package dbManagement;
import com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet;
import dbManagement.YetRegisteredException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import logManagement.Log4k;
* @author loris.dallago
public class dbManager{
private dbConnector dbConn;
public dbManager() {
dbConn = new dbConnector();
public void releaseConnection(){
public ResultSet getPatient(int patientID){
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
command = "SELECT * FROM patients WHERE id = "+ patientID;
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public ResultSet getDoctor(int doctorID){
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
command = "SELECT * FROM doctors WHERE id = "+ doctorID;
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public ResultSet getPatientVaccinations(int patientID){
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
command = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM vaccinations LEFT JOIN doctors ON id = doctor_id ) AS X "
+ "WHERE patient_id = " + patientID;
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public ResultSet getDoctorVaccinations(int doctorID) {
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
command = "SELECT patient_id, vaccination_date FROM vaccinations WHERE doctor_id = " + doctorID;
ResultSet set1 = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
command = "SELECT name, surname FROM patients WHERE patient_id = " + set1.getString("patient_id");
ResultSet set2 = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
command = "SELECT name, surname, vaccination_date FROM " + set1.getCursorName() + " JOIN " + set2.getCursorName();
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
return res;
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public String getDBtime(){
String res = null;
try {
String command = "SELECT NOW() AS N";
ResultSet set = dbConn.executeQuery(command);;
res = set.getString("N");
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
private String getDBdiffTime(int sec) {
String res = null;
try {
String command = "SELECT NOW() - INTERVAL " + sec + " SECOND AS C";
ResultSet set = dbConn.executeQuery(command);;
res = set.getString("C");
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public ResultSet getPreviousVaccinationsPatients(int sec){
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
/* Select the last vaccination of each vaccinated patient before sec seconds ago */
String lastVaccinations = "SELECT DISTINCT MAX(vaccination_date) AS 'max', patient_id AS 'pid' FROM vaccinations GROUP BY patient_id";
String JT1 = "SELECT * " +
"FROM patients LEFT JOIN (" + lastVaccinations + ") AS last_vaccinations " +
"ON =";
String JT2 = "SELECT JT1.*, V.doctor_id " +
"FROM (" + JT1 + ") AS JT1 LEFT JOIN vaccinations AS V " +
"ON = V.patient_id AND JT1.max = V.vaccination_date";
command = "SELECT * " +
"FROM (" + JT2 + ") AS JT2 " +
"WHERE (max <= '" + getDBdiffTime(sec) + "' OR max IS NULL)";
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public ResultSet getFollowingVaccinationsPatients(int sec){
ResultSet res = null;
try {
String command;
String lastVaccinations = "SELECT DISTINCT MAX(vaccination_date) AS 'max', patient_id AS 'pid' FROM vaccinations GROUP BY patient_id";
String JT1 = "SELECT * " +
"FROM patients LEFT JOIN (" + lastVaccinations + ") AS last_vaccinations " +
"ON =";
String JT2 = "SELECT JT1.*, V.doctor_id " +
"FROM (" + JT1 + ") AS JT1 LEFT JOIN vaccinations AS V " +
"ON = V.patient_id AND JT1.max = V.vaccination_date";
command = "SELECT * " +
"FROM (" + JT2 + ") AS JT2 " +
"WHERE (max >= '" + getDBdiffTime(sec) + "')";
/* Select the last vaccination of each vaccinated patient after sec seconds ago*/
/* String lastVaccinations = "SELECT DISTINCT MAX(vaccination_date) AS 'vaccination_date', patient_id"
+ "FROM vaccinations GROUP BY patient_id HAVING vaccination_date >= '" + getDBdiffTime(sec) + "'";
String J1 = "SELECT * FROM vaccinations AS V JOIN (" + lastVaccinations + ") AS last_vaccinations"
+ "ON V.patient_id = last_vaccinations.patient_id AND V.vaccination_date = last_vacciantions.vaccination_date";
command = "SELECT * FROM patients AS P JOIN (" + J1 + ") AS J1 ON P.patient_id = J1.patient_id" ;
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
return res;
public void doVaccinate(int doctor_id, int patient_id){
try {
String command;
command = "INSERT INTO vaccinations(patient_id, doctor_id, vaccination_date)" +
" VALUES (" + patient_id + ", " + doctor_id + ", " + "(SELECT NOW())" + ")";
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
public void doRegister(String username, String new_pwd) throws NotInDBException, YetRegisteredException{
try {
String command;
ResultSet resSet;
{ /* Check wheter a user is both present and already registered into the DB */
command = "SELECT registered FROM patients WHERE username = '" + username + "'";
resSet = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
if (resSet.first()){
boolean isYetRegistered_str = resSet.getBoolean("registered");
if (isYetRegistered_str) throw new YetRegisteredException();
} else {
throw new NotInDBException();
Log4k.debug(this.getClass().getName(), "Nessun errore riscontrato.\n Inizio la query in doRegister.");
command = "UPDATE patients" +
" SET password = '" + new_pwd + "', registered = TRUE" +
" WHERE username = '" + username + "'";
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Log4k.error(dbManager.class.getName(), ex.getMessage());
public ResultSet userMatches(String userName, String pwd, boolean isDoctor){
ResultSet res;
String userKind = ((isDoctor) ? "doctor" : "patient");
String command = "SELECT * FROM " + userKind + "s WHERE "
+ "username = '" + userName + "' AND "
+ "password = '" + pwd + "' AND "
+ ((isDoctor) ? " TRUE" : "registered");
res = dbConn.executeQuery(command);
return res;