* ReliableUDPClient.java
* Copyright 2004 Andres Quiroz Hernandez
* This file is part of Programming5.
* Programming5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Programming5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Programming5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package programming5.net.sockets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import programming5.arrays.ArrayOperations;
import programming5.collections.RotatingList;
import programming5.io.Debug;
import programming5.net.AsynchMessageArrivedEvent;
import programming5.net.MalformedMessageException;
import programming5.net.MessageArrivedEvent;
import programming5.net.MessageArrivedListener;
import programming5.net.MessagingClient;
import programming5.net.NetworkException;
import programming5.net.Publisher;
import programming5.net.ReceiveRequest;
import programming5.net.ReliableMessageArrivedListener;
import programming5.net.ReliableProtocolMessage;
import programming5.net.Subscriber;
*This class is a UDP socket implementation of a MessagingClient that ensures reliable transmission
*It uses a UDPClient object to send and receive messages. It keeps track and waits for
*acknowledgements for all messages sent, and also automatically sends acknowledgements for all
*messages received. Messages for which no acknowledgements are received within a configurable
*amount of time are resent, up to a certain limit, after which the message is dropped (and
*subscribed clients are notified if enabled to do so as ReliableMessageArrivedListeners). Both
*ends of the unicast communication must implement this class, or a class that behaves in the same
*<p>It uses a special message object that creates messages with the following syntax:<p>
*<p>Unacknowledged messages are resent every 50 msec, up to 50 times. This configuration has been tested
*effective for the order of under 1000 small consecutive messages (in a for loop). Higher order streams
*require resetting the timeout and resend limit configuration parameters with the methods provided. The
*following settings have been found effective for small message streams of the following orders:
*<p>1000 messages: timeout=100
*<p>10000 messages: timeout=200; resendLimit=125
*<p>100000 messages: timeout=800; resendLimit=1000 (upper bound)
*<p>The use of this class is not recommended for larger message streams. As the sizes of the streams
*increase, the receive memory size (default 1000 messages) should also be increased, but the correct
*settings have not been tested.
*@see programming5.net.sockets.UDPClient
*@see programming5.net.ReliableProtocolMessage
*@see programming5.net.ReliableMessageArrivedListener
*@author Andres Quiroz Hernandez
*@version 6.19
public class ReliableUDPClient extends Publisher<MessageArrivedEvent> implements MessagingClient, MessageArrivedListener {
protected UDPClient client;
protected final Map<Long, ReliableProtocolMessage[]> messageTable = new HashMap<Long, ReliableProtocolMessage[]>();
protected final List<ReceiveRequest> receiveRequests = new ArrayList<ReceiveRequest>();
protected final Map<String, byte[][]> assembly = new HashMap<String, byte[][]>();
protected final Map<String, boolean[]> assemblyCounter = new HashMap<String, boolean[]>();
protected final RotatingList<String> receivedMessages = new RotatingList<String>(DEF_RCV_MEMORY);
private long timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;
private int maxResend = DEF_RESEND;
private Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
private Timer timer = new Timer();
public static final long DEF_TIMEOUT = 50;
public static final int DEF_RESEND = 50;
public static final int DEF_RCV_MEMORY = 1000;
protected static final int MAX_SIZE = 65400;
protected static final String SEPARATOR = ":";
protected static final String SLASH = "/";
*Creates a reliable unicast client for which the local port will be determined by an
*available port.
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation (no need to call
*establishConnection), unlike previous implementations of this class.
public ReliableUDPClient() throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Creates an unbound reliable unicast client, to be bound on the specified local port at the
*time of connection.
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation (no need to call
*establishConnection), unlike previous implementations of this class.
*@param localPort the local port on which the socket will be created to receive messages
public ReliableUDPClient(int localPort) throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient(localPort);
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Creates a reliable unicast client for the specified host address and remote port, to be
*bound on an available local port.
*Will not use a connect protocol for use with a UDPServer class.
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation (no need to call
*establishConnection), unlike previous implementations of this class.
*@param address the host address to which messages will be sent by default; if not valid, the default
*address will not be set and the client will only function as a free client
*@param remotePort the port to which messages will be sent by default
public ReliableUDPClient(String address, int remotePort) throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient(address, remotePort);
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Creates a reliable unicast client for the specified host address and the specified ports.
*Will not use a connect protocol for use with a UDPServer class.
