Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
Database Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Database Wiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Database Wiki. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.dbwiki.data.annotation.Annotation;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.Database;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseNodeValue;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.NodeUpdate;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.Update;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.PasteAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.PasteElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.PasteGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.PasteNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.PasteTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.index.DatabaseContent;
import org.dbwiki.data.index.VectorDatabaseListing;
import org.dbwiki.data.io.ImportHandler;
import org.dbwiki.data.io.NodeWriter;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceActivate;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceCopy;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceDelete;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceInsert;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceUnknown;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.ProvenanceUpdate;
import org.dbwiki.data.query.QueryResultSet;
import org.dbwiki.data.query.QueryStatement;
import org.dbwiki.data.query.condition.AttributeCondition;
import org.dbwiki.data.query.condition.AttributeConditionListing;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.DatabaseIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.SchemaNodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.NodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.ResourceIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.AttributeSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.DatabaseSchema;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.SchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.GroupSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeInterval;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeSequence;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimestampedObject;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.Version;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.VersionIndex;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.data.WikiDataException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.data.WikiSchemaException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.web.WikiRequestException;
import org.dbwiki.user.User;
import org.dbwiki.user.UserListing;
import org.dbwiki.web.request.RequestURL;
import org.dbwiki.web.server.DatabaseWiki;
import org.dbwiki.web.server.DatabaseWikiProperties;
/** Implementation of the Database interface using a relational database.
* FIXME #document_this
public class RDBMSDatabase implements Database, DatabaseConstants {
* Public Constants
public static final String NAME = "NAME";
public static final String TITLE = "TITLE";
* Private Variables
private DatabaseConnector _connector;
private DatabaseIdentifier _identifier;
private SQLDatabaseSchema _schema;
private SQLVersionIndex _versionIndex;
private DatabaseWiki _wiki;
* Constructors
public RDBMSDatabase(DatabaseWiki wiki, DatabaseConnector connector) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
_connector = connector;
_wiki = wiki;
_identifier = new DatabaseIdentifier(wiki.name());
try {
Connection con = connector.getConnection();
_versionIndex = new SQLVersionIndex(con, wiki.name(), wiki.users(), false);
_schema = new SQLDatabaseSchema(con, _versionIndex, wiki.name());
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
// HACK: the last two arguments supply existing session
// information for initialising the database
public RDBMSDatabase(DatabaseWiki wiki, DatabaseConnector connector,
Connection con, SQLVersionIndex versionIndex)
throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
_connector = connector;
_wiki = wiki;
_identifier = new DatabaseIdentifier(wiki.name());
try {
//con = connector.getConnection();
_versionIndex = versionIndex;
_schema = new SQLDatabaseSchema(con, _versionIndex, wiki.name());
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
* Public Methods
public synchronized void activate(ResourceIdentifier identifier, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
DatabaseNode node = DatabaseReader.get(con, this, (NodeIdentifier)identifier);
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceActivate(user, identifier));
try {
try {
activateNode(con, node, version);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public synchronized void annotate(ResourceIdentifier identifier, Annotation annotation) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertAnnotation((NodeIdentifier)identifier, annotation);
