package com.l2client.util;
import java.util.Calendar;
//import tonegod.skydome.FogFilter;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager;
import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule;
import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter;
import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter;
import com.jme3.export.OutputCapsule;
import com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.FaceCullMode;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.control.Control;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture.MagFilter;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture.MinFilter;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode;
* @author t0neg0d
//FIXME used at all? check fog, check sun/moon not showing
public class SkyDome implements Control {
private ViewPort viewPort;
private Spatial spatial;
private AssetManager assetManager;
private Node skyNight;
private Camera cam;
private boolean enabled = true;
// private FogFilter fog = null;
private DirectionalLight sun = null;
private ColorRGBA sunDayLight = new ColorRGBA(.92f, .92f, .92f, 1f);
private ColorRGBA sunNightLight = new ColorRGBA(.15f, .15f, .15f, .25f);
private ColorRGBA sunRiseColor = new ColorRGBA(.9843f, .5254f, .8823f, 1f);
private ColorRGBA sunSetColor = new ColorRGBA(.8509f, .5254f, .9843f, 1f);
private boolean controlFog = false;
private boolean controlSun = false;
private String model, nightSkyMap, sunMap, moonMap, cloudsMap, fogAlphaMap;
private boolean cycleCI = false, cycleCO = false;
private float cloudMaxAlpha = 1f, cloudMinAlpha = 0f, cloudsAlpha = 1;
private float cloudCycleSpeed = .125f;
private float cloud1Rotation = FastMath.HALF_PI+0.02f;
private float cloud1Speed = .025f;
private float cloud2Rotation = FastMath.HALF_PI+0.023f;
private float cloud2Speed = .05f;
private float moonRotation = 180;
private float sunMoonSpeed = .0185f;
private float horizonAlpha = 1.0f;
private boolean isDay = false;
private boolean cycleN2D = false, cycleD2N = false;
private float dayAlpha = 0;
private float cycleSpeed = .125f;
private float sunRotation = 0f;
private Quaternion sunQ = new Quaternion();
private Vector3f sunDirection = new Vector3f(-.2f, -1f, -.2f);
private float sunOffsetX = 0.5f;
private float sunOffsetXInc = 0f;
private float sunSpeed = 0.0125f;
private boolean sunDay = true;
private ColorRGBA fogColor = new ColorRGBA(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f);
private ColorRGBA fogNightColor = new ColorRGBA(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.6f);
private ColorRGBA dayColor = new ColorRGBA(.7f,.7f,1.0f,1.0f);
private ColorRGBA nightColor = new ColorRGBA(.4f,.3f,.6f,1.0f);
private Texture tex_Sky, tex_Sun, tex_Moon, tex_FogAlpha, tex_Clouds;
private Material mat_Sky;
private boolean useCalendar = false;
// Calendar
long serverDate, clientDate, dif;
private String[] months = new String[] {
"January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"
private int yearOffset = 0;
private int secondsPerMinute = 10;
private int minutesPerHour = 60;
private int hoursPerDay = 24;
private int daysPerWeek = 7;
private int weeksPerMonth = 4;
private int monthsPerYear = 12;
private int daysPerYear = 365;
private long secondsPerHour = 600;
private long secondsPerDay = 14400;
private long secondsPerWeek = 100800;
private long secondsPerMonth = 403200;
private long secondsPerYear = 4838400;
private long timeOffset = 0;
* Creates a new SkyDome control using the default models, textures, etc
* @param assetManager AssetManager
* @param cam Camera
public SkyDome(AssetManager assetManager, Camera cam) {
* Creates a new SkyDome control
* @param assetManager A pointer to the JME application AssetManager
* @param cam A pointer to the default Camera of the JME application
* @param model j3o to use as the Sky Dome
* @param nightSkyMap The string value of the texture asset for night time sky
* @param moonMap The string value of the texture asset for the moon. This is the only param that accepts null
* @param cloudsMap The string value of the texture asset for the clouds
* @param fogAlphaMap The string value of the texture asset for the blending alpha map for fog coloring
public SkyDome(AssetManager assetManager, Camera cam, String model, String nightSkyMap, String sunMap, String moonMap, String cloudsMap, String fogAlphaMap) {
this.assetManager = assetManager; = cam;
this.model = model;
this.nightSkyMap = nightSkyMap;
this.sunMap = sunMap;
this.moonMap = moonMap;
this.cloudsMap = cloudsMap;
