Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
Database Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Database Wiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Database Wiki. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.dbwiki.data.annotation.Annotation;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.document.DocumentNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.SchemaNodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.NodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.ResourceIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.AttributeSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.SchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.GroupSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeInterval;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeSequence;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.Version;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
import org.dbwiki.user.User;
* Provides capabilities to insert annotations, entities, timestamps, schema timestamps, and nodes.
* Also to update timestamps and nodes.
* FIXME #static: Fold into RDBMSDatabase?
* This class is basically always used
* in RDBMSDatabase (and once in DatabaseImportHandler) by creating a new instance and
* calling a single method. That is, its methods are morally just being used statically.
* FIXME #document_this
* @author jcheney
public class DatabaseWriter implements DatabaseConstants {
private Connection _con;
private RDBMSDatabase _database;
public DatabaseWriter(Connection con, RDBMSDatabase database) {
this._con = con;
this._database = database;
* Public Methods
/** Using a query, insert an annotation attached to identified node.
public void insertAnnotation(NodeIdentifier identifier, Annotation annotation) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
PreparedStatement pStmtInsertAnnotation = _con.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + _database.name() + RelationAnnotation + "(" +
RelAnnotationColNode + ", " +
RelAnnotationColDate + ", " +
RelAnnotationColUser + ", " +
RelAnnotationColText + ") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)");
pStmtInsertAnnotation.setInt(1, identifier.nodeID());
pStmtInsertAnnotation.setString(2, annotation.date());
if (annotation.user() != null) {
pStmtInsertAnnotation.setInt(3, annotation.user().id());
} else {
pStmtInsertAnnotation.setInt(3, User.UnknownUserID);
pStmtInsertAnnotation.setString(4, annotation.text());
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
/** Via query, insert a new schema node with a given version.
* @param schemaNode
* @param version
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public void insertSchemaNode(SchemaNode schemaNode, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
User user = version.provenance().user();
TimeSequence timestamp = new TimeSequence(version);
try {
PreparedStatement insert = _con.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + _database.name() + RelationSchema + " (" +
RelSchemaColID + ", " +
RelSchemaColType + ", " +
RelSchemaColLabel + ", " +
RelSchemaColParent + ", " +
RelSchemaColUser + ")" +
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insert.setInt(1, schemaNode.id());
if (schemaNode.isAttribute()) {
insert.setInt(2, RelSchemaColTypeValAttribute);
} else {
insert.setInt(2, RelSchemaColTypeValGroup);
insert.setString(3, schemaNode.label());
if (schemaNode.parent() != null) {
insert.setInt(4, schemaNode.parent().id());
} else {
insert.setInt(4, RelSchemaColParentValUnknown);
if (user != null) {
insert.setInt(5, user.id());
} else {
insert.setInt(5, User.UnknownUserID);
int id = getGeneratedKey(insert);
PreparedStatement insertTimestamp = prepareInsertTimestamp(true);
insertTimestamp.setInt(1, timestamp.firstValue());
insertTimestamp.setInt(2, RelTimestampColEndValOpen);
recordNewSchemaTimestamp(id, getGeneratedKey(insertTimestamp));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
* Adds a new time interval to an identified resource.
* TODO: Check for interval overlap, complain if violated.
* @param identifier
* @param interval
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public void insertTimestamp(ResourceIdentifier identifier, TimeInterval interval)
throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
int timestamp = getTimestamp(identifier);
PreparedStatement insert = prepareInsertTimestamp(timestamp == -1);
// if the node doesn't yet have a timestamp id, then
// create a fresh one, otherwise use the existing one
if(timestamp == -1) {
insert.setInt(1, interval.start());
insert.setInt(2, interval.end());
} else {
insert.setInt(1, timestamp);
insert.setInt(2, interval.start());
insert.setInt(3, interval.end());
// we only need to record the timestamp the first time an interval
// is explicitly associated with this node
if(timestamp == -1) {
if (identifier instanceof NodeIdentifier)
else if (identifier instanceof SchemaNodeIdentifier)
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
* Inserts a time interval to be associated with a schema node.