try {
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public RDBMSDatabaseListing content() throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
//return DatabaseContentReader.get(_connector.getConnection(), this);
return new RDBMSDatabaseListing(_connector.getConnection(), this);
public synchronized void delete(ResourceIdentifier identifier, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
DatabaseNode node = DatabaseReader.get(con, this, (NodeIdentifier)identifier);
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceDelete(user, identifier));
try {
try {
deleteNode(con, node, version);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public synchronized void deleteSchemaNode(ResourceIdentifier identifier, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
SchemaNode schemaNode = _schema.get(((SchemaNodeIdentifier)identifier).nodeID());
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceUnknown(user));
try {
try {
// delete all nodes whose types are schemaNode
ArrayList<NodeIdentifier> deletedNodes =
DatabaseReader.getNodesOfSchemaNode(con, this, ((SchemaNodeIdentifier)identifier));
for(NodeIdentifier nid : deletedNodes) {
deleteNode(con, DatabaseReader.get(con, this, nid), version);
// delete the schema node from the schema
deletetSchemaNode(con, schemaNode, version);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public void export(ResourceIdentifier identifier, int version, NodeWriter out) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
out.startDatabase(this, version);
if (identifier.isRootIdentifier()) {
RDBMSDatabaseListing entries = content();
for (int iEntry = 0; iEntry < entries.size(); iEntry++) {
exportEntry(get(entries.get(iEntry).identifier()), version, out);
} else {
exportNode(get(identifier), version, out, true);
/** Validates data and generates error report to stderr
public void validate() throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
try {
DatabaseReader.validateTimestamps(con, this);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public DatabaseNode get(ResourceIdentifier identifier) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
DatabaseNode node = DatabaseReader.get(con, this, (NodeIdentifier)identifier);
try {
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return node;
public SchemaNode getSchemaNode(ResourceIdentifier identifier) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
// the entire schema history is kept in memory
return _schema.get(((SchemaNodeIdentifier)identifier).nodeID());
// TODO: This probably belongs somewhere else, like the ui level.
public AttributeSchemaNode getDisplaySchemaNode() {
return _wiki.layouter().displaySchemaNode(schema());
public ResourceIdentifier getIdentifierForParameterString(String parameterValue) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
return new NodeIdentifier(Integer.parseInt(parameterValue));
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException exception) {
throw new WikiRequestException(WikiRequestException.InvalidUrl, parameterValue);
public DatabaseContent getMatchingEntries(AttributeConditionListing listing) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Vector<String> sqlStatements = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> parameters = new Vector<String>();
for (int iCondition = 0; iCondition < listing.size(); iCondition++) {
AttributeCondition condition = listing.get(iCondition);
if (condition.isINDEX()) {
this.addSchemaIndexStatement(sqlStatements, parameters, condition);
} else {
this.addSchemaValueStatement(sqlStatements, parameters, condition);
String sql = null;
if (sqlStatements.size() > 0) {
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + RelDataColEntry + " FROM (" + sqlStatements.firstElement();
for (int iStatement = 1; iStatement < sqlStatements.size(); iStatement++) {
sql = sql + " INTERSECT " + sqlStatements.get(iStatement);
sql = sql + ") q ORDER BY " + RelDataColEntry;
} else {
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + RelDataColEntry + " FROM " + this.name() + RelationData + " ORDER BY " + RelDataColEntry;
VectorDatabaseListing result = new VectorDatabaseListing();
try {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
for (int iParameter = 0; iParameter < parameters.size(); iParameter++) {
pStmt.setString(iParameter + 1, parameters.get(iParameter));
ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery();
RDBMSDatabaseListing content = this.content();
while (rs.next()) {
result.add(content.get(new NodeIdentifier(rs.getInt(1))));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return result;
public ResourceIdentifier getNodeIdentifierForURL(RequestURL url) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
return new NodeIdentifier(url);
public ResourceIdentifier getSchemaNodeIdentifierForURL(RequestURL url) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
