package com.l2client.navigation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.l2client.component.PositioningComponent;
import com.l2client.component.PositioningSystem;
import com.l2client.controller.area.IArea;
import com.l2client.controller.entity.ISpatialPointing;
import com.l2client.navigation.Path.InternalWayPoint;
import com.l2client.navigation.Path.WayPoint;
* manages entity related navigation issues, mostly to do with component stuff do decouple this from the NavigationManager
public class EntityNavigationManager extends NavigationManager {
public static NavigationManager get() {
if(singleton == null){
synchronized (NavigationManager.class) {
if(singleton == null){
singleton = new EntityNavigationManager();
return singleton;
protected EntityNavigationManager() {
public void detachMesh(TiledNavMesh m) {
public void attachMesh(TiledNavMesh m) {
if(meshes.size()>26)//25 5x5 @see ITileManager and one more from a precache for teleport..
log.warning("NavigationManager attachMesh has more meshes than expected ("+meshes.size()+"> 26) , is a remove leak present?");
ISpatialPointing [] ents = Singleton.get().getPosSystem().getEntitiesAt(m.getPosition().x, m.getPosition().z, IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF);
if(ents != null && ents.length>0) {"Found "+ents.length+" entities within "+IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF+" radius of "+m.getPosition().x+"/"+m.getPosition().z+", will position them on navmesh");
positionEntitiesOnMesh(ents, m);
} else"No entities within "+IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF+" radius of "+m.getPosition().x+"/"+m.getPosition().z+", will position them on navmesh");
private void positionEntitiesOnMesh(ISpatialPointing[] ents, TiledNavMesh m) {
PositioningComponent com = null;
log.fine("Positioning Entities on Mesh after Load of NavMesh");
for(int i=0;i <ents.length;i++){
com = (PositioningComponent) ents[i];
public void ResolveMotionOnMesh(PositioningComponent comp, Vector3f endPos) {
if((getNavMesh(comp.mesh)).isBorderCell(comp.cell)) {
if(comp.position.distanceSquared(endPos) < 0.000001f){
WayPoint c = null;
ArrayList<WayPoint> arr = comp.path.WaypointList();
for(WayPoint p : arr){
//one after current
if(c != null){
comp.cell = p.cell;
if(comp.mesh != p.mesh)
System.out.println("Opt crossing from "+comp.mesh+" to "+p.mesh);
comp.mesh = p.mesh;
comp.nextWayPoint = p;
if(comp.position.distanceSquared(p.position) > 0.00001f) {
comp.targetHeading = PositioningSystem.getHeading(comp.position, p.position);
System.out.println("ResolveMotoionOnMesh new Heading "+comp.targetHeading+" for ent "+Singleton.get().getEntityManager().getEntityId(comp));
//found current
if(p == comp.nextWayPoint)
c = p;
//nothing here baaaaad
// comp.cell = comp.mesh.ResolveMotionOnMesh(comp.position, comp.cell, endPos);
comp.cell = resolveMotionNewWay(comp.position, comp.cell, comp.mesh, endPos);
public void snapToGround(PositioningComponent com){
int id = Singleton.get().getEntityManager().getEntityId(com);
log.fine("Snap to Ground for "+id+" at "+com.position);
Cell c = FindClosestCell(com.goalPos, false);
if(c != null){
com.cell =;
com.teleport = true;//needed for real positioning on ground @see PositioningSystem.initTeleportTo()
log.fine("Snap to Ground succeeded for"+id+" from "+com.position+ " to "+com.goalPos);
log.fine("Snap to Ground FAILED for"+id+" around "+com.position);