this.fogAlphaMap = fogAlphaMap;
tex_FogAlpha = assetManager.loadTexture(fogAlphaMap);
tex_Sky = assetManager.loadTexture(nightSkyMap);
if (moonMap != null) {
tex_Sun = assetManager.loadTexture(sunMap);
tex_Moon = assetManager.loadTexture(moonMap);
tex_Clouds = assetManager.loadTexture(cloudsMap);
mat_Sky = new Material(assetManager, "tonegod/skydome/shaders/SkyDome.j3md");
mat_Sky.setTexture("SkyNightMap", tex_Sky);
if (moonMap != null) {
mat_Sky.setTexture("SunMap", tex_Sun);
mat_Sky.setTexture("MoonMap", tex_Moon);
// mat_Sky.setFloat("MoonDirection", moonRotation);
mat_Sky.setFloat("SunMoonSpeed", sunMoonSpeed);
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorDay", dayColor);
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorNight", nightColor);
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorSunRise", sunRiseColor);
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorSunSet", sunSetColor);
mat_Sky.setFloat("Alpha", dayAlpha);
mat_Sky.setTexture("CloudMap1", tex_Clouds);
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudDirection1", cloud1Rotation);
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudSpeed1", cloud1Speed);
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudDirection2", cloud2Rotation);
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudSpeed2", cloud2Speed);
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudsAlpha", cloudsAlpha);
skyNight = (Node)assetManager.loadModel(model);
skyNight.setLocalScale(7f, 5f, 7f);
public void setSpatial(Spatial spatial) {
this.spatial = spatial;
* Enable the SkyDome control
* @param enabled
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
* Returns if the SkyDome control is enabled
* @return enabled
public boolean isEnabled() {
return this.enabled;
// Transitions
public boolean getIsDay() {
return this.isDay;
* Sets the speed at which the transition from night to day/day to night happens
* @param cycleSpeed Default value is .125f
public void setDayNightTransitionSpeed(float cycleSpeed) {
this.cycleSpeed = cycleSpeed;
* Gets the speed at which the transition from night to day/day to night happens
* @return cycleSpeed Default value is .125f
public float getDayNightTransitionSpeed() {
return this.cycleSpeed;
* Begins cycle day to night
public void cycleDayToNight() {
this.cycleD2N = true;
this.cycleN2D = false;
* Begins cycle night to day
public void cycleNightToDay() {
this.cycleD2N = false;
this.cycleN2D = true;
// // Fog
// /**
// * Sets a pointer to the fog filter used by the JME application that initialized the SkyDome control
// * @param fog The FogFilter to adjust during transitions
// * @param viewPort The default ViewPort for background color manipulation used for fog blending
// */
// public void setFogFilter(FogFilter fog, ViewPort viewPort) {
// this.fog = fog;
// this.viewPort = viewPort;
// }
* Sets the day time fog color to use
* @param fogColor Default value is 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f
public void setFogColor(ColorRGBA fogColor) {
this.fogColor = fogColor;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setColor("FogColor", fogColor);
* Gets the day time fog color
* @return fogColor Default value is 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f
public ColorRGBA getFogColor() {
return this.fogColor;
* Sets the night time fog color to use
* @param fogNightColor Default value is 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.6f
public void setFogNightColor(ColorRGBA fogNightColor) {
this.fogNightColor = fogNightColor;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setColor("FogNightColor", fogNightColor);
* Gets the night time fog color
* @return fogNightColor Default value is 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.6f
public ColorRGBA getFogNightColor() {
return this.fogNightColor;
* Enable SkyDome to control the JME application FogFilter
* @param controlFog Default value is false
public void setControlFog(boolean controlFog) { this.controlFog = controlFog; }
* Returns if SkyDome controls the JME application FogFilter
* @return controlFog Default value is false
public boolean getControlFog() { return this.controlFog; }
// Sun
* Pointer to the Directional Light used by your JME application as a sun light
* @param sun
public void setSun(DirectionalLight sun) {
this.sun = sun;
* Sets the color used by the sun during day time
* @param sunDayLight Default value is 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f
public void setSunDayLight(ColorRGBA sunDayLight) {
