Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
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package org.dbwiki.data.time;
import org.dbwiki.data.provenance.Provenance;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseAttributeNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseElementNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseGroupNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseNode;
import org.dbwiki.data.database.DatabaseTextNode;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.data.WikiTimeException;
/** A a version index, listing the versions of an object
* @author jcheney
public class VersionIndex {
* Private Variables
private Hashtable<String, Version> _versionNameIndex;
private Vector<Version> _versionList;
* Constructors
public VersionIndex() {
_versionList = new Vector<Version>();
_versionNameIndex = new Hashtable<String, Version>();
* Public Methods
/** Adds a new version
* Check that there are no duplicates and that the next version being added is the next in the sequence
public synchronized void add(Version version) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
//System.out.println("DEBUG: "+version.toString());
if (_versionNameIndex.containsKey(version.name())) {
throw new WikiTimeException(WikiTimeException.DuplicateVersion, "Version " + version.name() + " already exists");
if (version.number() != (_versionList.size() + 1)) {
throw new WikiFatalException("Invalid version number " + version.number() + ". Expected number is " + (_versionList.size() + 1));
_versionNameIndex.put(version.name(), version);
/** Get the version at position index in the index
public synchronized Version get(int index) {
return _versionList.get(index);
/** Get a version by its string name
* @param name
* @return
public synchronized Version getByName(String name) {
String key = name.toUpperCase();
if (!_versionNameIndex.containsKey(key)) {
return null;
return _versionNameIndex.get(name);
/** Get version by its version number, i.e. the id stored in the database
public synchronized Version getByNumber(int number) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
for (int iVersion = 0; iVersion < this.size(); iVersion++) {
Version version = this.get(iVersion);
if (version.number() == number) {
return version;
throw new WikiTimeException(WikiTimeException.UnknownVersionNumber, String.valueOf(number));
/** Get the last version in the index, which is the last in the vector
public synchronized Version getLastVersion() {
if (!this.isEmpty()) {
return _versionList.lastElement();
} else {
return null;
/** Gets a new version based on the current date/time, whose number is 1+ size of the index
* Uses the given provenance record, and uses this as the version index
* Not clear that this is safe to "add" if version numbers and positions ever get out of sync
public synchronized Version getNextVersion(Provenance provenance) {
Date date = new Date();
String name = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(date);
int number = size() + 1;
// FIXME #time: the need for the following hack is symptomatic of
// fundamental flaws in the design of this class.
// HACK:
// make sure we don't get any name clashes through
// generating multiple versions in the same second!
if(_versionNameIndex.containsKey(name)) {
name = name + "(" + number + ")";
return new Version(size() + 1,
date.getTime(), provenance, this);
/** Get the version that was valid at a given date
* @param date
* @return
public synchronized Version getVersionAt(Date date) {
Version version = null;
for (int iVersion = 0; iVersion < this.size(); iVersion++) {
if (this.get(iVersion).time() <= date.getTime()) {
version = this.get(iVersion);
} else {
return version;
/** Is version index empty?
* @return
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() {
return (_versionList.size() == 0);
/** Size of the version index
public synchronized int size() {
return _versionList.size();
* Private Methods
/** Adds a version to a version hash table
private void addVersion(int time, Hashtable<Integer, Version> versions) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Integer key = new Integer(time);
if (!versions.containsKey(key)) {
versions.put(key, getByNumber(time));
/** Adds modification points to version hash table.
* Adds each start and end point to the table except for the end point if the last interval is open.
* @param timestamp
* @param versions
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
private void addModificationPoints(TimeSequence timestamp, Hashtable<Integer, Version> versions) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
TimeInterval[] intervals = timestamp.intervals();
for (int iInterval = 0; iInterval < intervals.length; iInterval++) {
TimeInterval interval = intervals[iInterval];
this.addVersion(interval.start(), versions);
if (!interval.isOpen()) {
this.addVersion(interval.end() + 1, versions);
/** Adds changes relevant to node or its descendants
* FIXME: This might be better handled in DatabaseElementNode
* @param element
* @param versions
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
private void addNodeChanges(DatabaseElementNode element, Hashtable<Integer, Version> versions) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if (element.isAttribute()) {
DatabaseAttributeNode attribute = (DatabaseAttributeNode)element;
for (int iValue = 0; iValue < attribute.value().size(); iValue++) {
DatabaseTextNode value = attribute.value().get(iValue);
if (value.hasTimestamp()) {
this.addModificationPoints(value.getTimestamp(), versions);
} else {
DatabaseGroupNode group = (DatabaseGroupNode)element;
for (int iNode = 0; iNode < group.children().size(); iNode++) {
DatabaseElementNode node = group.children().get(iNode);
if (node.hasTimestamp()) {
this.addModificationPoints(node.getTimestamp(), versions);
this.addNodeChanges(node, versions);
/** Get the list of versions where something changed affecting node
* FIXME #time: Hard to understand, try to simplify. Seems to side-effect the version index!
public Vector<Version> getNodeChanges(DatabaseNode node) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
Hashtable<Integer, Version> versions = new Hashtable<Integer, Version>();
addModificationPoints(node.getTimestamp(), versions);
if (node.isElement()) {
addNodeChanges((DatabaseElementNode)node, versions);
Vector<Version> result = new Vector<Version>();
// Iterate over all versions.
Iterator<Version> elements = versions.values().iterator();
while (elements.hasNext()) {
Version version = elements.next(); // For each version...
boolean added = false;
if (result.size() > 0) { // if some versions have been added
for (int iVersion = 0; iVersion < result.size(); iVersion++) {
// add this version in place of the first modification point whose number is greater.
if (version.number() < result.get(iVersion).number()) {
// add this version in position of iVersion
result.add(iVersion, version);
added = true;
// If no versions have been added then add this version.
if (!added) {
return result;