* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Doenitz
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.parboiled.parserunners;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.parboiled.MatchHandler;
import org.parboiled.MatcherContext;
import org.parboiled.Rule;
import org.parboiled.common.Predicate;
import org.parboiled.common.StringUtils;
import org.parboiled.matchers.Matcher;
import org.parboiled.matchervisitors.DoWithMatcherVisitor;
import org.parboiled.matchervisitors.HasCustomLabelVisitor;
import org.parboiled.support.ValueStack;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import static org.parboiled.common.Utils.humanize;
* <p>The ProfilingParseRunner is a special {@link ParseRunner} implementation that "watches" a parser digest a number
* of inputs and collects all sorts of statistical data on the what rules have matched how many times, the number
* of reincovations of rules at identical input locations, and so on.</p>
* <p>The ProfilingParseRunner is typically used during parser debugging and optimization, not in production.</p>
* @param <V>
public class ProfilingParseRunner<V> extends BasicParseRunner<V> {
private final Map<Rule, RuleReport> ruleReports = new HashMap<Rule, RuleReport>();
private int totalRuns;
private int totalMatches;
private int totalMismatches;
private int totalRematches;
private int totalRemismatches;
private long totalNanoTime;
private final DoWithMatcherVisitor.Action updateStatsAction = new DoWithMatcherVisitor.Action() {
public void process(Matcher matcher) {
RuleStats ruleStats = (RuleStats) matcher.getTag();
int rematches = 0, remismatches = 0;
for (Integer i : ruleStats.positionMatches.values()) {
if (i > 0) {
rematches += i - 1;
} else if (i < 0) {
remismatches += -(i + 1);
totalMatches += ruleStats.matches;
totalMismatches += ruleStats.mismatches;
totalRematches += rematches;
totalRemismatches += remismatches;
RuleReport ruleReport = ruleReports.get(matcher);
if (ruleReport == null) {
ruleReport = new RuleReport(matcher);
ruleReports.put(matcher, ruleReport);
ruleReport.update(ruleStats.matches, ruleStats.matchSubs, ruleStats.mismatches, ruleStats.mismatchSubs,
rematches, ruleStats.rematchSubs, remismatches, ruleStats.remismatchSubs, ruleStats.nanoTime);
* Creates a new ProfilingParseRunner instance for the given rule.
* @param rule the parser rule
public ProfilingParseRunner(@NotNull Rule rule) {
* Creates a new ProfilingParseRunner instance for the given rule using the given ValueStack instance.
* @param rule the parser rule
* @param valueStack the value stack
public ProfilingParseRunner(@NotNull Rule rule, @NotNull ValueStack<V> valueStack) {
super(rule, valueStack);
protected boolean runRootContext() {
return runRootContext(new Handler(), true);
public Report getReport() {
return new Report(totalRuns, totalMatches, totalMismatches, totalRematches, totalRemismatches,
totalNanoTime, new ArrayList<RuleReport>(ruleReports.values()));
public class Handler implements MatchHandler {
private long timeCorrection;
private int totalMatches;
public boolean matchRoot(MatcherContext<?> rootContext) {
rootContext.getMatcher().accept(new DoWithMatcherVisitor(new DoWithMatcherVisitor.Action() {
public void process(Matcher matcher) {
RuleStats ruleStats = (RuleStats) matcher.getTag();
if (ruleStats == null) {
ruleStats = new RuleStats();
} else {
totalMatches = 0;
long timeStamp = System.nanoTime() - timeCorrection;
boolean matched = rootContext.runMatcher();
totalNanoTime += System.nanoTime() - timeCorrection - timeStamp;
rootMatcher.accept(new DoWithMatcherVisitor(updateStatsAction));
return matched;
public boolean match(MatcherContext<?> context) {
long timeStamp = System.nanoTime();
Matcher matcher = context.getMatcher();
RuleStats ruleStats = ((RuleStats) matcher.getTag());
int pos = context.getCurrentIndex();
int subMatches = -++totalMatches;
int matchSubs = ruleStats.matchSubs;
int rematchSubs = ruleStats.rematchSubs;
int mismatchSubs = ruleStats.mismatchSubs;
int remismatchSubs = ruleStats.remismatchSubs;
long time = System.nanoTime();
timeCorrection += time - timeStamp;
timeStamp = time - timeCorrection;
boolean matched = matcher.match(context);
time = System.nanoTime();
ruleStats.nanoTime += time - timeCorrection - timeStamp;
timeStamp = time;
subMatches += totalMatches;
Integer posMatches = ruleStats.positionMatches.get(pos);
if (matched) {
ruleStats.matchSubs = matchSubs + subMatches;
if (posMatches == null) {
posMatches = 1;
} else if (posMatches > 0) {
ruleStats.rematchSubs = rematchSubs + subMatches;
} else if (posMatches < 0) {
posMatches = 0;
} else {
ruleStats.mismatchSubs = mismatchSubs + subMatches;
if (posMatches == null) {
posMatches = -1;
} else if (posMatches < 0) {
