Package com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind

Source Code of com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.GeneratorInstance$ClassGenerator$SubviewInfo

package com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind;

import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isEmpty;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.Elements;
import nu.xom.Node;
import nu.xom.Nodes;
import nu.xom.ParentNode;
import nu.xom.Text;
import nu.xom.XPathContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;

import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.ExpressionInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.GeneratedClassInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.GeneratedInnerClassInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.GeneratorMethodInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.GeneratorTypeInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.JClassTypeWrapper;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.JTypeWrapper;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.rebind.typeinfo.RuntimeClassWrapper;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.util.Name;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.GeneratedHTMLView.ActionMethod;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.GeneratedHTMLView.TemplatePath;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.ModelView;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.View;
import com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.ViewFactory;
import com.habitsoft.xhtml.dtds.FailingEntityResolver;
import com.habitsoft.xhtml.dtds.XhtmlEntityResolver;
import com.sun.facelets.util.Classpath;

* This generator creates a View implementation from an XML/XHTML template.
* The template contains a mix of XHTML tags and special tags for the construction of subviews,
* which come from a tag library.
* The format/architecture is based loosely on facelets/JSF, but since we're generating widgets and
* not text, some things are changed.
* Any HTML element can be "converted" into a special tag by specifying kc="ns:tag" which means the
* template parser treats the whole tag as if it were an <ns:tag ... > element.
* Tags which are not part of HTML are converted into a View or Widget subclass,
* and the attributes of that tag are used to initialize the new view object.
* The view provides attributes in the form of setters;
* - If a setter takes an Action object, the tag attribute value may be
*   one or more assignments or method calls seperated by a semicolon.  The
*   generated code constructs an Action object which executes those
*   statements.  The first statement to fail terminates the action sequence;
*   asynchronous operations ARE supported.  It may also be an expression
*   for an Action to copy to that place.
* - If a setter takes a Value object, or a type which isn't automatically
*   converted from a string by the generated (a non-primitive type), then
*   the XML attribute value should be an EL-style expression, either
*   "${...}" or "#{...}".  The expression is evaluated during the template's
*   LOAD phase and the view's setter is called with the result.  If "#{...}"
*   is used, then the view's getter is called during the SAVE phase, and the
*   setter of the given expression is called with that result.
* - Other values are converted to the target type on a best-effort basis; for
*   example an integer, float, or boolean value may be parsed.
* Some tag attributes are processed specially:
* - The special attribute "binding" allows you to store a reference to the
*   view object into the given EL expression.  The setter for the expression
*   is called after constructing the view object from the tag.
* - The special attributes "onclick" and "onchange" will automatically create
*   a ClickListener or a ChangeListener on view objects that implements
*   SourcesClickEvents or SourcesChangeEvents.  The attribute value follows
*   the syntax of an Action, as above.
* - The special attributes "class" and "style" will automatically call
*   the addStyleName() or DOM.setElementAttribute() to apply the given
*   CSS class or style string to the created view object.
* When a tag is converted and it contains elements inside it, the following
* rules apply:
* - If the inner tags match methods like setX or addX on the view, those
*   setters/adders are called once for each element.  The parameters to
*   the setter or added are calculated as follows:
*       - Attribute names are matched to parameter names and are
*         reordered to match the parameter list
*       - The special attribute name "class" can be used to match a
*         method parameter "styleName" because "class" is a java
*         reserved word.
*       - The attributes are processed and converted according to the
*         same rules as calling setters on widgets and views (see above).
*       - If all parameters are matched to an attribute but one, and the
*         element has a body (either text or child elements), the body
*         may be used to fill that parameter as follows:
*            - If the parameter is a View, Widget, or ViewFactory, the body is
*              treated as a sub-template
*            - If the missing parameter is a string, and the method takes just
*              one parameter or one parameter plus an AsyncCallback, then the
*              text contents of the element are assumed to be the value of that
*              parameter
* - If the View or Widget being constructed has a setView() or setViewFactory(),
*   the child elements are converted to a sub-template and passed as a view
*   instance or factory.
* The Expression Language has the following features:
* - "#{...}" is evaluated during load to set the target attribute, and
*   during save the attribute is copied back into the same location by
*   changing getters to setters.
* - "%{...}" is a constant read-only expression, evaluated just once
*   during initialization
* - "${...}" refers to a read-only expression, which is evaluated during
*   load, after the base class load() if any.
* - "@{...}" is an "early load" read-only expression, which is evaluated
*   during load, before the base class load() if any.  If there is no
*   base class load this is equivalent to "${...}"
* - An identifier refers to a property of the template object, accessed by
*   capitalizing the identifier and prepending "get", "is", or "set" according
*   to standard bean accessor rules.  Any view with an id="x" attribute is also
*   available using the assigned id as an identifier.
* - Dotted expressions can be used to fetch sub-properties; e.g. "a.b.c"
*   translates to "this.getA().getB().getC()".  The last property may
*   be asynchronous, but not the intermediate ones (until support for that is
*   added, I suppose).
* - Boolean expressions can be constructed using &&, ||, !=, ==, and !.
* - It also supports the aliases "and", "or", and "not" for &&, ||, and !.
* - Primitive int values can be made using numbers, like: 123
* - Primitive long values can be made using the L suffix, like: 1234L
* - Primitive double values can be made using a decimal number, like: 12.34
* - Literal strings can be entered using double quotes, like: "hello"
* - Various automatic conversions will be attempted
* Phases:
* - Construction: on creation, all the view objects are constructed and
*   any properties of the views that don't take an expression are
*   set.
* - Load: when it is time to display the data from the database, and after
*   executing any action, load() is called, which reads all the expression
*   values and stores them into properties on the views.
* - Save: before any action is performed, all the #{...} expressions are
*   set to the matching property from the view object.
* Included tags:
* <k:view/> All the tags outside this are ignored; this is useful to take pieces of a complete
* HTML document and make a control out of it without making the page an invalid HTML document.
* <k:list value="#{...}"/> The children of the list are repeated once for each item in the
* collection
* <k:when test="${...}"/> If the condition is false, the contents are removed
* <k:when test="${! ...}"/> If the condition is true, the contents are removed
* UI pre-defined tags:
* <ui:button onclick="${...}"/>
* Plus new tags can be defined by creating a tag library file which specifies a mapping from a tag
* to a View class. The class is constructed and configured at runtime.  See the included
* META-INF folder for examples.
public class GeneratedHTMLViewGenerator extends BaseGenerator {
  public static class ActionInfo {
        final String action;
        final boolean object;
        final boolean async;
        final boolean saveBefore;
        final boolean loadAfter;
        final String targetView;
    final String origExpr;
    final int timeout;
        private ActionInfo(String origExpr, String action, boolean object, boolean async, String targetView, boolean saveBefore, boolean loadAfter, int timeout) {
          this.origExpr = origExpr;
            this.action = action;
            this.object = object;
            this.async = async;
            this.saveBefore = saveBefore;
            this.loadAfter = loadAfter;
            this.targetView = targetView;
            this.timeout = timeout;
         * One or more statements that perform the required action.
         * When async == true this will return success or failure to
         * a callback parameter named "callback".
         * When async == false this will not invoke any callback.
        public String getAction() {
            return action;
        public boolean isAsync() {
            return async;
        public boolean issaveBefore() {
            return saveBefore;
        public boolean isloadAfter() {
            return loadAfter;
        public int getTimeout() {
      return timeout;
         * @param callbackExpr AsyncCallback to return errors or success to
         * @param callbackOptional True if the callback expression doesn't have to be called (i.e. group.<Void>member() or AsyncCallbackFactory.<Void>defaultNewInstance() calls)
         * @return one or more statements separated by a semicolon to execute this action.
        public String toString(String callbackExpr, boolean callbackOptional) {
            if(object || async || saveBefore) {
                if(saveBefore || loadAfter) {
                    return "ViewAction.performOnView("+(action==null?"null":toActionCtor())+", "+targetView+", "+saveBefore+", "+loadAfter+(timeout>0?", "+timeout:"")+", "+callbackExpr+");";
                } else if(action == null) {
                    return "";
                } else {
                    return toActionCtor()+".perform("+callbackExpr+");";
            } else {
                String syncAction=action;
                if(syncAction == null) syncAction = "";
                else syncAction = "try { "+syncAction+" } catch(Throwable t) { "+callbackExpr+".onFailure(t); return; }";
                if(loadAfter) {
                    // Not async, and no load before
                    return syncAction+targetView+".load("+callbackExpr+");";
                } else if(callbackOptional) {
                    // Not async, no load before, no save after
                    return syncAction;
                } else {
                    // Not async, no load before, no save after, still have to call the callback, though.
                    return syncAction+callbackExpr+".onSuccess(null);";

        public String toViewAction() {
            if(saveBefore || loadAfter)
                return "new ViewAction("+toActionCtor()+", "+targetView+", "+saveBefore+", "+loadAfter+(timeout>0?", "+timeout:"")+")";
                return toActionCtor();
        private String toActionCtor() {
            String actionObj = object ? action
                : async ? "new Action(\""+escape(origExpr)+"\") { public void perform(AsyncCallback callback) { "+(timeout>0?"if(callback instanceof AsyncCallbackExtensions) ((AsyncCallbackExtensions)callback).resetTimeout("+timeout+"); ":"")+action+" }}"
                : "new Action(\""+escape(origExpr)+"\") { public void perform(AsyncCallback callback) { try { "+action+" callback.onSuccess(null); } catch(Throwable t) { callback.onFailure(t); }}}";
            return actionObj;
    protected static String escapeMultiline(String input) {
        return escape(input).replace("\\n", "\\n\"+\n\"");

    public static interface TagHandlerApi {
    public static interface TagHandler {
    public static class SimpleTagHandler implements TagHandler {
      final String contentAttribute;
      final String viewClassName;
      final Map<String,String> defaults;
    public SimpleTagHandler(String viewClassName, String contentAttribute, Map<String, String> defaults) {
      this.viewClassName = viewClassName;
      this.contentAttribute = contentAttribute;
      this.defaults = defaults;

    public GeneratorTypeInfo getViewClass(TypeOracle types) throws NotFoundException {
      return JTypeWrapper.wrap(types.getType(getViewClassName()));

    public String getContentAttribute() {
      return contentAttribute;

    public String getViewClassName() {
      return viewClassName;

    public Map<String, String> getDefaults() {
      return defaults;

    public static class TagLibrary {
      final HashMap<String,TagHandler> tags = new HashMap<String,TagHandler>();
      void addSimpleTagHandler(String tag, String viewClassName, String contentAttribute, Map<String, String> defaults) {
        tags.put(tag, new SimpleTagHandler(viewClassName, contentAttribute, defaults));

    public TagHandler getHandler(String tag) {
      return tags.get(tag);
   * Provide access to a non-async value in transition in order
   * to perform some kind of transformation on it.
   * @author dobes
    public static class OperatorInfo {
    public String onGetExpr(String expr) throws UnableToCompleteException {
      return expr;
    public String onSetExpr(String expr) throws UnableToCompleteException {
      return expr;
    //    static class Prof {
//      static String msg;
//      static long startTime;
//      static long elapsed() { return (new Date().getTime() - startTime); }
//      static void start(String msg) {
//        if(msg == null) {
//          long t = elapsed();
//          if(t > 100) {
//            System.out.println(elapsed()+"ms ...");
//          }
//        }
//        stop();
//        Prof.msg = msg;
//      }
//      static void stop() {
//        if(msg != null) {
//          System.out.println(elapsed()+"ms - "+msg);
//          msg = null;
//        }
//        Prof.startTime = new Date().getTime();
//      }
//    }
    public static class GeneratorInstance extends BaseGenerator.GeneratorInstance {

      public static final String KIYAA_CORE_TAGS_NAMESPACE = "";
        public static final String KIYAA_VIEW_TAGS_NAMESPACE = "";
        public static final String SUBVIEW_CLASS_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "subviewClassName";
    public static final String PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME = "_pv";
      public static final String ROOT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME = "_root";

        static final String XHTML_NAMESPACE = "";
        static boolean tagLibrariesLoaded=false;
        static long lastTagLibraryLoad = 0;
        static HashMap<String, TagLibrary> tagLibraries = new HashMap<String, TagLibrary>();
        static HashMap<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
        protected ClassGenerator rootClassGenerator;
        protected Element rootElement;
        protected int subviewNumber;
        public static class SubviewToGenerate {
          public String name;
          public Element element;         
          public GeneratedClassInfo parentViewClass;
      public SubviewToGenerate(String name, Element element, GeneratedClassInfo parentViewClass) {
        super(); = name;
        this.element = element;
        this.parentViewClass = parentViewClass;
        protected LinkedList<SubviewToGenerate> subviewsToGenerate = new LinkedList<SubviewToGenerate>();
    public void init() throws UnableToCompleteException {