* @param id
* @param interval
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
// yuck... we should really share the code of
// insertTimestamp and insertSchemaTimestamp somehow
// FIXME: Make schema nodes identifiable via ResourceIdentifiers?
public void insertSchemaTimestamp(int id, TimeInterval interval)
throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
int timestamp = getSchemaTimestamp(id);
PreparedStatement insert = prepareInsertTimestamp(timestamp == -1);
// if the node doesn't yet have a timestamp id, then
// create a fresh one, otherwise use the existing one
if(timestamp == -1) {
insert.setInt(1, interval.start());
insert.setInt(2, interval.end());
} else {
insert.setInt(1, timestamp);
insert.setInt(2, interval.start());
insert.setInt(3, interval.end());
// we only need to record the timestamp the first time an interval
// is explicitly associated with this node
if(timestamp == -1) {
recordNewSchemaTimestamp(id, getGeneratedKey(insert));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
/** Inserts a database wiki root node.
* @param node
* @param version
* @return
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public ResourceIdentifier insertRootNode(DocumentGroupNode node, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode root = this.insertGroupNode((GroupSchemaNode)node.schema(), null, -1, new TimeSequence(version.number()), node.getpre(),node.getpost());
this.insertGroupChildren(node, root, root.identifier().nodeID());
PreparedStatement pStmtUpdateNode = _con.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE " + _database.name() + RelationData + " " +
"SET " + RelDataColEntry + " = ? WHERE " + RelDataColID + " = ?");
pStmtUpdateNode.setInt(1, root.identifier().nodeID());
pStmtUpdateNode.setInt(2, root.identifier().nodeID());
return root.identifier();
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
/** Inserts a database wiki node with given version and id
* @param identifier
* @param node
* @param version
* @return
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
* @throws IOException
public ResourceIdentifier insertNode(NodeIdentifier identifier, DocumentNode node, Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parent = (RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode)DatabaseReader.get(_con, _database, identifier);
DatabaseNode entry = parent;
while (entry.parent() != null) {
entry = entry.parent();
// Idea: Find size of inserted subtree.
// Let newpre be the post index of the parent.
// Index to-be-inserted nodes starting from post, ending at newpost
// Let delta = newpost - post = the size of the inserted subtree *2
int newPre = parent.getpost();
int newPost = node.doNumbering(newPre);
int delta = newPost - newPre;
ResourceIdentifier nodeIdentifier = null;
try {
int entryID = ((NodeIdentifier)entry.identifier()).nodeID();
// Shift all node indexes that are >= newpre
shiftNodes(RelDataColPre, entryID,newPre,delta);
shiftNodes(RelDataColPost, entryID,newPre,delta);
// Add the new nodes
if (node.isAttribute()) {
nodeIdentifier = insertAttributeNode((AttributeSchemaNode)node.schema(), parent, entryID, new TimeSequence(version), ((DocumentAttributeNode)node).value(), node.getpre(), node.getpost()).identifier();
} else {
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode group = insertGroupNode((GroupSchemaNode)node.schema(), parent, entryID, new TimeSequence(version),node.getpre(), node.getpost());
insertGroupChildren((DocumentGroupNode)node, group, entryID);
nodeIdentifier = group.identifier();
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return nodeIdentifier;
/** Update the time interval starting at interval.start() associated with an identified resource with a new end.
* @param identifier
* @param interval
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public void updateTimestamp(ResourceIdentifier identifier, TimeInterval interval) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
try {
int timestamp = getTimestamp(identifier);
PreparedStatement pStmtUpdateTimestamp = _con.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE " + _database.name() + RelationTimesequence + " " +
"SET " + RelTimesequenceColStop + " = ? " +
"WHERE " + RelTimesequenceColID + " = ? AND " + RelTimesequenceColStart + " = ?");
pStmtUpdateTimestamp.setInt(1, interval.end());
pStmtUpdateTimestamp.setInt(2, timestamp);
pStmtUpdateTimestamp.setInt(3, interval.start());
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
/** Takes a DatabaseNode which contains possibly updated text nodes and writes them to the database.
* The id information embedded in the DatabaseNode is used to determine where the data goes.
* @param node
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public void updateNode(DatabaseNode node) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
DatabaseNode entry = node;
while (entry.parent() != null) {
entry = entry.parent();
try {
int entryID = ((NodeIdentifier)entry.identifier()).nodeID();
// FIXME: ugly casts - perhaps a visitor
// would be appropriate here?
if (node.isElement()) {
DatabaseElementNode element = (DatabaseElementNode)node;
if (element.isAttribute()) {
writeTextNodes((RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode)element, entryID);
} else {
writeTextNodes((RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode)element, entryID);
} else {
writeTextNodes((RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode)node.parent(), entryID);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
* Private Methods
* Bumps all the existing pre/post numbers in the entry up by newpost via SQL UPDATE.