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation (no need to call establishConnection),
*unlike in previous implementations of this class.
*@param address the host address to which messages will be sent by default; if not valid, the default
*address will not be set and the client will only function as a free client
*@param remotePort the port to which messages will be sent by default
*@param localPort the local port on which the socket will be created to receive messages
public ReliableUDPClient(String address, int remotePort, int localPort) throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient(address, remotePort, localPort);
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Creates a reliable unicast client for the specified host address and remote port, to be
*bound on an available local port. If specified, will use a connect protocol to establish
*connection with a UDPServer class (requires calling establishConnection method).
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation, unlike previous implementations
*of this class.
*@param address the host address to which messages will be sent by default; if not valid, the default
*address will not be set and the client will only function as a free client
*@param remotePort the port to which messages will be sent by default
*@param useConnectMsg if true, the connect protocol will be used with a UDP server at the given remote
*address and port
*@see #establishConnection
public ReliableUDPClient(String address, int remotePort, boolean useConnectMsg) throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient(address, remotePort, useConnectMsg);
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Creates a reliable unicast client for the specified host address and the specified ports.
*When establishConnection is called, a special connect message will be sent if useConnectMsg
*parameter is true.
*The new client will be listening on this port upon creation, unlike previous implementations
*of this class.
*@param address the host address to which messages will be sent by default; if not valid, the default
*address will not be set and the client will only function as a free client
*@param remotePort the port to which messages will be sent by default
*@param localPort the local port on which the socket will be created to receive messages
*@param useConnectMsg if true, the connect protocol will be used with a UDP server at the given remote
*address and port
public ReliableUDPClient(String address, int remotePort, int localPort, boolean useConnectMsg) throws NetworkException {
client = new UDPClient(address, remotePort, localPort, useConnectMsg);
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
*Sets a specific timeout for acknowledgement reception.
*@param timeMillis the time to wait before resending unacknowledged messages
public void setTimeout(long timeMillis) {
timeout = timeMillis;
timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReliableProtocolEnforceTask(), timeout, timeout);
* Sets a specific number of times a message can be resent before it is dropped.
* @param value the resend limit
public void setResendLimit(int value) {
maxResend = value;
* When a message that has already been acknowledged is received again (possibly due to a lost
* ack), it should not be delivered to this application again. This parameter controls the
* number of received messages kept in memory in order to accomplish this.
* @param value the number of messages to keep in memory in case of duplicate reception
public void setReceiveMemory(int value) {
*Implementation of the PluggableClient interface. Implements a connection protocol for use
*with a UDPServer class if this behavior has been specified upon instantiation of the UDP
*client. If not, a call to this method will do nothing.
public void establishConnection() throws NetworkException {
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param msg the message string to send to the host
public void send(String msg) throws NetworkException {
if (client.fixedHost) {
String destURL = "//" + client.getHostAddress() + ":" + Integer.toString(client.getHostPort());
ReliableProtocolMessage[] rmsgs = this.createMessage(msg.getBytes(), destURL);
for (ReliableProtocolMessage rmsg : rmsgs) {
else throw new NetworkException("ReliableUDPClient: Could not send message: No remote host specified");
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param bytesMessage the packet of bytes to send to the host
public void send(byte[] msgBytes) throws NetworkException {
if (client.fixedHost) {
String destURL = "//" + client.getHostAddress() + ":" + Integer.toString(client.getHostPort());
ReliableProtocolMessage[] rmsgs = this.createMessage(msgBytes, destURL);
for (ReliableProtocolMessage rmsg : rmsgs) {
else throw new NetworkException("ReliableUDPClient: Could not send message: No remote host specified");
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Sends the given message to the given uri.
*@param message the message to send
*@param uri the destination uri, which must be in the format [protocol:]//host:port[/...]
public void send(String message, String uri) throws NetworkException {
ReliableProtocolMessage[] rmsgs = this.createMessage(message.getBytes(), uri);
Debug.println("Sending " + rmsgs.length + " reliable messages", "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
for (ReliableProtocolMessage rmsg : rmsgs) {
client.send(rmsg.getMessageBytes(), uri);
Debug.println("RUDP message length " + rmsg.getMessageBytes().length, "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Sends the given message to the given uri.
