Package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms

Source Code of org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms.DatabaseConnector

    Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
    University of Edinburgh

    This file is part of Database Wiki.

    Database Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Database Wiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Database Wiki.  If not, see <>.
package org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;


import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;

import org.dbwiki.user.User;

import org.dbwiki.web.server.WikiServerConstants;

/** A connection to a database, representing the basic tables of a DatabaseWiki
* @author jcheney
public abstract class DatabaseConnector implements DatabaseConstants, WikiServerConstants {

  private String _password;
  private String _url;
  private String _user;
   * Constructors
  public DatabaseConnector(String url, String user, String password) {
    _password = password;
    _url = url;
    _user = user;

   * Protected Abstract Methods
  protected abstract String autoIncrementColumn(String dbName);
  protected abstract void createSchemaIndexView(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException;
   * Public Methods
  public Connection getConnection() throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    try {
      return DriverManager.getConnection(_url, _user, _password)
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
      throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);
  public void createDatabase(Connection con, String dbName, DatabaseSchema schema, User user, SQLVersionIndex versionIndex) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    try {
      createSchemaTable(con, dbName);
      createDataTable(con, dbName);
      createAnnotationTable(con, dbName);
      createVersionTable(con, dbName);
      createTimestampTable(con, dbName);
      createPagesTable(con, dbName);
      createDataView(con, dbName);
      createSchemaIndexView(con, dbName);
      // store the schema, generating a version number and timestamp for the root
      storeSchema(con, dbName, schema, user, versionIndex);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
      throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);

  public void createDatabase(Connection con, String dbName, User user) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    createDatabase(con, dbName, null, user, null);

  public void createServer(List<User> users) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    // Creates wiki server main tables in MySQL database:
    // The listing of database wikis
    // CREATE TABLE wiki_server_database (
    //   id SERIAL,
    //   name varchar(16) NOT NULL,
    //   title varchar(80) NOT NULL,
    //   authentication int NOT NULL,
    //   auto_schema_changes int NOT NULL,
    //   def_css int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
    //   def_layout int NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
    //   def_template int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
    //   user int NOT NULL,
    //   is_active int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
    // )
    // The listing of users:
    // CREATE TABLE wiki_server_user (
    //   id SERIAL,
    //   login varchar(80) NOT NULL,
    //   full_name varchar(160) NOT NULL,
    //   password varchar(80) NOT NULL
    // )
    Connection con = getConnection();
    try {
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + RelationDatabase + " (" +
          autoIncrementColumn(RelDatabaseColID) + ", " +
          RelDatabaseColName + " varchar(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +
          RelDatabaseColTitle + " varchar(80) NOT NULL, " +
          RelDatabaseColAuthentication + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelDatabaseColAutoSchemaChanges + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelDatabaseColCSS + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT " + RelConfigFileColFileVersionValUnknown + ", " +
          RelDatabaseColLayout + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT " + RelConfigFileColFileVersionValUnknown + ", " +
          RelDatabaseColTemplate + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT " + RelConfigFileColFileVersionValUnknown + ", " +
          RelDatabaseColURLDecoding + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT " + RelConfigFileColFileVersionValUnknown + ", " +
          RelDatabaseColUser + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelDatabaseColIsActive + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT " + RelDatabaseColIsActiveValTrue + ", " +
          "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelDatabaseColID + "))");
      stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + RelationPresentation + " (" +
          RelPresentationColDatabase + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelPresentationColType + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelPresentationColVersion + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelPresentationColTime + " bigint NOT NULL," +
          RelPresentationColUser + " int NOT NULL, " +
          RelPresentationColValue + " text NOT NULL, " +
          "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelPresentationColDatabase + ", " + RelPresentationColType + "," + RelPresentationColVersion + "))");

      stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + RelationUser + " (" +
          autoIncrementColumn(RelUserColID) + ", " +
          RelUserColLogin + " varchar(80) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +
          RelUserColFullName + " varchar(80) NOT NULL, " +
          RelUserColPassword + " varchar(80) NOT NULL, " +
          "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelUserColID + "))");
      /* old code for inserting users
      if (file != null) {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
        String line;
        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
          if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
            StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t");
            String login = tokens.nextToken();
            String fullName = tokens.nextToken();
            String password = tokens.nextToken();
            String sql = "INSERT INTO " + RelationUser + "(" +
              RelUserColLogin + ", " +
              RelUserColFullName + ", " +
              RelUserColPassword + ") VALUES(";
            sql = sql + "'" + login + "', '" + fullName + "', '" + password + "')";

