package com.l2client.component;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.l2client.controller.entity.Entity;
import com.l2client.controller.entity.EntityManager;
import com.l2client.gui.InputController;
import com.l2client.model.jme.VisibleModel;
* Singleton component system responsible for
* - synchronizing positions between the component computed an the jMonkeyEngine
* - targeting and untargeting of player targets
* for general working of a component system have a look at @see ComponentSystem
public class JmeUpdateSystem extends ComponentSystem {
// public static float MAX_TARGETING_DISTANCE = 30f;
private static JmeUpdateSystem singleton = null;
private JmeUpdateSystem(){
public static JmeUpdateSystem get(){
if(singleton == null){
synchronized (JmeUpdateSystem.class) {
if(singleton == null){
singleton = new JmeUpdateSystem();
return singleton;
public void onUpdateOf(Component c, float tpf) {
EntityManager em = Singleton.get().getEntityManager();
if(c instanceof TargetComponent){
TargetComponent tgt = (TargetComponent)c;
L2JComponent l2j = (L2JComponent)em.getComponent(em.getEntityId(tgt),L2JComponent.class);
if(l2j != null && !l2j.isPlayer) {
if(tgt.getCurrentTarget() != tgt.getLastTarget()){
//reset targeting creation changes by setting old target to current
} else {
//update position only
//check if target is set and moved out of distance
//TODO distance check only on client side? server still has our last target?
IdentityComponent e = (IdentityComponent) em.getComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), IdentityComponent.class);
if(e != null){
IdentityComponent me = em.getEntity(tgt);
Entity i = me.getEntity();
Entity them = e.getEntity();
if(them != null && i != null){
//update our target positin (ev. used by others), ev. rotation to target in positioning system
tgt.pos = them.getLocalTranslation().clone();
} else {
//----------- target changed to new target -----------
if(tgt.getCurrentTarget() != tgt.getLastTarget()){
//----------- remove last marked -----------
if(tgt.getLastTarget() != TargetComponent.NO_TARGET){
log.fine("Player target changed, removing Selection on:"+tgt.getLastTarget());
//target was set to a new entity
//get visual and REMOVE selection from it
VisualComponent vis = (VisualComponent) em
.getComponent(tgt.getLastTarget(), VisualComponent.class);
if (vis.vis != null) {
((VisibleModel) vis.vis).removeSelectionMarker();
log.finest("Player target changed, Selection removed:"+tgt.getLastTarget());
} else {
log.severe("Player target changed, Selection VIS not found on:"+tgt.getLastTarget());
} else
log.severe("Player target changed, Selection NO VIS not found on:"+tgt.getLastTarget());
//FIXME this causes side effects with entity deletion, it seems, l2j deletes dead entities quite fast
// LoggingComponent l = (LoggingComponent) em.getComponent(tgt.getLastTarget(), LoggingComponent.class);
// if(l != null) {
// Singleton.get().getPosSystem().removeComponentForUpdate(l);
// em.removeComponent(tgt.getLastTarget(), l);
// }
//----------- set current -----------
log.fine("Player target changed, adding Selection on:"+tgt.getCurrentTarget());
//target was set to a new entity
//get visual and add selection to it
VisualComponent vis = (VisualComponent) em
.getComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), VisualComponent.class);
if (vis != null && vis.vis != null) {
((VisibleModel) vis.vis).addSelectionMarker(tgt.color);
log.fine("Player target changed, Selection added:"+tgt.getCurrentTarget());
} else {
log.severe("Player target changed, Selection VIS not found on on:"+tgt.getCurrentTarget());
//FIXME this causes side effects with entity deletion, it seems, l2j deletes dead entities quite fast
// LoggingComponent l = (LoggingComponent) em.getComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), LoggingComponent.class);
// if(l == null){
// l = new LoggingComponent();
// em.addComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), l);
// Singleton.get().getPosSystem().addComponentForUpdate(l);
// } else {
// log.severe("Logging comp still on changed ent!!?");
// }
} else {
//reset target creation by setting old target to current
tgt.pos = Vector3f.ZERO;
log.fine("Player target changed, set to NOTARGET");
//----------- reset targeting creation changes by setting old target to current -----------
log.fine("Player target changed, setting last to current, current to current target");
} else {
//check if target is set and moved out of distance
//TODO distance check only on client side? server still has our last target?
IdentityComponent e = (IdentityComponent) em.getComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), IdentityComponent.class);
if(e != null){
IdentityComponent me = em.getEntity(tgt);
Entity i = me.getEntity();
Entity them = e.getEntity();
if(them != null && i != null){
//update our target positin (ev. used by others)
tgt.pos = them.getLocalTranslation();
// if(tgt.pos.distance(i.getLocalTranslation()) > MAX_TARGETING_DISTANCE) {
// //remove next time in above code
// tgt.setNoTarget();
// } else {
//update health bar of highlighted target
VisualComponent vis = (VisualComponent) em
.getComponent(tgt.getCurrentTarget(), VisualComponent.class);
if (vis != null && vis.vis != null) {
((VisibleModel) vis.vis).updateHealthbar((float)l2j.l2jEntity.getCurrentHp()/(float)l2j.l2jEntity.getMaxHp());
log.severe("Player target changed, VIS not found on :"+tgt.getCurrentTarget()+" for HealthBar update");
// }
//update target information for environment
EnvironmentComponent env = (EnvironmentComponent) Singleton.get().getEntityManager().getComponent(i.getId(), EnvironmentComponent.class);
if (env != null) {
env.changed = true;
log.finer("Should update stance");
} else
log.severe("No EnvironmentComponent found with entity id "
+ i.getId() + ", perhaps just create one?");
} else {
//remove next time in above code
} else {
//remove next time in above code
} else
if(c instanceof PositioningComponent){
PositioningComponent com = (PositioningComponent) c;
IdentityComponent e = em.getEntity(com);
if(e != null)
Entity ent = e.getEntity();
ent.setLocalTranslation(com.position.x, com.position.y+com.heightOffset, com.position.z);
ent.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleNormalAxis(com.heading, Vector3f.UNIT_Y.negate()));
} else {
log.severe("Positioning component without identity component found! comp:"+
c+" at "+ com.position.x+ ", "+(com.position.y+com.heightOffset)+", "+com.position.z);
//FIXME this is a workaround, investigate why this can happen! was it added twice? should we better use a hasmap for components
System.out.println("----- now em ----------");
// }else
// if(c instanceof SimplePositionComponent){
// SimplePositionComponent com = (SimplePositionComponent) c;
// IdentityComponent e = em.getEntity(com);
// if(e != null)
// {
// Entity ent = e.getEntity();
// ent.setLocalTranslation(com.currentPos.x, 0f /* currently ignoring height com.currentPos.y */, com.currentPos.z);
// ent.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleNormalAxis(com.heading, Vector3f.UNIT_Y.negate()));
// }