Package com.l2client.controller.area

Source Code of com.l2client.controller.area.Tile

package com.l2client.controller.area;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.ShadowMode;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.util.TangentBinormalGenerator;
import com.l2client.asset.Asset;
import com.l2client.controller.SceneManager.Action;
import com.l2client.model.l2j.ServerValues;
import com.l2client.navigation.TiledNavMesh;
import com.l2client.util.GrassLayerUtil;

public class Tile {
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Tile.class.getName());
  static boolean moveNonNavToOrigin = false;
  static final String loadPath = "/tile/";
  volatile String areaPath = "";
  volatile int x,z;
  volatile Asset base = null;
  volatile Asset detail1 = null;
  volatile Asset nav = null;
  int hash =0;
  public Tile(int _x, int _z) {
    if(_x <0 || _x>9999|| _z <0 || _z>9999)
      throw new RuntimeException("Tile parameters outside 0-9999 range: ("+_x+"/"+_z+"), trying too load too small tiles?");
    x = _x;
    z = _z;   
    areaPath = loadPath+x+"_"+z+"/";
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj instanceof Tile) {
      Tile pt = (Tile) obj;
      return (x == pt.x) && (z == pt.z);
    return super.equals(obj);

    //HashCode build by 1 xxxx yyyy as a number, x and y should be no bigger than 9999
  public int hashCode() {
    if(hash != 0)
      return hash;
    else {
      int n = 100000000;
      n = n + x*10000;
      n = n + z;
      hash = n;
      return hash;
    public static void main(String[] args){
       System.out.println("world x=0 should be tile 160:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition(0));
       System.out.println("world x=256 should be tile 161:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition(256));
       System.out.println("world x=-256 should be tile 161:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition(-256));
       System.out.println("world x=2048 should be tile 168:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition(2048));
       System.out.println("world x=-2048 should be tile 152:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition(-2048));
       System.out.println("world z=0 should be tile 144:"+getTileFromWorldZPosition(0));
       System.out.println("world z=256 should be tile 145:"+getTileFromWorldZPosition(256));
       System.out.println("world z=-256 should be tile 143:"+getTileFromWorldZPosition(-256));
       System.out.println("world z=2048 should be tile 152:"+getTileFromWorldZPosition(2048));
       System.out.println("world z=-2048 should be tile 136:"+getTileFromWorldZPosition(-2048));
       System.out.println("tile x=0 should be world -160*2048:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(0));
       System.out.println("tile x=160 should be world 0:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(160));
       System.out.println("tile x=161 should be world 256:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(161));
       System.out.println("tile x=159 should be world -256:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(159));
       System.out.println("tile x=168 should be world 2048:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(168));
       System.out.println("tile x=152 should be world -2048:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(152));
       System.out.println("tile z=0 should be world -144*2048:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(0));
       System.out.println("tile z=144 should be world 0:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(144));
       System.out.println("tile z=145 should be world 256:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(145));
       System.out.println("tile z=143 should be world -256:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(143));
       System.out.println("tile z=152 should be world 2048:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(152));
       System.out.println("tile z=136 should be world -2048:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(136));
       System.out.println("tile x=121 should be world -9984:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(121));
       System.out.println("tile x=122 should be world -9728:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(122));
       System.out.println("tile z=176 should be world 8192:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(176));
       System.out.println("tile z=177 should be world 8448:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(177));
       System.out.println("tile x=143 should be world -4352:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(143));
       System.out.println("tile z=207 should be world 16128:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(207));
           " Tile:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordX(-72064))+"/"+
           getTileFromWorldZPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordZ(257664)));
           " Tile:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordX(-71536))+"/"+
           getTileFromWorldZPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordZ(258752)));
       System.out.println("tile x=121 should be world -9984:"+getWorldPositionOfXTile(121));
       System.out.println("tile z=176 should be world 8192:"+getWorldPositionOfZTile(176));
           " Tile:"+getTileFromWorldXPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordX(-9984))+"/"+
           getTileFromWorldZPosition((int) ServerValues.getClientCoordZ(8192)));
   * l2j's center is in x between region 19 (-32768) and 20 (+32768)
   * @param x
   * @return
  public static int getTileFromWorldXPosition(int x){
//    int region = x>>5;// 32x32 regions
//    int pos = region>>3; // with 8x8 tiles of 256x256 world size
    return (x>>8)+160;// +160 (20*8 tiles) because 0 in x is in tile 160 not in tile 0
   * and in y between region 18 (+32768) and 17 (-32768)
   * @param z
   * @return
  public static int getTileFromWorldZPosition(int z){
//    int region = x>>3;// =x/8
//    int pos = region>>8; // =region/256
    return (z>>8)+144; //+144 because 0 in z is in tile 144 not in tile 0   
  public static int getWorldPositionOfXTile(int xTile){
    return (xTile-160)<<8;
  public static int getWorldPositionOfZTile(int zTile){
    return (zTile-144)<<8;
//  public static int getXDistanceFromTile(int xWorldPos, int tile){
//    //the center of the tile is in the topleft corner
//    //move left
//    int tileCenter = getWorldPositionOfXTile(tile)-IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF;
//    return xWorldPos-tileCenter;
//  }
//  public static int getZDistanceFromTile(int zWorldPos, int tile){
//    //the center of the tile is in the topleft corner
//    //move up
//    int tileCenter = getWorldPositionOfZTile(tile)+IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF;
//    return zWorldPos-tileCenter;
//  }
  class DeferredTerrainAsset extends Asset{
    public DeferredTerrainAsset(String loc){
      super(loc, loc);
    public void afterLoad(){
      if(baseAsset != null && baseAsset instanceof Spatial){
        log.finer("DeferredTerrainAsset afterLoad of:";
        Spatial n = (Spatial)baseAsset;
            n.setLocalTranslation(Tile.getWorldPositionOfXTile(x), 0f,Tile.getWorldPositionOfZTile(z));