            // Caching these classes seem to occasionally create some weirdness; we need to
            // re-load the tag libraries each time there is a new compile operation, or we
            // should change it so we can "refresh" them without reparsing the xml files.
            if(!tagLibrariesLoaded) {
              tagLibrariesLoaded = true;
              lastTagLibraryLoad = System.currentTimeMillis();
            } else {
            rootClassGenerator = new ClassGenerator();
            String templatePath = getSimpleClassName(baseType, ".") + ".xhtml";
            final TemplatePath annotation = baseType.getAnnotation(TemplatePath.class);
            if(annotation != null) {
                templatePath = annotation.value();
                //System.out.println("Found TemplatePath annotation on "+baseType+" with value "+templatePath);
            rootElement = loadAndParseTemplate(templatePath);
            if (rootElement.getAttribute("with-model") != null) {
                final String modelViewClassName = ModelView.class.getName();

    protected Element loadAndParseTemplate(String templatePath) throws Error,
        UnableToCompleteException {
      XMLReader reader;
      try {
        reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
      } catch (SAXException caught1) {
        throw new Error(caught1);
      // Load XHTML declaration from the jar file, otherwise fail if someone wants to load a DTD
            reader.setEntityResolver(new XhtmlEntityResolver(new FailingEntityResolver()));
            nu.xom.Builder b = new nu.xom.Builder(reader);
            Document d;
            JClassType topLevelClass = baseType;
            while(topLevelClass.getEnclosingType() != null) topLevelClass = topLevelClass.getEnclosingType();
      try {
        Class<?> clazzInstance = Class.forName(topLevelClass.getQualifiedSourceName());
                URL resource = clazzInstance.getResource(templatePath);
                if(resource == null) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No template found at "+templatePath);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                f = new File(resource.toURI());
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException caught1) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Couldn't find class "+topLevelClass+" in order to determine path to template file.", caught1);
        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
      } catch (URISyntaxException caught) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Invalid template path: "+templatePath, caught);
        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            // f = new File(new File(baseType.getCompilationUnit().getLocation()).getParentFile(), templatePath);
            try {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Looking for template as a file with path " + f.getPath(), null);
                if (!f.exists()) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Looking for template as a file with path " + f.getPath()
                                    + " failed; looking for template as a resource with path " + templatePath, null);
                    final InputStream resourceAsStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(templatePath);
                    try {
                        d =;
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    d =;
            } catch (Exception caught) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load template '" + templatePath + ": "+caught.toString(), null);
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            return getComponentRootElement(d);

        protected void loadTagLibraries() throws UnableToCompleteException {
            URL[] taglibs;
            try {
                taglibs ="META-INF/", ".kiyaa-taglib.xml");
            } catch (IOException caught) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, null, caught);
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            for (int i = 0; i < taglibs.length; i++) {
                URL url = taglibs[i];
                nu.xom.Builder b = new nu.xom.Builder(false);
                try {
                    Document d =;
                    Element root = d.getRootElement();
                    if (!root.getLocalName().equals("kiyaa-taglib")) {
                    String namespace = root.getFirstChildElement("namespace").getValue();
                    String packagePrefix = "";
                    try {
                        packagePrefix = root.getFirstChildElement("package").getValue() + ".";
                    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

                    if(tagLibraries.get(namespace) != null) {
                        //logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Namespace "+namespace+" defined in multiple taglib files, including "+url, null);
                    TagLibrary library = new TagLibrary();
                    Elements tags = root.getChildElements("tag");
                    for (int j = 0; j < tags.size(); j++) {
                        Element tag = tags.get(j);
                        String tagClass = packagePrefix + tag.getFirstChildElement("tag-class").getValue();
                        String tagName = tag.getFirstChildElement("tag-name").getValue();
            final Element contentAttributeElement = tag.getFirstChildElement("content-attribute");
            String contentAttribute = contentAttributeElement==null?null:contentAttributeElement.getValue();
            Map<String,String> defaults = new TreeMap<String,String>();
            Elements defaultElements = tag.getChildElements("default");
            for(int k=0; k < defaultElements.size(); k++) {
              Element defaultElt = defaultElements.get(k);
              String property = defaultElt.getAttributeValue("for");
              String value = defaultElt.getValue();
              defaults.put(property, value);
            library.addSimpleTagHandler(tagName, tagClass, contentAttribute, defaults);
                    tagLibraries.put(namespace, library);
                } catch (Throwable caught) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Failed to parse taglib at " + url, caught);


    protected void addImports() {

        private Element getComponentRootElement(Document d) {
            Element rootElement = d.getRootElement();
            XPathContext context = new XPathContext("k", KIYAA_CORE_TAGS_NAMESPACE);
            Nodes components = d.query("//k:view", context);
            if (components.size() > 0) {
                if (components.size() > 1) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Found more than one component; only the first will be used", null);
                rootElement = (Element) components.get(0);
            return rootElement;

    protected void generateClassBody() throws UnableToCompleteException {
            GeneratedClassInfo rootViewClass = new GeneratedClassInfo(implName, JClassTypeWrapper.wrap(baseType));
      rootClassGenerator.generateClassBody(rootElement, rootViewClass, null, rootViewClass);
      // Now generate the subview classes create as part of creating those views

        private void generateSubviewClasses(GeneratedClassInfo rootViewClass) throws UnableToCompleteException {
            while(!subviewsToGenerate.isEmpty()) {
              SubviewToGenerate sv = subviewsToGenerate.removeFirst();
                Element elem = sv.element;
                String subviewClassName =;
                pushLogger("Inside subview element "+elem.getQualifiedName()+" class name "+subviewClassName);
                try {
                    boolean isModelView = elem.getAttribute("with-model") != null;
                    sw.println("protected static class " + subviewClassName
                                    + " implements "+(isModelView?"ModelView":"View")+" {");
                    GeneratedClassInfo genClass = new GeneratedInnerClassInfo(subviewClassName, rootViewClass, commonTypes.object, true);
                    new ClassGenerator().generateClassBody(elem, genClass, sv.parentViewClass, rootViewClass);
                } finally {

        class ClassGenerator {
      protected HashMap<String, Element> insertedViews = new HashMap<String, Element>();
            protected HashMap<String, String> insertedText = new HashMap<String, String>();
            protected HashMap<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
            protected HashMap<String,ActionInfo> actions = new HashMap<String, ActionInfo>();
            protected ArrayList<String> memberDecls = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> calculations = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> asyncProxies = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> earlyLoads = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> earlyAsyncLoads = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> loads = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> asyncLoads = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> subviewLoads = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> saves = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected ArrayList<String> clearFields = new ArrayList<String>();
            protected LinkedHashSet<String> fieldNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
            protected GeneratorTypeInfo myModelClass;
            protected String myModelVarName;
      protected final ArrayList<SubviewInfo> subviews = new ArrayList<SubviewInfo>();
      protected boolean hasHtml=false;
      protected boolean useInnerHTML=false;
      protected Element myRootElement;
      protected GeneratedClassInfo myClass;
      protected GeneratedClassInfo parentViewClass;
      protected GeneratedClassInfo rootViewClass;
      private void generateClassBody(Element rootElement, GeneratedClassInfo myClass, GeneratedClassInfo parentViewClass, GeneratedClassInfo rootViewClass)
                            throws UnableToCompleteException {
        this.myRootElement = rootElement;
                this.myClass = myClass;
                this.parentViewClass = parentViewClass;
                this.rootViewClass = rootViewClass;
                String withModel = rootElement.getAttributeValue("with-model");
                if (withModel != null) {
                    String[] pieces = withModel.split("\\s+");
                    String modelTypeName;
                    if (pieces.length == 1) {
                        modelTypeName = "java.lang.Object";
                        myModelVarName = pieces[0];
                    } else {
                        modelTypeName = pieces[0];
                        myModelVarName = pieces[1];
                    this.myModelClass = getType(modelTypeName);
                    generateField(myModelVarName, myModelClass);
                } else if (myClass.implementsInterface(commonTypes.modelView)) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Generated views that implement ModelView should define"
                                    + " an attribute with-model='Type modelName'"
                                    + " on their root element ("+rootElement.getQualifiedName()+"), or implement"
                                    + " getModel/setModel in the base class (" + myClass.getName() + ")", null);
                String withVars = rootElement.getAttributeValue("with-vars");
                if(withVars == null) withVars = rootElement.getAttributeValue("with-var");
                if(withVars != null) {
                  String[] vars = withVars.split("\\s*[,;]\\s*");
                  for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            String var = vars[i];
                      String[] pieces = var.split("\\s+");
                      String varTypeName;
                      String fieldName;
                      if (pieces.length == 1) {
                          varTypeName = "java.lang.Object";
                          fieldName = pieces[0];
                      } else {
                          varTypeName = pieces[0];
                          fieldName = pieces[1];
                      JType fieldType;
                      try {
                        fieldType = types.parse(varTypeName);
                      } catch(NotFoundException nfe) {
                        fieldType = JPrimitiveType.valueOf(varTypeName);
                        if(fieldType == null) {
                          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any type matching "+varTypeName, null);
                          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                      } catch (TypeOracleException caught) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any type matching "+varTypeName, null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                      generateField(fieldName, JTypeWrapper.wrap(fieldType));
                if(parentViewClass != null) {
                    generateField(PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, parentViewClass);
                    generateField(ROOT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, rootViewClass);
                if (myModelClass != null && !myModelVarName.equals("model")) {
                    myClass.addField(myModelVarName, myModelClass);
                    sw.println("public Object getModel() {");
                    sw.indentln("return " + myModelVarName + ";");
                    myClass.addGetter("model", RuntimeClassWrapper.OBJECT, "getModel", false);
                sw.println("public void validate(AsyncCallback callback) {");
                sw.indentln("callback.onFailure(new Error(\"Not implemented\"));");
                myClass.addMethod("validate", PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                // Make clearFields available as an action
                myClass.addMethod("clearFields", PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID);

                // Two results of this operation:
                // the template string
                // the code to insert widgets into it
                sw.println("public void addFields() {");
                sw.println("try {");
                for (SubviewInfo subviewInfo : subviews) {
                sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {");
                sw.println("String whichField;");
                sw.print("if(!didInit) whichField = \"before didInit\";");
                for (String field : fieldNames) {
                    sw.println("else if("+field+" == null) whichField = \"before "+field+"\";");
                sw.println("else whichField = \"after "+(fieldNames.isEmpty()?"didInit":"last field")+"\";");
                sw.println("throw new Error(\""+myClass.getName()+".addFields() threw an exception \"+whichField+\": \"+t, t);");
                myClass.addMethod("addFields", PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID);



                for (Iterator<String> i = asyncProxies.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          String line =;
                for (Iterator<String> i = calculations.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          String line =;
                if (myModelClass != null)

      private void generatePanel() throws UnableToCompleteException {
        String rootView = getRootView(false);
        if(hasHtml) {
                    sw.println("protected ComplexHTMLPanel panel = new ComplexHTMLPanel();");
                    sw.println("protected void addWidget(String id, Widget widget) {");
                    sw.indentln("panel.replace("+rootView+".maybeEnsureDebugId(id, widget), id);");
                } else {
                    sw.println("protected FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();");
                    sw.println("protected void addWidget(String id, Widget widget) {");
                    sw.indentln("panel.add("+rootView+".maybeEnsureDebugId(id, widget));");
        if(parentViewClass == null) {
                  sw.println("protected <T extends View> T maybeEnsureDebugId(String id, T view) { maybeEnsureDebugId(id, view.getViewWidget()); return view; }");
                  sw.println("protected Widget maybeEnsureDebugId(String id, Widget widget) {");
                  sw.println("try {");
                  sw.println("String panelId = panel.getElement().getId();");
                  sw.println("if(panelId != null && panelId.startsWith(UIObject.DEBUG_ID_PREFIX))");
                  sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log.warn(\"ensureDebugId failed on \"+widget+\": \"+t);}");
                  sw.println("return widget;");
                sw.println("protected void addView(String id, View view) {");
                sw.indentln("addWidget(id, view.getViewWidget());");
                sw.println("public Widget getViewWidget() {");
                sw.indentln("return panel;");

      protected void generateField(String fieldName, GeneratorTypeInfo fieldType) {
                myClass.addField(fieldName, fieldType);
                memberDecls.add(fieldType.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() + " " + fieldName + ";");

            protected void generateConstructor(Element rootElement) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                // Try to add what fields we can, although the model may be
                // null, we might have other fields.
                // In fact, this form might operate perfectly well on a null
                // model.
              String ctorArgs = "";
        if(parentViewClass != null) {
                ctorArgs = parentViewClass.getName()+" parentView, "+rootViewClass.getName()+" rootView";               
                sw.println("public " + myClass.getSimpleSourceName() + "("+ctorArgs+") {");
              if(parentViewClass != null) {
                    sw.println("this."+PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME+" = parentView;");
                    sw.println("this."+ROOT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME+" = rootView;");
              Attribute styleClass = rootElement.getAttribute("class");
              if(styleClass != null) {
                  generateSetClass(getType(Widget.class.getName()), "panel", styleClass.getValue());
              Attribute styleDefn = rootElement.getAttribute("style");
              if(styleDefn != null) {
                  generateSetStyle(getType(Widget.class.getName()), "panel", "style", styleDefn.getValue());

                sw.println("boolean didInit=false;");
                sw.println(myClass.getName()+" init() {");
                sw.println("if(didInit) return this;");
                sw.println("didInit = true;");
              if(hasHtml) {
                if(useInnerHTML) {
                  } else {
                // if(!usesModel && subviewClass) {
                // sw.println("setModel(null, null);");
                // }
                if (parentViewClass == null)
                    generateAttributes(rootElement, JTypeWrapper.wrap(baseType), "this");
                sw.println("return this;");

            int elementCount=0;
            private void generateTemplate(Element rootElement) {
              if(useInnerHTML) {
                    StringBuffer templ = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < rootElement.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    sw.println("static final String TEMPLATE = \"" + escapeMultiline(templ.toString().trim()) + "\";");
                } else {
                  sw.println("static private Element generateDomTree() {");
                    String rootEltVar = writeElement(rootElement, null);
                    sw.println("return "+rootEltVar+";");

      private String writeElement(Node child, String parentEltVar) {
        if(child instanceof Element) {
          Element e = (Element)child;
            String eltVar = "e"+elementCount;
            String nodeName = e.getLocalName();
              nodeName = "DIV";
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createDiv();");
            else if("DIV".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createSpan();");
            else if("TABLE".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTable();");
            else if("TBODY".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTBody();");
            else if("THEAD".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTHead();");
            else if("TFOOT".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTFoot();");
            else if("TH".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTH();");
            else if("TD".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTD();");
            else if("TR".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createTR();");
            else if("LABEL".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createLabel();");
            else if("FIELDSET".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName))
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createFieldSet();");
              sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createElement(\""+nodeName+"\");");
            if(e.getNamespaceURI().equals(XHTML_NAMESPACE)) {
                for(int i=0; i < e.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                  Attribute a = e.getAttribute(i);
                  // TODO Attribute substitutions
                  String value = a.getValue();
                      value = "";
                            if(a.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("class")) {
                    sw.println("DOM.setElementProperty("+eltVar+", \"className\", \""+backslashEscape(value)+"\");");
                  } else {
                    sw.println("DOM.setElementAttribute("+eltVar+", \""+a.getLocalName()+"\", \""+backslashEscape(value)+"\");");
            for(int i=0; i < e.getChildCount(); i++) {
              String childVar = writeElement(e.getChild(i), eltVar);
              if(childVar != null)
                sw.println("DOM.appendChild("+eltVar+", "+childVar+");");
            return eltVar;
        } else if(child instanceof Text) {
          Text e = (Text)child;
          Element parentElement = (Element)child.getParent();
          String text = e.getValue();
          if(!text.trim().isEmpty()) {
              if(parentElement != null && parentElement.getChildCount() == 1 && parentEltVar != null) {
                  final String value = child.getValue();
                      sw.println("DOM.setInnerText("+parentEltVar+", \""+backslashEscape(value)+"\");");
                  return null;
              } else {
                //logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Wrapping text into a SPAN .... "+text, null);
                // TODO GWT doesn't include a createTextNode() so we have to put text into a span sometimes.  However,
                // that sucks because it can screw up the rendering of the page :(
                    String eltVar = "t"+elementCount;
                    sw.println("Element "+eltVar+" = DOM.createElement(\"span\");");
                  sw.println("DOM.setInnerText("+eltVar+", \""+backslashEscape(text)+"\");");
                  return eltVar;
        return null;