this.sunDayLight = sunDayLight;
* Sets the color used by the sun during night time
* @param sunNightLight Default value is .45f, .45f, .45f, 1f
public void setSunNightLight(ColorRGBA sunNightLight) {
this.sunNightLight = sunNightLight;
* Gets the color used by the sun during day time
* @return sunDayLight Default value is 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f
public ColorRGBA getSunDayLight() {
return this.sunDayLight;
* Gets the color used by the sun during night time
* @return sunNightLight Default value is .45f, .45f, .45f, 1f
public ColorRGBA getSunNightLight() {
return this.sunNightLight;
* Enable SkyDome to control the JME application DirectionLight
* @param controlSun Default value is false
public void setControlSun(boolean controlSun) { this.controlSun = controlSun; }
* Returns if SkyDome controls the JME application DirectionalLight
* @return controlSun Default value is false
public boolean getControlSun() { return this.controlSun; }
// Day time color
* Sets the color used for day time sky
* @param dayColor Default value is .7f, .7f, 1f, 1f
public void setDaySkyColor(ColorRGBA dayColor) {
this.dayColor = dayColor;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorDay", dayColor);
* Gets the color used for day time sky
* @return dayColor Default value is .7f, .7f, 1f, 1f
public ColorRGBA getDaySkyColor() {
return this.dayColor;
* Sets the color blended to the day time sky for transitioning from day to night/night to day
* @param nightColor Default value is .4f, .3f, .6f, 1f
public void setSkyNightColor(ColorRGBA nightColor) {
this.nightColor = nightColor;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setColor("ColorNight", nightColor);
* Gets the color blended to the day time sky for transitioning from day to night/night to day
* @return nightColor Default value is .4f, .3f, .6f, 1f
public ColorRGBA getSkyNightColor() {
return this.nightColor;
// Moon
* Sets the rotation/direction the moon moves in
* @param moonRotation Default value 75f
public void setMoonRotation(float moonRotation) {
this.moonRotation = moonRotation;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("MoonRotation", moonRotation);
* Gets the rotation/direction the moon moves in
* @return moonRotation Default value 75f
public float getMoonRotation() {
return this.moonRotation;
* Sets the speed the sun and moon moves
* @param sunMoonSpeed Default value .0185f
public void setSunMoonSpeed(float sunMoonSpeed) {
this.sunMoonSpeed = sunMoonSpeed;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("SunMoonSpeed", sunMoonSpeed);
* Gets the speed the sun and moon moves
* @return sunMoonSpeed Default value .0185f
public float getSunMoonSpeed() {
return this.sunMoonSpeed;
// Clouds
* Sets the near cloud layer movement rotation/direction
* @param cloudRotation Default value FastMath.HALF_PI+0.02f
public void setCloudsNearRotation(float cloudRotation) {
this.cloud2Rotation = cloudRotation;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudDirection2", cloudRotation);
* Gets the near cloud layer movement rotation/direction
* @return cloud2Rotation Default value FastMath.HALF_PI+0.02f
public float getCloudsNearRotation() {
return this.cloud2Rotation;
* Sets the near cloud layer movement speed
* @param cloudSpeed Default value .05f
public void setCloudsNearSpeed(float cloudSpeed) {
this.cloud2Speed = cloudSpeed;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudSpeed2", cloudSpeed);
* Gets the near cloud layer movement speed
* @param cloud2Speed Default value .05f
public float getCloudsNearSpeed() {
return this.cloud2Speed;
* Sets the far cloud layer movement rotation/direction
* @param cloudRotation Default value FastMath.HALF_PI+0.023f
public void setCloudsFarRotation(float cloudRotation) {
this.cloud1Rotation = cloudRotation;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudDirection1", cloudRotation);
* Gets the near cloud layer movement rotation/direction
* @return cloud1Rotation Default value FastMath.HALF_PI+0.02f
public float getCloudsFarRotation() {
return this.cloud1Rotation;
* Sets the far cloud layer movement speed
* @param cloudSpeed Default value .025f
public void setCloudsFarSpeed(float cloudSpeed) {
this.cloud1Speed = cloudSpeed;
if (mat_Sky != null)
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudSpeed1", cloudSpeed);
* Gets the far cloud layer movement speed
* @return cloud1Speed Default value .025f
public float getCloudsFarSpeed() {
return this.cloud1Speed;
* Sets the near and far cloud layers maximum opacity for cycling clouds in/out