return new SchemaNodeIdentifier(url);
public DatabaseIdentifier identifier() {
return _identifier;
public synchronized ResourceIdentifier insertNode(ResourceIdentifier identifier, DocumentNode node, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
ResourceIdentifier nodeIdentifier = null;
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceInsert(user, identifier));
try {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
try {
if (identifier.isRootIdentifier()) {
nodeIdentifier = new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertRootNode((DocumentGroupNode)node, version);
} else {
nodeIdentifier = new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertNode((NodeIdentifier)identifier, node, version);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return nodeIdentifier;
public synchronized void insertSchemaNode(GroupSchemaNode parent, String name, byte type, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (!DatabaseSchema.isValidName(name)) {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.SyntaxError, "Invalid element name " + name);
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceUnknown(user));
SchemaNode schema = null;
if (type == SchemaNodeTypeAttribute) {
if (_schema.size() == 0) {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.InvalidSchemaType, "Schema root cannot be an attribute");
schema = new AttributeSchemaNode(_schema.size(), name, parent, new TimeSequence(version));
} else if (type == SchemaNodeTypeGroup) {
schema = new GroupSchemaNode(_schema.size(), name, parent, new TimeSequence(version));
} else {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.InvalidSchemaType, String.valueOf(type));
try {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertSchemaNode(schema, version);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
public String name() {
return _wiki.name();
public synchronized void paste(ResourceIdentifier target, PasteNode pasteNode, String sourceURL, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
DatabaseElementNode targetElement = null;
if (!target.isRootIdentifier()) {
DatabaseNode targetNode = get(target);
if (targetNode.isText()) {
targetElement = targetNode.parent();
} else {
targetElement = (DatabaseElementNode)targetNode;
} else if (!pasteNode.isElement()) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.InvalidPasteTarget, target.toParameterString());
if (pasteNode.isElement()) {
if (targetElement != null) {
if (!targetElement.isGroup()) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.InvalidPasteTarget, target.toParameterString());
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
try {
SQLDatabaseSchema schema = new SQLDatabaseSchema(con, _versionIndex, _wiki.name());
DocumentNode insertNode = null;
if (targetElement != null) {
// FIXME #copypaste: This code looks unnecessarily complicated
// Isn't:
// (GroupSchemaNode)schema.get(targetElement.schema().id())
// entirely equivalent to:
// (GroupSchemaNode)targetElement.schema()
// ?
insertNode = getPasteInsertNode((GroupSchemaNode)schema.get(targetElement.schema().id()), (PasteElementNode)pasteNode, schema);
} else {
insertNode = getPasteInsertNode(null, (PasteElementNode)pasteNode, schema);
if (insertNode != null) {
Version version = _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceCopy(user, target, sourceURL));
try {
try {
if (target.isRootIdentifier()) {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertRootNode((DocumentGroupNode)insertNode, version);
} else {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertNode((NodeIdentifier)target, insertNode, version);
for (int i = schema().size(); i < schema.size(); i++) {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertSchemaNode(schema.get(i), version);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
_schema = schema;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
} else {
// targetElement should be nonnull
assert(targetElement != null);
if (!targetElement.isAttribute()) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.InvalidPasteTarget, target.toParameterString());
Update update = new Update();
update.add(new NodeUpdate(targetElement.identifier(), ((PasteTextNode)pasteNode).getValue()));
updateNodeWrapped(targetElement, update, _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceCopy(user, targetElement.identifier(), sourceURL)));
/** Evaluates a wiki query with respect to the database */
public QueryResultSet query(String query) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
return QueryStatement.createStatement(this,query).execute();
public DatabaseSchema schema() {
return _schema;
public DatabaseContent search(String query) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
DatabaseQuery keywords = new DatabaseQuery(query);
RDBMSDatabaseListing entries = content();
VectorDatabaseListing result = new VectorDatabaseListing();
if (keywords.size() > 0) {
