package com.l2client.component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.l2client.controller.entity.ISpatialPointing;
import com.l2client.navigation.Path;
import com.l2client.navigation.Path.WayPoint;
* Full blown positioning component based on nav mesh and waypoints
public class PositioningComponent implements Component, ISpatialPointing{
//max acceleration per second
public float maxAcc;
//current acceleration
public float acc;
//height offset
public float heightOffset;
//max decceleration per second
public float maxDcc;
//max speed per second
public float maxSpeed;
//current speed per seccond
public float speed;
//max speed if walking
public float walkSpeed = 0f;
//max speed if running
public float runSpeed = 0f;
//running, or walking?
public boolean running = false;
//current heading in radians
public float heading;
//target heading (next waypoint, next enemy, etc... in radians
public float targetHeading;
//the size (as a radius around center) in x/z
public float size;
//the start of the walk
public Vector3f startPos = new Vector3f();
//the end of the walk
public Vector3f goalPos = new Vector3f();
//the current position in world coordinates
public Vector3f position = new Vector3f();
//the position in the last frame
public Vector3f lastPosition = new Vector3f();
//current direction (corresponding to heading) vector
public Vector3f direction = new Vector3f();
//the current path followed
public Path path;
//the next waypoint
public Path.WayPoint nextWayPoint;
//current NavMesh
public int mesh = -1;
//current Cell
public int cell = -1;
//are we in a teleport, then our goalPos is the new teleport location
public boolean teleport;
public String toString(){
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
build.append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(" ")
.append(" goal:").append(goalPos)
.append(" heading:").append(heading)
.append(" theading:").append(targetHeading)
.append(" cell:").append(cell)
.append(" size:").append(size)
.append(" heihtoffset:").append(heightOffset);
return build.toString();
public void initByWayPoint(Path p){
ArrayList<WayPoint> wpl = p.WaypointList();
WayPoint wp = wpl.get(0);
path = p;
mesh = wp.mesh;
cell = wp.cell;
nextWayPoint = wpl.get(1);
public int getSize() {
return (int) size;
public int getX() {
return (int) position.x;
public int getZ() {
return (int) position.z;
public int getLastX() {
return (int) lastPosition.x;
public int getLastZ() {
return (int) lastPosition.z;
public void updateLast() {