerged(row, col)
  public void addMerged(CellRangeAddress addr) {
  public void deleteMerged(CellRangeAddress addr) {
  public void initMerged() {
  public DrawingManager getDrawingManager() {
    return getSheetCtrl().getDrawingManager();
  public void whenRenameSheet(String oldname, String newname) {
    getSheetCtrl().whenRenameSheet(oldname, newname);

Related Classes of org.zkoss.zss.model.impl.HSSFSheetImpl$DVRecordVisitor

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