(It is fine to insert at the end or beginning or anywhere in the middle of the parent list;
seems like the common case of inserting at the end will be fine.)
* @param field Field to increment (typically "pre" or "post")
* @param entryID Entry ID in which to increment
* @param n The index number above which the fields should be incremented
* @param delta The size of the increment
* @throws SQLException
private void shiftNodes(String field, int entryID, int n, int delta) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pStmtUpdatePre = _con.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE " + _database.name() + RelationData + " " +
"SET " + field + " = ? + " + field + " " +
"WHERE " + field + " >= ? AND " + RelDataColEntry + " = ?");
pStmtUpdatePre.setInt(1, delta);
pStmtUpdatePre.setInt(2, n);
pStmtUpdatePre.setInt(3, entryID);
/** Gets the timesequence id of an identified element of a relation (that has timestamps).
private int getTimestamp(String relation, String idColumn, String timestampColumn, int id) throws SQLException, WikiFatalException {
PreparedStatement q = _con.prepareStatement("" +
"SELECT " + timestampColumn +
" FROM " + _database.name() + relation + " " +
" WHERE " + RelSchemaColID + " = " + id
ResultSet rs = q.executeQuery();
if (rs.next()) {
int timestamp = rs.getInt(1);
return timestamp;
} else {
throw new WikiFatalException("Unknown id: " + id);
* Convenience function for getting timestamps of schema nodes.
* @param id
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @throws WikiFatalException
private int getSchemaTimestamp(int id) throws SQLException, WikiFatalException {
return getTimestamp(RelationSchema, RelSchemaColID, RelSchemaColTimesequence, id);
* Convenience function for getting timestamps of regular nodes.
* @param id
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @throws WikiFatalException
private int getNodeTimestamp(int id) throws SQLException, WikiFatalException {
return getTimestamp(RelationData, RelDataColID, RelDataColTimesequence, id);
/** Convenience function for getting timestamps based on resourceID
* @param identifier
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @throws WikiFatalException
private int getTimestamp(ResourceIdentifier identifier) throws SQLException, WikiFatalException {
int timestamp = -1;
if (identifier instanceof NodeIdentifier)
timestamp = getNodeTimestamp(((NodeIdentifier)identifier).nodeID());
else if (identifier instanceof SchemaNodeIdentifier)
timestamp = getSchemaTimestamp(((SchemaNodeIdentifier)identifier).nodeID());
return timestamp;
/** Retrieves the key values resulting from an insert, so that we know what ids were inserted
* @param insertStatement
* @return
* @throws WikiFatalException
* @throws SQLException
private int getGeneratedKey(PreparedStatement insertStatement) throws WikiFatalException, SQLException {
ResultSet rs = insertStatement.getGeneratedKeys();
if (rs.next()) {
int key = rs.getInt(1);
return key;
} else {
throw new WikiFatalException("There are no generated keys.");
* Point a row at its newly generated timestamp.
private void recordNewTimestamp(String relation, String idColumn, String timestampColumn, int id, int timestamp)
throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement updateNode = _con.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE " + _database.name() + relation + " " +
"SET " + timestampColumn + " = ? WHERE " + idColumn + " = ?");
updateNode.setInt(1, timestamp);
updateNode.setInt(2, id);
/** Convenience function for recording timestamp of schema nodes
* @param id
* @param timestamp
* @throws SQLException
private void recordNewSchemaTimestamp(int id, int timestamp) throws SQLException {
recordNewTimestamp(RelationSchema, RelSchemaColID, RelSchemaColTimesequence, id, timestamp);
/** Convenience function for recording timestamp of ordinary nodes
* @param id
* @param timestamp
* @throws SQLException
private void recordNewNodeTimestamp(int id, int timestamp) throws SQLException {
recordNewTimestamp(RelationData, RelDataColID, RelDataColTimesequence, id, timestamp);
* Convenience function that inserts an attribute node into the db
* and returns a new instance of RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode
* @param schema
* @param parent
* @param entry
* @param timestamp
* @param value
* @param pre
* @param post
* @return
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
private RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode
AttributeSchemaNode schema,
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parent,
int entry, TimeSequence timestamp,
String value,
int pre,
int post)
throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
// FIXME: This seems unnecessarily convoluted; we call insertNode twice with different arguments
// This means we generate two rows in the data table, one for the attribute name and
// one for the value, whcih is a child of the name
int insertedID = this.insertNode(schema, parent, entry, timestamp, null, pre, post);
RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode attribute =
new RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode(insertedID, schema, parent, timestamp, pre, post);
