Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
Database Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Database Wiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.dbwiki.data.annotation.Annotation;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.SchemaNodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.resource.NodeIdentifier;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.AttributeSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.SchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.schema.GroupSchemaNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.time.TimeSequence;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
/** Provides static methods to get the nodes associated with a schema node or all
* of the descendants of a given data node.
* FIXME #static Fold into RDBMSDatabase?
* @author jcheney
public class DatabaseReader implements DatabaseConstants {
* Public Methods
* Load in the list of IDs of a given schema node.
public static ArrayList<NodeIdentifier> getNodesOfSchemaNode(Connection con, RDBMSDatabase database, SchemaNodeIdentifier identifier)
throws SQLException {
ArrayList<NodeIdentifier> nodes = new ArrayList<NodeIdentifier>();
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT " + RelDataColID + " FROM " + database.name() + RelationData + " " +
"WHERE " + RelDataColSchema + " = " + identifier.nodeID());
while (rs.next()) {
int id = rs.getInt(RelDataColID);
nodes.add(new NodeIdentifier(id));
return nodes;
* Load in the node specified by @identifier (including its descendants)
* This method loads all versions of the node and its children,
* all time intervals for which the node and its children were active,
* and all annotations for the node and its children.
public static DatabaseNode get(Connection con, RDBMSDatabase database, NodeIdentifier identifier) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Hashtable<Integer, DatabaseNode> nodeIndex = new Hashtable<Integer, DatabaseNode>();
try {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
// This query uses pre/post indexes to select the node and all its ancestors and descendants.
// Note that if we just select the descendants then the time interval information applying to
// the ancestors will be missed. Pulling in all ancestors is probably overkill;
// maybe we can calculate the root timestamp on the database somehow, but this doesn't seem
// like a bottleneck.
ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(
" SELECT v2.* "+
" FROM "+ database.name() + RelationData +" v1, " + database.name() + ViewData + " v2 "+
" WHERE v1.id = " + identifier.nodeID() +
" AND v1.pre <= v2.n_pre " +
" AND v1.post >= v2.n_post " +
" AND v2.n_entry=v1.entry "+
" UNION select v2.* "+
" FROM " +database.name()+ RelationData +" v1, " + database.name()+ ViewData + " v2 " +
" WHERE v1.id = " + identifier.nodeID() +
" AND v1.pre >= v2.n_pre " +
" AND v1.post <= v2.n_post " +
" AND v2.n_entry=v1.entry "+
" ORDER BY n_id, t_start, a_id ");
ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(
" SELECT v2.* "+
" FROM "+ database.name() + RelationData +" v1, " + database.name() + ViewData + " v2 "+
" WHERE v1.id = " + identifier.nodeID() +
" AND ((v1.pre <= v2.n_pre AND v1.post >= v2.n_post ) OR (v1.pre >= v2.n_pre AND v1.post <= v2.n_post))" +
" AND v2.n_entry=v1.entry" +
" ORDER BY n_id, t_start, a_id ");
DatabaseNode node = null;
int i=0;
while (rs.next()) {
int id = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeID);
// System.out.println(id);
// The following condition allows information about nodes to be built up
// incrementally when spread across multiple rows.
// It relies on the results being ordered first by node id.
// A single node id may appear in consecutive rows if the
// node has existed in multiple time intervals, or if it has
// multiple annotations.
if (node == null || ((NodeIdentifier)node.identifier()).nodeID() != id) {
int schema = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeSchema);
int parent = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeParent);
int pre = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodePre);
int post = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodePost);
if (schema != RelDataColSchemaValUnknown) {
// FIXME #database: This seems to assume that the nodes are in parent-child order.
// The following logic seems rather fragile.
// It isn't at all clear that things will
// work properly if a child node is encountered
// in the result set before its parent.
// There doesn't appear to be any code for
// connecting up parents to children later on.
// It may be that the problematic situation
// never occurs. This seems quite likely, as
// child nodes are always going to be created
// after their parents, and ids are assigned
// in sequence. If this is the case, then
// the constraint should be explicitly stated
// in the data model, we should implement code
// for checking that the constraint hasn't been
// violated, and the following null-checking code
// should be removed.
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parentNode = null;
if (parent != RelDataColParentValUnknown) {
parentNode = (RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode)nodeIndex.get(new Integer(parent));
SchemaNode schemaNode = database.schema().get(schema);
if (schemaNode.isAttribute()) {
node = new RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode(id, (AttributeSchemaNode)schemaNode, parentNode, pre, post);
} else {
node = new RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode(id, (GroupSchemaNode)schemaNode, parentNode, pre, post);
if (parentNode != null) {
} else {
RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode parentNode = (RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode)nodeIndex.get(new Integer(parent));
node = new RDBMSDatabaseTextNode(id, parentNode, rs.getString(ViewDataColNodeValue));
nodeIndex.put(new Integer(id), node);
int end = RelTimestampColEndValOpen;
int start = rs.getInt(ViewDataColTimestampStart);
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
end = rs.getInt(ViewDataColTimestampEnd);
if (!node.hasTimestamp()) {
node.setTimestamp(new TimeSequence(start, end));
} else {
node.getTimestamp().elongate(start, end);
int annotationID = rs.getInt(ViewDataColAnnotationID);
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
if (!node.annotation().contains(annotationID)) {
node.annotation().add(new Annotation(annotationID, rs.getString(ViewDataColAnnotationText), rs.getString(ViewDataColAnnotationDate), database.users().get(rs.getInt(ViewDataColAnnotationUser))));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return nodeIndex.get(new Integer(identifier.nodeID()));
@Deprecated // Old version of get that does not use indexing. Included for comparison purposes.
public static DatabaseNode getold(Connection con, RDBMSDatabase database, NodeIdentifier identifier) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Hashtable<Integer, DatabaseNode> nodeIndex = new Hashtable<Integer, DatabaseNode>();
try {
// long startevalute = System.nanoTime();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
// This query returns a row for every
// node that is in the same entry as the requested node.
