Copyright (c) 2011 Mizar Tools Contributors (mizartools.org)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
/* Contributors :
* 2011-02-18 Marco Riccardi - initial implementation
* 2011-09-14 Marco Riccardi - changed Property -> AbstractProperty
package org.mizartools.dli.utility;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.mizartools.dli.Abbreviation;
import org.mizartools.dli.Adjective;
import org.mizartools.dli.And;
import org.mizartools.dli.ArticleId;
import org.mizartools.dli.Constructor;
import org.mizartools.dli.DliException;
import org.mizartools.dli.Fields;
import org.mizartools.dli.For;
import org.mizartools.dli.Format;
import org.mizartools.dli.Formula;
import org.mizartools.dli.Fraenkel;
import org.mizartools.dli.Func;
import org.mizartools.dli.Is;
import org.mizartools.dli.ItemId;
import org.mizartools.dli.ItemType;
import org.mizartools.dli.Loci;
import org.mizartools.dli.Locus;
import org.mizartools.dli.LocusVar;
import org.mizartools.dli.Not;
import org.mizartools.dli.Num;
import org.mizartools.dli.Part;
import org.mizartools.dli.Pred;
import org.mizartools.dli.Prefices;
import org.mizartools.dli.PrivateFormula;
import org.mizartools.dli.PrivateFunctor;
import org.mizartools.dli.ProperDefiniens;
import org.mizartools.dli.Properties;
import org.mizartools.dli.PropertyEnum;
import org.mizartools.dli.Redefinition;
import org.mizartools.dli.SymbolId;
import org.mizartools.dli.SymbolType;
import org.mizartools.dli.Term;
import org.mizartools.dli.The;
import org.mizartools.dli.Type;
import org.mizartools.dli.Var;
import org.mizartools.dli.Variable;
import org.mizartools.dli.Verum;
import org.mizartools.dli.Visible;
import org.mizartools.system.Symbols;
import org.mizartools.system.VocabularyFile;
import org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature;
import org.mizartools.system.utility.NotationsVocabulary;
import org.mizartools.system.utility.UniqueIdentifier;
import org.mizartools.system.utility.UniqueIdentifierException;
import org.mizartools.system.utility.VocabularyItem;
import org.mizartools.system.xml.ArgTypes;
import org.mizartools.system.xml.Pred.Kind;
class Adapter {
static Fields getFields(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Fields fields) throws DliException {
LinkedList<ItemId> itemIdList = new LinkedList<ItemId>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Field field : fields.getFieldList()) {
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, field);
Fields fieldsDli = new Fields(itemIdList);
return fieldsDli;
private static ItemId getItemId(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Field field) throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, field);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case struct : itemType = ItemType.struct; break;
case sel : itemType = ItemType.sel; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static Prefices getPrefices(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
LinkedList<org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ> typList) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Type> typeList = new LinkedList<Type>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ : typList) {
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, typ);
Prefices prefices = new Prefices(typeList);
return prefices;
static Redefinition getRedefinition(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Constructor constructor) throws DliException {
if (constructor.getRedefnr() == null) return null;
LinkedList<Adjective> adjectiveList = new LinkedList<Adjective>();
LinkedList<Term> termList = new LinkedList<Term>();
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, constructor.getRedefaid() , constructor.getKind(), constructor.getRedefnr());
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case func : itemType = ItemType.func; break;
case pred : itemType = ItemType.pred; break;
case attr : itemType = ItemType.attr; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
Type type = new Type(adjectiveList, itemId, termList, false);
Redefinition redefinition = new Redefinition(type);
return redefinition;
static Type getType(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ) throws DliException{
LinkedList<Adjective> adjectiveList = getAdjectiveList(abstractSignature, typ.getClusterList());
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, typ);
LinkedList<Term> termList = getTermList(abstractSignature, typ.getTermList());
Type type = new Type(adjectiveList, itemId, termList, true);
return type;
static Properties getProperties(
org.mizartools.system.xml.Properties properties) throws DliException {
if (properties == null) return null;
LinkedList<PropertyEnum> propertyEnumList = new LinkedList<PropertyEnum>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.AbstractProperty abstractProperty : properties.getAbstractPropertyList()){
PropertyEnum propertyEnum = PropertyEnum.valueOf(abstractProperty.getPropertyName().toLowerCase());
Properties propertiesDli = new Properties(propertyEnumList);
return propertiesDli;
static LinkedList<Locus> getLocusList(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.ArgTypes argTypes)
throws DliException {
LinkedList<Locus> locusList = new LinkedList<Locus>();
int nr = 0;
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ : argTypes.getTypList()) {
LocusVar locusVar = new LocusVar(nr);
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, typ);
locusList.add(new Locus(locusVar, type));
return locusList;
private static LinkedList<Term> getTermList(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
LinkedList<org.mizartools.system.xml.Term> termList) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Term> termDliList = new LinkedList<Term>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Term term : termList){
// FreeVar, LambdaVar, Const, InfConst, Num, PrivFunc, Fraenkel, Choice, QuaTrm, It
Term termDli;
if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Func) {
org.mizartools.system.xml.Func func = (org.mizartools.system.xml.Func) term;
