Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
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package org.dbwiki.web.ui.layout;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementList;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
import org.dbwiki.web.request.parameter.RequestParameterVersion;
public class SubtreeLabelPrinter implements ElementLabelPrinter {
* Private Constants
private static final String tokenCloseSchemaNodeLabel = "]]";
private static final String tokenCloseOptionGroup = "}}";
private static final String tokenOpenSchemaNodeLabel = "[[";
private static final String tokenOpenOptionGroup = "{{";
* Private Interface
private interface LabelDefinitionElement {
* Interface Methods
public String getString(DatabaseElementNode node, RequestParameterVersion version);
* Private Classes
private class SchemaLabelElement implements LabelDefinitionElement {
* Private Variables
private String _path;
* Constructors
public SchemaLabelElement(String path) {
_path = path;
* Public Methods
public String getString(DatabaseElementNode node, RequestParameterVersion version) {
String label = null;
try {
DatabaseElementList nodes = ((DatabaseGroupNode)node).find(_path);
for (int iNode = 0; iNode < nodes.size(); iNode++) {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = (DatabaseAttributeNode)nodes.get(iNode);
for (int iText = 0; iText < attribute.value().size(); iText++) {
DatabaseTextNode text = attribute.value().get(iText);
if (version.matches(text)) {
if (label != null) {
label = label + ", " + text.value();
} else {
label = text.value();
} catch (Exception exception) {
label = "#error";
if (label != null) {
return label;
} else {
return "";
private class OptionGroupLabelElement extends SubtreeLabelPrinter implements LabelDefinitionElement {
* Constructors
public OptionGroupLabelElement(Vector<Token> tokens, int start, int end) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
super(tokens, start, end);
* Public Methods
public String getString(DatabaseElementNode node, RequestParameterVersion version) {
String label = "";
for (int iElement = 0; iElement < this.size(); iElement++) {
String text = this.get(iElement).getString(node, version);
if (!text.equals("")) {
label = label + text;
} else {
return "";
return label;
private class StringLabelElement implements LabelDefinitionElement {
* Private Variables
private String _value;
* Constructors
public StringLabelElement(String value) {
_value = value;
* Public Methods
public String getString(DatabaseElementNode node, RequestParameterVersion version) {
return _value;
private class Token {
* Public Constants
public static final byte TokenTypeCloseSchemaLabel = 0;
public static final byte TokenTypeCloseOptionGroup = 1;
public static final byte TokenTypeOpenSchemaLabel = 2;
public static final byte TokenTypeOpenOptionGroup = 3;
public static final byte TokenTypeStringValue = 4;
* Private Variables
private byte _type;
private String _value;
* Constructors
public Token(byte type, String value) {
_type = type;
_value = value;
public Token(byte type) {
this(type, null);
* Public Methods
public boolean isCloseSchemaLabel() {
return (_type == TokenTypeCloseSchemaLabel);
public boolean isCloseOptionGroup() {
return (_type == TokenTypeCloseOptionGroup);
public boolean isOpenSchemaLabel() {
return (_type == TokenTypeOpenSchemaLabel);
public boolean isOpenOptionGroup() {
return (_type == TokenTypeOpenOptionGroup);
public boolean isStringValue() {
return (_type == TokenTypeStringValue);
public byte type() {
return _type;
public String value() {
return _value;
* Private Variables
private Vector<LabelDefinitionElement> _elements;
private String _labelDefinition;
* Constructors
public SubtreeLabelPrinter(String label) {
_labelDefinition = label;
String def = label;
try {
Vector<Token> tokens = new Vector<Token>();
while (!def.equals("")) {
int posCloseSchema = def.indexOf(tokenCloseSchemaNodeLabel);
int posCloseGroup = def.indexOf(tokenCloseOptionGroup);
int posOpenSchema = def.indexOf(tokenOpenSchemaNodeLabel);
int posOpenGroup = def.indexOf(tokenOpenOptionGroup);