String union = "SELECT '0' kwid, " + RelDataColEntry + ", COUNT(*) cnt FROM " + name() + RelationData + " WHERE UPPER(" + RelDataColValue + ") LIKE '%" + keywords.get(0).toUpperCase() + "%' GROUP BY kwid, " + RelDataColEntry;
for (int iKW = 1; iKW < keywords.size(); iKW++) {
union = union + " UNION SELECT '" + iKW + "' kwid, "+ RelDataColEntry + ", COUNT(*) FROM " + name() + RelationData + " WHERE UPPER(" + RelDataColValue + ") LIKE '%" + keywords.get(iKW).toUpperCase() + "%' GROUP BY kwid, " + RelDataColEntry;
String sql = "(SELECT " + RelDataColEntry + ", COUNT(kwid), SUM(cnt) FROM (" + union + ") AS u GROUP BY " + RelDataColEntry + " ORDER BY COUNT(kwid) DESC, SUM(cnt) DESC) ";
try {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs.next()) {
NodeIdentifier identifier = new NodeIdentifier(rs.getInt(RelDataColEntry));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return result;
public synchronized void update(ResourceIdentifier identifier, Update update, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
updateNodeWrapped(get(identifier), update, _versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceUpdate(user, identifier)));
public UserListing users() {
return _wiki.users();
public VersionIndex versionIndex() {
return _versionIndex;
* Private Methods
private void activateNode(Connection con, DatabaseNode node, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (!node.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
boolean activeParent = true;
DatabaseElementNode parent = node.parent();
if (parent != null) {
activeParent = parent.getTimestamp().isCurrent();
if (activeParent) {
int deletedAt = node.getTimestamp().lastValue();
if (node.isElement()) {
if (node.hasTimestamp()) {
insertTimestamp(con, node, node.getTimestamp().continueAt(version.number()));
activateElementNode(con, (DatabaseElementNode)node, deletedAt, version);
} else {
// FIXME: Suspicious sideways-cast, is this code reachable?
assert(parent instanceof DatabaseAttributeNode);
DatabaseNodeValue values = ((DatabaseAttributeNode)parent).value();
if (values.size() > 1) {
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < values.size(); iValue++) {
DatabaseTextNode value = values.get(iValue);
if (value.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
updateTimestamp(con, value, value.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
insertTimestamp(con, node, node.getTimestamp().continueAt(version.number()));
private void activateElementNode(Connection con, DatabaseElementNode node, int deletedAt, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (node.isAttribute()) {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = (DatabaseAttributeNode)node;
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < attribute.value().size(); iValue++) {
DatabaseTextNode value = attribute.value().get(iValue);
if ((value.hasTimestamp()) && (value.getTimestamp().lastValue() == deletedAt)) {
insertTimestamp(con, value, value.getTimestamp().continueAt(version.number()));
} else {
DatabaseGroupNode group = (DatabaseGroupNode)node;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
DatabaseElementNode child = group.children().get(iChild);
if ((child.hasTimestamp()) && (child.getTimestamp().lastValue() == deletedAt)) {
insertTimestamp(con, child, child.getTimestamp().continueAt(version.number()));
activateElementNode(con, child, deletedAt, version);
private void deletetSchemaNode(Connection con, SchemaNode schema, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (schema.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
// mark the schema node itself as deleted
updateTimestamp(con, schema, schema.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
if (schema instanceof GroupSchemaNode) {
deleteGroupSchemaNode(con, (GroupSchemaNode)schema, version);
private void deleteNode(Connection con, DatabaseNode node, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (node.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
updateTimestamp(con, node, node.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
if (node.isElement()) {
deleteElementNode(con, (DatabaseElementNode)node, version);
private void deleteGroupSchemaNode(Connection con, GroupSchemaNode schema, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
for (int i = 0; i < schema.children().size(); i++) {
SchemaNode child = schema.children().get(i);
if ((child.hasTimestamp()) && child.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
updateTimestamp(con, child, child.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
deletetSchemaNode(con, child, version);
private void deleteElementNode(Connection con, DatabaseElementNode node, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (node.isAttribute()) {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = (DatabaseAttributeNode)node;
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < attribute.value().size(); iValue++) {
DatabaseTextNode value = attribute.value().get(iValue);