LinkedList<Term> term2List = getTermList(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.Func)term).getTermList());
if (func.getKind() == org.mizartools.system.xml.Func.Kind.F){
if (func.getNr() == null) throw new DliException();
termDli = new PrivateFunctor(func.getNr(), term2List);
} else {
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.Func)term));
termDli = new Func(itemId, term2List);
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Var) {
termDli = new Variable(((org.mizartools.system.xml.Var)term).getNr());
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.LocusVar) {
termDli = new LocusVar(((org.mizartools.system.xml.LocusVar)term).getNr());
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Num) {
termDli = new Num(((org.mizartools.system.xml.Num)term).getNr());
} else {
throw new DliException();
return termDliList;
private static ItemId getItemId(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Func func)
throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, func);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case func : itemType = ItemType.func; break;
case struct : itemType = ItemType.struct; break;
case sel : itemType = ItemType.sel; break;
case aggr : itemType = ItemType.aggr; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
private static ItemId getItemId(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ)
throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, typ);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case struct : itemType = ItemType.struct; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static LinkedList<Adjective> getAdjectiveList(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
LinkedList<org.mizartools.system.xml.Cluster> clusterList) throws DliException{
LinkedList<Adjective> adjectiveList = new LinkedList<Adjective>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Cluster cluster : clusterList){
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Adjective adjective : cluster.getAdjectiveList()){
Boolean value = adjective.getValue();
if (value == null) value = true;
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, adjective);
LinkedList<Term> termList = getTermList(abstractSignature, adjective.getTermList());
Adjective adjectiveDli = new Adjective(value, itemId, termList);
return adjectiveList;
private static ItemId getItemId(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Adjective adjective)
throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, adjective);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case attr : itemType = ItemType.attr; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static Abbreviation getAbbreviation(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Expansion expansion) throws DliException {
if (expansion == null) return null;
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, expansion.getTyp());
Abbreviation abbreviation = new Abbreviation(type);
return abbreviation;
static Constructor getConstructor(
org.mizartools.system.utility.AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Pattern pattern)
throws DliException {
if (pattern.getConstrnr() == 0) return null;
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, null, pattern.getConstrkind(), pattern.getConstrnr());
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case attr : itemType = ItemType.attr; break;
case pred : itemType = ItemType.pred; break;
case func : itemType = ItemType.func; break;
case struct : itemType = ItemType.struct; break;
case sel : itemType = ItemType.sel; break;
case aggr : itemType = ItemType.aggr; break;
case forg : itemType = ItemType.forg; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
Constructor constructor = new Constructor(itemId);
return constructor;
static SymbolId getSymbolId1(
org.mizartools.system.xml.Pattern pattern)
throws DliException {
int symbolNr = pattern.getFormat().getSymbolnr();
NotationsVocabulary notationsVocabulary = NotationsVocabulary.getNotationsVocabulary(pattern.getAid());
String aid = null;
if (aid == null){
for (VocabularyItem vocabularyItem : notationsVocabulary.getVocabularyItemList()){
org.mizartools.system.xml.Format.Kind kind = pattern.getFormat().getKind();
switch (kind){
case M :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrM) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrM;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case G :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrG) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrG;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case L :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrG) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrG;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case R :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrR) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrR;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case K :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrK) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrK;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case U :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrU) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrU;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case V :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrV) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrV;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case O :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrO) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrO;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
case J :
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrG) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrG;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
default :
throw new DliException();
if (aid != null) break;
if (aid == null) aid = pattern.getAid();
Symbols symbols = VocabularyFile.getSymbols(aid);
SymbolId symbolId = null;
SymbolType symbolType = null;
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(aid);
