* A graph that can be represented with 2 datasets (X,Y)
package projectatlast.graph;
import projectatlast.group.*;
import projectatlast.query.*;
import projectatlast.student.Student;
import projectatlast.tracking.Activity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.appengine.repackaged.org.json.JSONException;
import com.google.appengine.repackaged.org.json.JSONObject;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Subclass;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Unindexed;
public class ScatterGraph extends Graph {
@Unindexed ParseField parseFieldX;
@Unindexed ParseField parseFieldY;
@Unindexed Parser parserX;
@Unindexed Parser parserY;
protected ScatterGraph() {}
protected static List<Group> getGroups() {
List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<Group>();
groups.add(new Group(GroupField.ACTIVITY));
return groups;
public ScatterGraph(String title, Student student, Query query,
GraphType type, ParseField parseFieldX, Parser parserX,
ParseField parseFieldY, Parser parserY) {
super(title, student, query, type);
this.parseFieldX = parseFieldX;
this.parserX = parserX;
this.parseFieldY = parseFieldY;
this.parserY = parserY;
public ParseField getParseFieldX() {
return parseFieldX;
public void setParseFieldX(ParseField parseField) {
this.parseFieldX = parseField;
public ParseField getParseFieldY() {
return parseFieldY;
public void setParseFieldY(ParseField parseField) {
this.parseFieldY = parseField;
public Parser getParserX() {
return parserX;
public void setParserX(Parser parser) {
this.parserX = parser;
public Parser getParserY() {
return parserY;
public void setParserY(Parser parser) {
this.parserY = parser;
public GraphData getData() {
// Get the grouped results
Groupable<Activity> results = getQueryResult();
// Parse the results
Grouped<Double> parsedX = results.parse(getParserX().asFunction(getParseFieldX()));
Grouped<Double> parsedY = results.parse(getParserY().asFunction(getParseFieldY()));
// Create data object
ScatterData data = new ScatterData(parsedX, parsedY);
return data;
public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException {
JSONObject json = super.toJSON();
json = getData().toJSON(json);
json.put("xaxis", getParseFieldX().humanReadable());
json.put("yaxis", getParseFieldY().humanReadable());
return json;