if ((value.hasTimestamp()) && (value.getTimestamp().isCurrent())) {
updateTimestamp(con, value, value.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
} else {
DatabaseGroupNode group = (DatabaseGroupNode)node;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
DatabaseElementNode child = group.children().get(iChild);
if ((child.hasTimestamp()) && (child.getTimestamp().isCurrent())) {
updateTimestamp(con, child, child.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
deleteElementNode(con, child, version);
private void exportEntry(DatabaseNode node, int version, NodeWriter out) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
exportNode(node, version, out, true);
private void exportNode(DatabaseNode node, int version, NodeWriter out, boolean last) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (node.getTimestamp().contains(version)) {
if (node.isElement()) {
DatabaseElementNode element = (DatabaseElementNode)node;
if (element.isAttribute()) {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = (DatabaseAttributeNode)element;
DatabaseTextNode value = null;
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < attribute.value().size(); iValue++) {
if (attribute.value().get(iValue).getTimestamp().contains(version)) {
value = attribute.value().get(iValue);
out.writeAttributeNode(attribute, value,last);
} else {
DatabaseGroupNode group = (DatabaseGroupNode)element;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
boolean newLast = iChild == group.children().size() - 1;
exportNode(group.children().get(iChild), version, out, newLast);
} else {
private DocumentNode getPasteInsertNode(GroupSchemaNode parentSchemaNode, PasteElementNode sourceNode, DatabaseSchema schema) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
SchemaNode schemaNode = null;
if (parentSchemaNode != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < parentSchemaNode.children().size(); i++) {
// TODO: we probably need to be careful about which bits of the
// schema are current
if (parentSchemaNode.children().get(i).label().equals(sourceNode.label())) {
schemaNode = parentSchemaNode.children().get(i);
if (schemaNode == null) {
if (_wiki.getAutoSchemaChanges() == DatabaseWikiProperties.AutoSchemaChangesAllow) {
if (sourceNode.isAttribute()) {
schemaNode = new AttributeSchemaNode(schema.size(), sourceNode.label(), parentSchemaNode, null);
} else {
schemaNode = new GroupSchemaNode(schema.size(), sourceNode.label(), parentSchemaNode, null);
} else if (_wiki.getAutoSchemaChanges() == DatabaseWikiProperties.AutoSchemaChangesNever) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.UnknownSchemaNode, sourceNode.label() + " not allowed under " + parentSchemaNode.label());
} else if (schema.root() != null) {
schemaNode = schema.root();
if (!schemaNode.label().equals(sourceNode.label())) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.InvalidPasteTarget, "Node label does not match root label");
} else {
if (_wiki.getAutoSchemaChanges() == DatabaseWikiProperties.AutoSchemaChangesAllow) {
schemaNode = new GroupSchemaNode(schema.size(), sourceNode.label(), null, null);
} else if (_wiki.getAutoSchemaChanges() == DatabaseWikiProperties.AutoSchemaChangesNever) {
throw new WikiDataException(WikiDataException.UnknownSchemaNode, sourceNode.label() + " not allowed as schema root");
if (schemaNode != null) {
if (schemaNode.isAttribute()) {
return new DocumentAttributeNode((AttributeSchemaNode)schemaNode, ((PasteAttributeNode)sourceNode).getValue().getValue());
} else {
DocumentGroupNode group = new DocumentGroupNode((GroupSchemaNode)schemaNode);
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < ((PasteGroupNode)sourceNode).children().size(); iChild++) {
DocumentNode insertChild = getPasteInsertNode((GroupSchemaNode)schemaNode, (PasteElementNode)((PasteGroupNode)sourceNode).children().get(iChild), schema);
if (insertChild != null) {
return group;
} else {
return null;
private void getValueIndex(DatabaseGroupNode group, Hashtable<String, DatabaseTextNode> valueIndex) {
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
DatabaseElementNode child = group.children().get(iChild);
if (child.isAttribute()) {
DatabaseTextNode value = ((DatabaseAttributeNode)child).value().getCurrent();
if (value != null) {
valueIndex.put(value.identifier().toParameterString(), value);
} else {
getValueIndex((DatabaseGroupNode)child, valueIndex);
* Update a node in a transaction.
private void updateNodeWrapped(DatabaseNode node, Update update, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
Connection con = _connector.getConnection();
try {
if (updateNodeTimestamps(con, node, update, version)) {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).updateNode(node);
} catch (org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException wikiException) {
throw wikiException;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
* Update modified timestamps associated with @node.
