package lvlEditor;
import game.Node;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Tile{
private ImageIcon image;
private String imageName="";
private String target="";
private String type="Unset type";
private int locX;
private int locY;
static final int SQUARESIDE = 16; // each square in the origional pokemon seems to be 16x16
public void setX(int x){locX = x;}
public void setY(int y) {locY = y;}
public int getX() { return locX;}
public int getY() { return locY;}
public String getLocation() { return Integer.toString(locX) + ", " + Integer.toString(locY); }
public void setImage(String s)
image = new ImageIcon("./tileImages/" + s);
imageName = s;
public String getImage() {return imageName;}
public void setTarget(String s) {target = s;}
public String getTarget() {return target;}
public void setType(String s) {type = s;}
public String getType() {return type;}
Tile(int x, int y)
locX = x;
locY = y;
setImage("Null.PNG"); // starts all tiles as null black tile
type = "obstacle";// and they should be obstacles
public Node asNode()
Node tileNode = new Node("tile");
tileNode.addSubnode("image", imageName );
tileNode.addSubnode("target", target );
tileNode.addSubnode("type", type );
tileNode.addSubnode("x", ""+locX );
tileNode.addSubnode("y", ""+locY );
return tileNode;
static Tile fromNode(Node tileNode)
int x = new Integer( tileNode.contentOf("x"));
int y = new Integer( tileNode.contentOf("y"));
Tile t = new Tile(x,y);
return t;
public void drawImage(Component c, Graphics g)
if (image != null)
image.paintIcon(c, g, locX * SQUARESIDE, locY * SQUARESIDE);
public String toString()
return "a Tile(" +
+ locX + ","
+ locY + ","
+ imageName + ","
+ type + ","
+ target + ")";