String token = null;
org.mizartools.system.xml.Format.Kind kind = pattern.getFormat().getKind();
switch (kind){
case O :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocO;
token = symbols.getSymbolO(symbolNr);
case R :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocR;
token = symbols.getSymbolR(symbolNr);
case V :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocV;
token = symbols.getSymbolV(symbolNr);
case M :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocM;
token = symbols.getSymbolM(symbolNr);
case K :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocK;
token = symbols.getSymbolK(symbolNr);
case L :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocG;
token = symbols.getSymbolG(symbolNr);
case G :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocG;
token = symbols.getSymbolG(symbolNr);
case U :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocU;
token = symbols.getSymbolU(symbolNr);
case J :
symbolType = SymbolType.vocG;
token = symbols.getSymbolG(symbolNr);
default :
throw new DliException();
symbolId = new SymbolId(articleId, symbolType, token, symbolNr);
return symbolId;
static SymbolId getSymbolId2(
org.mizartools.system.xml.Pattern pattern)
throws DliException {
org.mizartools.system.xml.Format.Kind kind = pattern.getFormat().getKind();
if (kind != org.mizartools.system.xml.Format.Kind.K) return null;
kind = org.mizartools.system.xml.Format.Kind.L;
int symbolNr = pattern.getFormat().getRightsymbolnr();
NotationsVocabulary notationsVocabulary = NotationsVocabulary.getNotationsVocabulary(pattern.getAid());
String aid = null;
if (aid == null){
for (VocabularyItem vocabularyItem : notationsVocabulary.getVocabularyItemList()){
if (symbolNr > vocabularyItem.nrL) symbolNr = symbolNr - vocabularyItem.nrL;
else aid = vocabularyItem.articleId;
if (aid != null) break;
if (aid == null) aid = pattern.getAid();
Symbols symbols = VocabularyFile.getSymbols(aid);
SymbolId symbolId = null;
SymbolType symbolType = null;
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(aid);
String token = null;
symbolType = SymbolType.vocL;
token = symbols.getSymbolL(symbolNr);
symbolId = new SymbolId(articleId, symbolType, token, symbolNr);
return symbolId;
static Format getFormat(org.mizartools.system.xml.Format format) throws DliException {
Integer nrLeft = format.getLeftargnr();
Integer nrTot = format.getArgnr();
Integer nrRight = 0;
if (nrLeft == null) {
nrLeft = 0;
nrRight = nrTot;}
else {
nrRight = nrTot - nrLeft;
LinkedList<Integer> integerList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Format formatDli = new Format(integerList);
return formatDli;
static Visible getVisible(org.mizartools.system.xml.Visible visible) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Integer> integerList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Int int1 : visible.getIntList()){
Visible visibleDli = new Visible(integerList);
return visibleDli;
static ProperDefiniens getProperDefiniens(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.DefMeaning defMeaning,
VariableId vid)
throws DliException {
LinkedList<Part> partList = new LinkedList<Part>();
VariableId vid2 = new VariableId();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.PartialDef partialDef : defMeaning.getPartialDefList()){
partList.add(getPart(abstractSignature, partialDef, vid2));
Formula formula = getFormula(abstractSignature, defMeaning.getFormula(), vid2);
Term term = getTerm(abstractSignature, defMeaning.getTerm(), vid2);
ProperDefiniens properDefiniens = new ProperDefiniens(partList , formula, term);
return properDefiniens;
private static Part getPart(AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.PartialDef partialDef,
VariableId vid) throws DliException {
VariableId vid1 = new VariableId();
VariableId vid2 = new VariableId();
VariableId vid3 = new VariableId();
Part part = new Part(
getFormula(abstractSignature, partialDef.getFormula1(), vid1),
getTerm(abstractSignature, partialDef.getTerm(), vid2),
getFormula(abstractSignature, partialDef.getFormula2(), vid3));
return part;
static Term getTerm(AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Term term,
VariableId vid) throws DliException {
if (term == null) return null;
Term termDli = null;
if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Var) {
termDli = new Variable(((org.mizartools.system.xml.Var)term).getNr());
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.LocusVar) {
termDli = new LocusVar(((org.mizartools.system.xml.LocusVar)term).getNr());
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Func) {
org.mizartools.system.xml.Func func = (org.mizartools.system.xml.Func) term;
LinkedList<Term> termList = new LinkedList<Term>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Term term1 : func.getTermList()) {
termList.add(getTerm(abstractSignature, term1, vid));
if (func.getKind() == org.mizartools.system.xml.Func.Kind.F){
if (func.getNr() == null) throw new DliException();
termDli = new PrivateFunctor(func.getNr(), termList);
} else {
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, func.getKind(), func.getNr());
termDli = new Func(itemId, termList);
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Choice) {
termDli = new The(getType(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.Choice)term).getTyp()));
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Num) {
termDli = new Num(((org.mizartools.system.xml.Num)term).getNr());
} else if (term instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Fraenkel) {
org.mizartools.system.xml.Fraenkel fraenkel = (org.mizartools.system.xml.Fraenkel)term;
LinkedList<Var> varList = new LinkedList<Var>();
VariableId vid2 = new VariableId();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ : fraenkel.getTypList()) {
Variable variable = new Variable(vid2.getId());
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, typ);
varList.add(new Var(variable, type));
Term term1 = getTerm(abstractSignature, fraenkel.getTerm(), vid2);
termDli = new Fraenkel(varList, term1, getFormula(abstractSignature, fraenkel.getFormula(), vid2));