////this is just for demonstration, move this out, should be detail1 or grass1
//log.finer("TerrainTile loaded at:"+n.getWorldTranslation());
//if(!(n instanceof Node)){
//  n = new Node(n.getName());
//  ((Node)n).attachChild((Spatial) baseAsset);
//  baseAsset = n;
//for(Spatial s: ((Node)n).getChildren()){
//  if(s.getName().startsWith(IArea.TILE_PREFIX)){
//    Node c = GrassLayerUtil.createPatchField(s, Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan(),
////        "/vegetation/grass/grass/g3.tga", 1.2f, 2.5f, 1f, 1f, 400f, 100f, 0.6f,0,1);
//        "/vegetation/grass/grass_scattered/gs.tga", 1.2f, 4f, 1f, 1.5f, 200f, 75f, 0.6f,0,1);
//    ((Node) n).attachChild(c); 
//  }
          //make them all shadow casters and receivers
    private void setShadowCasterReceiver(Spatial n) {
      if(n instanceof Geometry) {
        Geometry v = (Geometry)n;
//          TangentBinormalGenerator.generate(n);
      } else if (n instanceof Node){
        Node v = (Node)n;
        for(Spatial  child : v.getChildren()){
    public void beforeUnload(){
      if(baseAsset != null && baseAsset instanceof Spatial){
        log.finer("DeferredTerrainAsset beforeUnload of:";
        baseAsset = null;
  class NavAsset extends Asset{
    public NavAsset(String loc){
      super(loc, loc);
    public void afterLoad(){
      if(baseAsset != null && baseAsset instanceof TiledNavMesh ){
          TiledNavMesh  n = (TiledNavMesh)baseAsset;
          // center is in top left corner for nav mesh to be consistent with
          // this for borders move x right, move y up by half size
          //Vector3f offset = new Vector3f(xd + 128, 0, yd - 128);
          //n.setPosition(new Vector3f(Tile.getWorldPositionOfXTile(x)+IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF, 0f,Tile.getWorldPositionOfZTile(z)-IArea.TERRAIN_SIZE_HALF));
          n.setPosition(new Vector3f(Tile.getWorldPositionOfXTile(x), 0f,Tile.getWorldPositionOfZTile(z)));
//          System.out.println(getLocation()+" Navmesh "+n+" moved to:"+n.getPosition());
          log.fine("Navmesh "+n+" moved to:"+n.getPosition());
        Singleton.get().getNavManager().attachMesh((TiledNavMesh) baseAsset);
      log.finer("NavAsset afterLoad of:";
    public void beforeUnload(){
      if(baseAsset != null && baseAsset instanceof TiledNavMesh ){
        Singleton.get().getNavManager().detachMesh((TiledNavMesh) baseAsset);
        baseAsset = null;
        log.finer("NavAsset beforeUnload of:";
  void load(boolean prioLoadNav){
//    nav = new NavAsset(areaPath+x+"_"+z+".jnv");
    nav = new NavAsset(areaPath+"nav.jnv");
    Singleton.get().getAssetManager().loadAsset(nav, prioLoadNav);
//    base = new DeferredTerrainAsset(areaPath+x+"_"+z+".j3o");
    base = new DeferredTerrainAsset(areaPath+"base.j3o");
    Singleton.get().getAssetManager().loadAsset(base, false);
    //TODO rework detail loading, moving to correct offest, etc..
//    detail1 = new DeferredTerrainAsset(areaPath+"detail.j3o");
//    Singleton.get().getAssetManager().loadAsset(detail1, false);
      Quad q = new Quad(1f * TERRAIN_SIZE, 1f * TERRAIN_SIZE);
      Geometry n = new Geometry(x + " " + y,q);
      n.setLocalTranslation(x * TERRAIN_SIZE, 0f,y * TERRAIN_SIZE);
      ret.patch = n;
      n.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_X));
     * */

  void unLoad(){
    if(nav != null){
      nav = null;
    if(base != null){
      base = null;
    if(detail1 != null){
      detail1 = null;

Related Classes of com.l2client.controller.area.Tile

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