package com.l2client.component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.system.NanoTimer;
* Abstract class of a component system basic functionality.
* A component system has knowledge of components which it should updat, and only of those.
* Components are added by the addComponentForUpdate and removed by removeComponentForUpdate,
* this can be done in your own Entity factories or Entity creation code.
* <br>
* To integrate a system implement the onUpdateOf method with your specific component update
* functionality (for example calculate a new position of a mover component) and add a call to
* Yoursystem.update() to your general update loop
* <br>
* A ComponenSystem has a budget specified. During update the components are updated round robin
* until the budget is used up or the first one has been reached again (all been once updated).
* <br>
* Different systems could have different budgets defined.
* <br>
* For a general storage system for components have a look at @see EntityManager
* <br>
* Here is an example on how an entity could be initialized
* <br>
* <pre>
Entity ent = Singleton.get().getEntityManager().createEntity(e.getObjectId());
SimplePositionComponent pos = new SimplePositionComponent();
L2JComponent l2j = new L2JComponent();
VisualComponent vis = new VisualComponent();
EnvironmentComponent env = new EnvironmentComponent();
//done here extra as in update values will be left untouched
pos.startPos.set(e.getX(), e.getY(), e.getZ());
pos.walkSpeed = e.getWalkSpeed();
pos.runSpeed = e.getRunSpeed();
pos.running = e.isRunning();
pos.heading = e.getHeading();
pos.targetHeading = pos.heading;
updateComponents(e, ent, pos, l2j, env, vis);
Singleton.get().getEntityManager().addComponent(ent.getId(), env);
Singleton.get().getEntityManager().addComponent(ent.getId(), l2j);
Singleton.get().getEntityManager().addComponent(ent.getId(), pos);
Singleton.get().getEntityManager().addComponent(ent.getId(), vis);
//TODO check components not having had enough processing time get an extra dt during update (store last tpf for that system if not all ways processed)
public abstract class ComponentSystem {
protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ComponentSystem.class.getName());
* List of registered components, could be of different type
protected ArrayList<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>();
* Maximum time in seconds to use for a system as a budget
public float timeBudget = 0.05f;
* Implement here your component processing
* @param c A component to be updated
* @param tpf the delta time since the last call in seconds
public abstract void onUpdateOf(Component c, float tpf);
* internal count of next component to be processed
private int nextComponent=0;
* the so far used budget in the update loop
private float usedBudget =0f;
* Calls onUpdateOf on registered components as often as the budget time allows it until the budgeted time
* is used up, or all components have been processed in onUpdateOf. During the next update the remaining components are processed
* @param tpf delta time since the last update
public void update(float tpf){
usedBudget = 0f;
Component c = null;
Component started = null;
NanoTimer timer = new NanoTimer();
c = getComponent();
if(c != null) {
if(started != null){
onUpdateOf(c, tpf);
} else {
log.finest(this.getClass()+" used budget up to:"+usedBudget+" of "+timeBudget);
} else {
started = c;
onUpdateOf(c, tpf);
usedBudget = timer.getTimeInSeconds();
log.finest(this.getClass()+" used time budget:"+usedBudget);
} while( usedBudget <timeBudget);
log.severe(this.getClass()+" used complete budget:"+usedBudget+" of "+timeBudget);
* fetch the next component to be processed going round robin
* @return null or the next component
private Component getComponent(){
synchronized (components) {
int size = components.size();
nextComponent = 0;
if(size <=0)
return null;
else {
return components.get(nextComponent++);
* add a component to be updated by this system
* @param c the component to be used in updates
public void addComponentForUpdate(Component c){
synchronized (components) {
System.out.println("Component already added "+c);
// return;
* remove a component to be removed from this system
* FIXME check this is working correctly, what if we delete one which is currently updated, better queue for removal.
* @param c the component to be removed
public void removeComponentForUpdate(Component c){
synchronized (components) {
void dumpComponents(){
synchronized (components) {
System.out.println("DUMP start");
for(Component c: components){
System.out.println("DUMP of "+c);