Package net.sourceforge.stripes.tag

Source Code of net.sourceforge.stripes.tag.InputTagSupport

/* Copyright 2005-2006 Tim Fennell
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.sourceforge.stripes.tag;

import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.ParameterName;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesConstants;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.exception.StripesJspException;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.exception.StripesRuntimeException;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.format.Formatter;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.format.FormatterFactory;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.localization.LocalizationUtility;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.util.CryptoUtil;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.BooleanTypeConverter;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.ValidationError;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.ValidationErrors;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.ValidationMetadata;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;

* Parent class for all input tags in stripes.  Provides support methods for retrieving all the
* attributes that are shared across form input tags.  Also provides accessors for finding the
* specified "override" value and for finding the enclosing support tag.
* @author Tim Fennell
public abstract class InputTagSupport extends HtmlTagSupport implements TryCatchFinally {
    private String formatType;
    private String formatPattern;
    private boolean focus;
    private boolean syntheticId;

    /** A list of the errors related to this input tag instance */
    protected List<ValidationError> fieldErrors;
    private boolean fieldErrorsLoaded = false; // used to track if fieldErrors is loaded yet

    /** The error renderer to be utilized for error output of this input tag */
    protected TagErrorRenderer errorRenderer;

    /** Sets the type of output to format, e.g. date or time. */
    public void setFormatType(String formatType) { this.formatType = formatType; }

    /** Returns the value set with setFormatAs() */
    public String getFormatType() { return this.formatType; }

    /** Sets the named format pattern, or a custom format pattern. */
    public void setFormatPattern(String formatPattern) { this.formatPattern = formatPattern; }

    /** Returns the value set with setFormatPattern() */
    public String getFormatPattern() { return this.formatPattern; }

     * Gets the value for this tag based on the current population strategy.  The value returned
     * could be a scalar value, or it could be an array or collection depending on what the
     * population strategy finds.  For example, if the user submitted multiple values for a
     * checkbox, the default population strategy would return a String[] containing all submitted
     * values.
     * @return Object either a value/values for this tag or null
     * @throws StripesJspException if the enclosing form tag (which is required at all times, and
     *         necessary to perform repopulation) cannot be located
    protected Object getOverrideValueOrValues() throws StripesJspException {
        return StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getPopulationStrategy().getValue(this);

     * Returns a single value for the the value of this field.  This can be used to ensure that
     * only a single value is returned by the population strategy, which is useful in the case
     * of text inputs etc. which can have only a single value.
     * @return Object either a single value or null
     * @throws StripesJspException if the enclosing form tag (which is required at all times, and
     *         necessary to perform repopulation) cannot be located
    protected Object getSingleOverrideValue() throws StripesJspException {
        Object unknown = getOverrideValueOrValues();
        Object returnValue = null;

        if (unknown != null && unknown.getClass().isArray()) {
            if (Array.getLength(unknown) > 0) {
                returnValue = Array.get(unknown, 0);
        else if (unknown != null && unknown instanceof Collection) {
            Collection<?> collection = (Collection<?>) unknown;
            if (collection.size() > 0) {
                returnValue = collection.iterator().next();
        else {
            returnValue = unknown;

        return returnValue;

     * Used during repopulation to query the tag for a value of values provided to the tag
     * on the JSP.  This allows the PopulationStrategy to encapsulate all decisions about
     * which source to use when repopulating tags.
     * @return May return any of String[], Collection or Object
    public Object getValueOnPage() {
        Object value = getBodyContentAsString();

        if (value == null) {
            try {
                Method getValue = getClass().getMethod("getValue");
                value = getValue.invoke(this);
            catch (Exception e) {
                // Not a lot we can do about this.  It's either because the subclass in question
                // doesn't have a getValue() method (which is ok), or it threw an exception.

        return value;

     * <p>Locates the enclosing stripes form tag. If no form tag can be found, because the tag
     * was not enclosed in one on the JSP, an exception is thrown.</p>
     * @return FormTag the enclosing form tag on the JSP
     * @throws StripesJspException if an enclosing form tag cannot be found
    public FormTag getParentFormTag() throws StripesJspException {
        FormTag parent = getParentTag(FormTag.class);