ruleStats.remismatchSubs = remismatchSubs + subMatches;
} else if (posMatches > 0) {
posMatches = 0;
ruleStats.positionMatches.put(pos, posMatches);
timeCorrection += System.nanoTime() - timeStamp;
return matched;
private static class RuleStats {
private int matches;
private int mismatches;
private int matchSubs;
private int mismatchSubs;
private int rematchSubs;
private int remismatchSubs;
private long nanoTime;
// map Index -> matches at that position
// no entry for a position means that the rule was never tried for that position
// an entry n > 0 means that the rule matched n times
// an entry n < 0 means that the rule failed n times
// an entry of 0 for a position means that the rule matched as well as failed at the position (should happen
// only for "strange" action rules)
private final Map<Integer, Integer> positionMatches = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private void clear() {
matches = 0;
mismatches = 0;
matchSubs = 0;
mismatchSubs = 0;
rematchSubs = 0;
remismatchSubs = 0;
nanoTime = 0;
public static class Report {
private final static DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.###");
public static final Predicate<RuleReport> allRules = new Predicate<RuleReport>() {
public boolean apply(RuleReport rep) {
return true;
public static final Predicate<RuleReport> namedRules = new Predicate<RuleReport>() {
public boolean apply(RuleReport rep) {
return rep.getMatcher().accept(new HasCustomLabelVisitor());
public final int totalRuns;
public final int totalInvocations;
public final int totalMatches;
public final int totalMismatches;
public final double matchShare;
public final int reinvocations;
public final int rematches;
public final int remismatches;
public final double reinvocationShare;
public final long totalNanoTime;
public final List<RuleReport> ruleReports;
public Report(int totalRuns, int totalMatches, int totalMismatches, int rematches, int remismatches,
long totalNanoTime, List<RuleReport> ruleReports) {
this.totalRuns = totalRuns;
this.totalInvocations = totalMatches + totalMismatches;
this.totalMatches = totalMatches;
this.totalMismatches = totalMismatches;
this.matchShare = ((double) totalMatches) / totalInvocations;
this.reinvocations = rematches + remismatches;
this.rematches = rematches;
this.remismatches = remismatches;
this.reinvocationShare = ((double) reinvocations) / totalInvocations;
this.totalNanoTime = totalNanoTime;
this.ruleReports = ruleReports;
public String print() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Profiling Report\n");
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by invocations:\n");
sb.append(sortByInvocations().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by sub-invocations:\n");
sb.append(sortBySubInvocations().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by re-invocations:\n");
sb.append(sortByReinvocations().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by re-sub-invocations:\n");
sb.append(sortByResubinvocations().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by re-mismatches:\n");
sb.append(sortByRemismatches().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
sb.append("Top 20 named rules by re-sub-mismatches:\n");
sb.append(sortByResubmismatches().printTopRules(20, namedRules));
return sb.toString();
public String printBasics() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("Runs : %,15d\n", totalRuns));
sb.append(String.format("Active rules : %,15d\n", ruleReports.size()));
sb.append(String.format("Total net rule time : %,15.3f s\n", totalNanoTime / 1000000000.0));
sb.append(String.format("Total rule invocations : %,15d\n", totalInvocations));
sb.append(String.format("Total rule matches : %,15d\n", totalMatches));
sb.append(String.format("Total rule mismatches : %,15d\n", totalMismatches));
sb.append(String.format("Total match share : %15.2f %%\n", 100.0 * matchShare));
sb.append(String.format("Rule re-invocations : %,15d\n", reinvocations));
sb.append(String.format("Rule re-matches : %,15d\n", rematches));
sb.append(String.format("Rule re-mismatches : %,15d\n", remismatches));
sb.append(String.format("Rule re-invocation share : %15.2f %%\n", 100.0 * reinvocationShare));
return sb.toString();
public String printTopRules(int count, @NotNull Predicate<RuleReport> filter) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
"Rule | Net-Time | Invocations | Matches | Mismatches | Time/Invoc. | Match % | Re-Invocs | Re-Matches | Re-Mismatch | Re-Invoc % \n");
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(ruleReports.size(), count); i++) {
RuleReport rep = ruleReports.get(i);
if (!filter.apply(rep)) {
"%-30s | %6.0f ms | %6s / %6s | %6s / %6s | %6s / %6s | %,12.0f ns | %6.2f%% | %6s / %6s | %6s / %6s | %6s / %6s | %6.2f%% / %6.2f%%\n",