*@param message the message to send
*@param uri the destination uri, which must be in the format [protocol:]//host:port[/...]
public void send(byte[] bytesMessage, String uri) throws NetworkException {
if (bytesMessage == null) {
throw new NetworkException("ReliableUDPClient: Cannot send message: Message is null");
else if (bytesMessage.length == 0) {
throw new NetworkException("ReliableUDPClient: Cannot send message: No message to send");
else {
ReliableProtocolMessage[] rmsgs = this.createMessage(bytesMessage, uri);
Debug.println("Sending " + rmsgs.length + " reliable messages", "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
for (ReliableProtocolMessage rmsg : rmsgs) {
client.send(rmsg.getMessageBytes(), uri);
* Allows a client to send the message to the host from which the last message was received. Recommended
* for synchronous protocols where no interleaved messages are expected.
* This class is particular to UDPClient
* @param msg the message to send to the host
public void replyTo(MessageArrivedEvent event, String msg) throws NetworkException {
if (event instanceof AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) {
String destAddress = ((AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) event).getSourceURL();
if (destAddress != null) {
send(msg, destAddress);
else throw new NetworkException("UDPClient: Cannot send reply: No message to reply to");
else throw new NetworkException("UDPClient: Cannot send reply: Arrived event does not contain return address");
* Allows a client to send the message to the host from which the last message was received. Recommended
* for synchronous protocols where no interleaved messages are expected.
* This class is particular to UDPClient
* @param msg the message to send to the host
public void replyTo(MessageArrivedEvent event, byte[] msg) throws NetworkException {
if (event instanceof AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) {
String destAddress = ((AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) event).getSourceURL();
if (destAddress != null) {
send(msg, destAddress);
else throw new NetworkException("UDPClient: Cannot send reply: Return address not set");
else throw new NetworkException("UDPClient: Cannot send reply: Arrived event does not contain return address");
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until message arrives.
*@return the message bytes
public byte[] receiveBytes() {
byte[] ret = null;
ReceiveRequest myRequest = new ReceiveRequest();
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
if (myRequest.isDone()) {
ret = myRequest.getMessage();
return ret;
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until message arrives.
*@return the message string
public String receive() {
return new String(this.receiveBytes());
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Waits for an incoming message for limited time.
*@param timeout wait time in milliseconds
*@return the message bytes
public byte[] receiveBytes(long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
byte[] ret = null;
ReceiveRequest myRequest = new ReceiveRequest();
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
myRequest.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (myRequest.isDone()) {
ret = myRequest.getMessage();
return ret;
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Waits for an incoming message for limited time.
*@param timeout wait time in milliseconds
*@return the message string
public String receive(long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
return new String(this.receiveBytes(timeout));
*Implementation of the MessageArrivedListener interface to receive and decode messages
*received over the network, and send the corresponding acknowledgements and relay the message
*to the application. Not meant for external use.
public void signalEvent(MessageArrivedEvent protocolEvent) {
if (protocolEvent != null) {
try {
ReliableProtocolMessage rcvdMsg = new ReliableProtocolMessage(protocolEvent.getContentBytes());
if (rcvdMsg.isAcknowledge()) {
Debug.println("RUDP Ack received for " + rcvdMsg.getSequence() + " at " + rcvdMsg.getIndex(), "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
synchronized (messageTable) {
ReliableProtocolMessage[] sentSequence = messageTable.get(rcvdMsg.getSequence());
if (sentSequence != null) {
else {
long sequence = rcvdMsg.getSequence();
ReliableProtocolMessage ack = new ReliableProtocolMessage(sequence, rcvdMsg.getIndex());
try {
client.replyTo(protocolEvent, ack.getMessageBytes());
catch (NetworkException ne) {
String streamID = ((AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) protocolEvent).getSourceURL() + "/" + Long.toString(rcvdMsg.getSequence());
if (!receivedMessages.contains(streamID)) {
byte[][] toAssemble = depacketize(rcvdMsg, streamID);
if (toAssemble != null) {
byte[] bytesMessage = assemble(toAssemble);
AsynchMessageArrivedEvent messageEvent = new AsynchMessageArrivedEvent(bytesMessage, ((AsynchMessageArrivedEvent) protocolEvent).getSourceURL());
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
for (ReceiveRequest request : receiveRequests) {
catch (MalformedMessageException mme) {
Debug.println("ReliableProtocolMessage: Bad message received: " + protocolEvent.getContent(), "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
*Implementation of the PluggableClient interface. Stops the receiver thread and
*closes the socket and cancels the resend timer.
