Package gui

Source Code of gui.Map$Square

package gui;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import BasicDataType.MapUpdate;

* Representation of a map.
* @author Dennis Sandmark & Torbjörn Svangård
public class Map {
  // Identifiers for the status of a square.
  public static final byte UNEXPLORED   =  0;
  public static final byte OCCUPIED     =  1;
  public static final byte EMPTY         = -1;

   * Representation of a square in the map.
   * Contains two counters, one for occupied propagations and another for empty propagations.
  private class Square {
    byte nrOccupied;
    byte nrEmpty;

    public Square() {
      nrOccupied = 0;
      nrEmpty = 0;

    public void propagateOccupied() {
      // Make sure that the value do not exceed the maximum value for a signed byte.
      if(nrOccupied >= 127)

    public void propagateEmpty() {

      // Make sure that the value do not exceed the maximum value for a signed byte.
      if(nrEmpty >= 127)

    public byte getDiff() {

      // If square is not visited
      if(nrOccupied == 0 && nrEmpty == 0)
        return UNEXPLORED;

      // If the difference is positive then the square is occupied
      else if (nrOccupied - nrEmpty >= 0)
        return OCCUPIED;

      // If the difference is negative then the square is empty
      return EMPTY;
     *  Return ratio of nr of empty propagations vs nr of occupied propagations.
     *  Value is certainty factor between 0 and 100 where 100 means that every robot that
     *  has visited has propagated the same exploration value.
     *  @return The method returns ratio between amount of propagations.
    public byte getRatio() {
      if(nrOccupied >= nrEmpty)
        return (byte) (nrOccupied * 100 / (nrOccupied + nrEmpty));
        return (byte) (nrEmpty * 100 / (nrOccupied + nrEmpty));

     *  The method returns the number of visits at this square).
     *  @return The method returns the number of visits at this square.
    public byte getVisits(){
      return (byte)(nrOccupied + nrEmpty < 100 ? nrOccupied + nrEmpty : 100);

  private Square[][] grid;
  private byte mapSize;

   * All squares in the map is set as unexplored on initialization.
   * @param size The width and height of the square map.
  public Map(byte size){
    mapSize = size;
    grid = new Square[mapSize][mapSize];

    for(int x=0; x < mapSize; x++){
      for(int y=0; y < mapSize; y++){
        grid[x][y] = new Square();

   * Generates an ArrayList of visited Squares
   * @return ArrayList of MapUpdates containing every visited square
  synchronized public ArrayList<MapUpdate> getVisitedSquares(){
    ArrayList<MapUpdate> visitedSquares = new ArrayList<MapUpdate>();

     * Iterate through entire map and add visited squares to the ArrayList
    for(int x=0; x < mapSize; x++)
      for(int y=0; y < mapSize; y++)
        if(grid[x][y].getVisits() != 0)
          visitedSquares.add(new MapUpdate(grid[x][y].getDiff(), (byte)x, (byte)y));

    return visitedSquares;

   * Set a square in the map as occupied.
   * @param x The x coordinate of the square.
   * @param y The y coordinate of the square.
  public void propagateOccupied(byte x, byte y){
    assert y < 0 : "y-value is below zero";
    assert x < 0 : "x-value is below zero";
    assert x >= mapSize : "x-value is greater than mapSize"
    assert y >= mapSize : "y-value is greater than mapSize";
    //Propagate the square at location (x, y) as Occupied.
   * Set a square in the map as empty.
   * @param x The x coordinate of the square.
   * @param y The y coordinate of the square.
  public void propagateEmpty(byte x, byte y){
    assert y < 0 : "y-value is below zero";
    assert x < 0 : "x-value is below zero";
    assert x >= mapSize : "x-value is greater than mapSize"
    assert y >= mapSize : "y-value is greater than mapSize";
    // Propagate the square at location (x, y) as Empty.
   * Retrieves the difference  of propagations of a square in the map.
   * @param x The x coordinate of the square.
   * @param y The y coordinate of the square.
   * @return The method returns 0 if the square is unexplored.
   * A positive value if the square is occupied.
   * A negative value if the square is empty.
  public byte getSquareDifference(byte x, byte y){
    assert y < 0 : "y-value is below zero";
    assert x < 0 : "x-value is below zero";
    assert x >= mapSize : "x-value is greater than mapSize"
    assert y >= mapSize : "y-value is greater than mapSize";

    return grid[x][y].getDiff()

   *  Return ratio of nr of empty propagations vs nr of occupied propagations.
   *  Value is certainty factor between 0 and 100 where 100 means that every robot that
   *  has visited has propagated the same exploration value.
   *  @param x The x coordinate of the square.
   *  @param y The y coordinate of the square.
   *  @return The method returns ratio between amount of propagations.
  public byte getSquareRatio(byte x, byte y) {
    assert y < 0 : "y-value is below zero";
    assert x < 0 : "x-value is below zero";
    assert x >= mapSize : "x-value is greater than mapSize"
    assert y >= mapSize : "y-value is greater than mapSize";
    return (byte)grid[x][y].getRatio();

   *  The method returns the number of visits at square (x, y).
   *  @param x The x coordinate of the square.
   *  @param y The y coordinate of the square.
   *  @return The method returns the number of visits at square (x, y).
  public byte getSquareVisits(byte x, byte y) {
    assert y < 0 : "y-value is below zero";
    assert x < 0 : "x-value is below zero";
    assert x >= mapSize : "x-value is greater than mapSize"
    assert y >= mapSize : "y-value is greater than mapSize";
    return (byte)grid[x][y].getVisits();

   * Tool for displaying the map in the console.
   * Outputs the map and its corresponding explorationvalues as text in the console.
   * The point (0,0) is in the low left corner.
  public void showMap() {
    for(byte x=0; x<mapSize; x++) {
      for(byte y=0; y<mapSize; y++)
        System.out.print(getSquareDifference((byte)(mapSize-x-1),y) + " ");

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