rep.getMatcher().toString() + ": " + rep.getMatcher().getClass().getSimpleName()
.replace("Matcher", ""), 30),
rep.getNanoTime() / 1000000.0,
humanize(rep.getInvocations()), humanize(rep.getInvocationSubs()),
humanize(rep.getMatches()), humanize(rep.getMatchSubs()),
humanize(rep.getMismatches()), humanize(rep.getMismatchSubs()),
rep.getNanoTime() / (double) rep.getInvocations(),
rep.getMatchShare() * 100,
humanize(rep.getReinvocations()), humanize(rep.getReinvocationSubs()),
humanize(rep.getRematches()), humanize(rep.getRematchSubs()),
humanize(rep.getRemismatches()), humanize(rep.getRemismatchSubs()),
rep.getReinvocationShare() * 100, rep.getReinvocationShare2() * 100
return sb.toString();
public Report sortByInvocations() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getInvocations(), b.getInvocations());
return this;
public Report sortBySubInvocations() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getInvocationSubs(), b.getInvocationSubs());
return this;
public Report sortByTime() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return longCompare(a.getNanoTime(), b.getNanoTime());
return this;
public Report sortByTimePerInvocation() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return doubleCompare(a.getNanoTime() / (double) a.getInvocations(),
b.getNanoTime() / (double) b.getInvocations());
return this;
public Report sortByMatches() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getMatches(), b.getMatches());
return this;
public Report sortByMismatches() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getMismatches(), b.getMismatches());
return this;
public Report sortByReinvocations() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getReinvocations(), b.getReinvocations());
return this;
public Report sortByResubinvocations() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return doubleCompare(a.getReinvocationSubs(), b.getReinvocationSubs());
return this;
public Report sortByRematches() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getRematches(), b.getRematches());
return this;
public Report sortByRemismatches() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return intCompare(a.getRemismatches(), b.getRemismatches());
return this;
public Report sortByResubmismatches() {
Collections.sort(ruleReports, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {
public int compare(RuleReport a, RuleReport b) {
return doubleCompare(a.getRemismatchSubs(), b.getRemismatchSubs());
return this;
private int intCompare(int a, int b) {
return a < b ? 1 : a > b ? -1 : 0;
private int longCompare(long a, long b) {
return a < b ? 1 : a > b ? -1 : 0;
private int doubleCompare(double a, double b) {
return a < b ? 1 : a > b ? -1 : 0;
public static class RuleReport {
private final Matcher matcher;
private int matches;
private int matchSubs;
private int mismatches;
private int mismatchSubs;
private int rematches;
private int rematchSubs;
private int remismatches;
private int remismatchSubs;
private long nanoTime;
public RuleReport(Matcher matcher) {
this.matcher = matcher;
public Matcher getMatcher() { return matcher; }
public int getInvocations() { return matches + mismatches; }
public int getInvocationSubs() { return matchSubs + mismatchSubs; }
public int getMatches() { return matches; }
public int getMatchSubs() { return matchSubs; }
public int getMismatches() { return mismatches; }
public int getMismatchSubs() { return mismatchSubs; }
public double getMatchShare() { return ((double) matches) / getInvocations(); }
public double getMatchShare2() { return ((double) matchSubs) / getInvocationSubs(); }
public int getReinvocations() { return rematches + remismatches; }
public int getReinvocationSubs() { return rematchSubs + remismatchSubs; }
public int getRematches() { return rematches; }
public int getRematchSubs() { return rematchSubs; }
public int getRemismatches() { return remismatches; }
public int getRemismatchSubs() { return remismatchSubs; }
public double getReinvocationShare() { return ((double) getReinvocations()) / getInvocations(); }
public double getReinvocationShare2() { return ((double) getReinvocationSubs()) / getInvocationSubs(); }
public long getNanoTime() { return nanoTime; }
public void update(int matchesDelta, int matchSubsDelta,
int mismatchesDelta, int mismatchSubsDelta,
int rematchesDelta, int rematchSubsDelta,
int remismatchesDelta, int remismatchSubsDelta,
long nanoTimeDelta) {
matches += matchesDelta;
matchSubs += matchSubsDelta;
mismatches += mismatchesDelta;
mismatchSubs += mismatchSubsDelta;
rematches += rematchesDelta;
rematchSubs += rematchSubsDelta;
remismatches += remismatchesDelta;
remismatchSubs += remismatchSubsDelta;
nanoTime += nanoTimeDelta;