      for (User user : users) {
        PreparedStatement insert = con.prepareStatement(
            "INSERT INTO " + RelationUser + "(" +
            RelUserColLogin + ", " +
            RelUserColFullName + ", " +
            RelUserColPassword + ") VALUES(?,?,?)");
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
      throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);

  public void dropDatabase(Connection con, String dbName) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    try {
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      dropView(stmt, dbName + ViewData);
      dropView(stmt, dbName + ViewSchemaIndex);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationAnnotation);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationAnnotation);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationData);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationPages);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationSchema);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationTimesequence);
      dropTable(stmt, dbName + RelationVersion);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
      throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);

  public void dropServer(boolean dropDatabases) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
    try {
    Connection con = getConnection();
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    if (dropDatabases) {
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + RelDatabaseColName + " FROM " + RelationDatabase);
      while ( {
        String dbName = rs.getString(1);
        dropDatabase(con, dbName);
    dropTable(stmt, RelationDatabase);
    dropTable(stmt, RelationPresentation);
    dropTable(stmt, RelationUser);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {
      throw new WikiFatalException(sqlException);

   * Protected Methods
  protected void createAnnotationTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    String relName = dbName + RelationAnnotation;
    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + relName + "(" +
        autoIncrementColumn(RelAnnotationColID) + ", " +
        RelAnnotationColNode + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelAnnotationColParent + " int, " +
        RelAnnotationColDate + " varchar(80) NOT NULL, " +
        RelAnnotationColText + " varchar(4000) NOT NULL, " +
        RelAnnotationColUser + " int NOT NULL, "+
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelAnnotationColID + "))");
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_" + relName + "_" + RelAnnotationColNode + " ON " + relName + " (" + RelAnnotationColNode + ")");


  protected void createDataTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    String relName = dbName + RelationData;
    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + relName + " ("
        autoIncrementColumn(RelDataColID) + ", " +
        RelDataColSchema + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelDataColParent + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelDataColEntry + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelDataColValue + " text, " +
        RelDataColTimesequence + " int NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1), "
        RelDataColPre + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelDataColPost + " int NOT NULL, " +
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelDataColID + "))");
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_pre_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColPre + " ON " + relName + " USING btree " + " (" + RelDataColPre + ")" );
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_post_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColPost + " ON " + relName + " USING btree "+ " (" + RelDataColPost +")");
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_par_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColParent + " ON " + relName + " USING hash "+ " (" + RelDataColParent +")");
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_schema_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColSchema + " ON " + relName + " USING hash "+ " (" + RelDataColSchema +")");   
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_ID_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColID + " ON " + relName + " USING hash "+ " (" + RelDataColID +")");
    stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_entry_" + relName + "_" + RelDataColEntry + " ON " + relName + " USING hash "+ " (" + RelDataColEntry +")");
  protected void createDataView(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    stmt.execute("CREATE VIEW " + dbName + ViewData + " AS " +
        "SELECT " +
          "d." + RelDataColID + " " + ViewDataColNodeID + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColParent + " " + ViewDataColNodeParent + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColSchema + " " + ViewDataColNodeSchema + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColEntry + " " + ViewDataColNodeEntry + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColValue + " " + ViewDataColNodeValue + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColPre + " " + ViewDataColNodePre + ", " +
          "d." + RelDataColPost + " " + ViewDataColNodePost + ", " +
          "t." + RelTimesequenceColStart + " " + ViewDataColTimestampStart + ", " +
          "t." + RelTimesequenceColStop + " " + ViewDataColTimestampEnd + ", " +
          "a." + RelAnnotationColID + " " + ViewDataColAnnotationID + ", " +
          "a." + RelAnnotationColDate + " " + ViewDataColAnnotationDate + ", " +
          "a." + RelAnnotationColUser + " " + ViewDataColAnnotationUser + ", " +
          "a." + RelAnnotationColText + " " + ViewDataColAnnotationText + " " +
        "FROM " + dbName + RelationData + " d " +
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + dbName + RelationTimesequence + " t ON (d." + RelDataColTimesequence + " = " + "t." + RelTimesequenceColID + ") " +
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + dbName + RelationAnnotation + " a ON (d." + RelDataColID + " = " + "a." + RelAnnotationColNode + ")");