* @param cloudMaxOpacity Default value 1f
public void setCloudMaxOpacity(float cloudMaxOpacity) {
this.cloudMaxAlpha = cloudMaxOpacity;
* Gets the near and far cloud layers maximum opacity for cycling clouds in/out
* @return cloudMaxOpacity Default value 1f
public float getCloudMaxOpacity() {
return this.cloudMaxAlpha;
* Sets the near and far cloud layers minimum opacity for cycling clouds in/out
* @param cloudMinOpacity Default value 0f
public void setCloudMinOpacity(float cloudMinOpacity) {
this.cloudMinAlpha = cloudMinOpacity;
* Gets the near and far cloud layers minimum opacity for cycling clouds in/out
* @return cloudMinOpacity Default value 0f
public float getCloudMinOpacity() {
return this.cloudMinAlpha;
* Sets the speed at which the near and far cloud layers are cycled in/out
* @param cloudCycleSpeed Default value .125f
public void setCloudCycleSpeed(float cloudCycleSpeed) {
this.cloudCycleSpeed = cloudCycleSpeed;
* Gets the speed at which the near and far cloud layers are cycled in/out
* @return cloudCycleSpeed Default value .125f
public float getCloudCycleSpeed() {
return this.cloudCycleSpeed;
// Color mix function
* Blends two ColorRGBAs by the amount passed in
* @param c1 The color being blended into
* @param c2 The color to blend
* @param amount The amount of c2 to blend into c1
* @return r The resulting ColorRGBA
private ColorRGBA mix(ColorRGBA c1, ColorRGBA c2, float amount) {
ColorRGBA r = new ColorRGBA();
r.interpolate(c1, c2, amount);
return r;
// Day to night/night to day cycles
* Begin cycle clouds in
public void cycleCloudsIn() {
this.cycleCI = true;
this.cycleCO = false;
* Begin cycle clouds out
public void cycleCloudsOut() {
this.cycleCI = false;
this.cycleCO = true;
* Initialize calendar for adjusting lighting and shadow renderer direction
* @param secondsPerMinute Number of actual seconds per game time minute. Default value is 10
* @param minutesPerHour Number of gametime minutes per game time hour. Default value is 60
* @param hoursPerDay Number of game time hours per game time day. Default value is 24
* @param daysPerWeek Number of game time days per game time week. Default value is 7
* @param weeksPerMonth Number of game time weeks per game time month. Default value is 4
* @param monthsPerYear Number of game time months per game time year. Default value is 24
public void initializeCalendar(
int secondsPerMinute,
int minutesPerHour,
int hoursPerDay,
int daysPerWeek,
int weeksPerMonth,
int monthsPerYear
) {
this.secondsPerMinute = secondsPerMinute;
this.minutesPerHour = minutesPerHour;
this.hoursPerDay = hoursPerDay;
this.daysPerWeek = daysPerWeek;
this.weeksPerMonth = weeksPerMonth;
this.monthsPerYear = monthsPerYear;
this.daysPerYear = daysPerWeek*weeksPerMonth*monthsPerYear;
this.secondsPerHour = this.secondsPerMinute*this.minutesPerHour;
this.secondsPerDay = this.secondsPerHour*this.hoursPerDay;
this.secondsPerWeek = this.secondsPerDay*this.daysPerWeek;
this.secondsPerMonth = this.secondsPerWeek*this.weeksPerMonth;
this.secondsPerYear = this.secondsPerMonth*this.monthsPerYear;
cycleSpeed = 1.0f/(float)minutesPerHour;
sunSpeed = 1.0f/(float)(hoursPerDay/4)/(float)minutesPerHour/(float)secondsPerMinute;
sunDirection = new Vector3f(-1f+sunSpeed*(getHour(getTime())+6),-1f,0f);//-1f+sunSpeed*(getHour(getTime())+6));
sunMoonSpeed = sunSpeed;
sunOffsetXInc = sunSpeed/2;
sunOffsetX = 0.5f+sunSpeed*(getHour(getTime()));
sunRotation = -FastMath.QUARTER_PI;
sunQ = sunQ.fromAngles(sunRotation, 0f, 0f);
sunDirection = sunQ.mult(Vector3f.UNIT_Y.negate());
if (moonMap != null) {
this.mat_Sky.setFloat("SunMoonSpeed", sunMoonSpeed);
if (getHour(getTime()) >= 6 && getHour(getTime()) < 18) {
sunDay = true;
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(sunDayLight);
} else {
sunDay = false;
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(sunNightLight);
mat_Sky.setBoolean("IsDay", sunDay);
mat_Sky.setFloat("SunMoonOffsetX", sunOffsetX);
* Sets the names of the months to be used by the game calendar
* @param months String[] containing the names of the game months
public void setCalendarMonthNames(String[] months) {
this.months = months;
* Sets the current game year to Julian Calendar year + offset
* @param yearOffset The number of years to add to the current Julian Calendar date year (use negative number to subtract). Default value is 0;
public void setCalenderYearOffset(int yearOffset) {
this.yearOffset = yearOffset;
* Returns a string containing the current time/date in game time.
