* UDPReceiver.java
* Copyright 2004 Andres Quiroz Hernandez
* This file is part of Programming5.
* Programming5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Programming5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Programming5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package programming5.net.sockets;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import programming5.arrays.ArrayOperations;
import programming5.io.Debug;
import programming5.net.AsynchMessageArrivedEvent;
import programming5.net.MessageArrivedEvent;
import programming5.net.Publisher;
import programming5.net.ReceivingThread;
*This class complements the UDPClient class as a constant listener to the socket
*@see programming5.net.sockets.UDPClient
*@author Andres Quiroz Hernandez
*@version 6.19
public class UDPReceiver extends ReceivingThread {
protected DatagramSocket socket;
protected InetAddress lastAddress = null;
protected int lastPort = NO_PORT;
private final int PACKET_SIZE = 65536;
private boolean listening = true;
private Map<String, byte[][]> assembly = new HashMap<String, byte[][]>();
private Map<String, boolean[]> assemblyCounter = new HashMap<String, boolean[]>();
public static final int NO_PORT = -1;
public UDPReceiver(Publisher<MessageArrivedEvent> myReference, DatagramSocket mySocket) {
socket = mySocket;
public void run() {
byte[] buf = new byte[PACKET_SIZE];
byte[] bytesMessage;
DatagramPacket p = null;
while (listening) {
p = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
bytesMessage = null;
try {
String streamID = depacketize(p);
if (streamID != null) { // Message is completely received (all packets)
lastAddress = p.getAddress();
lastPort = p.getPort();
Debug.println("Received streamID: " + streamID, "programming5.net.sockets.UDPClient");
byte[][] toAssemble = assembly.get(streamID);
bytesMessage = assemble(toAssemble);
ref.fireEvent(new AsynchMessageArrivedEvent(bytesMessage, "//" + lastAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + Integer.toString(lastPort)));
buf = new byte[PACKET_SIZE];
catch (IOException io) {
if (listening) {
System.out.println("UDPReceiver: Error while receiving: " + io.getMessage());
listening = false;
* @return the last address from which a message was received
* @deprecated One of two methods to obtain a full address, in between which another message could be
* received and the address could change; use getReplyAddress instead, which returns a URL
public InetAddress getLastAddress() {
return lastAddress;
* @return the last port from which a message was received
* @deprecated One of two methods to obtain a full address, in between which another message could be
* received and the address could change; use getReplyAddress instead, which returns a URL string
public int getLastPort() {
return lastPort;
* @return the last address from which a message was received; if no message was received when called,
* null will be returned.
public String getReplyAddress() {
String ret = null;
try {
if (lastAddress != null) {
ret = new URI("//" + lastAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + Integer.toString(lastPort)).toString();
catch (URISyntaxException use) {}
finally {
return ret;
protected void end() {
listening = false;
private String depacketize(DatagramPacket packet) {
int packetSize = packet.getLength();
byte[] bytesMessage;
String ret = null;
if (packetSize > 0) {
InetAddress host = packet.getAddress();
bytesMessage = packet.getData();
bytesMessage = ArrayOperations.prefix(bytesMessage, packetSize);
int separatorIndex = ArrayOperations.seqFind(UDPClient.SEPARATOR.getBytes()[0], bytesMessage);
if (separatorIndex > 0) {
String sequenceString = new String(ArrayOperations.subArray(bytesMessage, 0, separatorIndex));
String[] numbers = sequenceString.split("/");
String streamID = host.getHostAddress() + "/" + numbers[0];
byte[][] parts = assembly.get(streamID);
if (parts == null) {
int total = Integer.parseInt(numbers[2]);
parts = new byte[total][];
assembly.put(streamID, parts);
boolean[] counter = new boolean[total];
ArrayOperations.initialize(counter, false);
assemblyCounter.put(streamID, counter);
int index = Integer.parseInt(numbers[1]);
parts[index-1] = ArrayOperations.suffix(bytesMessage, separatorIndex+1);
boolean[] progress = assemblyCounter.get(streamID);
progress[index-1] = true;
if (ArrayOperations.tautology(progress)) {
ret = streamID;
else {
int start = (separatorIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0;
byte[][] parts = new byte[1][];
parts[0] = ArrayOperations.suffix(bytesMessage, start);
ret = host.getHostAddress();
assembly.put(ret, parts);
return ret;
private byte[] assemble(byte[][] parts) {
int size = 0;
for (byte[] part : parts) {
size += part.length;
byte[] ret = new byte[size];
int place = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < parts[i].length; j++) {
ret[place++] = parts[i][j];
return ret;