        // find the first non-partial parent form tag
        if (parent != null && parent.isPartial()) {
            Stack<StripesTagSupport> stack = getTagStack();
            ListIterator<StripesTagSupport> iter = stack.listIterator(stack.size());
            while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
                StripesTagSupport tag = iter.previous();
                if (tag instanceof FormTag && !((FormTag) tag).isPartial()) {
                    parent = (FormTag) tag;

        if (parent == null) {
            throw new StripesJspException
                ("InputTag of type [" + getClass().getName() + "] must be enclosed inside a " +
                 "stripes form tag. If, for some reason, you do not wish to render a complete " +
                 "form you may surround stripes input tags with <s:form partial=\"true\" ...> " +
                 "which will provide support to the input tags but not render the <form> tag.");

        return parent;

     * Utility method for determining if a String value is contained within an Object, where the
     * object may be either a String, String[], Object, Object[] or Collection.  Used primarily
     * by the InputCheckBoxTag and InputSelectTag to determine if specific check boxes or
     * options should be selected based on the values contained in the JSP, HttpServletRequest and
     * the ActionBean.
     * @param value the value that we are searching for
     * @param selected a String, String[], Object, Object[] or Collection (of scalars) denoting the
     *        selected items
     * @return boolean true if the String can be found, false otherwise
    protected boolean isItemSelected(Object value, Object selected) {
        // Since this is a checkbox, there could be more than one checked value, which means
        // this could be a single value type, array or collection
        if (selected != null) {
            String stringValue = (value == null) ? "" : format(value, false);

            if (selected.getClass().isArray()) {
                int length = Array.getLength(selected);
                for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
                    Object item = Array.get(selected, i);
                    if ( (format(item, false).equals(stringValue)) ) {
                        return true;
            else if (selected instanceof Collection) {
                Collection<?> selectedIf = (Collection<?>) selected;
                for (Object item : selectedIf) {
                    if ( (format(item, false).equals(stringValue)) ) {
                        return true;
            else {
                if( format(selected, false).equals(stringValue) ) {
                    return true;

        // If we got this far without returning, then this is not a selected item
        return false;

     * Fetches the localized name for this field if one exists in the resource bundle. Relies on
     * there being a "name" attribute on the tag, and the pageContext being set on the tag. First
     * checks for a value of {actionBean FQN}.{fieldName} in the specified bundle, then
     * {actionPath}.{fieldName} then just "fieldName".
     * @return a localized field name if one can be found, or null if one cannot be found.
    public String getLocalizedFieldName() throws StripesJspException {
        String name = getAttributes().get("name");
        return getLocalizedFieldName(name);

     * Attempts to fetch a "field name" resource from the localization bundle. Delegates
     * to {@link LocalizationUtility#getLocalizedFieldName(String, String, Class, java.util.Locale)}
     * @param name the field name or resource to look up
     * @return the localized String corresponding to the name provided
     * @throws StripesJspException
    protected String getLocalizedFieldName(final String name) throws StripesJspException {
        Locale locale = getPageContext().getRequest().getLocale();
        FormTag form = null;

        try { form = getParentFormTag(); }
        catch (StripesJspException sje) { /* Do nothing. */}

        String actionPath = null;
        Class<? extends ActionBean> beanClass = null;

        if (form != null) {
            actionPath = form.getAction();
            beanClass = form.getActionBeanClass();
        else {
            ActionBean mainBean = (ActionBean) getPageContext().getRequest().getAttribute(StripesConstants.REQ_ATTR_ACTION_BEAN);
            if (mainBean != null) {
                beanClass = mainBean.getClass();
        return LocalizationUtility.getLocalizedFieldName(name, actionPath, beanClass, locale);
    protected ValidationMetadata getValidationMetadata() throws StripesJspException {
        // find the action bean class we're dealing with
        Class<? extends ActionBean> beanClass = getParentFormTag().getActionBeanClass();

        if (beanClass != null) {
            // ascend the tag stack until a tag name is found
            String name = getName();
            if (name == null) {
                InputTagSupport tag = getParentTag(InputTagSupport.class);
                while (name == null && tag != null) {
                    name = tag.getName();
                    tag = tag.getParentTag(InputTagSupport.class);