this.insertNode(null, attribute, entry, null, value, pre, post);
return attribute;
* Inserts the children of a group node, recursively handling nested groups
* @param group
* @param parent
* @param entry
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
private void insertGroupChildren(
DocumentGroupNode group,
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parent,
int entry)
throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
DocumentNode element = group.children().get(iChild);
if (element.isAttribute()) {
DocumentAttributeNode attributeChild = (DocumentAttributeNode)element;
insertAttributeNode((AttributeSchemaNode)attributeChild.schema(), parent, entry, null, attributeChild.value(), attributeChild.getpre(), attributeChild.getpost());
} else {
DocumentGroupNode groupChild = (DocumentGroupNode)element;
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode node = insertGroupNode((GroupSchemaNode)groupChild.schema(), parent, entry, null, groupChild.getpre(), groupChild.getpost());
insertGroupChildren(groupChild, node, entry);
* Convenience function that inserts a group node into the db
* and returns a new instance of RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode
* @param schema
* @param parent
* @param entry
* @param timestamp
* @param pre
* @param post
* @return
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
private RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode
GroupSchemaNode schema,
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parent,
int entry,
TimeSequence timestamp,
int pre,
int post)
throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
int insertedId = insertNode(schema, parent, entry, timestamp, null, pre, post);
return new RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode(insertedId, schema, parent, timestamp, pre, post);
private int insertNode(
SchemaNode schema,
DatabaseNode parent,
int entry,
TimeSequence timestamp,
String value,
int pre,
int post) throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
PreparedStatement insert = prepareInsertNode();
if (schema != null) {
insert.setInt(1, schema.id());
} else {
insert.setInt(1, RelDataColSchemaValUnknown);
if (parent != null) {
insert.setInt(2, ((NodeIdentifier)parent.identifier()).nodeID());
} else {
insert.setInt(2, RelDataColParentValUnknown);
insert.setInt(3, entry);
if (value != null) {
insert.setString(4, value);
} else {
insert.setString(4, null);
insert.setInt(5, pre);
insert.setInt(6, post);
int nodeID = getGeneratedKey(insert);
if (timestamp != null) {
PreparedStatement insertTimestamp = prepareInsertTimestamp(true);
insertTimestamp.setInt(1, timestamp.firstValue());
insertTimestamp.setInt(2, RelTimestampColEndValOpen);
recordNewNodeTimestamp(nodeID, getGeneratedKey(insertTimestamp));
return nodeID;
private RDBMSDatabaseTextNode insertTextNode(RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode parent, int entry, TimeSequence timestamp, String value, int pre, int post) throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
return new RDBMSDatabaseTextNode(this.insertNode(null, parent, entry, timestamp, value, pre, post), parent, timestamp, value, pre, post);
private PreparedStatement prepareInsertNode() throws java.sql.SQLException {
return _con.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + _database.name() + RelationData + "(" +
RelDataColSchema + ", " +
RelDataColParent + ", " +
RelDataColEntry + ", " +
RelDataColValue + ", " +
RelDataColPre + ", " +
RelDataColPost + ") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
private PreparedStatement prepareInsertTimestamp(boolean fresh) throws java.sql.SQLException {
if(fresh) {
return _con.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + _database.name() + RelationTimesequence + "(" +
RelTimesequenceColStart + ", " +
RelTimesequenceColStop + ") VALUES(?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
} else {
return _con.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + _database.name() + RelationTimesequence + "(" +
RelTimesequenceColID + ", " +
RelTimesequenceColStart + ", " +
RelTimesequenceColStop + ") VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
private void writeTextNodes(RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode attribute, int entry) throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < attribute.value().size(); iValue++) {
DatabaseTextNode node = attribute.value().get(iValue);
if (((NodeIdentifier)node.identifier()).nodeID() == RelDataColIDValUnknown) {
TimeSequence timestamp = null;
if (node.hasTimestamp()) {
timestamp = node.getTimestamp();
this.insertTextNode(attribute, entry, timestamp, node.value(), attribute.getpre(), attribute.getpost());
private void writeTextNodes(RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode group, int entry) throws java.sql.SQLException, org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < group.children().size(); iChild++) {
DatabaseElementNode child = group.children().get(iChild);
if (child.isAttribute()) {
this.writeTextNodes((RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode)child, entry);
} else {
this.writeTextNodes((RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode)child, entry);