Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
Database Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.DatabaseSchema;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.SchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.GroupSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.AttributeSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeSequence;
import org.dbwiki.exception.data.WikiSchemaException;
/** Implementation of DatabaseSchema for RDBMS.
* Main difference is that the constructor loads the schema from the database using queries.
* FIXME #database This could be implemented as a factory class instead of as a subclass of DatabaseSchema
* @author jcheney
public class SQLDatabaseSchema extends DatabaseSchema implements DatabaseConstants {
* Constructors
public SQLDatabaseSchema(Connection con, SQLVersionIndex versionIndex, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
// The following query returns one row for each
// version of each schema node along with the
// start and end points of the associated time interval.
// The left join ensures that every schema node will be returned
// even if its time interval is derived from its parent.
// (In the latter case, the start and end points will be null.)
ResultSet results =
"s." + RelSchemaColID + " as " + RelSchemaColID + ", " +
"s." + RelSchemaColType + " as " + RelSchemaColType + ", " +
"s." + RelSchemaColLabel + " as " + RelSchemaColLabel + ", " +
"s." + RelSchemaColParent + " as " + RelSchemaColParent + ", " +
"s." + RelSchemaColUser + " as " + RelSchemaColUser + ", " +
"s." + RelSchemaColTimesequence + " as " + RelSchemaColTimesequence + ", " +
"t." + RelTimesequenceColStart + " as " + RelTimesequenceColStart + ", " +
"t." + RelTimesequenceColStop + " as " + RelTimesequenceColStop + " " +
"FROM " + dbName + RelationSchema + " AS s LEFT JOIN " +
dbName + RelationTimesequence + " AS t " +
"ON s." + RelSchemaColTimesequence + " = t." + RelTimesequenceColID + " " +
"ORDER BY s." + RelSchemaColID);
// As in DatabaseReader.get() we assume that parents
// are encountered before children, so it is crucial that
// ids are assigned in such a way as to enforce this
// constraint, and that the above query has an
// 'order by' clause.
while (results.next()) {
int id = results.getInt(RelSchemaColID);
// if the schema node isn't already loaded, then load it
SchemaNode schema;
schema = get(id);
if(schema == null) {
String label = results.getString(RelSchemaColLabel);
GroupSchemaNode parent = null;
if (results.getInt(RelSchemaColParent) != -1) {
parent = (GroupSchemaNode)get(results.getInt(RelSchemaColParent));
if ((results.getInt(RelSchemaColType) == RelSchemaColTypeValAttribute) && (parent != null)) {
schema = new AttributeSchemaNode(id, label, parent);
} else if (results.getInt(RelSchemaColType) == RelSchemaColTypeValGroup) {
schema = new GroupSchemaNode(id, label, parent);
} else {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.InvalidSchemaType, "Database value " + results.getInt(RelSchemaColType));
// load the time interval - if any
int end = RelTimestampColEndValOpen;
int start = results.getInt(RelTimesequenceColStart);
if(!results.wasNull()) {
// a time interval for this node
end = results.getInt(RelTimesequenceColStop);
if(schema.hasTimestamp()) {
schema.getTimestamp().elongate(start, end);
} else {
schema.setTimestamp(new TimeSequence(start, end));