      private void generateMemberDecls() {
        for (String line : memberDecls) {
                    sw.println(line.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", "")); // strip generics

            private void generateRemoveFields() {
                sw.println("public void removeFields() {");
                sw.println("// TODO remove all fields");
                sw.println("// didInit = false;");

            private void generateLoad() throws UnableToCompleteException {
              String name = "load";
                final boolean nothingToLoad = loads.isEmpty() && subviewLoads.isEmpty() && asyncLoads.isEmpty() && earlyLoads.isEmpty() && earlyAsyncLoads.isEmpty();
              boolean baseClassHasSyncLoad = myClass.getSuperclass().hasMethodMatching("load", false, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID);
        boolean baseClassHasAsyncLoad = myClass.getSuperclass().hasMethodMatching("load", false, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
        final boolean baseClassLoads = baseClassHasSyncLoad || baseClassHasAsyncLoad;
                if(baseClassHasAsyncLoad) {
                sw.println("public void load(AsyncCallback<Void> callback) {");
                sw.println("try { init(); } catch(Throwable t) { callback.onFailure(t); return; }");
                    sw.println("callback = new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Void>(callback) { public void onSuccess(Void result) { loadImpl(takeCallback()); } };");
                for(String load : earlyLoads) {
                if(earlyAsyncLoads.isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    sw.println("AsyncCallbackGroup group = new AsyncCallbackGroup()");
                    for(String load : earlyAsyncLoads) {
                name = "loadImpl";
                sw.println("public void "+name+"(final AsyncCallback callback) {");
                    sw.println("try { init(); } catch(Throwable t) { callback.onFailure(t); return; }");
                    sw.println("try { init(); super.load(); } catch(Throwable t) { callback.onFailure(t); return; }");
                if(nothingToLoad) {
                } else {
                    sw.println("try {");
                    sw.println("final AsyncCallbackGroup group = new AsyncCallbackGroup(\""+myClass.getName()+".load()\");");
                    if(!baseClassHasAsyncLoad) {
                        for (String load : earlyAsyncLoads) {
                        for(String load : earlyLoads) {
                    for (String load : loads) {
                    for (String load : asyncLoads) {
                    if((asyncLoads.isEmpty() && (baseClassLoads || earlyAsyncLoads.isEmpty())) || subviewLoads.isEmpty()) {
                        for (String load : subviewLoads) {
                    } else {
                        sw.println("group.ready(new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Void>(callback) {");
                        sw.println("public void onSuccess(Void result) {");
                        sw.println("final AsyncCallbackGroup group = new AsyncCallbackGroup(\""+myClass.getName()+".load() (subviews)\");");
                        sw.println("try {");
                        for (String load : subviewLoads) {
                        sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {");
                    sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {");

            private void generateSave() throws UnableToCompleteException {
              String name;
              boolean baseClassHasSave=myClass.getSuperclass().hasMethodMatching("save", false, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
              boolean nothingToSave = saves.isEmpty();
              if(baseClassHasSave) {
                sw.println("public void save(AsyncCallback<Void> callback) {");
                sw.println(" AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Void>(callback, \""+myClass.getName()+".save()\") { public void onSuccess(Void result) { "+name+"(takeCallback()); } });");
              } else {
                name = "save";
                sw.println("public void "+name+"(final AsyncCallback<Void> callback) {");
                if(nothingToSave) {
                } else {
                    sw.println("if(!didInit) return;");
                    sw.println("try {");
                    sw.println("AsyncCallbackGroup group = new AsyncCallbackGroup(\""+myClass.getName()+".save()\");");
                    for (String save : saves) {
                    sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {");
            private void generateClearFields() throws UnableToCompleteException {
                sw.println("public void clearFields() {");
                sw.println("if(!didInit) return;");
              boolean baseClassHasClearFields = myClass.getSuperclass().hasMethodMatching("clearFields", false, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID);
              if(baseClassHasClearFields) {
                for (String clearField : clearFields) {

            private void generateSetModel() throws UnableToCompleteException {
                sw.println("public void setModel(final Object model, AsyncCallback callback) {");
                sw.println("try {");
                sw.println("if(model == null) { callback.onFailure(new NullPointerException()); return; }");
                sw.println("this." + myModelVarName + " = (" + myModelClass.getName() + ") model;");
//                sw.println("AsyncCallbackGroup group = new AsyncCallbackGroup();");
//                for (String call : setModels) {
//                    sw.println(call);
//                }
//                sw.println("group.ready(callback);");
                sw.println("} catch(Throwable t) {");

            protected void parseTree(Element rootElement) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                for (int i = 0; i < rootElement.getNamespaceDeclarationCount(); i++) {
                    String prefix = rootElement.getNamespacePrefix(i);
                    String uri = rootElement.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
                    namespaces.put(prefix, uri);
                pushLogger("Inside tag "+rootElement.getQualifiedName());
                try {
                    for (int i = 0; i < rootElement.getChildCount(); i++) {
                        Node childNode = rootElement.getChild(i);
                        if(childNode instanceof Text) {
                            hasHtml = true;
                        if (!(childNode instanceof Element)) {
                          hasHtml = true;
                        Element elem = (Element) childNode;
                        String[] namespaceAndTag = getNamespaceAndTag(elem);
                        String namespace = namespaceAndTag[0];
                        String tag = namespaceAndTag[1];
                        if (namespace.equals(XHTML_NAMESPACE)) {
                          hasHtml = true;
                          if(useInnerHTML) {
                                if (!"br".equals(tag) && !"hr".equals(tag) && !"input".equals(tag) && !"button".equals(tag)) {
                                    if (elem.getChildCount() == 0) {
                        if(KIYAA_CORE_TAGS_NAMESPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(namespace) && "insert".equals(tag)) {
                        String templatePath = elem.getAttributeValue("templatePath");
                        Element newElem = (Element) loadAndParseTemplate(templatePath).copy();
              rootElement.replaceChild(elem, newElem);
                        GeneratorTypeInfo tagClass = getTagClass(elem);
                        Element viewElem = new Element(XHTML_NAMESPACE.equals(elem.getNamespaceURI())?elem.getLocalName():"div", XHTML_NAMESPACE);
                        String id = identifier(elem.getAttributeValue("id"));
                        if (id == null)
                            id = "view" + insertedViews.size();
                        else {
                          myClass.addField(id, tagClass);
                        viewElem.addAttribute(new Attribute("id", id));
                        // Need open/close tag, innerHTML doesn't support XML
                        rootElement.replaceChild(elem, viewElem);
                        insertedViews.put(id, elem);
                        if (tagClass != null) {
                          subviews.add(new SubviewInfo(elem, id, namespace, tag, tagClass));
                } finally {

      protected String[] getNamespaceAndTag(Element elem) {
        String[] namespaceAndTag;
        String ns = elem.getNamespaceURI();
        String ln = elem.getLocalName();
        String kc = elem.getAttributeValue("kc");
        if (kc != null) {
            String[] split = kc.split(":", 2);
            if (split.length == 1) {
              ln = kc;
            } else {
              ns = namespaces.get(split[0]);
              ln = split[1];
        namespaceAndTag = new String[] {ns,ln};
        return namespaceAndTag;

      protected GeneratorTypeInfo getTagClass(Element elem) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        String[] namespaceAndTag = getNamespaceAndTag(elem);
        String namespace = namespaceAndTag[0];
        String tag = namespaceAndTag[1];
        GeneratorTypeInfo tagClass = null;
        if (tag.equals("custom") && namespace.equals(KIYAA_VIEW_TAGS_NAMESPACE)) {
            String viewClassName = elem.getAttributeValue("viewClass");
            if (viewClassName != null) {
                try {
                    tagClass = getType(viewClassName);
                } catch(UnableToCompleteException e) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Couldn't find custom view class: " + viewClassName,
                    throw e;
            } else {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "custom tag must specify viewClass=, in: " + elem.toXML(),
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        } else {
          TagLibrary tagLibrary = tagLibraries.get(namespace);
            if (tagLibrary != null) {
              TagHandler th = tagLibrary.getHandler(tag);
              if(th == null) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No tag '" + tag + "' found in tag library "
                        + namespace, null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              } else /* if(th instanceof SimpleTagHandler) */ {
                final SimpleTagHandler simpleTagHandler = ((SimpleTagHandler)th);
              try {
                tagClass = simpleTagHandler.getViewClass(types);
              } catch (NotFoundException caught) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No class found for tag '" + tag + "' found in tag library "
                            + namespace, caught);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              String contentAttribute = simpleTagHandler.getContentAttribute();
              if(contentAttribute != null && elem.getAttribute(contentAttribute) == null && elem.getValue().trim().length()>0) {
                elem.addAttribute(new Attribute(contentAttribute, elem.getValue()));
              // Apply default attributes
              for(Map.Entry<String,String> e : simpleTagHandler.getDefaults().entrySet()) {
                if(elem.getAttribute(e.getKey()) == null)
                  elem.addAttribute(new Attribute(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
            } else {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Namespace \"" + namespace
                                + "\" not recognized, and not the XHTML namespace (" + XHTML_NAMESPACE
                                + ") while looking for class for tag "+tag, null);
        return tagClass;

            private void handleTextSubstitution(Text childNode) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              String text = collapseWhitespace(childNode.getValue());
              try {
                pushLogger("Processing text: \""+text+"\"");
                  Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[$#%@]\\{((\\\\\\}|[^}])*)\\}").matcher(text);
                    int textMarker = 0;
                    boolean areConstant=true;
                    boolean areEarly=true;
                    StringBuffer stringBuildExpr = new StringBuffer();
                  while(matcher.find()) {
                        if(stringBuildExpr.length() > 0) stringBuildExpr.append(" + ");
                        if(matcher.start() > 0)
                          stringBuildExpr.append('"').append(backslashEscape(text.substring(textMarker, matcher.start()))).append("\" + ");
                    String path =;
                    char typeChar =;
                    if(typeChar != '%') areConstant = false;
                    if(typeChar != '@' && typeChar != '%') areEarly = false; // constant is as good as early :-)
                      textMarker = matcher.end();
                  ParentNode parent = childNode.getParent();
            if(stringBuildExpr.length() > 0) {
                    String id;
                    // TODO If the parent element is the root of the view, this doesn't work right
                    if(parent != myRootElement && parent.getChildCount() == 1) {
                      Element parentElement = ((Element)parent);
                id = parentElement.getAttributeValue("id");
                      if(id == null) {
                            id = "interpolation"+insertedText.size();
                            parentElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("id", id));
                            insertedText.put(id, id);
                    } else {
                        id = "interpolation"+insertedText.size();
                        insertedText.put(id, id);
                            Element element = new Element("span", XHTML_NAMESPACE);
                            element.addAttribute(new Attribute("id", id));
                            parent.replaceChild(childNode, element);
                    if(textMarker < text.length()) {
                      stringBuildExpr.append(" + \"").append(backslashEscape(text.substring(textMarker))).append('"');
                        String setterName = "set" + capitalize(id);
                        memberDecls.add("public final void "+ setterName + "(String newValue) { panel.setText(\"" + id + "\", newValue); }");
                        myClass.addMethod(setterName, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, RuntimeClassWrapper.STRING);
                        //System.out.println("Using string build expression: "+stringBuildExpr+" for "+text);
                    ExpressionInfo expr = findAccessors(stringBuildExpr.toString(), true, true);
                    if(expr == null) {
                      logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to resolve expression: "+stringBuildExpr, null);
                      throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                        //System.out.println("Got getter: "+expr.getter);
                    ExpressionInfo textExpr = new ExpressionInfo(expr.getOriginalExpr(), id, setterName, RuntimeClassWrapper.STRING);
                    if((expr.isConstant() || areConstant) && expr.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
                    } else if(areEarly) {
                            earlyAsyncLoads.add(textExpr.asyncCopyStatement(expr, "group.<Void>member()", true));
                    } else {
                      asyncLoads.add(textExpr.asyncCopyStatement(expr, "group.<Void>member()", true));
              } finally {

      private String collapseWhitespace(String value) {
        return value.replaceAll("([\\s\n])\\s+", " ");

      public class SubviewInfo {
        public Element elem;
        public String id;
        public String namespace;
        public String tag;
        public GeneratorTypeInfo subviewClass;

        public SubviewInfo(Element elem, String id, String namespace, String tag, GeneratorTypeInfo subviewClass) {
          this.elem = elem;
 = id;
          this.namespace = namespace;
          this.tag = tag;
          this.subviewClass = subviewClass;

      protected void generateSubview(SubviewInfo sv) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                // Some other kind of view
                // just construct it and call the setters/getters
        pushLogger("Generate subview of "+myClass+": "+sv.elem);
        try {
                    generateField(, sv.subviewClass);
                    if (sv.subviewClass.isAbstract()) {
                        sw.println( + " = (" + sv.subviewClass.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() + ") GWT.create("
                                        + sv.subviewClass.getName() + ".class);");
                    } else {
                        boolean takesTag = sv.subviewClass.implementsInterface(JClassTypeWrapper.wrap(types.findType("com.habitsoft.kiyaa.views.TakesElementName")));
                        sw.println( + " = new " + sv.subviewClass.getName() + (takesTag?"(\""+escape(sv.elem.getLocalName())+"\", \""+escape(sv.elem.getNamespaceURI())+"\");":"();"));
                    generateContents(sv.elem, sv.subviewClass,;
                    generateAttributes(sv.elem, sv.subviewClass,;
                    generateSubviewCommon(sv.elem,,, "this", sv.subviewClass, false);
        } finally {