  protected void createPagesTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    String relName = dbName + RelationPages;
    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + relName + " (" +
        autoIncrementColumn(RelPagesColID) + ", " +
        RelPagesColName + " varchar(255) NOT NULL, " +
        RelPagesColContent + " text NOT NULL, " +
        RelPagesColTimestamp + " bigint NOT NULL, " +
        RelPagesColUser + " int NOT NULL, " +
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelPagesColID + "))");
    String frontPageName = "FrontPage";
    String frontPageContent = "# The front page";
    // For now we use the number of milliseconds since
    // 1970/01/01
    String timestamp = Long.toString(new Date().getTime());
    int uid = User.UnknownUserID;
    stmt.execute("INSERT INTO " + relName + "(" +
        RelPagesColName +", " +
        RelPagesColContent + ", " +
        RelPagesColTimestamp + ", " +
        RelPagesColUser + ") VALUES('" +
        frontPageName + "', '" +
        frontPageContent + "', '" +
        timestamp + "', " +
        uid + ")");

  protected void createSchemaTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement statement = con.createStatement();
    String relName = dbName + RelationSchema;
    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + relName + " (" +
        RelSchemaColID + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelSchemaColType + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelSchemaColLabel + " varchar(255) NOT NULL, " +
        RelSchemaColParent + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelSchemaColUser + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelSchemaColTimesequence + " int NOT NULL default(-1), " +
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelSchemaColID + "), " +
        "UNIQUE(" + RelSchemaColLabel + ", " + RelSchemaColParent + "))");

  protected void storeSchema(Connection con, String dbName, DatabaseSchema schema, User user, SQLVersionIndex versionIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException, WikiException {
    Statement statement = con.createStatement()
    String schemaTable = dbName + RelationSchema;
    if (schema != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) {
        SchemaNode node = schema.get(i);
        String newNode = "INSERT INTO " + schemaTable + "(" +
          RelSchemaColID +", " +
          RelSchemaColType + ", " +
          RelSchemaColLabel + ", " +
          RelSchemaColParent + ", " +
          RelSchemaColUser + ") VALUES(";
        newNode = newNode + + ", ";
        if (node.isAttribute()) {
          newNode = newNode + RelSchemaColTypeValAttribute + ", ";
        } else {
          newNode = newNode + RelSchemaColTypeValGroup + ", ";       
        newNode = newNode + "'" + node.label() + "', ";
        if (node.parent() != null) {
          newNode = newNode + node.parent().id() + ", ";
        } else {
          newNode = newNode + "-1, ";
        if (user != null) {
          newNode = newNode + + ")";
        } else {
          newNode = newNode + User.UnknownUserID + ")";
      // generate a version number for the schema root
      Version version = versionIndex.getNextVersion(new ProvenanceCreate(user));
      // generate a timestamp for the schema root
      int timestamp = -1;
      String makeTimestamp =
          "INSERT INTO " + dbName + RelationTimesequence + "(" +
              RelTimesequenceColStart + ", " +
              RelTimesequenceColStop + ") VALUES(" + version.number() + " , -1)";
      statement.execute(makeTimestamp, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
      ResultSet rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      if ( {
        timestamp = rs.getInt(1);
        } else {
            throw new WikiFatalException("There are no generated keys.");
      // update the schema root with the generated timestamp
      GroupSchemaNode root = schema.root();
      String updateTimestamp =
          "UPDATE " + schemaTable + " " +
            "SET " + RelSchemaColTimesequence + " = " + timestamp +
            " WHERE " + RelSchemaColID + " = " +;

  protected void createTimestampTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    String relName = dbName + RelationTimesequence;

    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + relName + "(" +
        autoIncrementColumn(RelTimesequenceColID) + ", " +
        RelTimesequenceColStart + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelTimesequenceColStop + " int NOT NULL, " +
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelTimesequenceColID + ", " + RelTimesequenceColStart + "))");

  protected void createVersionTable(Connection con, String dbName) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + dbName + RelationVersion + " (" +
        RelVersionColNumber + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelVersionColName + " varchar(80) NOT NULL, " +
        RelVersionColProvenance + " smallint NOT NULL, " +
        RelVersionColTime + " bigint NOT NULL, " +
        RelVersionColUser + " int NOT NULL, " +
        RelVersionColSource + " text, " +
        RelVersionColNode + " int NOT NULL, " +
        "PRIMARY KEY (" + RelVersionColNumber + "))");
  protected void dropTable(Statement stmt, String dbName) {
    try {
      stmt.execute("DROP TABLE " + dbName + " CASCADE");
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {

  protected void dropView(Statement stmt, String dbName) {
    try {
      stmt.execute("DROP VIEW " + dbName + " CASCADE");
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {

Related Classes of org.dbwiki.driver.rdbms.DatabaseConnector

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