Copyright 2010-2011, Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and
University of Edinburgh
This file is part of Database Wiki.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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package org.dbwiki.data.schema;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.dbwiki.exception.WikiFatalException;
import org.dbwiki.exception.data.WikiSchemaException;
* A schema is a collection of entities, each of which is a group or attribute.
* Attributes are string-valued key-value pairs
* Groups are named collections of entities, allowing nesting
* @author jcheney
public class DatabaseSchema {
* Private Variables
private Hashtable<String, SchemaNode> _pathMap;
private Hashtable<Integer, SchemaNode> _idMap;
private GroupSchemaNode _root;
* Constructors
public DatabaseSchema() {
_pathMap = new Hashtable<String, SchemaNode>();
_idMap = new Hashtable<Integer, SchemaNode>();
_root = null;
* Public Methods
/** Adds a schema node. First schema node to be added is expected to be root.
* @param schema
* @throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException
public void add(SchemaNode schema) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
// The constraint that consecutive entities must
// have consecutive ids seems overly restrictive.
// We now use a hash table for the id map rather than
// a list, which should give us more flexibility.
// if (schema.id() != this.size()) {
// throw new WikiFatalException("Schema node with invalid id(" + schema.id() + ") added to database schema. Expected id is " + this.size());
// }
if(_idMap.size() == 0) {
_root = (GroupSchemaNode)schema;
assert(_idMap.size() > 0);
if (!isValidName(schema.label())) {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.SyntaxError, "Invalid entry name " + _root.label());
String key = schema.path();
if (_pathMap.containsKey(key)) {
throw new WikiFatalException("Schema node with duplicate path(" + key + ") added to database schema.");
_pathMap.put(key, schema);
_idMap.put(schema.id(), schema);
public SchemaNode get(int index) {
return _idMap.get(index);
public SchemaNode get(String path) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
String key = path;
if ((path.length() > 1) && (path.endsWith(SchemaNode.SchemaPathSeparator))) {
key = key.substring(0, key.length() - SchemaNode.SchemaPathSeparator.length());
SchemaNode schema = _pathMap.get(key);
if (schema == null) {
throw new WikiSchemaException(WikiSchemaException.UnknownSchemaNode, path);
} else {
return schema;
public GroupSchemaNode root() {
return _root;
public int size() {
return _idMap.size();
* Static methods for names
public static String getSchemaNodeName(String text) {
int pos = text.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos == -1) {
return text;
} else {
return text.substring(pos + 1);
public static boolean isValidName(String text) {
if (text.length() > 0) {
for (int iChar = 0; iChar < text.length(); iChar++) {
char c = text.charAt(iChar);
if ((!Character.isDigit(c)) && (!Character.isLetter(c)) && (c != '_') && (c != '-')) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public String printSchema() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
return buf.toString().trim();
public String printSchemaHTML() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
_root.printToBuf(buf, "", " ", "<br>");
return buf.toString().trim();
public DatabaseSchema getSubSchema(String path) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
SchemaNode newRoot = get(path);
DatabaseSchema newSchema = new DatabaseSchema();
duplicate(newSchema, 0, null, newRoot);
return newSchema;
// FIXME: This is ugly due to the need to copy & renumber the schema nodes...
private void duplicate(DatabaseSchema newSchema, int i, GroupSchemaNode parent, SchemaNode root) throws org.dbwiki.exception.WikiException {
if(root.isGroup()) {
GroupSchemaNode rootCopy = new GroupSchemaNode(i,root.label(),parent);
SchemaNodeList children = ((GroupSchemaNode)root).children();
int j = i;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < children.size(); iChild++) {
j = j+1;
duplicate(newSchema,j, rootCopy,children.get(iChild));
} else { // it's an attribute
AttributeSchemaNode rootCopy = new AttributeSchemaNode(i,root.label(),parent);