       * Generate code to pass along any load(), save(), and clearFields() calls
       * to subviews that support those operations.
            private void generateSubviewCommon(Element elem, String id, String viewExpr, String modelExpr,
                            GeneratorTypeInfo viewClass, boolean readOnly) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              boolean isWidget = viewClass.isSubclassOf(commonTypes.widget);
        String addMethod = isWidget?"addWidget":"addView";
                sw.println(addMethod+"(\"" + id + "\", " + viewExpr + ");");
                boolean isView = viewClass.implementsInterface(commonTypes.view);
        boolean hasLoad = isView || viewClass.hasMethodMatching("load", true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                if (hasLoad) {
                    subviewLoads.add(viewExpr + ".load(group.<Void>member());");
                if (!readOnly) {
                    boolean hasSave = isView || viewClass.hasMethodMatching("save", true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                    if (hasSave)
                        saves.add(viewExpr + ".save(group.<Void>member());");
                boolean hasClearFields = isView || viewClass.hasMethodMatching("clearFields", true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID);
                if(hasClearFields) {
                  clearFields.add(viewExpr + ".clearFields();");

            protected void generateAttributes(Element elem, GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name)
                            throws UnableToCompleteException {
                for (int j = 0; j < elem.getAttributeCount(); j++) {
                    final Attribute attr = elem.getAttribute(j);
                    final String key = attr.getLocalName();

                    // These keys are taken care of in an earlier step
                    if ("viewClass".equals(key) || "id".equals(key) || "with-model".equals(key) || "with-vars".equals(key) || "with-var".equals(key) || "kc".equals(key))

                    // final String prefix = attr.getNamespacePrefix();
                    final String value = attr.getValue();
                    generateAttribute(type, name, key, value);
                    // Don't let "class" and "style" propagate to the subview since they'll be
                    // applied to THIS view
                    if("class".equals(key) || "style".equals(key)) {


      private void generateAttribute(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String key, final String value)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        LocalTreeLogger.pushLogger(logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Attribute "+key+"='"+value+"' in element "+name+" which is a "+type));
        try {
          ExpressionInfo baseExpr = new ExpressionInfo(name, name, type, false);
          ExpressionInfo attributeAccessors = findAccessors(baseExpr, key, true, false);
          // Automatically propagate some properties to the getViewWidget()
          if(attributeAccessors == null && key.matches("visible|width|height|title") && type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.view))
            attributeAccessors = findAccessors(baseExpr, "viewWidget."+key, true, false);
          if(key.equals("class")) {
              attributeAccessors = findAccessors(baseExpr, "viewWidget.styleName", false, false);
            else if(type.isSubclassOf(commonTypes.uiObject))
              attributeAccessors = findAccessors(baseExpr, "styleName", false, false);
              logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Found attribute 'class' on something that isn't a View or Widget (a "+type+")");
          boolean readOnly = false;
          boolean constant = false;
          boolean earlyLoad = false;
          boolean isExpr=false;
          String path = null;
          ExpressionInfo pathAccessors = null;
          if (((readOnly = (value.startsWith("${")
              || (earlyLoad = value.startsWith("@{"))
              || (constant = value.startsWith("%{"))))
              || value.startsWith("#{")) && value.endsWith("}")) {
              path = value.substring(2, value.length() - 1).trim();
              pathAccessors = findAccessors(path, false, true);
          String valueExpr;
          ActionInfo action;
          if ("class".equals(key) && pathAccessors == null) {
                      generateSetClass(type, name, value);
                  } else if ("style".equals(key)) {
                      generateSetStyle(type, name, key, value);
                  } else if ("binding".equals(key)) {
                      generateBinding(type, name, value);
                  } else if (attributeAccessors == null) {
                    if ("onclick".equals(key)) {
                        generateOnClickHandler(type, name, value, pathAccessors);
                    } else if ("onchange".equals(key)) {
                        generateOnChangeListener(type, name, value, pathAccessors);
                    } else if ("onfocus".equals(key)) {
                        generateOnFocusListener(type, name, value, pathAccessors);
                    } else if ("onblur".equals(key)) {
                        generateOnBlurListener(type, name, value, pathAccessors);
                    } else if ("onPressEnter".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                        generateKeyPressHandler(type, name, value, "KEY_ENTER");
                    } else if ("onPressSpace".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                        generateKeyPressHandler(type, name, value, "' '");
                    } else if ("onPressEscape".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                        generateKeyPressHandler(type, name, value, "KEY_ESCAPE");
                    } else if ("onKeyPress".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                        generateKeyPressHandler(type, name, value, null);
                    } else {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find a property '" + key + "' in " + type + "; value is '" + value + "'", null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          } else if (!attributeAccessors.hasSetter()) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find a setter for attribute '" + key + "' in "
                              + type + "; value is '" + value + "', getter is "+attributeAccessors+" asyncGetter is "+attributeAccessors.getAsyncGetter(), null);
              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          } else {
            final GeneratorTypeInfo attributeType = attributeAccessors.getType();
            if (attributeType.equals(commonTypes.action)
                      && (pathAccessors == null || !pathAccessors.hasGetter())
                      && (action = getAction(value, false)) != null) {
              if(attributeAccessors.hasSynchronousSetter() == false) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Async setters do not support for Actions yet.", null);
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            } else if (path != null // If this is a ${...} or #{...}
                && commonTypes.value.equals(attributeType) // and the target attribute accepts a Value object
                  ) {
              valueExpr = getFieldValue(path);
              if(valueExpr == null) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed to evaluate expression to construct Value object for "+key+"="+path+" on "+type, null);
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              if(attributeAccessors.hasSynchronousSetter() == false) {
                  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Async setters not supported for Value yet; found use of async setter "+attributeAccessors.getAsyncSetter()+" for attribute "+key+" on "+type+" to store value "+path, null);
                  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No setter found for attribute "+key+" on "+type, null);
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            } else if (pathAccessors != null && pathAccessors.hasGetter()) {
                generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, pathAccessors, readOnly, constant, earlyLoad);
            } else if (path != null && (valueExpr = getFieldValue(path)) != null) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Using a Value "+valueExpr+"to read "+path+" for attribute "+key+"="+path);
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = findAccessors(new ExpressionInfo(path, valueExpr, commonTypes.value, true), "value", true, false);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, readOnly, constant, earlyLoad);
            } else if(isExpr) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Couldn't figure out how to set attribute "+key+" on "+type+"; couldn't find a getter for "+value, null);                     
            } else if (attributeType.equals(getType("java.lang.String"))) {
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, "\"" + backslashEscape(value) + "\"", getType("java.lang.String"), true);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
            } else if (attributeType.isEnum()) {
              if(attributeType.getEnumMembers().contains(value)) {
                    ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, attributeType.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+"."+value, attributeType, true);
                    generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
                } else {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Enum constant '" + value + "' not found in enum "+attributeType.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" for attribute "+key,
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            } else if (attributeType.equals(getType("java.lang.Boolean"))) {
                if (!"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Boolean attribute '" + key + "' should be true or false; got '"+value+"'",
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, "Boolean." + value.toUpperCase(), attributeType, true);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
            } else if (attributeType.getName().equals("boolean")) {
                if (!"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Boolean attribute '" + key + "' should be true or false; got '"+value+"'",
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, value, attributeType, true);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
            } else if (attributeType.getName().equals("char")) {
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, "'"+backslashEscape(value)+"'", attributeType, true);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);         
            } else if (attributeType.isPrimitive()) {
              ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, value, attributeType, true);
              generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
            } else if (attributeType.equals(getType("java.lang.Class"))) {
                try {
                  ExpressionInfo valueAccessors = new ExpressionInfo(path, types.getType(value).getQualifiedSourceName()
                      + ".class", attributeType, true);
                  generateAttributeLoadSave(type, attributeAccessors, valueAccessors, true, true, true);
                } catch (NotFoundException caught) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find class '" + value + "' for class attribute '"
                                    + key + "'", null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            } else {
              if(path != null) {
                  logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Couldn't figure out how to set attribute "+key+" on "+type+"; couldn't find a getter for "+value, null);                       
              } else {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Couldn't figure out how to set attribute "+key+" on "+type+" with value "+value+" (did you forget to use ${...}?)", null);
        } finally {

      private String generateSetStyle(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String key, final String value)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        // Assuming that we either have a View or a Widget ...
        String widgetExpr;
        if (type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.view)) {
            widgetExpr = name + ".getViewWidget()";
        } else if (type.isSubclassOf(commonTypes.widget)) {
            widgetExpr = name;
        } else {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Don't know how to set the style of a " + type, null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        sw.println("DOM.setElementAttribute(" + widgetExpr + ".getElement(), \"" + escape(key)
                        + "\", \"" + escape(value) + "\");");
        return widgetExpr;

      private String generateSetClass(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        String widgetExpr;
        if (type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.view)) {
            widgetExpr = name + ".getViewWidget()";
        } else if (type.isSubclassOf(commonTypes.widget)) {
            widgetExpr = name;
        } else {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Don't know how to set the style of a " + type, null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        String[] styleNames = value.split("\\s+");
        for (int i = 0; i < styleNames.length; i++) {
            String string = styleNames[i];
            sw.println(widgetExpr + "."+(i==0?"set":"add")+"StyleName(\"" + escape(string) + "\");");
        return widgetExpr;

      private void generateBinding(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, String value)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        if(value.startsWith("${") || value.startsWith("#{") || value.startsWith("%{") || value.startsWith("@{")) value = value.substring(2);
        if(value.endsWith("}")) value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1);
        ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(value, false, false);
        if (accessors != null && accessors.hasSetter()) {
            sw.println(accessors.copyStatement(new ExpressionInfo(name, name, type, false)));
        } else {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Unable to find a "+(accessors == null?"property":"setter method")+" for binding expression: " + value, null);

      private ActionInfo generateOnChangeListener(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value,
        ExpressionInfo pathAccessors) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        if(!type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.sourcesChangeEvents)) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "onchange attribute must be on a View/Widget" +
                " that implements SourcesChangeEvents.", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        ActionInfo actionExpr = getAction(value, true);
        if(actionExpr == null) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find action for "+value+" for an onchange handler", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        attachWidgetEventListener(name, actionExpr, "ChangeListener", "onChange(Widget sender)", null, value);
        return actionExpr;

      private ActionInfo generateOnFocusListener(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value,
        ExpressionInfo pathAccessors) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        if(!type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.sourcesFocusEvents)) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "onfocus attribute must be on a View/Widget" +
                " that implements SourcesFocusEvents.", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        ActionInfo actionExpr = getAction(value, true);
        if(actionExpr == null) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find action for "+value+" for an onfocus handler", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        sw.println(name + ".add" + "FocusListener" + "(new " + "FocusListener" + "() {");
        sw.println("public void " + "onFocus(Widget sender)" + " {");
        sw.println(actionExpr.toString("AsyncCallbackFactory.<Void>defaultNewInstance()", true));
        sw.println("public void " + "onLostFocus(Widget sender)" + " { }");
        return actionExpr;

      private ActionInfo generateOnBlurListener(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value,
        ExpressionInfo pathAccessors) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        if(!type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.sourcesFocusEvents)) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "onblur attribute must be on a View/Widget" +
                " that implements SourcesFocusEvents.", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        ActionInfo actionExpr = getAction(value, true);
        if(actionExpr == null) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find action for "+value+" for an onblur handler", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        sw.println(name + ".add" + "FocusListener" + "(new " + "FocusListener" + "() {");
        sw.println("public void " + "onLostFocus(Widget sender)" + " {");
        sw.println(actionExpr.toString("AsyncCallbackFactory.<Void>defaultNewInstance()", true));
        sw.println("public void " + "onFocus(Widget sender)" + " { }");
        return actionExpr;
      private ActionInfo generateOnClickHandler(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value,
        ExpressionInfo pathAccessors) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        if(!type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.sourcesClickEvents)) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "onclick attribute must be on a View/Widget" +
                " that implements SourceClickEvents.", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        ActionInfo actionExpr = getAction(value, true);
        if(actionExpr == null) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find action for "+value
                +" for an onclick handler", null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        attachWidgetEventListener(name, actionExpr, "ClickListener", "onClick(Widget sender)", null, value);
        return actionExpr;
      private ActionInfo generateKeyPressHandler(GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name, final String value, String keyName)
      throws UnableToCompleteException {
          if(!type.implementsInterface(commonTypes.sourcesClickEvents)) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, name+" attribute must be on a View/Widget" +
                  " that implements SourcesKeyEvents.", null);
              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          ActionInfo actionExpr = getAction(value, true);
          if(actionExpr == null) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find action for "+value
                  +" for a onPressXXX handler", null);
              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          final String condition = keyName==null?null:"keyCode == "+keyName+" && (modifiers & ~MODIFIER_SHIFT) == 0";
                attachWidgetEventListener(name, actionExpr, "KeyboardListenerAdapter", "onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)", condition, value);
          return actionExpr;
      protected void generateAttributeLoadSave(GeneratorTypeInfo type, ExpressionInfo attributeAccessors, ExpressionInfo pathAccessors,
        boolean readOnly, boolean constant, boolean earlyLoad)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        LocalTreeLogger.pushLogger(logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Attribute load/save for "+attributeAccessors.setterString()+(readOnly?" = ":" <=> ")+pathAccessors));
        try {
          String loadExpr = attributeAccessors.asyncCopyStatement(pathAccessors, "group.<Void>member()", true);
          // Put the value into the widget on load()
          //if(attributeAccessors.getter != null && attributeAccessors.getType().equals(getType(String.class.getName())) && pathAccessors.getter != null) {
            // It turns out that calling setText() and setValue to the same value is a high-cost operation
          //  loadExpr = "if(!"+attributeAccessors.getter+".equals("+pathAccessors.conversionExpr(attributeAccessors.getType())+")) { "+loadExpr+" }";
          // Constant values stored to a non-async setter are set during initialization
          boolean constantLoad = (constant || pathAccessors.isConstant())
            && pathAccessors.hasSynchronousGetter()
            && attributeAccessors.hasSynchronousSetter();
          boolean asyncLoad = pathAccessors.hasAsynchronousGetter() || attributeAccessors.hasAsynchronousSetter();
          else if(earlyLoad) {
          } else if(asyncLoad)
          if (!(readOnly || constant)) {
              if (!attributeAccessors.hasGetter()) {
                  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Missing matching getter for attribute '"+attributeAccessors.getSetter()+"' on "+type+"; use ${} to set the value only.  Value is "+pathAccessors, null);
                  throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              } else if(!pathAccessors.hasSetter()) {
                  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Missing matching setter for '" + pathAccessors + "' for attribute '"+attributeAccessors.getSetter()+"' on "+type+"; use ${} to set the value only.", null);
                  throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              // If it's a two-way affair, copy the value back on save()
              String saveExpr = pathAccessors.asyncCopyStatement(attributeAccessors, "group.<Void>member()", true);
        } finally {