            // check validation for encryption flag
            return StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getValidationMetadataProvider()
                    .getValidationMetadata(beanClass, new ParameterName(name));
        else {
            return null;

     * Calls {@link #format(Object, boolean)} with {@code forOutput} set to true.
     * @param input The object to be formatted
     * @see #format(Object, boolean)
    protected String format(Object input) {
        return format(input, true);

     * Attempts to format an object using the Stripes formatting system.  If no formatter can
     * be found, then a simple String.valueOf(input) will be returned.  If the value passed in
     * is null, then the empty string will be returned.
     * @param input The object to be formatted
     * @param forOutput If true, then the object will be formatted for output to the JSP. Currently,
     *            that means that if encryption is enabled for the ActionBean property with the same
     *            name as this tag then the formatted value will be encrypted before it is returned.
    protected String format(Object input, boolean forOutput) {
        if (input == null) {
            return "";

        // format the value
        FormatterFactory factory = StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getFormatterFactory();
        Formatter formatter = factory.getFormatter(input.getClass(),
        String formatted = (formatter == null) ? String.valueOf(input) : formatter.format(input);

        // encrypt the formatted value if required
        if (forOutput && formatted != null) {
            try {
                ValidationMetadata validate = getValidationMetadata();
                if (validate != null && validate.encrypted())
                    formatted = CryptoUtil.encrypt(formatted);
            catch (JspException e) {
                throw new StripesRuntimeException(e);

        return formatted;

     * Find errors that are related to the form field this input tag represents and place
     * them in an instance variable to use during error rendering.
    protected void loadErrors() throws StripesJspException {
        ActionBean actionBean = getActionBean();
        if (actionBean != null) {
            ValidationErrors validationErrors = actionBean.getContext().getValidationErrors();

            if (validationErrors != null) {
                this.fieldErrors = validationErrors.get(getName());

     * Access for the field errors that occurred on the form input this tag represents
     * @return List<ValidationError> the list of validation errors for this field
    public List<ValidationError> getFieldErrors() throws StripesJspException {
        if (!fieldErrorsLoaded) {
            fieldErrorsLoaded = true;

        return fieldErrors;

     * Returns true if one or more validation errors exist for the field represented by
     * this input tag.
    public boolean hasErrors() throws StripesJspException {
        List<ValidationError> errors = getFieldErrors();
        return errors != null && errors.size() > 0;

     * Fetches the ActionBean associated with the form if one is present.  An ActionBean will not
     * be created (and hence not present) by default.  An ActionBean will only be present if the
     * current request got bound to the same ActionBean as the current form uses.  E.g. if we are
     * re-showing the page as the result of an error, or the same ActionBean is used for a
     * &quot;pre-Action&quot; and the &quot;post-action&quot;.
     * @return ActionBean the ActionBean bound to the form if there is one
    public ActionBean getActionBean() throws StripesJspException {
        return getParentFormTag().getActionBean();

     * Final implementation of the doStartTag() method that allows the base InputTagSupport class
     * to insert functionality before and after the tag performs it's doStartTag equivalent
     * method. Finds errors related to this field and intercepts with a {@link TagErrorRenderer}
     * if appropriate.
     * @return int the value returned by the child class from doStartInputTag()
    public final int doStartTag() throws JspException {

        // Deal with any error rendering
        if (getFieldErrors() != null) {
            this.errorRenderer = StripesFilter.getConfiguration()

        return doStartInputTag();

     * Registers the field with the parent form within which it must be enclosed.
     * @throws StripesJspException if the parent form tag is not found
    protected void registerWithParentForm() throws StripesJspException {