* @return gameTime The current time based on game time calendar
public String getGDateTime() {
long time = getTime();
String sHour, sMinute, sDay, sWeek;
int hour = getHour(time);
int minute = getMinute(time);
if (hour < 10) sHour = "0" + String.valueOf(hour);
else sHour = String.valueOf(hour);
if (minute < 10)sMinute = "0" + String.valueOf(minute);
else sMinute = String.valueOf(minute);
int day = getDay(time);
sDay = String.valueOf(day) + getSuffix(day);
int week = getWeek(time);
sWeek = String.valueOf(week) + getSuffix(week);
String ret = "[Time] " + sHour + ":" + sMinute + " on the " + sDay + " day of the " + sWeek + " week of " + getMonth(time) + " in the year " + String.valueOf(getYear(time)) + ".";
return ret;
* Enables automation of transitions based on calendar's time of day.
* Required for handling sunlight direction updates
* Required for handling shadow direction updates
* @param useCalendar
public void setUseCalendar(boolean useCalendar) {
this.useCalendar = useCalendar;
* Returns if transition automation based on calendar's time of day is enabled
* @return useCalendar
public boolean getUseCalendar() {
return this.useCalendar;
//FIXME this should be a setStartTime not an offset
public void setTimeOffset(long dt){
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
timeOffset = dt-cal.getTimeInMillis();
} else {
timeOffset = dt- System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
private long getTime() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return (cal.getTimeInMillis()/1000);
} else {
return timeOffset + System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
private String getSuffix(int num) {
String ret = "";
switch (num) {
case 1:
ret += "st";
case 2:
ret += "nd";
case 3:
ret += "rd";
ret += "th";
return ret;
private int getYear(long time) {
return (int)((time/secondsPerYear)+yearOffset);
private String getMonth(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
int month = (int)(rem/secondsPerMonth);
return months[month];
private int getMonthAsInt(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
return (int)(rem/secondsPerMonth);
private int getWeek(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
long mRem = (rem%secondsPerMonth);
return (int)(mRem/secondsPerWeek)+1;
private int getDay(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
long mRem = (rem%secondsPerMonth);
long wRem = (mRem%secondsPerWeek);
return (int)(wRem/secondsPerDay)+1;
private int getHour(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
long mRem = (rem%secondsPerMonth);
long wRem = (mRem%secondsPerWeek);
long dRem = (wRem%secondsPerDay);
return (int)(dRem/secondsPerHour);
private int getMinute(long time) {
long rem = (time%secondsPerYear);
long mRem = (rem%secondsPerMonth);
long wRem = (mRem%secondsPerWeek);
long dRem = (wRem%secondsPerDay);
long hRem = (dRem%secondsPerHour);
return (int)(hRem/secondsPerMinute);
static long hour =0;
public void update(float tpf) {
if (spatial != null && enabled) {
Vector3f camLoc = cam.getLocation();
float[] camLF = camLoc.toArray(null);
spatial.setLocalTranslation(camLF[0], camLF[1]+.25f, camLF[2]);
// if (getUseCalendar()) {
if (sunDay) {
sunRotation += tpf*this.sunSpeed;
if (sunRotation > FastMath.QUARTER_PI) sunRotation = FastMath.QUARTER_PI;
sunOffsetX -= (tpf*sunOffsetXInc);
if (sunOffsetX < -0.5f) sunOffsetX = -0.5f;
} else {
sunRotation -= tpf*this.sunSpeed;