            private void attachWidgetEventListener(String name, ActionInfo action, String listenerClass,
                            String listenerMethod, String condition, String actionStr) {
                String adder = "add"+listenerClass;
                if(adder.endsWith("Adapter")) adder = adder.substring(0, adder.length()-7);
              sw.println(name + "." + adder + "(new " + listenerClass + "() {");
                sw.println("public void " + listenerMethod + " {");
                if(condition != null) {
                sw.println(action.toString("AsyncCallbackFactory.<Void>defaultNewInstance()", true));
                if(condition != null)

            private void generateContents(Element elem, GeneratorTypeInfo type, String name)
                            throws UnableToCompleteException {
              // Assuming for now this is an existing GWT defined class; not the one we're generating and not a primitive type
            final JClassType classType = ((JClassTypeWrapper)type).getClassType();
                // Now, if there are nested tags, decide what to do with them
                // We do this before the attributes, because we want to call
                // setViewFactory() before setting the other
                // attributes. Many of the classes started their life with
                // ViewFactory as a parameter to the ctor and
                // don't behave well if they don't have a child view yet.
                Elements childElems = elem.getChildElements();
                if (elem.getChildCount() > 0) {
                boolean foundSetter=false;
                  if(childElems.size() > 0) {
                      // TODO Currently this is order-dependent for overloads :-(
            JMethod[] methods = classType.getOverridableMethods();
                    ArrayList<Element> missingSetter=new ArrayList<Element>();
                    ArrayList<ArrayList<JMethod>> missingSetterCandidates = new ArrayList<ArrayList<JMethod>>();
                      for(int i=0; i < childElems.size(); i++) {
                        Element childElem = childElems.get(i);
                        String capChildElementName = capitalize(childElem.getLocalName());
              String setMethodName = "set"+capChildElementName;
                        String addMethodName = "add"+capChildElementName;
                        boolean elemProcessed = false;
                        ArrayList<JMethod> foundSetters = new ArrayList<JMethod>(methods.length);
                        for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
                  JMethod method = methods[j];
                  //System.out.println("Looking for "+setMethod+" or "+addMethod+" for "+elem+" found "+method);
                  Name methodNameAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Name.class);
                  if(methodNameAnnotation != null) {
                  } else if(!method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(setMethodName) &&
                    !method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(addMethodName)) {
                  foundSetter = true;
                  final JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
                  String[] paramStrings = new String[parameters.length];
                  boolean generatedSubview = false;
                  HashSet<String> usedAttributes = new HashSet<String>();
                  boolean failedParameterMatch = false;
                  for (int k = 0; k < parameters.length; k++) {
                    JParameter parameter = parameters[k];
                    String parameterName = getParameterName(parameter);
                    String attribute = parameterName;
                    String value = childElem.getAttributeValue(attribute);
                    if("styleName".equals(parameterName) && value == null) {
                      attribute = "class";
                      value = childElem.getAttributeValue(attribute);
                    if(value == null) {
                      String parameterTypeName = parameter.getType().getQualifiedSourceName();
                      final boolean isView = parameterTypeName.equals(View.class.getName());
                      final boolean isViewFactory = parameterTypeName.equals(ViewFactory.class.getName());
                      final boolean isWidget = parameterTypeName.equals(Widget.class.getName());
                      final boolean isString = parameterTypeName.equals(String.class.getName());
                      final boolean asyncSetter = k == 0 && parameters.length == 2 && AsyncCallback.class.getName().equals(parameters[1].getType().getQualifiedSourceName());
                      final boolean setter = parameters.length == 1;
                      if((isView || isWidget || isViewFactory) && childElem.getChildCount() > 0 && !generatedSubview) {
                        generatedSubview = true;
                      } else if((isString || asyncSetter || setter) && childElem.getValue().trim().length() > 0 && !generatedSubview) {
                        // Okay, we'll take it, I guess
                      } else {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Couldn't match an attribute for parameter "+parameterName+" from "+method+" for tag "+childElem.toXML(), null);
                        failedParameterMatch = true;
                    } else {
                  if(failedParameterMatch) // At least one parameter did not match
                  if(usedAttributes.size() < childElem.getAttributeCount()) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Not all attributes used from "+childElem.toXML()+" to call "+method+":", null);
                    for (int k = 0; k < childElem.getAttributeCount(); k++) {
                      if(!usedAttributes.contains(childElem.getAttribute(k).getLocalName())) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "   Attribute "+childElem.getAttribute(k).getLocalName()+" was not used.", null);
                    continue; // Not all attributes used, so this isn't the one they wanted
                  for (int k = 0; k < parameters.length; k++) {
                    JParameter parameter = parameters[k];
                    String parameterName = getParameterName(parameter);
                    String value = childElem.getAttributeValue(parameterName);
                    if("styleName".equals(parameterName) && value == null) value = childElem.getAttributeValue("class");
                    String paramString = calculateParameterValueExpressionForView(elem, childElem,
                    method, parameters, k, parameter, parameterName, value);
                    paramStrings[k] = paramString;
                  sw.println(name+"."+method.getName()+"("+joinWithCommas(0, paramStrings)+");");
                  elemProcessed = true;
                        if(!elemProcessed) {
                          //System.out.println("NOT PROCESSED: " + elem);
                      if(foundSetter && !missingSetter.isEmpty()) {
                        int i=0;
                        for(Element childElem : missingSetter) {
                          logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Ignored "+childElem.toXML()+"; couldn't find any matching setter.", null);
                          for(JMethod candidate : missingSetterCandidates.get(i++)) {
                            logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Candidate setter method: "+candidate);
                    // Support:
                    // setView() - set a view directly
                    // setViewFactory() - set a view factory (used by lists)
                  if(!foundSetter) {
                        boolean factory = type.hasMethodMatching("setViewFactory", true, null, commonTypes.viewFactory);
                        boolean widget = !factory && type.hasMethodMatching("setWidget", true, null, commonTypes.widget);
                        String fieldName = "sv"+memberDecls.size();
                        String id = elem.getAttributeValue("id");
                        if(id == null) {
                            id = fieldName;
                      String createViewExpr = generateCreateSubview(elem, factory, false, id);
                        final boolean modelView = elem.getAttribute("with-model") != null;
                        generateField(fieldName, factory?commonTypes.viewFactory:
                        sw.println(fieldName + " = " + createViewExpr + ";");
            if (factory) {
                            sw.println(name + ".setViewFactory("+fieldName+");");
            } else if(widget) {
              sw.println(name + ".setWidget("+fieldName+".getViewWidget());");
              subviewLoads.add(fieldName + ".load(group.<Void>member());");
                            saves.add(fieldName + ".save(group.<Void>member());");
                            clearFields.add(fieldName + ".clearFields();");
                        } else if (type.hasMethodMatching("setView", true, null, commonTypes.view)) {
                            sw.println(name + ".setView("+fieldName+");");                         
                        } else if(childElems.size() > 0){
                                "Discarding child elements of "
                                + elem
                                + " because the view class doesn't have setView(), addView(), or setViewFactory(), and the child element tags don't match any setX() or addX() on "+type,

             * Return an expression to create a view for the given tag.  This might be a generated
             * subview (ComplexHTMLPanel), a widget, or a view.
             * By default this returns an expression of type View, pass factory or widget == true (but not both)
             * to get a ViewFactory or a Widget instead.
             * @param elem
             * @param factory If true, return an expression of type ViewFactory
             * @param widget If true, return an expression of type Widget
             * @param id ID of the element, used for debug IDs
             * @return
             * @throws UnableToCompleteException
      private String generateCreateSubview(Element elem, boolean factory, boolean widget, String id) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        assert !(factory && widget);
        // TODO In order to resurrect this feature, I need to get the simple views to support load/save
//        boolean hasText=false;
//        boolean hasElements=false;
//        boolean isSimple;
//        if(factory || elem.getAttribute("with-model") != null || elem.getAttribute("with-var") != null || elem.getAttribute("with-vars") != null) {
//          isSimple = false;
//        } else {
//          isSimple = true;
//          for(int i=0; i < elem.getChildCount(); i++) {
//            Node elemChild = elem.getChild(i);
//            if(elemChild instanceof Text) {
//              if(((Text)elemChild).getValue().trim().length() > 0) {
//                if(hasElements || hasText) isSimple = false;
//                else hasText = true;
//              }
//            } else if(elemChild instanceof Element) {
//              String[] namespaceAndTag = getNamespaceAndTag((Element)elemChild);
//              if(namespaceAndTag[0].equals(XHTML_NAMESPACE)) {
//                // If it has HTML tags in it, it's a complicated one
//                isSimple = false;
//              } else {
//                if(hasElements || hasText) isSimple = false;
//                else hasElements = true;
//              }
//            } else {
//              isSimple = false;
//            }
//          }
//        }
        String createViewExpr;
//        if(isSimple) {
//          if(hasText) {
//            String text = elem.getValue();
//            String widgetCtor = "new HTML(\""+escapeMultiline(text)+"\")";
//            if(widget) return widgetCtor;
//              createViewExpr = "new WidgetWrapperView("+widgetCtor+")";
//          } else {
//            Element childElem = elem.getChildElements().get(0);
//            // Has to have one or the other or we wouldn't get here
//            JClassType tagClass = getTagClass(childElem);
//            if(tagClass.isAbstract()) {
//              createViewExpr = "("+tagClass.getQualifiedSourceName()+")GWT.create("+tagClass.getQualifiedSourceName()+".class)";
//            } else {
//              createViewExpr = "new "+tagClass.getQualifiedSourceName()+"()";
//            }
//            if(!implementsInterface(tagClass, getType(View.class.getName()))) {
//              if(widget)
//                return createViewExpr;
//              // Assume it's a widget if it isn't a view, since tags must be either a widget or a View
//              createViewExpr = "new WidgetWrapperView("+createViewExpr+")";
//            }
//          }
//        } else {
          String className = enqueueSubviewClass(elem);
          String thisViewExpr = myClass.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+".this";
          String rootViewExpr = parentViewClass != null ? ROOT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME : thisViewExpr; // If we have no parent, we are the root view
          createViewExpr = getRootView(factory) + ".maybeEnsureDebugId(\"" + id + "\", new " + className + "(" + thisViewExpr + ", " + rootViewExpr + ")).init()";
//        }
          createViewExpr = "new ViewFactory() { public View createView() { return "+createViewExpr+"; } }";
        else if(widget)
          createViewExpr += ".getViewWidget()";
        return createViewExpr;

      private String calculateParameterValueExpressionForView(Element elem, Element childElem, JMethod method,
        final JParameter[] parameters, int k, JParameter parameter, String parameterName, String value)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        String paramString;
        if(value == null) {
          String parameterTypeName = parameter.getType().getQualifiedSourceName();
          final boolean isView = parameterTypeName.equals(View.class.getName());
          final boolean isViewFactory = parameterTypeName.equals((ViewFactory.class.getName()));
          final boolean isWidget = parameterTypeName.equals((Widget.class.getName()));
          final boolean isString = parameterTypeName.equals((String.class.getName()));
          final boolean asyncSetter = k == 0 && parameters.length == 2 && AsyncCallback.class.getName().equals(parameters[1].getType().getQualifiedSourceName());
          final boolean setter = parameters.length == 1;
          if(isView || isWidget || isViewFactory) {
            String withModel = elem.getAttributeValue("with-model");
            if(withModel != null)
              childElem.addAttribute(new Attribute("with-model", withModel));
                paramString = generateCreateSubview(childElem, isViewFactory, isWidget, parameterName);
          } else if((isString || asyncSetter || setter) && childElem.getValue().trim().length() > 0) {
            paramString = '"'+escape(childElem.getValue().trim())+'"';
          } else {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Missing attribute "+parameterName+" for parameter "+(k+1)+" to method "+method, null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        } else {
          boolean readOnly = false;
          String path = null;
          ExpressionInfo pathAccessors = null;
          if (((readOnly = (value.startsWith("${") || value.startsWith("@{") || value.startsWith("%{"))) || value.startsWith("#{")) && value.endsWith("}")) {
              path = value.substring(2, value.length() - 1).trim();
              pathAccessors = findAccessors(path, false, true);
              if(pathAccessors == null) {
                          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed to evaluate parameter "+parameterName+" = "+value+" for method "+method, null);
                          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          if(pathAccessors != null && !readOnly) {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Using #{...} for a setter with multiple parameters is not supported, use ${...}; setter is "+method+" expression is "+value, null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          String valueExpr;
          ActionInfo action;
          if (parameter.getType().isClass() != null
            && parameter.getType().isClass().isAssignableTo(commonTypes.action.getJClassType())
                && (pathAccessors == null || !pathAccessors.hasGetter())
                && (action = getAction(value, true)) != null) {
            paramString = action.toViewAction();
          } else if (path != null
                  && commonTypes.value.getJClassType().getErasedType().equals(parameter.getType().isClassOrInterface().getErasedType())
                    && (valueExpr = getFieldValue(path)) != null) {
            paramString = valueExpr;
          } else if (pathAccessors != null) {
            if(!pathAccessors.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Async/write-only values when calling a setter with multiple parameters is not supported currently.", null);
              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
            paramString = pathAccessors.conversionExpr(JTypeWrapper.wrap(parameter.getType()));
            if(paramString == null) {
              logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Cannot convert "+pathAccessors.getType()+" '"+path+"' to "+parameter.getType()+" for call to "+method, null);
              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
          // If we get here, there's no "${...}" or "#{...}" so it's a constant value / string or an action
          } else if(parameter.getType().getQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String")) {
              if(value.startsWith("${") || value.startsWith("%{") || value.startsWith("#{") || value.startsWith("@{"))
                  System.out.println("Warning: expression "+value+" treated as string...");
            paramString = '"'+escape(value)+'"';
          } else {
            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Cannot convert '"+value+"' to "+parameter.getType()+" for call to "+method, null);
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        return paramString;