public void endConnection() {
*@return the local host address
public String getHostAddress() {
return client.getHostAddress();
*@return the port to which the client is currently sending
public int getHostPort() {
return client.getHostPort();
* @return the url of the host from which the last message was received; null if no messages have been
* received
public String getReplyAddress() {
return client.getReplyAddress();
*@return the local port on which the client is listening
public int getLocalPort() {
return client.getLocalPort();
protected void signalFail(String destURL) {
for (Subscriber<MessageArrivedEvent> listener : this.listeners) {
if (listener instanceof ReliableMessageArrivedListener) {
((ReliableMessageArrivedListener) listener).signalSendError(destURL, "ReliableUDPClient: Cannot guarantee connection: Exceeded resend limit");
private ReliableProtocolMessage[] createMessage(byte[] msgBytes, String destURL) {
byte[][] packetization = packetize(msgBytes);
ReliableProtocolMessage[] ret = new ReliableProtocolMessage[packetization.length];
long sendSequence = random.nextLong();
synchronized (messageTable) {
ReliableProtocolMessage[] collision = messageTable.get(sendSequence);
while (collision != null) {
sendSequence = random.nextLong();
collision = messageTable.get(sendSequence);
for (int i = 0; i < packetization.length; i++) {
ret[i] = new ReliableProtocolMessage(packetization[i], sendSequence, (i+1), packetization.length, destURL);
messageTable.put(sendSequence, ret);
return ret;
private byte[][] packetize(byte[] bytesMsg) {
int msgSize = bytesMsg.length;
int numPackets = (int) (msgSize / MAX_SIZE);
if (msgSize % MAX_SIZE != 0) {
byte[][] ret = new byte[numPackets][];
for (int i = 0; i < numPackets - 1; i++) {
ret[i] = ArrayOperations.subArray(bytesMsg, i*MAX_SIZE, (i+1)*MAX_SIZE);
Debug.println(new String(ret[i]), "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient#packetize");
ret[numPackets-1] = ArrayOperations.suffix(bytesMsg, (numPackets-1)*MAX_SIZE);
Debug.println(new String(ret[numPackets-1]), "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient#packetize");
return ret;
private byte[][] depacketize(ReliableProtocolMessage rpm, String streamID) throws MalformedMessageException {
byte[][] ret = null;
byte[][] parts;
synchronized (assembly) {
parts = assembly.get(streamID);
if (parts == null) {
int total = rpm.getTotal();
parts = new byte[total][];
assembly.put(streamID, parts);
boolean[] counter = new boolean[total];
ArrayOperations.initialize(counter, false);
assemblyCounter.put(streamID, counter);
int index = rpm.getIndex();
parts[index-1] = rpm.getPayload();
boolean[] progress = assemblyCounter.get(streamID);
if (progress != null) {
progress[index-1] = true;
else {
progress = new boolean[parts.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] != null) {
progress[i] = true;
else {
progress[i] = false;
if (ArrayOperations.tautology(progress)) {
ret = parts;
return ret;
private byte[] assemble(byte[][] parts) {
int size = 0;
for (byte[] part : parts) {
size += part.length;
byte[] ret = new byte[size];
int place = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < parts[i].length; j++) {
ret[place++] = parts[i][j];
return ret;
private class ReliableProtocolEnforceTask extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
List<ReliableProtocolMessage[]> unackedMessages;
synchronized (messageTable) {
unackedMessages = new ArrayList<ReliableProtocolMessage[]>(messageTable.values());
for (ReliableProtocolMessage[] message : unackedMessages) {
boolean allAcked = true;
for (ReliableProtocolMessage messagePart : message) {
if (!messagePart.isAcked()) {
allAcked = false;
try {
Debug.println("Resending unacked message from sequence " + messagePart.getSequence() + " at index " + messagePart.getIndex(), "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
if (messagePart.getSendCount() < maxResend) {
try {
client.send(messagePart.getMessageBytes(), messagePart.getDestination());
catch (NetworkException ne) {
else {
synchronized (messageTable) {
catch (MalformedMessageException mme) {
if (allAcked) {
synchronized (messageTable) {
try {
catch (MalformedMessageException mme) {
Debug.printStackTrace(mme, "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");
catch (NullPointerException npe) {
Debug.printStackTrace(npe, "programming5.net.sockets.ReliableUDPClient");