if (sunRotation < -FastMath.QUARTER_PI) sunRotation = -FastMath.QUARTER_PI;
sunOffsetX += (tpf*sunOffsetXInc);
if (sunOffsetX > 0.5f) sunOffsetX = 0.5f;
mat_Sky.setFloat("SunMoonOffsetX", sunOffsetX);
sunQ = sunQ.fromAngles(0f, 0f, sunRotation);
sunDirection = sunQ.mult(new Vector3f(.2f,-1f,.2f));
// }
// Day/Night Cycle
if (cycleN2D) {
if (dayAlpha < 1.0f) {
dayAlpha += tpf * cycleSpeed;
horizonAlpha = 1.0f - dayAlpha;
mat_Sky.setFloat("Alpha", dayAlpha);
mat_Sky.setFloat("HorizonAlpha", horizonAlpha);
// if (fog != null && controlFog) {
// viewPort.setBackgroundColor(mix(fogNightColor,fogColor,dayAlpha));
// fog.setFogColor(mix(fogNightColor,fogColor,dayAlpha));
// }
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(mix(sunNightLight,sunDayLight,dayAlpha));
} else {
dayAlpha = 1.0f;
horizonAlpha = 0.0f;
mat_Sky.setFloat("Alpha", dayAlpha);
mat_Sky.setFloat("HorizonAlpha", horizonAlpha);
// if (fog != null && controlFog) {
// viewPort.setBackgroundColor(fogColor);
// fog.setFogColor(fogColor);
// }
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(sunDayLight);
cycleN2D = false;
} else if (cycleD2N) {
if (dayAlpha > 0.0f) {
dayAlpha -= tpf * cycleSpeed;
horizonAlpha = 1.0f - dayAlpha;
mat_Sky.setFloat("Alpha", dayAlpha);
mat_Sky.setFloat("HorizonAlpha", horizonAlpha);
// if (fog != null && controlFog) {
// viewPort.setBackgroundColor(mix(fogNightColor,fogColor,dayAlpha));
// fog.setFogColor(mix(fogNightColor,fogColor,dayAlpha));
// }
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(mix(sunNightLight,sunDayLight,dayAlpha));
} else {
dayAlpha = 0.0f;
horizonAlpha = 1.0f;
mat_Sky.setFloat("Alpha", dayAlpha);
mat_Sky.setFloat("HorizonAlpha", horizonAlpha);
// if (fog != null && controlFog) {
// viewPort.setBackgroundColor(fogNightColor);
// fog.setFogColor(fogNightColor);
// }
if (controlSun) sun.setColor(sunNightLight);
cycleD2N = false;
// Clouds Cycle
if (cycleCI) {
if (cloudsAlpha < cloudMaxAlpha) {
cloudsAlpha += tpf * cloudCycleSpeed;
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudsAlpha", cloudsAlpha);
} else {
cloudsAlpha = cloudMaxAlpha;
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudsAlpha", cloudsAlpha);
cycleCI = false;
} else if (cycleCO) {
if (cloudsAlpha > cloudMinAlpha) {
cloudsAlpha -= tpf * cloudCycleSpeed;
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudsAlpha", cloudsAlpha);
} else {
cloudsAlpha = cloudMinAlpha;
mat_Sky.setFloat("CloudsAlpha", cloudsAlpha);
cycleCO = false;
private void checkDayNight() {
// long h = getHour(getTime());
// if(h != hour){
// hour = h;
// System.out.println("hour:"+hour+" color:"+sun.getColor());
// }
long hour = getHour(getTime());
if ( hour == 6 ) {
cycleN2D = true; cycleD2N = false; sunDay = true; //horizonAlpha = 1.0f;
mat_Sky.setBoolean("IsDay", sunDay);
if( hour == 18) {
cycleN2D = false; cycleD2N = true; sunDay = false; //horizonAlpha = 0.0f;
mat_Sky.setBoolean("IsDay", sunDay);
public void render(RenderManager rm, ViewPort vp) {
public Control cloneForSpatial(Spatial spatial) {
SkyDome control = new SkyDome(this.assetManager,,
return control;
public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
OutputCapsule oc = ex.getCapsule(this);
oc.write(enabled, "enabled", true);
oc.write(spatial, "spatial", null);
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
enabled = ic.readBoolean("enabled", true);
spatial = (Spatial) ic.readSavable("spatial", null);