       * Add a subview to the list of subview that need to be generated after this class.
            protected String enqueueSubviewClass(Element childElem) {
              String className = subviewClassName(childElem.getLocalName());
        subviewsToGenerate.add(new SubviewToGenerate(className, childElem, myClass));
                return className;

      protected String subviewClassName(String localName) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        char[] chars = localName.toCharArray();
              boolean capNext = true;
              for(char ch : chars) {
                if(ch == '_' || ch == '-') {
                  capNext = true;
                if(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch)) {
                    if(capNext) { ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch); capNext = false; }
              String className = sb.toString();
        return className;

             * Return an expression which is a Value that accesses the given field.
             * A Value is an object that can be given to a class to dynamically load
             * or set a value without knowing much about it - a kind of wrapper for
             * a variable.
            protected String getFieldValue(String path) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              LocalTreeLogger.pushLogger(logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Trying to create a Value object for path '"+path+"'"));
              try {
                  String existingValue = values.get(path);
                  if (existingValue != null) {
                      return existingValue;
                  ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(path, true, true);
                  if (accessors != null) {
                    if(commonTypes.value.equals(accessors.getType())) {
                      if(!accessors.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't handle an async Value getter yet; for "+path, null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                      return accessors.getterExpr();
                      String valueName = "value" + values.size();
                      values.put(path, valueName);
            generateField(valueName, commonTypes.value);
                      sw.println(valueName + " = new Value() { ");
                      if(accessors.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
                          sw.indentln("public void getValue(AsyncCallback callback) { callback.onSuccess(" + accessors.getterExpr() + "); } ");
                      } else if(accessors.hasAsynchronousGetter()) {
                          sw.indentln("public void getValue(AsyncCallback callback) {\n\t\t\t\t"+accessors.callAsyncGetter("callback")+";\n\t\t\t\t} ");
                      } else {
                          sw.indentln("public void getValue(AsyncCallback callback) { callback.onFailure(null); } ");
                      if (accessors.hasSynchronousSetter()) {
                          sw.indentln("public void setValue(Object value, AsyncCallback callback) { try {\n\t\t\t\t" +
                              accessors.callSetter(ExpressionInfo.converter("value", RuntimeClassWrapper.OBJECT, accessors.getType())) +
                                  "\n\t\t\t\tcallback.onSuccess(null); } catch(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } }");
                      } else if(accessors.hasAsynchronousSetter()) {
                          sw.indentln("public void setValue(Object value, AsyncCallback callback) { " +
                              accessors.callAsyncSetter(ExpressionInfo.converter("value", RuntimeClassWrapper.OBJECT, accessors.getType()), "callback")
                      } else {
                          sw.indentln("public void setValue(Object value, AsyncCallback callback) { callback.onFailure(null); }");
                      return valueName;
                   * ExpressionInfo metadata = getFieldMetadata(path); if(metadata != null) { String
                   * valueName = "value"+values.size(); values.put(path, valueName);
                   * addDeclaration(getType(Value.class.getName()), valueName); sw.println(valueName+" =
                   * "+metadata.getter+".getMetadata().getFieldByPath(\""+metadata.setter+"\").bindToModel(new
                   * Value() {"); sw.indentln("public void getValue(AsyncCallback callback) {
                   * callback.onSuccess("+metadata.getter+"); }"); sw.indentln("public void
                   * setValue(Object value, AsyncCallback callback) { throw new Error(); }");
                   * sw.println("});"); return valueName; }
                  return null;
                } finally {

            protected String getRootView(boolean innerClass) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              if(parentViewClass == null) {
                if(innerClass) return myClass.getSimpleSourceName()+".this";
                return "this";
              } else {
                return ROOT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME;
      ActionInfo getAction(String expr, boolean innerClass) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^on\\s+([^:]+):\\s*(.*)$").matcher(expr);
                final String targetView;
                if(matcher.matches()) {
                    final ExpressionInfo targetViewExpr = findAccessors(, innerClass, false);
                    if(targetViewExpr == null || !targetViewExpr.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to resolve target view expression '""' for action '"+expr+"'", null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                    targetView = targetViewExpr.getGetter();
                    expr =;
                } else {
                    targetView = getRootView(innerClass);
        return getAction(expr, targetView, true, true);

       * Multiple actions can be seperated using semicolons; the actions will run in sequence
       * until they are all complete, or one fails in which case execution stops and the
       * failure is returned to the default async callback (if any).
       * Actions which are an expression ${...} or #{...} or %{...} or @{..} are trated as expressions leading to
       * an Action object somewhere, which is executed.
       * Actions starting with ';' won't save before running; actions ending with ';' won't load after
       * running.  This can be used to avoid full save/load cycles when save/load is slow or unnecessary.
            protected ActionInfo getAction(String path, String targetView, boolean saveBefore, boolean loadAfter) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              if((path.startsWith("${") || path.startsWith("#{") || path.startsWith("%{") || path.startsWith("@{")) && path.endsWith("}")) {
                path = path.substring(2, path.length()-1);
                    ExpressionInfo expr = findAccessors(path, true, false);
                    if(expr != null && expr.hasSynchronousGetter())
                    return new ActionInfo(path, expr.getGetter(), true, true, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, 0);
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to resolve action variable at path "+path, null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
              if(path.startsWith(";")) {
                saveBefore = false;
                path = path.substring(1).trim();
              if(path.endsWith(";")) {
                loadAfter = false;
                path = path.substring(0, path.length()-1).trim();
              String actionKey = path+","+saveBefore+","+targetView+","+loadAfter;
              ActionInfo existing = actions.get(actionKey);
                if (existing != null)
                    return existing;
                String[] actionSeries = path.split("\\s*;\\s*");
                if(actionSeries.length > 1) {
                  ArrayList<String> actionList = new ArrayList<String>();
                  int timeout=0;
                  for (int i = 0; i < actionSeries.length; i++) {
                    ActionInfo action = getAction(actionSeries[i], targetView, false, false);
                    timeout += action.getTimeout();
                    if(action != null && action.getAction() != null)
                  String ctor = "new ActionSeries("+StringUtils.join(actionList, ",\n\t\t\t")+")";
                    return new ActionInfo(path, ctor, true, true, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, timeout);

                if("".equals(path) || "null".equals(path)) {
                  //sw.println("final Action " + actionName + " = new ViewAction(null, "+rootView+", "+saveBefore+", "+loadAfter+");");
                  return new ActionInfo(path, null, true, true, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, 0);
                String[] args;
                String preargs = path;
                int argstart;
                if (path.endsWith(")") && (argstart = smartIndexOf(path, '(')) != -1) {
                    args = path.substring(argstart + 1, path.length() - 1).split("\\s*,\\s*");
                    // Check for an empty parameter list
                    if(args.length == 1 && args[0].length() == 0)
                        args = new String[0];
                    preargs = path.substring(0, argstart);
                } else {
                    args = new String[0];

                int assignmentIndex = smartIndexOf(preargs, '=');
                if(assignmentIndex != -1) {
                  String left = path.substring(0, assignmentIndex).trim();
                  String right = path.substring(assignmentIndex+1).trim();
                  ExpressionInfo lvalue = findAccessors(left, true, true);
                  if(lvalue == null || (lvalue.hasSynchronousSetter() == false && lvalue.hasAsynchronousSetter() == false)) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any setter for the left side of "+path, null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                  ExpressionInfo rvalue = findAccessors(right, true, true);
                  if(rvalue == null || !rvalue.hasGetter()) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any getter for the right side of "+path, null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                  if(lvalue.hasAsynchronousSetter() == false && rvalue.hasAsynchronousGetter() == false) {
                        return new ActionInfo(path, lvalue.copyStatement(rvalue), false, false, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, 0);
                  } else {
                      return new ActionInfo(path, lvalue.asyncCopyStatement(rvalue, "callback", false), false, true, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, 0);
                } else {
                    int objectPathEnd = preargs.lastIndexOf('.');
                    String objectPath;
                    String methodName;
                    String getter;
                    final GeneratorTypeInfo objectType;
                    boolean searchingThis = (objectPathEnd == -1);
                    if (searchingThis) {
                        objectPath = getter = "this";
                        objectType = myClass;
                        methodName = preargs;
                    } else {
                        objectPath = preargs.substring(0, objectPathEnd);
                        methodName = preargs.substring(objectPathEnd+1);
                        ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(objectPath, true, false);
                        if (accessors == null || !accessors.hasSynchronousGetter() || accessors.getType() == null) {
                            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any object for " + objectPath + " for action "+ path, null);
                            return null;
                        getter = accessors.getterExpr();
                        objectType = accessors.getType();
                        if (objectType.isPrimitive()) {
                            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't call a method on a primitive "
                                            + accessors.getType() + " for expression " + path, null);
                            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                    boolean asyncMethod = false;
                    GeneratorMethodInfo actionMethod = null;
                    GeneratorTypeInfo searchType = objectType;
                    if(searchType == null) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't call a method on a " + objectType + " for expression " + path, null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                    final String asyncCallbackClassName = AsyncCallback.class.getName();
                    for(;;) {
                      // Look for a synchronous action method with the right number of parameters
                      actionMethod = searchType.findMethodMatching(methodName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, new GeneratorTypeInfo[args.length]);
                      if(actionMethod != null) {
                        asyncMethod = false;
                      // Look for the method with one extra parameter which is the async callback
                      GeneratorTypeInfo[] asyncParamTypes = new GeneratorTypeInfo[args.length+1];
                      asyncParamTypes[args.length] = commonTypes.asyncCallback;
            actionMethod = searchType.findMethodMatching(methodName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, asyncParamTypes );
                      if(actionMethod != null) {
                        asyncMethod = true;
                        if(searchingThis && searchType instanceof GeneratedInnerClassInfo) {
                          searchType = searchType.getFieldType(PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, true);
                          if(searchType == null)
                          getter = getter+"."+PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME;
                          //System.out.println("Looking up into "+searchType+" getter "+getter+" for "+methodName);
                        } else break;
                    if (actionMethod == null) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "getAction(): Unable to find a method with the right number of arguments ("
                                        + args.length + " [ + AsyncCallback]) with name '" + methodName + "' on " + objectType + " in " + myClass
                                        + " for expression " + path +" searchingThis = "+searchingThis, null);
                        return null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                        String arg = args[i].trim();
                        ExpressionInfo argAccessors = findAccessors(arg, true, false);
                        if (argAccessors == null) {
                            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Couldn't evaluate '" + arg + "' as argument to '" + path + "'", null);
                            throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                        args[i] = argAccessors.conversionExpr(actionMethod.getParameterTypes()[i]);
                    String methodCall;
                    if (getter.startsWith("this.")) {
                        methodCall = getter.substring(5) + "." + methodName;
                    } else if (getter.equals("this")) {
                        methodCall = methodName;
                    } else {
                        methodCall = getter + "." + methodName;
                    final ActionMethod annotation = actionMethod.getAnnotation(ActionMethod.class);
                    int timeout=0;
                    if(annotation != null) {
                        saveBefore = annotation.saveBefore();
                        loadAfter = annotation.loadAfter();
                        timeout = annotation.timeout();
                    if (asyncMethod) {
                        return new ActionInfo(path, methodCall + "(" + joinWithCommas(0, args) + (args.length > 0 ? ", " : "")
                            + "callback);", false, true, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, timeout);
                    } else {
                        return new ActionInfo(path, methodCall + "(" + joinWithCommas(0, args) + ");", false, false, targetView, saveBefore, loadAfter, timeout);