switch (this.getMinPositive(posCloseSchema, posCloseGroup, posOpenSchema, posOpenGroup)) {
case 1:
if (posCloseSchema > 0) {
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeStringValue, def.substring(0, posCloseSchema)));
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeCloseSchemaLabel));
def = def.substring(posCloseSchema + tokenCloseSchemaNodeLabel.length());
case 2:
if (posCloseGroup > 0) {
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeStringValue, def.substring(0, posCloseGroup)));
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeCloseOptionGroup));
def = def.substring(posCloseGroup + tokenCloseOptionGroup.length());
case 3:
if (posOpenSchema > 0) {
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeStringValue, def.substring(0, posOpenSchema)));
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeOpenSchemaLabel));
def = def.substring(posOpenSchema + tokenOpenSchemaNodeLabel.length());
case 4:
if (posOpenGroup > 0) {
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeStringValue, def.substring(0, posOpenGroup)));
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeOpenOptionGroup));
def = def.substring(posOpenGroup + tokenOpenOptionGroup.length());
tokens.add(new Token(Token.TokenTypeStringValue, def));
def = "";
} catch (Exception exception) {
_elements = new Vector<LabelDefinitionElement>();
_elements.add(new StringLabelElement("#layout_def"));
public SubtreeLabelPrinter(Vector<Token> tokens, int start, int end) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
_labelDefinition = "";
Vector<Token> myToken = new Vector<Token>();
for (int iToken = start; iToken <= end; iToken++) {
* Public Methods
public LabelDefinitionElement get(int index) {
return _elements.get(index);
public String getDefinition() {
return _labelDefinition;
public String getLabel(DatabaseElementNode node, RequestParameterVersion version) {
String label = "";
for (int iElement = 0; iElement < _elements.size(); iElement++) {
label = label + _elements.get(iElement).getString(node, version);
return label;
public int size() {
return _elements.size();
* Private Methods
private int findClosingOptGroupToken(int start, Vector<Token> tokens) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
int index = start;
int openCount = 0;
while (index < tokens.size()) {
Token token = tokens.get(index);
if (token.isOpenOptionGroup()) {
} else if (token.isCloseOptionGroup()) {
if (openCount == 0) {
return index;
throw new WikiFatalException("Invalid subtree label definition");
private int getMinPositive(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) {
int[] val = new int[4];
if (v1 == -1) {
val[0] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
val[0] = v1;
if (v2 == -1) {
val[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
val[1] = v2;
if (v3 == -1) {
val[2] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
val[2] = v3;
if (v4 == -1) {
val[3] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
val[3] = v4;
if ((val[0] < val[1]) && (val[0] < val[2]) && (val[0] < val[3])) {
return 1;
} else if ((val[1] < val[0]) && (val[1] < val[2]) && (val[1] < val[3])) {
return 2;
} else if ((val[2] < val[0]) && (val[2] < val[1]) && (val[2] < val[3])) {
return 3;
} else if ((val[3] < val[0]) && (val[3] < val[1]) && (val[3] < val[2])) {
return 4;
} else {
return 0;
private void init(Vector<Token> tokens) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
_elements = new Vector<LabelDefinitionElement>();
int index = 0;
while (index < tokens.size()) {
Token token = tokens.get(index);
if (token.isOpenSchemaLabel()) {
if (tokens.get(index + 2).isCloseSchemaLabel()) {
_elements.add(new SchemaLabelElement(tokens.get(index + 1).value()));
index += 3;
} else {
throw new WikiFatalException("Invalid subtree label definition");
} else if (token.isOpenOptionGroup()) {
int closeGroup = this.findClosingOptGroupToken(index, tokens);
_elements.add(new OptionGroupLabelElement(tokens, index + 1, closeGroup - 1));
index = closeGroup + 1;
} else if (token.isStringValue()) {
_elements.add(new StringLabelElement(token.value()));
} else {
throw new WikiFatalException("Unexpected token in subtree label definition: " + token.type());