* @return true if any timestamps were updated
private boolean updateNodeTimestamps(Connection con, DatabaseNode node, Update update, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
boolean hasChanges = false;
if (node.isElement()) {
DatabaseElementNode element = (DatabaseElementNode)node;
if (element.isAttribute()) {
hasChanges = updateTextNodeTimestamps(con, ((DatabaseAttributeNode)element).value().getCurrent(), update.get(0), version);
} else {
Hashtable<String, DatabaseTextNode> valueIndex = new Hashtable<String, DatabaseTextNode>();
getValueIndex((DatabaseGroupNode)element, valueIndex);
for (int iUpdate = 0; iUpdate < update.size(); iUpdate++) {
NodeUpdate upd = update.get(iUpdate);
if (updateTextNodeTimestamps(con, valueIndex.get(upd.identifier().toParameterString()), upd, version)) {
hasChanges = true;
} else {
hasChanges = updateTextNodeTimestamps(con, (DatabaseTextNode)node, update.get(0), version);
return hasChanges;
* Update modified timestamps associated with @node.
* @return true if any timestamps were updated
private boolean updateTextNodeTimestamps(Connection con, DatabaseTextNode node, NodeUpdate update, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = ((DatabaseAttributeNode)node.parent());
DatabaseNodeValue values = attribute.value();
if (node.getTimestamp().isCurrent()) {
if (!update.value().equals(node.text())) {
updateTimestamp(con, node, node.getTimestamp().finishAt(version.number() - 1));
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < values.size(); iValue++) {
if (update.value().equals(values.get(iValue).text())) {
DatabaseTextNode text = values.get(iValue);
insertTimestamp(con, text, text.getTimestamp().continueAt(version.number()));
return true;
attribute.add(update.value(), new TimeSequence(version), node.getpre(),node.getpost());
return true;
return false;
private void updateTimestamp(Connection con, TimestampedObject obj, TimeSequence timestamp) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
TimeInterval interval = timestamp.lastInterval();
ResourceIdentifier identifier = obj.identifier();
if (obj.hasTimestamp() && !interval.isOpen()) {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).updateTimestamp(identifier, interval);
} else {
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertTimestamp(identifier, interval);
private void insertTimestamp(Connection con, DatabaseNode node, TimeSequence timestamp) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
TimeInterval interval = timestamp.lastInterval();
new DatabaseWriter(con, this).insertTimestamp(node.identifier(), interval);
private void addSchemaIndexStatement(Vector<String> sqlStatements, Vector<String> parameters, AttributeCondition condition) {
sqlStatements.add("SELECT DISTINCT " + RelDataColEntry + " " +
"FROM " + this.name() + ViewSchemaIndex + " " +
"WHERE " + ViewSchemaIndexColMaxCount + " >= " + condition.sqlPreparedStatement() + " " +
"AND " + RelDataColSchema + " = " + condition.entity().id());
private void addSchemaValueStatement(Vector<String> sqlStatements, Vector<String> parameters, AttributeCondition condition) {
sqlStatements.add("SELECT DISTINCT d1." + RelDataColEntry + " " +
"FROM " + this.name() + RelationData + " d1, " + this.name() + RelationData + " d2 " +
"WHERE d1." + RelDataColSchema + " = " + RelDataColSchemaValUnknown + " " +
"AND d1." + RelDataColValue + " " + condition.sqlPreparedStatement() + " " +
"AND d1." + RelDataColParent + " = d2." + RelDataColID + " " +
"AND d2." + RelDataColSchema + " = " + condition.entity().id());
public ImportHandler createImportHandler(Connection con) {
return new DatabaseImportHandler(con,this);