             * Find getter and setter for the given expression (path) relative to the given base expression (base).
             * @param base Starting point, used as the prefix for the returned expression info
             * @param path Path relative to that starting point
             * @param matchAsync If true, allow an asynchronous getter and/or setter to be returned
             * @param staticAccess If true, use static methods instead if instance methods
             * @return A new ExpressionInfo representing whatever getter and setter could be found
             * @throws UnableToCompleteException If it fails to figure out the expression
            protected ExpressionInfo findAccessors(ExpressionInfo base, final String path, final boolean matchAsync, boolean staticAccess) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              LocalTreeLogger.pushLogger(logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "findAccessors('"+base+"', path='"+path+"', matchAsync="+matchAsync+", staticAccess="+staticAccess+")"));
              try {
                  GeneratorTypeInfo inType = base.getType();
                  if(inType.isPrimitive()) {
                      logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find any member inside of non-class type "+base.getType()+" with path "+path);
                      throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                  String expr = base.getGetter();
                  //System.out.println("findAccessors("+inType+", '"+expr+"', '"+path+"', "+matchAsync+")");
                  // Split "path" into two parts - the part before the first dot and the "rest" of the expression
                  String[] splitPath = smartSplit(path, '.', 2);
                  String name = splitPath[0];
                  if (name.length() == 0) {
                      return null;
                  String getter;
                  boolean asyncGetter = false;
                  String setter = null;
                  boolean asyncSetter = false;
                  GeneratorTypeInfo type;
                  /*if(name.endsWith("]")) {
                  int openBraceIdx = smartIndexOf(name, '[');
                  if(openBraceIdx == -1) {
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find opening [ for ] in "+name, null);
                    throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                  // TODO array indexing
                throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                } else */
                  boolean endsWithParen = name.endsWith(")");
          boolean methodInvokation = endsWithParen // Has (), assume method call
              || inType.hasMethodMatching(name, true, null) // no parens, but expression has the same name as a zero-arg method
              || (matchAsync && inType.hasMethodMatching(name, true, null, commonTypes.asyncCallback)); // no parens, but expression has the same name as an async method and async is OK
          boolean lastOrOnlyPartOfTheExpression = splitPath.length == 1;
          if(methodInvokation) {
                      String getterMethodName;
                      ExpressionInfo[] args;
                      GeneratorTypeInfo[] argTypes;
                      if(endsWithParen) {
                      int openIdx = smartIndexOf(name, '(');
                      if(openIdx == -1) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't find opening ( for ) in "+name, null);
                        throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                          String[] argExprs = smartSplit(name.substring(openIdx + 1, name.length() - 1), ',', 100);
                          //System.out.println("Splitting '"+name.substring(openIdx + 1, name.length() - 1)+" around ',' gives "+args.length+" args: "+joinWithCommas(0, args));
                          // Check for an empty parameter list
                          if(argExprs.length == 1 && argExprs[0].length() == 0)
                              argExprs = new String[0];
                          getterMethodName = identifier(name.substring(0, openIdx));
                          args = new ExpressionInfo[argExprs.length];
                          argTypes = new GeneratorTypeInfo[argExprs.length];
                          for(int i=0; i < argExprs.length; i++) {
                            String arg = argExprs[i].trim();
                              ExpressionInfo argAccessors = findAccessors(arg, true, false);
                              if (argAccessors == null) {
                                  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Couldn't evaluate '" + arg + "' as argument to '" + name + "'", null);
                                  throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                              args[i] = argAccessors;
                              argTypes[i] = argAccessors.getType();
                      } else {
                          getterMethodName = identifier(name);
                          args = new ExpressionInfo[0];
                          argTypes = new GeneratorTypeInfo[0];
                      GeneratorTypeInfo objectType = inType;
                      boolean searchingThis = objectType.equals(myClass);
                      boolean asyncMethod = false;
                      GeneratorMethodInfo getterMethod = null;
                      for(;;) {
                        GeneratorTypeInfo[] syncArgTypesWildcard = new GeneratorTypeInfo[argTypes.length];
                        GeneratorTypeInfo[] asyncArgTypesWildcard = new GeneratorTypeInfo[argTypes.length+1];
                        asyncArgTypesWildcard[argTypes.length] = commonTypes.asyncCallback;
                        GeneratorTypeInfo[] asyncArgTypes = Arrays.copyOf(argTypes, argTypes.length+1);
                        asyncArgTypes[argTypes.length] = commonTypes.asyncCallback;
                        HashSet<String> candidates = new HashSet<String>();
                        String capGetterMethodName = capitalize(getterMethodName);
                        for(String candidate : candidates) {
                          getterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(candidate, true, null, argTypes);
                          if(getterMethod == null)
                            getterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(candidate, true, null, syncArgTypesWildcard);
                          if(getterMethod != null) {
                            asyncMethod = false;
                            type = getterMethod.getReturnType();
                          if(matchAsync) {
                            getterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(candidate, true, null, asyncArgTypes);
                            if(getterMethod == null)
                              getterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(candidate, true, null, asyncArgTypesWildcard);
                            if(getterMethod != null) {
                              asyncMethod = true;
                              type = getterMethod.getAsyncReturnType();
                              if(type == null) type = commonTypes.object;
                        if(searchingThis && getterMethod == null && objectType instanceof GeneratedInnerClassInfo) {
                            objectType = objectType.getFieldType(PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, true);
                            if(objectType == null)
                            expr = expr+"."+PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME;
                            //System.out.println("Ascending to "+expr+" "+objectType);
                          } else break;
                      if (getterMethod == null) {
                          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "findAccessors(): Unable to find a "+(staticAccess?"static":"instance")+" method with the right number of arguments ("
                                          + args.length + (matchAsync?" [ + optional AsyncCallback]":"")+") with name '" + getterMethodName + "' in " + inType
                                          + " for expression '" + path + "'", null);
                          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                      StringBuffer getterBuf = new StringBuffer();
                      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                        if(i > 0) getterBuf.append(", ");
                      if(asyncMethod) {
                        if(args.length > 0) getterBuf.append(","); // trailing comma for async methods so we can append the callback parameter when we call the method
                      } else getterBuf.append(')');
                      getter = getterBuf.toString();
                      asyncGetter = asyncMethod;
                      type = asyncMethod?getterMethod.getAsyncReturnType():getterMethod.getReturnType();
                      // Find the matching setter method (if any).
                      String setterMethodName = getterMethod.getName().replaceFirst("^(is|get)", "set");
                      GeneratorTypeInfo[] setterArgTypes = Arrays.copyOf(argTypes, argTypes.length+1);
                      setterArgTypes[argTypes.length] = type;
                      GeneratorMethodInfo setterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(setterMethodName, true, null, setterArgTypes);
                      // If searching for something matching the types we got doesn't work, try it a wildcard for the type
                      if(setterMethod == null) {
                        setterArgTypes = new GeneratorTypeInfo[argTypes.length+1];
                        setterArgTypes[argTypes.length] = type;
                        setterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(setterMethodName, true, null, setterArgTypes);
                      if(setterMethod == null) {
                        setterArgTypes = Arrays.copyOf(argTypes, argTypes.length+2);
                        setterArgTypes[argTypes.length] = type;
                        setterArgTypes[argTypes.length+1] = commonTypes.asyncCallback;
                          setterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(setterMethodName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, setterArgTypes);
                          if(setterMethod == null) {
                            setterArgTypes = new GeneratorTypeInfo[argTypes.length+2];
                            setterArgTypes[argTypes.length] = type;
                            setterArgTypes[argTypes.length+1] = commonTypes.asyncCallback;
                              setterMethod = objectType.findMethodMatching(setterMethodName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, setterArgTypes);
                          if(setterMethod != null)
                            asyncSetter = true;
                      } else {
                        asyncSetter = false;
            if(setterMethod != null) {
                        StringBuffer setterBuf = new StringBuffer();
                        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                          if(i > 0) setterBuf.append(", ");
                          String convertedArg = args[i].conversionExpr(setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[i]);
                          if(convertedArg.isEmpty()) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Got empty result back from "+args[i]+" converted to "+setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[i]);
                        if(args.length > 0)
                          setterBuf.append(","); // trailing comma for setters so we can append the value parameter and possibly the async callback
                        setter = setterBuf.toString();
                } else {
                  // No array or function specifier, so look for a normal property or field
                      String baseExpr = (expr.equals("this") ? "" : expr + ".");
                      name = identifier(name);
                      String getterName = "get" + capitalize(name);
                      String setterName = "set" + capitalize(name);
                      GeneratorMethodInfo getterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(getterName, true, null);
                      if(getterMethod == null && matchAsync) { // Check for async version, if allowed in this context
                        getterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(getterName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                        asyncGetter = getterMethod != null;
                      if (getterMethod == null) {
                          getterName = "is" + capitalize(name);
                          getterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(getterName, true, null);
                          if(getterMethod == null && matchAsync) { // Check for async version, if allowed in this context
                            getterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(getterName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                            asyncGetter = getterMethod != null;
                      if (getterMethod != null) {
                          getter = baseExpr + getterName + (asyncGetter?"":"()"); // No trailing brackets for an async call
                          if(asyncGetter) {
                            type = getterMethod.getAsyncReturnType();
                            if(type == null) type = commonTypes.object;
                          } else {
                              type = getterMethod.getReturnType();
                      } else {
                        asyncGetter = false;
                        // Try direct field access
                        type = inType.getFieldType(name, baseExpr.startsWith("this."));
                        if(type != null) {
                          getter = baseExpr + name;
                          setter = baseExpr + name + "=";
                          asyncSetter = false;
                          asyncGetter = false;
                        } else {
                            getter = null;
                      if(setter == null) {
                        GeneratorMethodInfo setterMethod;
                        // Only look for the setter if this is the last (or only) part of the chain.  i.e. for an expression
                        // a.b.c we would only look for a setter for c, not a or b.
                        if(lastOrOnlyPartOfTheExpression) {
                          setterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(setterName, true, null, (GeneratorTypeInfo)null);
                          if(setterMethod == null) {
                              setterMethod = inType.findMethodMatching(setterName, true, PrimitiveTypeInfo.VOID, (GeneratorTypeInfo)null, commonTypes.asyncCallback);
                              asyncSetter = setterMethod != null;
                          if(setterMethod != null) {
                            //System.out.println("Found setter "+setterMethod);
                              setter = baseExpr + setterName + "(";
                            type = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
                  //System.out.println("Looking for "+name+" in "+inType+", found "+getter+" and "+setter);
                  if(getter != null && splitPath.length == 2) {
                    if(type.isArray()) {
                      if("length".equals(splitPath[1])) {
                        return new ExpressionInfo(path, getter+"."+splitPath[1], PrimitiveTypeInfo.INT, false);
                      } else {
                            logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Attempting to access a property of array that I don't recognize: "+getter+"."+splitPath[1], null);
                              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                    } else if(type.isPrimitive()) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Attempting to access a property of a primitive type: "+getter+" of type "+type+" async = "+asyncGetter, null);
                          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                      if(asyncGetter == false) {
                        // Easy... just get them to create a new getter based on this one
                        return findAccessors(new ExpressionInfo(path, getter, type, isConstants(type)), splitPath[1], matchAsync, staticAccess);
                      } else {
                        // Oops, we're getting a property of an async property, time for some magic
                        // The trick: generate a new method that does the first async operation and
                        // then returns the result of the getter of the proceeding attributes.
                        ExpressionInfo subexpr = findAccessors(new ExpressionInfo(path, "base", type, false), splitPath[1], matchAsync, staticAccess);
                        if(subexpr == null) {
                          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed to find property '"+splitPath[1]+"' of type '"+type+"' of expression '"+getter+"'", null);
                              throw new UnableToCompleteException();
                        String getterName = "getAsync"+asyncProxies.size();
                        if(subexpr.hasGetter()) {
                            if(subexpr.hasSynchronousGetter()) {
                              // Synchronous sub-expression, how merciful!
                                asyncProxies.add("    public void "+getterName+"(AsyncCallback<Object> callback) {\n"+
                                               "        "+ExpressionInfo.callAsyncGetter(getter, "new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Object>(callback, \""+path+"\") {\n"+
                                               "            public void onSuccess(Object result) {\n"+
                                               "                "+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" base = ("+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+") result;\n"+
                                               "                returnSuccess("+subexpr.getterExpr()+");\n"+
                                               "            }\n"+
                                               "        }")+";\n"+
                                               "    }\n");
                            } else if(subexpr.hasAsyncGetter()) {
                                asyncProxies.add("    public void "+getterName+"(AsyncCallback<Object> callback) {\n"+
                                  "        "+ExpressionInfo.callAsyncGetter(getter, "new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Object>(callback, \""+path+"\") {\n"+
                                  "            public void onSuccess(Object result) {"+
                                  "                "+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" base = ("+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+") result;\n"+
                                  "                "+subexpr.callAsyncGetter("callback")+";\n"+
                                  "            }\n"+
                                  "        }")+";\n"+
                                  "    }\n");
                        } else getterName = null;
                        String setterName = "setAync"+asyncProxies.size();
                        if(subexpr.hasSetter()) {
                            if(subexpr.hasSynchronousSetter()) {
                              // Synchronous sub-expression, how merciful!
                                asyncProxies.add("    public void "+setterName+"(final "+subexpr.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" value, AsyncCallback<Void> callback) {\n"+
                                     "        "+ExpressionInfo.callAsyncGetter(getter, "new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Void>(callback, \""+path+"\") {\n"+
                                               "            public void onSuccess(Void result) {\n"+
                                               "                "+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" base = ("+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+") result;\n"+
                                               "                "+subexpr.callSetter("value")+"\n"+
                                               "                returnSuccess(null);\n"+
                                               "            }\n"+
                                      "        }")+";\n"+
                                               "    }");
                            } else if(subexpr.hasAsynchronousSetter()) {
                                asyncProxies.add("    public void "+setterName+"(final "+subexpr.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" value, AsyncCallback<Void> callback) {\n"+
                                    "        "+ExpressionInfo.callAsyncGetter(getter, "new AsyncCallbackDirectProxy<Void>(callback, \""+path+"\") {\n"+
                                  "            public void onSuccess(Void result) {\n"+
                                  "                "+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+" base = ("+type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()+") result;\n"+
                                  "                "+subexpr.callAsyncSetter("value", "callback")+"\n"+
                                  "            }\n"+
                                 "        }")+";\n"+
                                  "    }");
                        } else setterName = null;
                        return new ExpressionInfo(path, getterName, setterName, subexpr.getType(), true, true, false);
                  } else if(setter != null && lastOrOnlyPartOfTheExpression) {
                    return new ExpressionInfo(path, getter, setter, type, asyncGetter, asyncSetter, false);
                  JClassType superclass = inType.getSuperclass();
                  if (superclass != null && !ReflectedClassInfo.OBJECT.equals(superclass)) {
                    ExpressionInfo inherited = findAccessors(superclass, expr, path, matchAsync);
                    if(inherited != null) {
                      if(getter == null) {
                        if(inherited.getter != null) { getter = inherited.getter; asyncGetter = false; }
                        else if(inherited.hasAsynchronousGetter()) { getter = inherited.asyncGetter; asyncGetter = true; }
                      if(setter == null) {
                        if(inherited.hasSynchronousSetter()) { setter = inherited.setter; asyncSetter = false; }
                        else if(inherited.hasAsynchronousSetter()) { setter = inherited.asyncSetter; asyncSetter = true; }
                      if(type == null) type = inherited.getType();
                  if(type != null) {
                      if((getter != null) && (setter == null) && !asyncGetter
                          && (isConstants(inType))) {
                          //logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Considering value to be constant since it is part of a Constants or DictionaryConstants: "+getter);
                          return new ExpressionInfo(path, getter, type, base.isConstant());
                      } else {
                          return new ExpressionInfo(path, getter, setter, type, asyncGetter, asyncSetter, false);
                  //System.out.println("Failed to find property "+name+" on "+inType);
                  return null;
              } finally {

             * A wrapper for string.split() that doesn't split inside matching ()'s or []'s.
             * maxlen refers to the maximum length of the resulting array.
            private String[] smartSplit(String s, char seperator, int maxlen) {
              ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
              int lastCut=0;
              while(result.size() < maxlen) {
                int i = smartIndexOf(s, seperator, lastCut);
                if(i == -1) {
              result.add(s.substring(lastCut, i));
              lastCut = i+1;
              return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);

