package com.l2client.navigation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.l2client.navigation.Line2D.LINE_CLASSIFICATION;
* NavigationPath is a collection of waypoints that define a movement path for
* an Actor. This object is ownded by an Actor and filled by
* NavigationMesh::BuildNavigationPath().
* Portions Copyright (C) Greg Snook, 2000
* @author TR
public class Path {
public class WayPoint{
public Vector3f position;
public int cell = -1;
public int mesh = -1;
WayPoint(InternalWayPoint internal){
this.position = internal.Position.clone();
this.cell =;
this.mesh = internal.mesh.hashCode();
class InternalWayPoint {
public Vector3f Position = new Vector3f(); // 3D position of waypoint
public Cell Cell; // The cell which owns the waypoint
public NavMesh mesh; // the mesh the cell belongs to
// boolean borderCell;
public String toString() {
return "WAYPOINT: pos:" + Position.x + "/" + Position.z + " cell:"
+ Cell;
private ArrayList<InternalWayPoint> m_WaypointList = new ArrayList<InternalWayPoint>();
private ArrayList<WayPoint> publicList = null;
void clear(){
if(publicList != null){
publicList = null;
void copyReverseInReverseOrder(Path from){
for(int i=from.m_WaypointList.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
// : Setup
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets up a new path from StartPoint to EndPoint. It adds the StartPoint as
// the first
// waypoint in the list and waits for further calls to AddWayPoint and
// EndPath to
// complete the list
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------://
// void Setup(NavMesh Parent, Vector3f StartPoint, Cell StartCell){//,
//// }
//// Vector3f EndPoint, Cell EndCell) {
// m_WaypointList.clear();
//// m_Parent = Parent;
//// m_StartPoint.Position = StartPoint;
//// m_StartPoint.Cell = StartCell;
//// m_EndPoint.Position = EndPoint;
//// m_EndPoint.Cell = EndCell;
// WAYPOINT start = new WAYPOINT();
// start.Position.set(StartPoint);
// start.Cell = StartCell;
// start.mesh = Parent;
// // setup the waypoint list with our start and end points
// m_WaypointList.add(start);;
// }
void setup(Vector3f startPoint, Cell startCell, NavMesh mesh){
InternalWayPoint start = new InternalWayPoint();
start.Cell = startCell;
start.mesh = mesh;
// setup the waypoint list with our start point
// : AddWayPoint
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a new waypoint to the end of the list
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------://
// void AddWayPoint(Vector3f Point, Cell Cell, NavMesh mesh) {
// WAYPOINT NewPoint = new WAYPOINT();
// NewPoint.Position.set(Point);
// NewPoint.Cell = Cell;
// NewPoint.mesh = mesh;
// m_WaypointList.add(NewPoint);
// }
void addWayPoint(Vector3f point, Cell cell, NavMesh mesh) {
InternalWayPoint NewPoint = new InternalWayPoint();
NewPoint.Cell = cell;
NewPoint.mesh = mesh;
// // : EndPath
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// // Caps the end of the waypoint list by adding our final destination point
// //
// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------://
// void EndPath() {
// // cap the waypoint path with the last endpoint
// if(m_EndPoint != null)
// m_WaypointList.add(m_EndPoint);
// }
// Mesh Parent() {
// return (m_Parent);
// }
// public WAYPOINT StartPoint() {
// return (m_WaypointList.get(0));
// }
InternalWayPoint internalEndPoint() {
if(m_WaypointList.size() > 0)
return (m_WaypointList.get(m_WaypointList.size()-1));
return null;
public ArrayList<WayPoint> WaypointList() {
if(publicList == null){
publicList = new ArrayList<WayPoint>(m_WaypointList.size());
for(InternalWayPoint p : m_WaypointList)
publicList.add(new WayPoint(p));
return publicList;
// // : GetFurthestVisibleWayPoint
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// // Find the furthest visible waypoint from the VantagePoint provided. This
// // is used to
// // smooth out irregular paths.
// //
// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------://
// public WAYPOINT GetFurthestVisibleWayPoint(WAYPOINT VantagePoint) {
// // see if we are already talking about the last waypoint
// if (VantagePoint == m_WaypointList.get(m_WaypointList.size() - 1)) {
// return (VantagePoint);
// }
// WAYPOINT Vantage = VantagePoint;
// int i = m_WaypointList.indexOf(VantagePoint);
// if(i < 0)
// return VantagePoint;
//// System.out.print("WAY IND:" + i);
// WAYPOINT TestWaypoint = VantagePoint;
// TestWaypoint = m_WaypointList.get(++i);
// if (TestWaypoint == m_WaypointList.get(m_WaypointList.size() - 1)) {
//// System.out.println(" WAY IND was last");
// return (TestWaypoint);
// }
// WAYPOINT VisibleWaypoint = TestWaypoint;
// // TestWaypoint = m_WaypointList.get(++i);
// while (TestWaypoint != m_WaypointList.get(m_WaypointList.size() - 1)) {
// WAYPOINT Test = TestWaypoint;
// if (!Vantage.mesh.LineOfSightTest(Vantage.Cell, Vantage.Position,
// Test.Position)) {
//// System.out.println(" WAY IND was:" + i);
// return (VisibleWaypoint);
// }
// VisibleWaypoint = TestWaypoint;
// TestWaypoint = m_WaypointList.get(++i);
// }
//// System.out.println(" WAY IND was:" + i);
// // the last
// return (TestWaypoint);
// }
void optimize(){
int size = m_WaypointList.size();
int current = 0;
int next = 1;
ArrayList<InternalWayPoint> newList = new ArrayList<InternalWayPoint>();
//add start to optimized one
//nothing to do onnly two points
if(size <= 2) {
//try to optimize as long as we have not reached the last point
while(next < size) {
if(isEndVisible(current, next)){
//go on to test the next point
} else {
//if the last is not the start add the last one as the next waypoint as it was the last one visible
if(next -1 != current) {
newList.add(m_WaypointList.get(next - 1));
//now go on with new current and next
current = next -1;
//next is already on the right spot
} else {
current = next;//BOOOM something went wrong??!?!
next = next+1;
//do we have the last one on it?
if(m_WaypointList.get(size) != newList.get(newList.size()-1))
m_WaypointList = newList;
private boolean isEndVisible(int from, int to){
//is start at the end or even further?
return false;
//out of bounds?
if(from <0 || to > m_WaypointList.size())
return false;
InternalWayPoint wFrom = m_WaypointList.get(from);
InternalWayPoint wTo = m_WaypointList.get(to);
//early out if both are on the same cell (line will end on border or not even getting to the border at all)
if(wFrom.Cell == wTo.Cell)
return true;
Line2D wayLine = new Line2D(wFrom.Position.x, wFrom.Position.z,wTo.Position.x, wTo.Position.z);
InternalWayPoint check = null;
for(int i = from+1;i<=to;i++){
check = m_WaypointList.get(i);
int wall = check.Cell.ArrivalWall();
Line2D wallLine = check.Cell.m_Side[wall];
LINE_CLASSIFICATION result = wallLine.Intersection(wayLine, null);
//System.out.println("Optimization between "+from+" and "+ i+" result:"+result);
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("-- WAYPOINT LIST --\n");
for(InternalWayPoint p :m_WaypointList)
return b.toString();