// Using a more sophisticated indexing system
// we might only return those rows that pertain to
// the node and its descendants.
// We might use a join in place of the view for extracting
// the time interval data. What about the annotations?
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT * FROM " + database.name() + ViewData + " " +
"WHERE " + ViewDataColNodeEntry + " = (SELECT " + RelDataColEntry + " FROM " + database.name() + RelationData + " WHERE " + RelDataColID + " = " + identifier.nodeID() + ") " +
"ORDER BY " + ViewDataColNodeID + ", " + ViewDataColTimestampStart + ", " + ViewDataColAnnotationID);
// long getdata = System.nanoTime() - startevalute;
// System.out.println("getdata:\t"+getdata);
DatabaseNode node = null;
//int i=0;
while (rs.next()) {
// i++;
int id = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeID);
// System.out.println(id);
// The following condition allows information about nodes to be built up
// incrementally when spread across multiple rows.
// It relies on the results being ordered first by node id.
// A single node id may appear in consecutive rows if the
// node has existed in multiple time intervals, or if it has
// multiple annotations.
if (node == null || ((NodeIdentifier)node.identifier()).nodeID() != id) {
int schema = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeSchema);
int parent = rs.getInt(ViewDataColNodeParent);
if (schema != RelDataColSchemaValUnknown) {
// FIXME #database: This seems to assume that the nodes are in parent-child order.
// The following logic seems rather fragile.
// It isn't at all clear that things will
// work properly if a child node is encountered
// in the result set before its parent.
// There doesn't appear to be any code for
// connecting up parents to children later on.
// It may be that the problematic situation
// never occurs. This seems quite likely, as
// child nodes are always going to be created
// after their parents, and ids are assigned
// in sequence. If this is the case, then
// the constraint should be explicitly stated
// in the data model, we should implement code
// for checking that the constraint hasn't been
// violated, and the following null-checking code
// should be removed.
RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode parentNode = null;
if (parent != RelDataColParentValUnknown) {
parentNode = (RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode)nodeIndex.get(new Integer(parent));
SchemaNode schemaNode = database.schema().get(schema);
if (schemaNode.isAttribute()) {
node = new RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode(id, (AttributeSchemaNode)schemaNode, parentNode);
} else {
node = new RDBMSDatabaseGroupNode(id, (GroupSchemaNode)schemaNode, parentNode);
if (parentNode != null) {
} else {
RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode parentNode = (RDBMSDatabaseAttributeNode)nodeIndex.get(new Integer(parent));
node = new RDBMSDatabaseTextNode(id, parentNode, rs.getString(ViewDataColNodeValue));
nodeIndex.put(new Integer(id), node);
int end = RelTimestampColEndValOpen;
int start = rs.getInt(ViewDataColTimestampStart);
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
end = rs.getInt(ViewDataColTimestampEnd);
if (!node.hasTimestamp()) {
//FIXME is this right?
node.setTimestamp(new TimeSequence(start, end));
} else {
node.getTimestamp().elongate(start, end);
int annotationID = rs.getInt(ViewDataColAnnotationID);
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
if (!node.annotation().contains(annotationID)) {
node.annotation().add(new Annotation(annotationID, rs.getString(ViewDataColAnnotationText), rs.getString(ViewDataColAnnotationDate), database.users().get(rs.getInt(ViewDataColAnnotationUser))));
// long getnode = System.nanoTime() - startevalute;
// System.out.println("getnode"+getnode);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
return nodeIndex.get(new Integer(identifier.nodeID()));
/* Validation
/** Look for id that have multiple timestamps with the same start or overlapping intervals
public static void validateTimestamps(Connection con, RDBMSDatabase database) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
System.out.println("Validating " + database.name() + RelationTimesequence);
try {
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
ResultSet orderViolations = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT "+ RelTimesequenceColID +
" FROM " + database.name() + RelationTimesequence +
" WHERE " + RelTimesequenceColStart +" > " + RelTimesequenceColStop +
" AND " + RelTimesequenceColStop +" > " + "-1");
ResultSet keyViolations = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT "+ "t1."+ RelTimesequenceColID +
" FROM " + database.name() + RelationTimesequence + " t1, " +
database.name() + RelationTimesequence + " t2 " +
" WHERE " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColID +" = " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColID +
" AND " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColStart +" = " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColStart +
" AND " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColStop +" = " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColStop);
ResultSet disjViolations = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT "+ "t1."+ RelTimesequenceColID +
" FROM " + database.name() + RelationTimesequence + " t1, " +
database.name() + RelationTimesequence + " t2 " +
" WHERE " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColID +" = " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColID +
" AND " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColStart +" < " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColStart +
" AND " + "t2." + RelTimesequenceColStart +" <= " + "t1." + RelTimesequenceColStop);
while (!orderViolations.isClosed() && orderViolations.next()) {
int id = orderViolations.getInt(RelDataColID);
System.err.println("Order violation in timesequence id " + id);
while (!keyViolations.isClosed() && keyViolations.next()) {
int id = keyViolations.getInt(RelDataColID);
System.err.println("Key violation in timesequence id " + id);
while (!disjViolations.isClosed() && disjViolations.next()) {
int id = disjViolations.getInt(RelDataColID);
System.err.println("Disjointness violation in timesequence id " + id);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);