             * Version of indexOf() that ignores results inside brackets or quotes
            private int smartIndexOf(String s, String term, int start) {
              int depth=0;
              int quote=0;
              int i=start;
              for(;;) {
          if(depth == 0 && s.substring(i).startsWith(term)) {
                  return i;
                } else if(quote != 0) {
                  if(s.charAt(i) == quote && s.charAt(i-1) != '\\') {
                    quote = 0;
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == '"' || s.charAt(i) == '\'') {
                  quote = s.charAt(i);
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == '(' || s.charAt(i) == '[') {
                  depth++; i++;
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == ')' || s.charAt(i) == ']') {
                  depth--; i++;
                } else if(s.substring(i).startsWith(term)) {
                  // Found the term, but it's inside brackets or quotes or something, so skip it
                  i += term.length();
                int nextPos;
                if(quote != 0) {
                  nextPos = s.indexOf(quote, i+1);
                  // if nextPos == -1, it's a mismatched quote
                } else {
                  nextPos = s.indexOf('(', i);
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('"', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('\'', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(')', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(']', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('[', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(term, i));
              if(nextPos == -1)
                return -1;
              i = nextPos;
            private int smartIndexOf(String s, String term) {
              return smartIndexOf(s, term, 0);
            private int minAboveZero(int a, int b) {
              if(b < 0) return a;
              if(a < 0) return b;
              return Math.min(a, b);
             * Version of indexOf() that ignores results inside brackets.
            int smartIndexOf(String s, char term, int start) {
                return -1;
              int depth=0;
              int quote=0;
              int i=start;
              for( ;; ) {
                if(depth == 0 && s.charAt(i) == term) {
                  return i;
                } else if(quote != 0) {
                  if(s.charAt(i) == quote && s.charAt(i-1) != '\\') {
                    quote = 0;
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == '"' || s.charAt(i) == '\'') {
                  quote = s.charAt(i);
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == '(' || s.charAt(i) == '[') {
                  depth++; i++;
                } else if(s.charAt(i) == ')' || s.charAt(i) == ']') {
                  depth--; i++;
                int nextPos;
                if(quote != 0) {
                  nextPos = s.indexOf(quote, i+1);
                  // if nextPos == -1, it's a mismatched quote
                } else {
                  nextPos = s.indexOf('(', i);
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('"', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('\'', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(')', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(']', i));
                  nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf('[', i));
                  if(depth == 0)
                    nextPos = minAboveZero(nextPos, s.indexOf(term, i));
                //System.out.println("Next pos in <<"+s+">> is "+nextPos+" <<"+(nextPos==-1?"":s.substring(nextPos))+">> i="+i+" <<"+s.substring(i)+">> term='"+term+"' depth="+depth);
              if(nextPos == -1)
                return -1;
              i = nextPos;
            int smartIndexOf(String s, char term) {
              return smartIndexOf(s, term, 0);

             * Find a getter/setter pair for an object path.
             * The getter is a complete expression; the setter typically ends at the method name or
             * an assignment operator and should have its parameter wrapped in parentheses.
             * This only works for getters/setters that can be found using static type information.
             * This returns null for the setter if attempts to set the value should be ignored.
             * @param innerType
             *                If the expression is going into a nested anonymous class, pass true
             * @param matchAsync If true, include asynchronous methods in the search; otherwise do not include them
             * @throws UnableToCompleteException
            protected ExpressionInfo findAccessors(String path, boolean innerType, boolean matchAsync) throws UnableToCompleteException {
              int operIdx;
              if(((operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "&&")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, " and ")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "||")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, " or ")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, ">=")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "<=")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, ">")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "<")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "==")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "!=")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "+")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "-")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "/")) != -1
                || (operIdx = smartIndexOf(path, "*")) != -1)) {
                return handleBinaryOperator(path, innerType, matchAsync, operIdx);
              } else if(path.startsWith("!") || path.startsWith("not ")) {
                String remainder = path.startsWith("!")?path.substring(1).trim():path.substring(4).trim();               
                //System.out.println("Boolean NOT");                                 
                final ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(remainder, innerType, matchAsync);
                if(accessors != null) {
                  return new ExpressionInfo(accessors, new OperatorInfo() {
              public String onGetExpr(String expr) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                      return "!(" + ExpressionInfo.converter(expr, accessors.getType(), PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN) + ')';
              public String onSetExpr(String expr) throws UnableToCompleteException {
                      return ExpressionInfo.converter("!(" + expr + ')', PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN, accessors.getType());
                } else {
                  return null;
              } else if(path.startsWith("-") || path.startsWith("~")) {
                String remainder = path.substring(1).trim();
                final String oper = path.substring(0,1);
                ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(remainder, innerType, matchAsync);
                if(accessors != null) {
                  return new ExpressionInfo(accessors, new OperatorInfo() {
              public String onGetExpr(String expr) {
                      return oper + '(' + expr + ')';
              public String onSetExpr(String expr) {
                      return oper + '(' + expr + ')';
                } else {
                  return null;
              } else if(path.length() > 0 && (Character.isDigit(path.charAt(0)) || (path.length() >= 2 && path.charAt(0) == '-' && Character.isDigit(path.charAt(1))))) {
                if(smartIndexOf(path, '.') != -1) {
                  // floating-point
                  return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, JPrimitiveType.DOUBLE, true);
                } else if(path.endsWith("L")) {
                  return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, JPrimitiveType.LONG, true);
                } else {
                  return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, JPrimitiveType.INT, true);
              } else if(path.equals("true") || path.equals("false")) {
                return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN, true);
              } else if(path.equals("null")) {
                return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, RuntimeClassWrapper.OBJECT, true);
              } else if(path.startsWith("\"") && path.endsWith("\"")) {
                return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, getType("java.lang.String"), true);
              String thisExpr = innerType ? myClass.getSimpleSourceName() + ".this" : "this";
                GeneratorTypeInfo classToSearch = myClass;
                if (path.equals("this")) {
                  while(classToSearch instanceof GeneratedInnerClassInfo) {
                    classToSearch = ((GeneratedInnerClassInfo)classToSearch).getFieldType(PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, true);
                    if(classToSearch == null)
                    thisExpr = thisExpr+"."+PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME;
                  // When they use the expression "this", be sure to use the superclass of the generated class;
                  // the generated class won't behave well with isAssignableFrom() and isAssignableTo() because
                  // it's a fake object we created and isn't "known" by the type oracle.
                    return new ExpressionInfo(path, thisExpr, null, classToSearch, false, false, false);
                // like books.service.AccountType.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE or
                Matcher staticReference = Pattern.compile("([a-z0-9_]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+(?:\\.[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)+)\\.([A-Za-z0-9_]+.*)").matcher(path);
                if(staticReference.matches()) {
                  String className =;
                  String property =;
                  //System.out.println("Static reference: "+className+" property "+property);
          try {
            JClassType staticType = types.getType(className);
                    JField field = staticType.getField(property);
                    JEnumType enum1 = staticType.isEnum();
                    if(field != null && field.isStatic()) {
              return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, field.getType(), field.isFinal() || enum1!=null);
                    if(enum1 != null && property.equals("values()")) {
                      return new ExpressionInfo(path, path, types.getArrayType(enum1), true);
                    return findAccessors(new ExpressionInfo(path, className, staticType, true), property, matchAsync, true);
          } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                for (;;) {
                    ExpressionInfo accessors = findAccessors(new ExpressionInfo(path, thisExpr, classToSearch, true), path, matchAsync, false);
                    if (accessors != null) {
                        return accessors;
                    } else if(classToSearch instanceof GeneratedInnerClassInfo){
                        classToSearch = classToSearch.getFieldType(PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME, true);
                        if (classToSearch == null) {
                            return null;
                        if(parentViewClass != null) {
                            thisExpr = thisExpr+"."+PARENT_VIEW_FIELD_NAME;
                        } else {
                            thisExpr = classToSearch.getSimpleSourceName() + ".this";
                    } else {
                      return null;

      private ExpressionInfo handleBinaryOperator(String path, boolean innerType, boolean matchAsync, int operIdx)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
        final String leftPath = path.substring(0, operIdx).trim();
        ExpressionInfo left = findAccessors(leftPath, innerType, matchAsync);
        int operLen;
        String oper;
        boolean arithmeticOper=false;
        if(path.startsWith(" or ", operIdx)) {
          operLen = 4;
          oper = "||";
        } else if(path.startsWith(" and ", operIdx)) {
          operLen = 5;
          oper = "&&";
        } else if("+-*/".indexOf(path.charAt(operIdx)) != -1) {
          operLen = 1;
          oper = path.substring(operIdx, operIdx+1);
          arithmeticOper = true;
        } else {
          operLen = 2;
          oper = path.substring(operIdx, operIdx+operLen);
        final String rightPath = path.substring(operIdx+operLen).trim();
        ExpressionInfo right = findAccessors(rightPath, innerType, matchAsync);
        if(left == null || !left.hasGetter()) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't evaluate "+leftPath+" in "+path+" match async = "+matchAsync, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        if(right == null || !right.hasGetter()) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't evaluate "+rightPath+" in "+path+" match async = "+matchAsync, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        GeneratorTypeInfo targetOperandType;
        GeneratorTypeInfo resultType;
        GeneratorTypeInfo java_lang_String = RuntimeClassWrapper.STRING;
        if ("&&".equals(oper) || "||".equals(oper)){
          targetOperandType = PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN;
          resultType = PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN;
        } else if("+".equals(oper) && (right.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String") || left.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName().equals("java.lang.String"))) {
          targetOperandType = java_lang_String;
          resultType = java_lang_String;
        } else {
          targetOperandType = left.getType();
            resultType = left.getType();
          else // all other operations are boolean
            resultType = PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN;
        // Is it an asynchronous calculation?
        if(left.hasAsynchronousGetter() || right.hasAsynchronousGetter()) {
          return handleAsyncBinaryOperator(left, oper, right, targetOperandType, resultType);
        String convertRight = right.conversionExpr(targetOperandType);
        if(convertRight == null) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't convert "+right.getType()+" "+right+" to "+targetOperandType, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        String convertLeft = left.conversionExpr(targetOperandType);
        if(convertLeft == null) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't convert "+left+" to "+targetOperandType, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        return new ExpressionInfo(path, "(" + convertLeft + oper + convertRight + ")", resultType, left.isConstant() && right.isConstant());

      private ExpressionInfo handleAsyncBinaryOperator(ExpressionInfo left, String oper, ExpressionInfo right,
        GeneratorTypeInfo targetOperandType, GeneratorTypeInfo resultType) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        String getterName = "getCalculation"+calculations.size();
        String leftTypeName = left.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName();
        String classLeftTypeName = getBoxedClassName(left.getType());
        String rightTypeName = right.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName();
        String classRightTypeName = getBoxedClassName(right.getType());
        final String resultClassTypeName = getBoxedClassName(resultType);
        String convertRight = ExpressionInfo.converter("right", right.getType(), targetOperandType);
        if(convertRight == null) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't convert "+right.getType()+" "+right+" to "+targetOperandType, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        String convertLeft = ExpressionInfo.converter("left", left.getType(), targetOperandType);
        if(convertLeft == null) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't convert "+left.getType()+" "+left+" to "+targetOperandType, null);
          throw new UnableToCompleteException();
        if(left.hasAsynchronousGetter()) {
          if(right.hasAsynchronousGetter()) {
            calculations.add("    public void "+getterName+"(AsyncCallback<"+resultClassTypeName+"> callback) {\n"+
                     "        "+left.callAsyncGetter("new AsyncCallbackProxy<"+classLeftTypeName+","+resultClassTypeName+">(callback) {\n"+
                     "            public void onSuccess(final "+classLeftTypeName+" left) {\n"+
                     "                "+right.callAsyncGetter("new AsyncCallbackProxy<"+classRightTypeName+","+resultClassTypeName+">(callback) {\n"+
                   "                public void onSuccess(final "+classRightTypeName+" right) {\n"+
                   "                    returnSuccess("+convertLeft+oper+convertRight+");\n"+
                   "                }\n"+
                   "            }")+";\n"+
                     "            }\n"+
                     "        }")+";\n"+
                     "    }\n");
          } else {
            calculations.add("    public void "+getterName+"(AsyncCallback<"+resultClassTypeName+"> callback) {\n"+
                     "        "+left.callAsyncGetter("new AsyncCallbackProxy<"+classLeftTypeName+","+resultClassTypeName+">(callback) {\n"+
                     "            public void onSuccess(final "+classLeftTypeName+" left) {\n"+
                   "                final "+rightTypeName+" right = "+right.getterExpr()+";\n"+
                   "                returnSuccess("+convertLeft+oper+convertRight+");\n"+
                     "            }\n"+
                     "        }")+";\n"+
                     "    }\n");
        } else {
          // right.asyncGetter must != null
          calculations.add("    public void "+getterName+"(AsyncCallback<"+resultClassTypeName+"> callback) {\n"+
                 "            final "+leftTypeName+" left = "+left.getterExpr()+";\n"+
                 "            "+right.callAsyncGetter("new AsyncCallbackProxy<"+classRightTypeName+","+resultClassTypeName+">(callback) {\n"+
                 "            public void onSuccess(final "+classRightTypeName+" right) {\n"+
                 "                returnSuccess("+convertLeft+oper+convertRight+");\n"+
                 "            }\n"+
                 "        }")+";\n"+
                 "    }\n");
        return new ExpressionInfo(left+oper+right, getterName, null, resultType, true, false, false);

      private String getBoxedClassName(final JType type) {
        return type.isPrimitive()!=null?type.isPrimitive().getQualifiedBoxedSourceName():type.getQualifiedSourceName();
      private String getBoxedClassName(final GeneratorTypeInfo type) {
        if(type instanceof JTypeWrapper)
          return getBoxedClassName(((JTypeWrapper)type).getJType());
        if(type instanceof PrimitiveTypeInfo)
          return ((PrimitiveTypeInfo)type).getBoxedTypeName();
        return type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName();


        public String identifier(String id) {
            if(id == null) return null;
            id = id.trim().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]+", "_");
                id = Character.toLowerCase(id.charAt(0))+id.substring(1);
            return id;

        public String replaceGroupMember(String expr, String newCallback) {
            return expr.replaceFirst("group.(?:<[^>]*>)?member\\((?:\"[^\"]*\")?[^)]*\\)", newCallback);

        public Object backslashEscape(String substring) {
      return substring.replaceAll("([\'\"\\\\])", "\\\\$1").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r");

    protected boolean isConstants(GeneratorTypeInfo inType) throws UnableToCompleteException {
      return inType.implementsInterface(commonTypes.constants)
          || inType.implementsInterface(commonTypes.dictionaryConstants);

  protected GeneratorInstance createGeneratorInstance() {
        return new GeneratorInstance();

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