} else throw new DliException();
return termDli;
private static ItemId getItemId(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Func.Kind kind, Integer nr) throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, null, kind, nr);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case func : itemType = ItemType.func; break;
case struct : itemType = ItemType.struct; break;
case sel : itemType = ItemType.sel; break;
case aggr : itemType = ItemType.aggr; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static Formula getFormula(AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Formula formula,
VariableId vid) throws DliException {
if (formula == null) return null;
Formula formulaDli = null;
if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.For){
Integer vid1 = ((org.mizartools.system.xml.For) formula).getVid();
if (vid1 == null) {
vid1 = vid.getId();
Variable variable = new Variable(vid1);
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.For) formula).getTyp());
VariableId vid2 = new VariableId();
Formula formula1 = getFormula(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.For) formula).getFormula(), vid2);
formulaDli = new For(variable, type, formula1);
} else if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.And){
LinkedList<Formula> formulaList = new LinkedList<Formula>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Formula formula1 : ((org.mizartools.system.xml.And) formula).getFormulaList()) {
VariableId vid2 = new VariableId();
formulaList.add(getFormula(abstractSignature, formula1, vid2));
formulaDli = new And(formulaList);
} else if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Not){
formulaDli = new Not(getFormula(abstractSignature, ((org.mizartools.system.xml.Not) formula).getFormula(), vid));
} else if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Pred){
org.mizartools.system.xml.Pred pred = (org.mizartools.system.xml.Pred) formula;
LinkedList<Term> termList = new LinkedList<Term>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Term term : pred.getTermList()) {
termList.add(getTerm(abstractSignature, term, vid));
if (pred.getKind() == Kind.P) {
if (pred.getNr() == null) throw new DliException();
formulaDli = new PrivateFormula(pred.getNr(), termList);
else {
ItemId itemId = getItemId(abstractSignature, pred.getKind(), pred.getNr());
switch (pred.getKind()){
case V :
LinkedList<Adjective> adjectiveList = new LinkedList<Adjective>();
Type type = new Type(adjectiveList, itemId, termList, false);
formulaDli = new Is(termList, type);
default :
formulaDli = new Pred(itemId, termList);
} else if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Is){
org.mizartools.system.xml.Is is = (org.mizartools.system.xml.Is) formula;
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, is.getTyp());
LinkedList<Term> termList = new LinkedList<Term>();
termList.add(getTerm(abstractSignature, is.getTerm(), vid));
formulaDli = new Is(termList, type);
} else if (formula instanceof org.mizartools.system.xml.Verum){
formulaDli = new Verum();
} else throw new DliException();
return formulaDli;
private static ItemId getItemId(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Pred.Kind kind, Integer nr) throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, null, kind, nr);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case attr : itemType = ItemType.attr; break;
case pred : itemType = ItemType.pred; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static Visible getVisible(
org.mizartools.system.xml.Essentials essentials) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Integer> integerList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Int int1 : essentials.getIntList()){
Visible visible = new Visible(integerList);
return visible;
static ItemId getItemId(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.Definiens.Constrkind constrkind,
Integer constrnr) throws DliException {
UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = null;
try {
uniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier.getInstance(abstractSignature, null, constrkind, constrnr);
} catch (UniqueIdentifierException e) {
throw new DliException();
ArticleId articleId = new ArticleId(uniqueIdentifier.aid);
ItemType itemType = null;
switch (uniqueIdentifier.type){
case mode : itemType = ItemType.mode; break;
case attr : itemType = ItemType.attr; break;
case aggr : itemType = ItemType.aggr; break;
case func : itemType = ItemType.func; break;
case pred : itemType = ItemType.pred; break;
default : throw new DliException();
ItemId itemId = new ItemId(articleId, itemType, uniqueIdentifier.nr);
return itemId;
static Loci getLoci(AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
LinkedList<org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ> typList) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Type> typeList = new LinkedList<Type>();
// int nr = 0;
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ : typList) {
// nr++;
Type type = getType(abstractSignature, typ);
Loci loci = new Loci(typeList);
return loci;
static Loci getLoci(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
org.mizartools.system.xml.ArgTypes argTypes)
throws DliException {
return getLoci(abstractSignature, argTypes.getTypList());
static LinkedList<Formula> getFormulaList(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
LinkedList<org.mizartools.system.xml.Formula> formulaList) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Formula> formulaDliList = new LinkedList<Formula>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Formula formula : formulaList) {
VariableId vid = new VariableId();
formulaDliList.add(getFormula(abstractSignature, formula, vid));
return formulaDliList;
static LinkedList<Type> getParameters(
AbstractSignature abstractSignature,
ArgTypes argTypes) throws DliException {
LinkedList<Type> typeList = new LinkedList<Type>();
for (org.mizartools.system.xml.Typ typ : argTypes.getTypList()) {
typeList.add(getType(abstractSignature, typ));
return typeList;