    /** Abstract method implemented in child classes instead of doStartTag(). */
    public abstract int doStartInputTag() throws JspException;

     * Final implementation of the doEndTag() method that allows the base InputTagSupport class
     * to insert functionality before and after the tag performs it's doEndTag equivalent
     * method.
     * @return int the value returned by the child class from doStartInputTag()
    public final int doEndTag() throws JspException {
        // Wrap in a try/finally because a custom error renderer could throw an
        // exception, and some containers in their infinite wisdom continue to
        // cache/pool the tag even after a JSPException is thrown!
        try {
            int result = doEndInputTag();

            if (getFieldErrors() != null) {

            if (this.focus) {

            return result;
        finally {
            this.errorRenderer = null;
            this.fieldErrors = null;
            this.fieldErrorsLoaded = false;
            this.focus = false;
    /** Rethrows the passed in throwable in all cases. */
    public void doCatch(Throwable throwable) throws Throwable { throw throwable; }

     * Used to ensure that the input tag is always removed from the tag stack so that there is
     * never any confusion about tag-parent hierarchies.
    public void doFinally() {
        try { getTagStack().pop(); }
        catch (Throwable t) {
            /* Suppress anything, because otherwise this might mask any causal exception. */

     * Informs the tag that it should render JavaScript to ensure that it is focused
     * when the page is loaded. If the tag does not have an 'id' attribute a random
     * one will be created and set so that the tag can be located easily.
     * @param focus true if focus is desired, false otherwise
    public void setFocus(boolean focus) {
        this.focus = focus;

        if ( getId() == null ) {
            this.syntheticId = true;
            setId("stripes-" + new Random().nextInt());

    /** Writes out a JavaScript string to set focus on the field as it is rendered. */
    protected void makeFocused() throws JspException {
        try {
            JspWriter out = getPageContext().getOut();
            out.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">setTimeout(function(){try{var z=document.getElementById('");
            if ("text".equals(getAttributes().get("type")) || "password".equals(getAttributes().get("type"))) {

            // Clean up tag state involved with focus
            this.focus = false;
            if (this.syntheticId) getAttributes().remove("id");
            this.syntheticId = false;
        catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new StripesJspException("Could not write javascript focus code to jsp writer.", ioe);

    /** Abstract method implemented in child classes instead of doEndTag(). */
    public abstract int doEndInputTag() throws JspException;

    // Getters and setters only below this point.

     * Checks to see if the value provided is either 'disabled' or a value that the
     * {@link BooleanTypeConverter} believes it true. If so, adds a disabled attribute
     * to the tag, otherwise does not.
    public void setDisabled(String disabled) {
        boolean isDisabled = "disabled".equalsIgnoreCase(disabled);
        if (!isDisabled) {
            BooleanTypeConverter converter = new BooleanTypeConverter();
            isDisabled = converter.convert(disabled, Boolean.class, null);

        if (isDisabled) {
            set("disabled", "disabled");
        else {
    public String getDisabled() { return get("disabled"); }

     * <p>Sets the value of the readonly attribute to "readonly" but only when the value passed
     * in is either "readonly" itself, or is converted to true by the
     * {@link net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.BooleanTypeConverter}.</p>
     * <p>Although not all input tags support the readonly attribute, the method is located here
     * because it is not a simple one-liner and is used by more than one tag.</p>
    public void setReadonly(String readonly) {
        boolean isReadOnly = "readonly".equalsIgnoreCase(readonly);
        if (!isReadOnly) {
            BooleanTypeConverter converter = new BooleanTypeConverter();
            isReadOnly = converter.convert(readonly, Boolean.class, null);

        if (isReadOnly) {
            set("readonly", "readonly");
        else {

    /** Gets the HTML attribute of the same name. */
    public String getReadonly() { return get("readonly"); }

    public void setName(String name) { set("name", name); }
    public String getName() { return get("name"); }

    public void setSize(String size) { set("size", size); }
    public String getSize() { return get("size"); }


Related Classes of net.sourceforge.stripes.tag.InputTagSupport

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