package com.l2client.asset;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule;
import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter;
import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter;
import com.jme3.export.OutputCapsule;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
* Assets are nodes which define the location of the asset. The real asset
* (called baseasset) can be loaded threaded and will be set after load.
* On attaching the scene node onAttach() can be called for scene
* attachment initialization (warning this could be called several times)
* @author tmi
public class Asset extends Node{
private String location = "";
protected transient Object baseAsset = null;
private transient Future<Object> loader;
public Asset(){
public Asset(String location, String name){
//FIXME why strip starting / who's not conform? from AssetFile inconsistecies?
this.location = (String) location.subSequence(1, location.length());
this.location = location;
public String toString() {
return "Asset location:"+location;
public Object getBaseAsset() {
if(baseAsset != null)
return baseAsset;
else if(loader != null){
try {
baseAsset = loader.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
return baseAsset;
} else
return null;
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public synchronized void setBaseAsset(Object n) {
this.baseAsset = n;
// if(n instanceof Node){
// attachBaseasset();
// }
// /**
// * only called for node types
// */
// private void attachBaseasset() {
// try{
// if (baseAsset != null && !hasChild((Node)baseAsset)) {
// //FIXME this will blow currently in JME3
// attachChild((Node)baseAsset);
//// updateGeometricState();
// }
// } catch (Exception e){
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {;
InputCapsule capsule = im.getCapsule(this);
location = capsule.readString("location", "");
public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
OutputCapsule capsule = ex.getCapsule(this);
capsule.write(location, "location", "");
public void setFuture(Future<Object> ret) {
this.loader = ret;
public void afterLoad(){}
public void beforeUnload(){}